A little while ago, I told here the story about our mission to kill a man who couldn't die. He had lived too long, and had effectively put a bounty on himself. No matter what circumstances he put himself in, probability would pretzel itself so he'd come out fine. This even extended to far-reaching plans. We were seeing what would happen if a Resist Fire ran out while he was sitting in a fireplace, and the weather picked up into a tornado and threw trees at us.
Then we thought about shoving him through a portal to the positive energy plane. He'd overheal, explode, bish bash bosh job done.
Instead, he saw the face of god and became invulnerable. Now probability didn't NEED to pretzel itself, because he just couldn't be harmed. We made an immortal man even MORE immortal.
That was the session before last.
LAST session, we travelled to an ancient Coatl temple. The Coatl inside would grant wishes to those who beat its trials. So we beat the trials Read: Asked Mr Immortal to go get them, and started wishing.
The Coatl couldn't touch it. It couldn't kill him, it couldn't remove his protections, he couldn't tell us how to remove his protections, he couldn't tell us how to find out how to remove his protections.
But then a thought occurred. Those that recall me telling the first part of this story before may recall that this setting has things in it preventing long-range teleporting and planehopping. Basically monsters from between dimensions claw and tear at you more the further you go.
People had attempted to teleport this man before, to kill him via the warpmonsters. It always failed because that was dangerous, so scrolls would be defective, people would fuck up, an anvil would crush the guy using the scroll, etc.
But now he was invulnerable.
So I wished for him to be teleported to heaven.