Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Imperium's gonna get Rekt by Vect edition

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First for kill yourself now.

2nd for the John Galt of the Tau, commander farsight.

3rd for what are the nids going to do in the gathering storm?

I must ask, is this the actual and only 40k General right now?

Because a while ago there was 4 thanks to a retarded OP who made a cancerous "general".

>Orks are a melee race

Sixth for hidden information

TTS user, are you still here? Which 1kSons units did you want to run?

Two were on autosage and the third lacked an OP and spoilered everything.

If you want hidden information you're not going to get much of it in 40k.


>Training for The Grand Convocation and Imperial Crusade – combines the Cult Mechanicus, Skitarii and the Imperial Knights in an army. The other combines the Black Templars and Adepta Sororitas

Decurion for Black Templars + Sisters of Battle confirmed

Sadly. Except iirc, there is no rule requiring you to tell people what is in what transport at the start.

>Orks are a melee race

Is it just a combined formation for AdMech, or a Codex? Because I need a Red Book of Mars with all the tools of the Machine God available to me in one holy text.

Seriously, I might actually buy a GW rulebook in hardcover rather than pirate the PDFs. if they did that.

WHat would you do to complete this list? I could probably fit an anti air formation in it but dunno. I know skyhammer isnt ever taken to tournaments but i like it and its still strong

Working on a 1000 point Marine list using the BaC box. Figured I could convert a few things, but generally ended up with a footslogging list.

Planned on combat squadding the 10 man tacticals to get the gravguns together. Also was going to go with Raptor tactics to take advantage of the surplus of bolters and help with survivablibility.

Anything glaringly wrong with this?

And of course, forgot pic.

Greyfax Inquisitor....

"She’s meant to be from another time, captured by Trazyn the Infinite hundreds if not thousands of years ago, which is why her wargear looks a little more archaic than that of other Inquisitors."

Good deal for someone getting back in the hobby? Or a waste of tax return money?


I'm starting a Flesh Tearers force. Recommended anti-tank for the Blood Angels codex?

i seriously doubt you will use all those paints.

grav devestators or suicide melta squads?


No grav in Blood Angels. Suicide melta assault squads are a thought.


We actually just got grav in the recent supplement.

That's some poor form user, very poor sportsmanship.

That solves that particular question! Now to figure out how to not feel like total shit for using grav.

Check army painters site for sets

I bought a Forge World event boarding marine off of eBay, and I plan to make my own custom Emperor's Champion. I will cut off the hand and sword of a finecast Champion, and glue it on in place of the Thunder Hammer. For the head, l will use the Templar Brethren head I bought a while back.

>Anything glaringly wrong with this?

no rhinos

Eh just put in that feeling of shit where you put the other feelings you get for spending hundreds of dollars on plastic

>bionic eye linked to the candle on the hat.
For what conceivable, pants on head, backwards 41St millennium logic would think this was ever a good idea?

I want to hold greyfax's open hand.

Don't combine it with relentless, and it's worse than plasma except against heavy vehicles and MCs

you slut

>Her bionic eye is linked to a candle on her hat


Even in the context of weird gothic future asthetic shit, why?

Does she go blind if you blow out her candle?

What is the most annoying army to play against?

with hats on




As the last 3 train wrecks of threads have just proven, 40k brb doesn't have anything about being sportsman like so screw it.
Or maybe we're meant to forge the narrative with it.
It's hard to tell with Gw these days. At this point I'm actually worried to read through my rulebook incase the page numbers are in the wrong order.


what's a good army for someone who's gonna end up throwing our virtual pieces of plastic at each other.
Also video and readables on how to know what the fuck im doing.

Greyfax, I choose you!

Thousand Sons are fun, if you like their look then go for it.

>he collects waifus


It feels good user.
That's why i keep doing it.

dont remind me that im a grown man spending hundreds of dollars on plastic men


Hold on a second, Inquisitor Greyfax can't fly!

"I keep telling you, I'm not Greyfax. I'm Lucy Lawless."

Tau, GSC, Eldar, parking lot Guard, drop pod Marine lists.

Anything that just sits back the whole game shooting, or any army that can turn 1 assault is really boring. There's no build up to the game, which is my favorite part. I like it where we do some shooting, then slowly progress to the middle for some close quarters shooting and melee.

Most fun armies to play against are Tyranids, Orkz, hybrid Guard, the various kinds of Marines when they bring a variety of units and Necrons.

They couldn't think of a less dog shit name?

It's just a Formation. I would almost put money on it being a reprint or adjusted version of the War Convocation.

On the plus side, there's a rumor that IA14 will put literally all the 30k Mechanicum robutt list at our disposal. The whole thing. And the vehicles.

It's a good name, user.

It's a Gandalf reference.

Gandalf the grey, and his horse Shadowfax.



What if you play close range Tau? With lots of Kroot and breachers and what not?

What's your name, user, if you have such high standards?

Getting ready to start my first army. What should I get to begin work on a Genestealer Cult army?

I've never seen it done, but if that's the case, absolutely. I'd love to play against a Tau player like that.

exactly XD

Well it sounds fucking stupid.
Sounds like some kind of fanfiction.

What about Daemons?

you re just picking up on this now.

I have PTSD from playing against my m8's IG army, I know people say "lel horde guard aint good" but that's only true if you're talking top tier cheese meta, for average pickup games this shit is a nightmare to face when you run casual, pre-Traitor Legions supplement CSM. All those heavy weapons teams destroying my armor, all those infantry dudes just chilling in ruins, waiting for me to approach so they can drown me in mass firepower. Every game against this bloke was me trying in vain to make it across the table and inevitably getting my now-footslogging marines slaughtered on his side of midfield. This dude is why I now have an army full of noise marines with sonic blasters, havoc launchers, and flamers everywhere.

It wasn't absolutely terrible every time, but I grew to become rustled after losing several games and never won one against him.

You sound pretty stupid yourself, user, so let's call it even

Wow. Bit rude.

R8 my Minotaurs List.
Have all except for the techmarines and scouts.
>Why so many tech marines
Because I need them to take relics

Any chance gangs of commoragh isn't a half-assed way to get people to buy poorly selling models? Any chance that its an actually decent game with new models?

They're fine to play against. Daemons, Dark Eldar, Grey Knights, Sisters, Scions, they're good to play against, and not annoying.

it's not quite even, we need a shitty fanfiction to go with it.
user you're a massive fucking faggot
even if i think her name is a bit flat, it doesn't fucking matter all that much considering gws other naming tendencies.

Certain Daemon builds, especially when the Warpstorm table starts making the game crawl to a halt. The Tzeentch one has the ability to randomly hit everyone on the table with Warpflame and Soulblaze in particular is a special breed of hell.

What if the candle is controllable to some point and lights where she looks? Or maybe focusing the light on point of focus of the eye??

One time user was posting on a mongolian horse riding origami board about tiny plastic space men. He didn't like something he read so he made a lot of noise about it and nothing happened because nobody actually cares about mongolian horse riding origami.

The End

We good now?

Had a feeling that'd be the answer. I suppose it'd be easy enough to find the points for it. Just gotta get over my dislike of vehicles.

Calm down senpai, i just think the name sounds like shit.

>We good now?
>pic related.

I get the named ic and the termies, and scout camp but what are the tacs going? And the techmarines for that matter?
Drop the tacs down to 5 men each and given the each a heavy weapon and have 2 half arsed Dev squads if you can't claw back points for rhinos.

deathwatch overkill is basically the genestealer cult battleforce

>2 stealers
>hybrid commander dude who has a name I don't remember
>16 3rd/4th gen hybrids
>12 1st/2nd gen hybrids
>4 big guy hybrids

it's like.. 600 points or something out of the box, without upgrades. Then you can just fill points/options with more troop boxes, or vehicles.

>Calm down senpai
What does he mean by this.
> i just think the name sounds like shit.
Well user, you need to user with your user and don't forget to user, user.
you wolfing idiot.

GoC is the same as Gorechosen or Lost Patrol, a small game with a handful of pre-existing models

The Custodes vehicles look like they'd convert really well into a cult limo without much work.

More seriously, you want to get a copy of Deathwatch Overkill or two, then search eBay for acolytes from overkill, because you'll want about 40-60 acolytes as the core of your force.

Personally I've got, roughly speaking, about 60 acolytes, 50 neophytes, 45 Genestealers, 20 Metamorphs and 12 aberrants.

Plus leaders, a few sentinels and two trucks.

Looks like an excuse to field a bunch of 40k stuff.

>certain humans like inquisitors and commissars are so xxxXXXBadass420XXXxxx that they are somehow more dangerous than augmented supersoldiers in massive ceramite armor with rapid firing missile launchers for """""rifles"""""

I gotta say this always sorta broke my immersion. And no, I'm not some "marine wanker" or whatever other stupid meme you want to throw at me, I'm just saying it really doesn't make sense. Why should a normal human ever be able to beat up a dude with several times his physical strength and reflexes, who was biologically and mechanically engineered for the sole purpose of murdering the most dangerous enemies in the galaxy? Oh you have a bio-arm, that's cute. I have a goddamn chestplate under my skin so I can wear armor while I wear armor, and can shoot the nuts off a traitor guardsmen two miles away with a slingshot.

That makes even less sense, pre heresy bionic eyes and post heresy eyes don't need candles to see in the dark, hell yarrick even shoots shit with his.
The more I think about it the less sense it makes.

Scarily I heard that in zorins voice.

Eh, marines are only one order of magnitude better than humans.

BS2 for an untrained conscript, BS3 for a trained soldier, BS4 for a marine.

S/T/I 3 for a human, S/T/I 4 for a marine.

They're better than you in all areas and better equipped to boot, but they're not unstoppable.

Are you sure you mean Formation? Are you sure you don't mean Detachment?

problem is I can't ffind any models on the workshop

That's just a symptom of using a d6 for everything.
Lore marines are crazy strong.

>applying tabletop logic to lore

also marine power levels vary greatly depending on the writer

Pretty much this.

If you're starting totally fresh, I'd pick up Start Collecting IG in order to get a Leman Russ and ten more neophytes, selling the Comissar or using him as a counts-as Neophyte Leader or something. Then, the box that has a group of neophytes and a chimera is excellent, and with a sentinel you have the mechanized core choice.

From there, acolytes. Lots and lots of acolytes. If you don't want to kill yourself spening 40 dollars for five guys that average like 12 points each, try to get more Overkill models.

>The Grand Convocation - combines the Cult Mechanicus, Skitarii and the Imperial Knights in an army

This is the wording of the leak. Take of it what you will.

It sound like it will legitimately be a reprint of the War Convo, maybe with Cawl as HQ and some other parts adjusted to make his points fit.

Tyranids when they run the endless swarm formation with Tervigons. The movement phase itself will make you consider suicide.

Inquisitors and commissars are usually made powerful by the influence they possess.

An inquisitor on their own will get gibbed by a krak grenade, but that doesn't really make them any less dangerous. They're usually the ones responsible for bringing all those angry supersoldiers to bear.

China sells Overkill models very reasonably. Get a few of them.

Because she's a super duper fearless educated Inquisitor with hundredsof years solving riddles that causes Tzeentch to flinch while also wielding the best armor and weaponry and even xeno tech known to mankind.

While the marine is just a barbarian in big suit pumped full of implants, mindless religious rituals and duty.

Yeah, I guess based on the name that does seem to be implied.
I can't say I'm too sad about that. I like War Convo, and I like Cawl, so hey.

This better?
I realised with Relic of the Armoury rule, I only need one tech marine.
I guess he is going in the Spartan as well.

The Inquisitor has every fancy toy in the galaxy at his or her fingertips, user.

>40k stuff
Yes I like 40k