Do people play martials to compensate for their lack of manliness and virility IRL?
Everytime someone rolls a barbarian or >male human fighter it's some skinny nerd or some fat fedoralord. Sad really.
Do people play martials to compensate for their lack of manliness and virility IRL?
Everytime someone rolls a barbarian or >male human fighter it's some skinny nerd or some fat fedoralord. Sad really.
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Arnold was a good looking dude.
I think it just stands out because this hobby is not exactly known for attracting the most physically fit players. So when one of them does happen to play a martial, it seems significant. Humans are pattern-finders, after all.
I'm not saying this never happens, but I don't think it's a significant driving force in people playing martials. I enjoy playing the occasional fighter/paladin/warlord and I ain't got no masculinity to be insecure 'bout.
some might
some might not
do people play intellectuals to compensate for their lack of intelligence and charisma IRL?
That's any time anyone rolls up any type of character
Do people play casters to compensate for their lack of intelligence IRL?
Everytime someone rolls a wizard or >male human sorcerer it's some slack-jawed nincompoop or some unintelligent airhead. Sad really.
Do people play bards to compensate for their lack of charisma IRL?
Everytime someone rolls a >male human bard it's some shy wallflower or some unlikable That Guy. Sad really.
>Everytime someone rolls a barbarian or >male human fighter it's some skinny nerd or some fat fedoralord
>skinny nerd or fat fedoralord
You just listed every kind of person that plays RPGs you fucking moron.
You have to do 25 pushup before sitting at my table so i never saw any fatguy rolling barbarian
Our dragonborn fighter is a regular non-overweight dude
Our paladin is a regular non-overweight dude
Our Bard is a regular overweight dude
I'm a regular overweight dude who played cleric cause no healer and wanted some combat versatility and preachy RPing
What have we learned from this?
>this thread
Purely anecdotal though it may be, I have to agree with this. In my experience people tend to play characters that are similar to themselves. In my group the only martial is played by the most buff guy in the group who lifts regularly, while our wizard is played by a professor.
I actually play martials/rogues because I like having to think about what I'm about to do instead of just relying on being OP from lv 4 onwards.
Do people play warforged to compensate for their lack of metal IRL?
Everytime someone rolls a warforged or >male war golem it's some squishy meatbag or some disgusting fluid sack. Sad really.
>having to make decisions
Just full attack you retard.
That OP is a faggot, indeed.
That's how you die to faggoty traps and effeminate magic.
Conan is not a fool.
Eh. I play with a pair of former marines, one of them likes playing Ahnold-style Viking Warriors, the other tends to play scheming rat-like types. The appeal of being a heroic barbarian warrior is pretty broad.
But yeah, I'm a fat fedoralord and I like pretending to be a barbarian too.
Do people play wizards to compensate for their lack of intelligence and wisdom IRL?
Everytime someone rolls a sorceress or >female elf mage it's some skinny nerd or some fat fedoralord. Sad really.
I'm pretty Veeky Forums and I really like playing fighter types
Maybe I'm just gay who knows
tfw you will never be a perfect immortal machine and compensate by playing robots in RPGs
When I play casters I go through spell lists with a fine toothed comb. So I'd rather not do that because I hate spending hours on character creation. Martial classes are fast to roll and throw into a game.
>Veeky Forums
If you aren't gay yet, you will be.
What the fuck you tryn'a say, OP? You wanna fuckin' go?!
I'm too lazy to memorize spell lists, especially on prepared casters, and I admit this. Martials are simpler to run.
But surely that lack of discipline has led to you neglecting your body as well, user! Thy denial betrays thy weakness!
How did you know? *cries human tears*
This is true for me as well...but this is also true for the faces, the dexterous and quick rogues and monks, and the intelligent wizards and wise clerics.
We're all just really fucking sad people with a lot to compensate for in a lot of areas.
don`t be like that, you`re making me sad
if you learn to love yourself for your strong points, instead of feeling bad because of the bad ones, you can overcome any problems you may have.
so, wipe off those tears, we have some awesome that needs doing
>tfw people who play warforged or golem-type characters are anemic
I know that feel, bro. I'll never be the mindless lizard robot I want to be.
Back when I was a soldier, lifted pretty regular and was kind of a badass for a pogue all things considered, I tended towards fighters, barbarians, and supermuscley clerics.
Now that I'm mostly doing cardio to stay in shape and could care less about my squats, I mostly play wizards or rogues, depending on the sort of game.
I don't think either tendency was really related to my own physical conditioning, more towards what I wanted from the game at the time, y'know? And I've seen people who fit your example to a tee, and a lot of people who really don't. I think it's mostly what game we want to play, if that makes sense, because the classes can play pretty differently, even the same class made differently.
Kind of, but I also play a lot of spellcasters as well, and have never played a full-on martial (barbarian/fighter, you know, no spells at all class with a focus purely on combat when it comes to class features). Last time I played a human was... Human Inquisitor of Ragathiel, and yeah, he was jacked for his god. Closer thing I've played to a barbarian or a fighter in terms of similarity of class features is a tiefling bloodrager, and that was a chick.
Honestly, what's sadder is the fact that I play roleplaying games, thinking that being a great character and player in them will make up for my crippling social anxiety outside of them.
>played by a professor
Does he mutter/talk like he actually has a fucking clue what he's doing as a spellcaster? Swear to god, outside of me and one other person, everyone I play with has no fucking idea how to talk about magic in any sort of setting beyond 'it's magic, why do I have to explain this'.
>correlation does not imply causation
I play martial because I'm a kickboxer and trady and general outdoorsman and conventional material appeals to me much more. if it were up to me I'd play everything in low fantasy
Don't even get me started on how pathetically jealous they get about being inferior to spellcasters. It's the #1 reason why every modern rpg has to give martials the ability to perform magic with their fucking swords now. Cry-ass little peen syndromers ruined what made wizards fun because "MUH BIG AND STRTONK MUST BE MOAR POWERFUL THAN ANYONE" because the people who play them are invariably overgrown manchildren with inferiority complexes.
Do people play wizards to compensate for their lack of intelligence and beardgrowing capacity IRL?
I am not really buff but like to think myself fit. I almost always play melee characters and am feeling a bit sad that my current sorcerer doesn't have more cqc abilities other than shocking grasp.
There is just a special feeling of glory when you hack and cleave shit in the front line spitting in the face of death which casting spells from afar ( no matter how powerful they are) can't live up to.
I am working out.
These are my goals:
Be capable of running 5km with 9km/h
Squat 100 kg
Deadlift 150 kg
One hand pushups
One legged squats
I have gotten a heartrate measuring clock, so for now I stay on a certain km/h until my hrm goes down to 140bpm and then crank it up again by 0.2 km/h.
This, pretty much. Also punching the actual vampires tends to just get you arrested, so sometimes I like to vent.
You need to be more subtle with the bait, m8
see this is why I need some of those bait images, the really obvious shit like this deserves the recognition
>Do people who shitpost to compensate for their lack of human interaction?
>Everytime someone posts pasta or bait it's some unlikable asshole or passive-aggressive bitch. Sad really.
That retards will post anecdotal evidence as fact yet will still get butthurt when someone calls them out on it.
Too bad Conan would suck just as much dick as generic fighter #3652 if he were a D&D character.
It's generally what happens when you're a complex character being boiled down to a set of numbers.
That's literally impossible as long as GM's insist on roleplaying social encounters rather than rolling dice.
It's truly pathetic when people agree to play by the rules of the game yet get butthurt when they find out that they lost based on poor decisions that they had an informed opinion on.
It's like how the Democrats tried to pull every trick in the book to flip the election over to Hillary.
Is that a problem?
>Assuming the DM isn't an equally maladjusted idiot.
>What are spells and how do they win social encounters?
Just pointing out the lack of logic in the argument. Players who play buff fighters might very well do so to feel better about some insecurity of being weak or fat, but people who play wizards and bards have to actually be the smartest and/or most charismatic person at the table, and rhus can't do so to feel better about feeling dumb or uncharismatic, as only a marginal number of groups actually roll for social encounters.
>What are spells and how do they win social encounters?
They really can't. At best, you made an NPC do something that they would've done if you had used diplomacy normally or you basically screwed the pooch for all future social interactions with that character since they know that you just mind-raped them into doing what you want.
What does it say about me that I refuse to play systems that either ban warriors from using magic, or bans wizards from donning plate armour and carrying a greatsword?
I play martials because I'm obsessed with martial arts and need a way to channel my martial autism.
homosex detected
You're not an autist who insists on putting things into needless categories of definition.
>some skinny nerd or some fat fedoralord
So typical role-players.
>degenerate miscreants can't comprehend the concept of admiring physical beauty without sexual attraction
You just described probably 85-90% of tabletop players.
IRL i'm a real bad-boy so I only roll paladins
No, no, I get that. That's how it starts.
I play a fighter when I roll a high strength and don't feel like playing the dwarf class.
Why do all you wankers think there's some kind of involved psychology behind it?
Female Bard players are much worse and you know it.
I play fighters because I am too lazy to learn rogue's abilities or mage's spells.
>people who play wizards and bards have to actually be the smartest and/or most charismatic person at the table
It's rather hilarious you actually believe that.
Not every warrior has to be muscular Adonis.
In fact, the real warriors don't really look like gym rats.
There is, but its much more complex than
>you play X you must feel inadecuate about your personal life.
play what you want to play and if someone complains about it then they are the faggots.
>it's some skinny nerd or some fat fedoralord. Sad really.
You could say the same thing about any character type, since you just described a typical roleplayer.
Now that I think about it Im the token black guy at my table and I like playing paladins. Am I compensating for the fact that jesus incthe real world didnt bless me with perfect marble skin?
This is a DnD problem. Most settings have mages be glass cannon blasters, DnD made them ultraflexible supermen who can do and be anything better than anyone without that same flair because damage spells suck balls. Being OP is forgivable, being boring is not.
>All those crying women calling Hillary a fighter
>Dilbert guy calling Donald a wizard
It all makes sense now.
Punching Romanians is illegal in your country!?
>ITT: people who think 3.Pathfinder is still relevant.
Nah, I love playing martials and I'm pretty fit and manly for what its worth.
The biggest overcompensating faggots are usually the ones rolling a wizard.
You like 5e.
Nah, wizards are happy doing magic and being contributing members of society.
Fighters are the type who will bitch about the mages doing their jobs while shitting on viable martial options because "anime."
They're basically the black people of D&D,
So I did football for years until I broke my shoulder then got into power lifting. I used the carrying capacity table in pathfinder to determine my strength, using hang clean for amount I can lift above my head. Based on that I have 16 strength, so pretty ok. Though I can not rage or use a mutagen or some such, but I think 16 is enough to play a barb and not look silly. That and I have a fairly ok physique.
Yep, and a reasonable body fat as in this pic just made it that much better.
Can't people just play what they want to without their whole motivational edifice being dissected?
Hello again.
Martials are the ultimate cucks of D&D classes.
I can't speak for others, but I do.
I'm skinny, but can into voiceacting and like to make tough, burly orc characters with voice and mannerisms of Ron Swanson.
t. Stephen King
>Stephen King implies that Howard did not work at his craft and was merely pastiching Lovecraft.[188] King described his disapproval of the sword and sorcery genre, and superheroes, in his book on writing Danse Macabre: "[It] is not fantasy at its lowest, but it still has a pretty tacky feel. ... Sword and sorcery novels and stories are tales of power for the powerless. The fellow who is afraid of being rousted by those young punks who hang around his bus stop can go home at night and imagine himself wielding a sword, his potbelly miraculously gone, his slack muscles magically transmuted into those "iron thews" which have been sung and storied in the pulps for the last fifty years."
King of Cucks
>pulling tricks to rig elections
I want /pol/ to go and stay go.
Oh my god.
Martials are stuck in a system that makes them second-class classes to wizards. They're considered only good for manual labor. They're only allowed to travel as more privileged classes allow. They've been grouped up by a somewhat arbitrary category of race as decided by wizards in power, and are only given abilities that will solidify that category, rather than anything that allows social mobility.
>the real warriors don't look like gym rats
They should, and many competent combat personnel from developed western countries do.
>10s of millions of americans are /pol/
you're a retard/spoiler]
sometimes the biggest heroes look like softies
Cool it with the jewish psychology, bro
Then the wizards decide to drop them a bone and they proceed to shit on them for being "more magical."
>Tomb of battle/Book of nine swords? Weaboo Fightan garbage!
>4e? Oh now everyone's a wizard, shieet.
>homebrew? Get that shit outta here faggot!
But then you give them a less harsh version of the system that made them second class citizens in the first place and everybody is celebrating for their "victory" against the vile mages.
baka, martials are cray-cray.
They tried and failed with the recount, they tried and failed with faithless voters, and they tried and failed with the Russian hacking meme.
Even better, their own plans backfired and only solidified the election against them.
That's a relatively recent development. For the longest time, special (operations) forces tended to look almost DYEL, but had God-tier endurance.
From what I've read, part of the reason is that modern SOF guys take steroids to help them recover from the training and optempo, and the large muscles are more of a byproduct than the goal.
Ain't that the truth.
Soldiers out in the field often don't have the diet or time to sustain a robust physique. It's usually the pogs that have the arne aesthetic going on.
Or so I've gathered from talking to soldiers coming back from deployment.
I'm male and I prefer playing qt female martials.
I'm not gay, nor am I skinny or really fat even.
Nor do I have masculinity issues.
But boy oh boy am I an amazon chaser, I've recently discovered
You don't have to be incompetent to not be swole by any means. However, being a little swole helps a lot and the modern trend, derived from deployment procedures, higher physical standards, and better understanding of health and performance(hence why we have Olympic and professional sports strength and conditioning coaches and a host of dieticians/nutritionists/doctors/sports medicine professionals/et cetera), has a lot of guys tend towards it. Even the smaller more endurance focused guys usually still sling a little iron.
You are correct in that the biggest boon from shit like AAS and small amounts of HGH is mitigating the chance of injuries and recovering, but the functional strength that comes from getting swole helps a lot.
At the end of the day there's a decent amount of variance in body type in modern SOF, and it doesn't really matter as long as you can do the job well. Generally you have pretty built guys that have a healthy amount of body fat but aren't super cut because juggling getting swole, being super cut, and your job and the activity and recovery that is a part of it is difficult(but not impossible), or a build more like runners/swimmers with a lot of endurance. Either way, both cases usually still lift at least a bit. There are exceptions too, like the occasional guy that's both fuck huge and really cut because he put the time in.
Well at least you have good taste.
Me, if I have to play a straight fighter, I tend to make them some exotic race.
I roll up martials because I like to play BALS TO THE WALL. Casters are way too easy modo.
And, anyway, heroic fantasy, bitch. Epic6, best thing ever created. I don't care about the problems of demigods.
>repressive hoodlums can't comprehend the inherent sexuality of idolizing another person
The main player I had who was really into barbarians was a young woman for whom I think it was kind of a power fantasy. She was angry a lot, for generally pretty good reasons (poverty is a major downer, lived in a trailer and didn't have much of a social life due to working all the time), and I think she would have liked to have the outlets a Teutonic reaver does for it.