post waifus only
previously on Modern General
post waifus only
previously on Modern General
Other urls found in this thread:
best deck coming through
>ensoul artifact
i'm not giving a (You) to Ensoulshitters
Mana seems fucked even if it is affinity. You're main is entirely blue but your board is almost entirely red
honestly it's probably fine on 12 potential colored mana sources if you're only boarding in 2-3 non-blue spells.
In what world do you only board in 2-3 ancient grudges or g blast?
How do you predict cards like Fatal Push and Renegade Rallier change the format? I predict a rise in abzan decks and possibly a Tier 1 or 2 U/B Control deck.
There hasn't been a single new Modern player at my LGS since Twin was banned. Commander has taken over, and even Legacy players are now playing 1v1 Commander inbetween Legacy League nights.
What happened?
uh... the negative zone? XK-Masada?
modern is the format least receptive to change and innovation because of the player base being obstinate fuckwads. if you didnt already have a modern deck would you even consider playing the format as it is right now?
they will be universally reviled until they clear a GP and you will be shamed for playing them
You need 4 Drums. Cut a Glimmervoid, and replace the 4 Galvanics in your SB for something else not red.
Here is the Modern Fatal Push chart.
>Buy coolstuff holiday bundle
>get a few neat mythics/rares/promos
>comes with ~1000 commons
>all this chaff
>all these old cards
>all these x12 repeats
Holy shit lads this started out neat and is getting annoying. I'm convinced this is a way to offload excess inventory.
It's a nice buff to any black deck, u/b fae would love extra murderous cuts.
Really good tempo card.
Also the expertise cards are amazing.
>make 3 servos, 4 birds, and ancestral recall yourself for 4 mana.
>-2/-2 board + fused catch/release
The beck/call one seems busted in a u/w shell, and expertise isnt half bad without the combo (pitch a dsphere, ancestral vision, hell it even seems sweet with lingering souls)
Asked this last thread but it immediately died
Is trying to run both Brain in a Jar + Beck//Call and ThopterSword in an esper deck a bad idea
though to be fair it's doom blade against taxes.
Esper Geist with Fatal Push, Y/N?
Creatures: 15
3 Meddling Mage
3 Tidehollow Sculler
3 Snapcaster Mage
4 Geist of Saint Traft
2 Restoration Angel
Instants and Sorceries: 19
4 Path to Exile
4 Fatal Push
3 Inquisition of Kozilek
3 Thoughtseize
2 Countersquall
1 Anguished Unmaking
2 Ojutai's Command
Other Spells: 2
2 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
Lands: 24
3 Shambling Vent
4 Marsh Flats
2 Polluted Delta
2 Flooded Strand
2 Godless Shrine
1 Hallowed Fountain
1 Watery Grave
2 Plains
1 Swamp
1 Island
2 Darkslick Shores
1 Seachrome Coast
2 Ghost Quarter
Sideboard: 15
3 Extirpate
3 Dispel
2 Blessed Alliance
1 Zealous Persecution
1 Celestial Purge
1 Timely Reinforcements
1 Anguished Unmaking
1 Wrath of God
1 Jace, Architect of Thought
1 Gideon Jura
Fatal Push is going to be great in my grixis control. My Jund buddy is hyped too.
That sounds jank as fuck.
To be fair you can't cast it if I call it with nevermore.
Thoughts on Aethergeode miner in Soul Sisters?
Swords to Plowshares*
That's exactly what it was.
Build a pauper cube.
I've seen people brew like this before. It lets you run beck//call but also ancestral. You can cast ancestral off of brain if you Sac it to foundry with the brain activation still on the stack. It's kinda neat.
I'm excited to try out pic related in Lantern. It has similar downside to glimmer.
Can't cast T1 hands disruption without a mox but replacing some fast lands with it would allow me to more consistently cast the bird and be more adventurous with my Sideboard. Maybe throwing red back in there even though the mainboard is entirely Sultai.
> (You)
>Swords to Plowshares*
what? 1B destroy target creature that meets a condition is not W exile target creature.
I didn't realize what you were going for there. Thalia tax. I just thought you were referring to the fact that push killed every creature in your deck without downside.
>posting inferior dnt waifu without luscious DSL.
Daily reminder that Channel Fireball wants to ban fetchlands on sole premise of them being "not fun", because they make you wait until your opponent shuffles his deck.
I like this for all the wrong reasons.
Would a card like this be playable in modern?
please, just leave
It's a bad question to ask cause such a card would never exist
4 grudges is alot. ALOT. Are you playing solely against Affinity players or something?. Also list is weak.
Yay another set where temur gets nothing of value
So I got a fatpack for shits and giggles never expecting to unpack anything over 10 dollars.
My question is what's the best way to buy and sell at current market price? I don't usually go to Friday Night Autism and I assume casually adverting shit over there is an easy way.
Advertising sales at fnm is an easy way to get booted. Just for the local Facebook trading group and use that.
What does Temur even possibly need
Utility cards that are actually good would be nice. Atarkas is great but not a good fit for the type of deck you're running in temur.
A good Walker would be nice too. Really I'm just looking for a good simic card to run
It needs more reason to run blue instead of black
Is Esper Control going to viable with push?
depends on your definition of viable
you could go to FNM right now with Esper and get some wins
So honestly as a medium-new player whose only experience with Yu-Gi-Oh is the horrible obnoxious playerbase, why *not* Yu-Gi-Oh?
>definition of viable
Making day 2 or putting up a decent tourny fnish
Will norin spike because of the revolt mechanic?
Konami manages reprints even worse than wotc from what I have seen.
>Making day 2
Fucking UB Mill that just races had made day 2, not much of a standard.
>decent tourny fnish
As in top8? At a smaller GPT/PPTQ can't see why not. The problem with traditional control is that it doesn't attack the 50 flavors of goldfishing from a lel you got trolled-axis as in t1 Chalice t2 Moon t3 finisher.
probably, but I don't think his price will go up too significantly
>Making day 2 or putting up a decent tourny fnish
Does 5-0 in an mtgo league count? Somebody does that with Esper every few weeks.
Did Fatal Push save modern?
Fatal Push is a little overrated but will help stop Goyfs. Think it has the best use in the WB hatebears decks since it's a batter path and as a board card in other decks. Problem is it doesn't really stop a lot of the top tier decks. Dredge doesn't care, Infect doesn't reaaally care, and Burn can work around it. It's not worthless but it's not going to save the format. It'll see play though which is nice.
I a great sleeper card will be Baral. Helps storm and might have a spot in Delver. I don't know much about Delver though so that's a guess.
Also Puresteel equipment storm got paladins 4-8 so there could be some legitimate potential there since it becomes much more consistent, especially with the printing of outcome.
I think RG zoo will become a lot bigger too since it's getting some bigger tools to help it. I can see Kird Ape getting dropped for the Elephant and people throwing in the weaker Burning Tree for a bit more bushwhacker combo potential.
No but it's a step in the right direction
How's Esper Gifts doing meta-wise?
Doesn't exist but some of the new tools printed could help it. Push/Alliance/Brutality might be good enough to let it fight the big meta decks. Might be a good meta call in the future or if you can optimize a list but I think it'd be tough
Travis seems like a legitimate crazy person scam artist but he gets results so I can't really rip on him
>make a change to my goblins deck on mtgo and play it
>opponents either concede at turn two 2x Burning-Tree Emisarrys saying how they dont play against "netdecks" or just don't start the match at all
>finally get into a match vs some guy running cloudposts and sundroplets that end up with 30 counters on each and shit
>he plays a card that moves counters from one to another artifact
>does this and the game flips out for 30 seconds and resets the whole match
>can't see half the cards on the board
>constant pinging noises and cards flipping around all the time like the cards are possessed
Holy shit that was hilarious to watch
You may have brain damage
We already have just about enough removal to deal with infect efficiently. Now we have push. Which kills every single creature in infect. Without fail. As well as infect, goblins most of junds creatures and manlands. Being able to remove a critter turn 1 and not ramp your opponent is going to be a big deal.
There's an esper list that is much like a jund list. It runs narset and gideon as pw. I've been playing with it for a few weeks. Has good game against a lot of the meta. Push is going to really help the deck. It might be on the slow side of midrange but it certainly a fun and viable deck.
And you HAVE brain damage.
maybe they mean glimmerpost?
>tfw no vehicle midrange for modern
It's meh, everyone is afraid of the GY because of dredge.
Are Thopter/Sword controlish decks gonna run Mechanized Production? Seems pretty doable since there's a lot of stuff that just blocks your thopter tokens in this format, and you CAN live until turn 8-10 against decks like Infect, but sometimes you just cant hold them off past that and this might give you a way to win right before you die.
Fuck no. Do you want a dead card until you assemble another two cards that don't win you the game until you invest another 12 mana and draw/play that third card?
If I hate standard, why should I play modern?
Instead of seeing the same 3 decks you get to see the same 8-10 decks instead
I mean Thopter/Sword is a good enough defensive and offensive option as a duo already, and opponents are gonna have a hard time dealing with that alone, but now if they can somehow not die to tokens they can just die to the combo. Having 1 dead card until you get the combo, especially in this scenario, isn't really that big of an issue. You have card draw in AV, selection in Serum Visions, counters and removal to buy time, if you're splashing a 4th color you can have Izzet Charm utility, tons of thopters to block, etc. There's a lot of play in thopter/sword in general that might make the card good, and getting 8 thopters out with thopter/sword is NOT very time consuming or difficult at all.
For a fringe example of other cards that could give a thopter/sword deck trouble, blue decks running Jace AoT in the board now don't have that out to your thopter/sword combo because they can just die to Mechanized Production... it's worth exploring and testing because there's also some resilience.
nah modern is the format with the most rogue decks
Some of these cards would help to make control viable in modern. Perhaps they would also make temur control a viable deck. What do you guys think?
I've been working on some cool cards to make blue control better as well, check this out.
Wrong thread. See
>I mean Thopter/Sword is a good enough defensive and offensive option as a duo already, and opponents are gonna have a hard time dealing with that alone,
If you could name a single tier thopter sword deck you might have a point.
>but now if they can somehow not die to tokens
You just proved that it's not necessary. Most of the time they will die to tokens.
>they can just die to the combo. Having 1 dead card until you get the combo, especially in this scenario, isn't really that big of an issue.
Except this is wrong. You're diluting the deck for a third card in a combo that you can't get use out of until you spend 8 mana on thopters and odds are you were going to win that game anyways with lethal.
Do you see the problem? There's just no room for it. You beat with thopters if you have them. If you don't have them, you're not playing the combo.
The concern is that it isn't a wincon, it supplements a wincon. It's like, why not play this instant that makes them mill 6 for each infect damage they take? Then I can pump a glistener elf and swing for lethal mill!
legacy is the format with the most competitively viable rogue decks.
My waifu was too good for this earth...
How do you feel about this list ?
I doubt about Scavenging Ooze main versus Grim Flayer
If the main go, the SB one will probably go too
Looks like you don't really understand delver decks
Should I sell RG Tron and build Burn
Because Legacy is superior to Modern in every way. I just don't play standard
Wtf? How does infect not care about fatal push?
It's hits all their creatures AND ink moth for 1 goddamn mana
grixis delver is superior in every way in legacy, same story in modern
How does it feel being wrong?
try out Sam Black's Mardu copter list.
this is pretty much cascade. how likely is this to work with matter reshaper and eldrazi octopus in a green/blue shell? I feel like brewing it
Doesn't really feel worth it. The card is not good until it dies and it's not really getting you anything game breaking or powerful like living end of restore balance.
Seems like something to keep in standard
Why can't it cast Living End or Restore Balance?
is xmage down right now?
I don't think they have enough to deal with the amount of removal in the format.
>when the format so dead you have to save a general from page 10
Are you going to be running any expertise?
Mechanized Production is probably an expensive win more card. I don't see it really helping except against ghostly prison or ensnaring bridge type decks.
I replied to the wrong person. I meant to reply to
I never noticed she was a girl.
It can cast living end and restore balance.
If those are the only cards in your deck >3cmc, you're fucked irregardless
After aether revolt would B/W hatebears be more viable?
It's getting Push
you mean b/w taxes?
the answer is yes because push is better than pte in that deck
Yeah, I own legacy death and taxes and might think about building b/w taxes for modern.