Made Saw Played

Old thread reached image limit.

This was for an undead campaign.

When the treacherous thief/party face's insanity and corruption shoot past 50 points before the first arc is over.






Playing muties in dark heresy isn`t really fun, especially if your dm is a dick about it

Yeah, when I played as I had to go to great efforts to hide my mutations. I had a greater mutation even, but I think the others just didn't look to hard because he was too useful.

Never forget the tragedy of Dak Dak.

i got a scale-like grey skin, usually wear a hood but most people i talk to end up threating me as a walking heresy. i`ve had to soak up being shittalked by the party and the NPCs, even got some knifes to the gutter from the latter merely because of my mutations, but oh boy how they both cowered behind the Constitution 60 Base AP 2 mutant when the fucking herald of nurgle appeared. Im not mad tho, the situations feel realistic to me, and sometimes, you just have to soak it up for your pals so they can keep their plot arcs going without stray bullets giving their under 30 con scores the boot.

Tis a heavy burden, but one i carry honorably

the paladin utmost fear probably wasnt for himself, but for those around him, and what would be of them should the demon decide their time is due. Especially for Dak Dak

Makes sense.

The scaly skin must have been a gigantic pain in the ass. Fortunately for me, I rolled lucky enough on the mutation tables to not get anything that ruined my face. I got the Mr. Fantastic mutation though, which made it so that I had to take great role playing pains to not make it obvious what I had, otherwise I would default to Gumby-ing around.

>have been
>implying the railroad train has fucking brakes

one would wish

Meet Kwakaroots, the Dragon Shaman.


You should do one for your vampire who vampired wrong.



>Be DM
>Playing D&D 4th edition with a new group
>We play for almost a year without any problem
>Suddenly one of my player little brother wants to join the game.
>He does not want to play a character, he wants to play the tank from Battlefield1. Not the crew of the tank. A robot sentient tank.
>Massive headache incoming.
> I suggest him to play a warfoged
>No. He wants the tank. He even prints the article from wikipedia on the Renault 1917 and shows it to me.
> In the end the group find an aborted experiment for a new weapon in a dungeon.
>It's a sort of magic/steampunk Metal Slug possessed by the soul of an ancient warrior.
>Pretty decent tank and good artillery support, not great roleplayer.

Do explain please. The Moses part intrigues me.

Christ there's a lot of furfags on this board

>user's first day on Veeky Forums: the post, the new, the experience

How's this?


Seems pretty accurate by the one or two images from the collages I actually understand.

I would like to blame Pathfinder and not just because Pathfinder is the go-to punching bag. The noncore races are getting furrier and furrier, well past the "dangerously furry" level. I'm pretty sure at this point Paizo is full of furfags judging by how much fetish fuel there is if you look at innocuous comments in flavor text. Like Kobolds having no gag reflex being mentioned casually after their adoration and worship of dragons.

Are dragonborn furfag now?

That's a shame.

More than you could imagine. The ones you notice are just the fringe social retards who can't hide their power level.

Everything is furry if you look hard enough.

you're gonna have to prove that one.
though I'm happy pathfinder kobolds are still monstrous.
Don't get me wrong, I love 'bolds, but they can be made too sympathetic and human. They're best as monstrous.

Not saying Kobolds aren't monstrous, just that Kobold flavor text has some fetish fuel like the mentioned absent gag reflex mentioned in nonsequitur.

My Asahina Shugenja for L5R. My DM expected a typical fantasy mage. Lets just say he underestimated my courtier skills.

I started as the CN skeleton with a penchant for explosives and turned into the party's voice of reason.

I still don't quite understand how it happened.

This was a skeleton that could not speak without slipping in at least one pun. He once made so many puns per round that he debuffed the BBEG.

I am pretty sure Veeky Forums was furry before PF was even published.
Lot of people blame Ruby Quest.

PF is such a convenient target though...

>He once made so many puns per round that he debuffed the BBEG.
Man, I wish I'd been around to see this.

Not the guy you're replying to but I'd figure it's because they eat huge stuff like whole animals, so they would be able to open their neck up in able to swallow it.

not wanting to budge on the tank thing makes it seem like your brother is a massive that guy or just really autistic


Drow are an untapped market for hilarity.



Supposedly super serious Dark Knight + heavy Jamaican accent = hilarity

He isn't my brother. He is the brother of one the players, said player owns the house where we play.
Also it didn't turn out that bad.




Monk is strong


>SCP-infested modern setting
>Make Super-Scientist
>Regret nothing



Built a gnoll character and told the GM I'm running one. GM thinks I'm gonna play a big dumb savage, most likely fighter. Build a rogue instead that classes into fightan later on. Put my best stat rolls into CHA and become almost entirely STR and CHA based. Can't take a punch to save my life, so I surround myself with mooks. Started talking in a NEW YAWK accent and wearing treasured jewelry found in dungeons. Eventually leveraged a treasure haul against a local thieves guild and took it over. Became kingpin of a village a short while later. Fuggeddabout it.

Oh my god, I love how the references build in these. A fucking Tony Pajamas reference, I love it.

>A female character 16 years old
>daughter of a great military noble man
my DM saw all the time a magical realm loli who can inject full erotic fantasies... and politician conspiracies around her...



You forgot all the butts

Sorry for getting to this so late.
One of my friends decided to run a campaign based on the setting that they made. I decided to create evangeline Von Caligari a young looking, lawful evil vampire warlock who wanted to conquer and overthrow the country. The GM didn't take her too seriously and laugher her off, thinking I was going to play some dumb, fanservicey anime loli. But still they let me play and warned me that vampires in their setting were pretty much enslaved/murdered on sight. The entire group were a bunch of weirdo misfits that didn't really fit into society, a mute rouge, a ranger who spend most of his time wondering through the wilderness and a serial rapist half orc barbarian (more about him later). The party didn't take my character seriously at first, but over time they started to respect and admire Evangeline for her skills and beliefs. After gaining my party's respect all of us, except for the half orc, started creating long term plans on how we were going to get supporters for our cause, and conquer the country. The GM didn't make this easy on us and had to make us work in order to move up in the world.

After spending some time gaining the respect of a few questionable individuals, and going on adventures to become "heroes" in the eyes of a couple of villages we decided to enter a colliseum to gain more money and fame. There we fought all manner of monsters until we reached the last round, and had to go up against a Vampire enslaved by the owners of the colosseum. Seeing this as an opportunity to get one of her own kind onto her side she spared the vampire's life after defeating them, and paid the colosseum for ownership of the vampire. After being set free the vampire owed her life to Evangeline and our party and followed us around. Since then my character began doing more acts to help benefit vampirekind, helping to lead them and other misfits/criminals/rejects of society/oppressed villagers who hated government to freedom. (C)


What went from a previously adventure based game turned into a heavily political based one as we started conquering towns, either gaining the respect of the common people or eliminating those that opposed us. In a few side adventures my character gained the ability to use time stop (the DM insisted) and found the necronomicon. After a long campaign, with a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and struggles our party overtook the nation. People both loved and respected us. Those who were once the scum of society were now the ones that ruled it. It was then, after finally achieving our goal that our Half-orc admitted he wasn't actually Chaotic evil as he said he was and that he was was actually secretly Lawful good this entire time and turned on us attempting to murder and "rape the shit outta me" because he couldn't stand our evil rule. Our party defeated him, restrained him and publicly executed him to make an example.

The game fell apart after a while since there wasn't really much we could do besides possibly deal with another rebellion later. Have the kingdom that I build myself fall apart. It was a little dumb but it wasn't something that I'd ever played before and it was fun while it lasted. Everybody else seemed to have fun too, as did the GM. Only time I've ever had a politically charged game at that.

I want to hear more about their antics.

Agreed I want to hear more about this.

>only zombies can defeat zombies


>Game ends with an attempted communist revolution.

How common is this actually?



I don't get it.

My nigga

Rare, most players I dm'ed for try to take over.

The BBEG got so sick of the skelepun's shit that he immobilized, silenced, and essentially neutered it for combat. However, earlier the BBEG made the mistake of having a telepathic bond established with the skelepun- how I don't remember- and with nothing else to do, it was able to focus all of its efforts into delivering choice puns directly to the BBEG's mind.

He didn't play a kitsune but just a regular fox?


The most amusing thing was that the DM only asked to see my sheet eight sessions in.

Story time, user
I want your to green text the shit out of it

>eric stolz

>Drow Moist von Lipwig
I love you user.

It's a habit of mine to make a group shot at the end of some campaigns. I'm working on the last one right now.


>Iron Folgore
Yes good

sounds awesome

so, he actually made that, what he wanted to do

now, it makes sense

Hello newfriend!


Now to lead my party in certain death so we can punch a minotaur in the face! HAHA!

Sometimes circumstances make you the monster.

Its important to understand the nature of the contract and the deal.

>3rd row, 3rd column
...the character got shot, didn't she? She got shot a lot.

"We don't even know what we're doing, our defacto-leader is practically dancing across barrels of smoke powder!"

Oh yes, that is a game entire comprised of princesses, tea parties and being on the receiving end of regicide.


Shot, poisoned, stabbed, sacrificed to tentacle monster, etc.

"Why do you want your children from running off and getting drafted into a fifth reich child psion soldier army? No sir, not this town I'd wager. To keep your children occupied and moral may I suggest to you my services in forming a youth marching band!"

That's the Aum Shinrikyo guy that Sarin'd the Tokyo subway, isn't it.

What did your character do?


Your GM did good.