This is for all oldhammer art, which while I have a bit of, I could really use more, and we should all really share more often.
Oldhammer Art Thread
why is there a titan ?
I always wanted rules for that thing.
This is the opposite of Oldhammer.
Actually, what is considered the cut-off point?
I've got a few of these guys lying around somewhere, but it's only the rank-and-file, so I never did anything with them.
Knights of the Cleansing Flame.
Gargoyles of Barda
It's bigger than a goddamn Imperator.
but WHAT it was? I started chaos one book after, and to this day I had no clue about that thing.
Because Chaos motherfucker!
There are some pretty awesome design ideas.
Theres no fluff about it, Chaos in wfb was toned down in the later years, no more bolter armed and digital weapon equipped Chaos Warriors, and no more gigantic as fuck Godmachines.
Would be cool to have some more info for this thing, but no rules. How the fuck would you stat something that is like 4 times bigger than a goddamned Imperator?
>based Scylla is love, based Scylla is life.
>Pifco the Deliverer
>Sir Gigal De Appliance
>Papworth Organgrinder
>Gladstone the Large
Same guy.
I had the 5th ed codex, and there, you could read about titanic battles far north, dwarfing the invasions in the south, where demons and followers would siege each other with such fantastic machines. There were long-distance doodles of these, probably by the blessed Miller.
But no informations about WHAT they were. I was curious because back then, no shooting weapon for chaos existed.
>Even in these quiet times, raids are common in Norsca and the northlands
>There are even some beastman bases in the woodlands! O SHIT
How did it all go so wrong, fa/tg/uys? How did we go from there to nothing but retarded grimderp chaoswank 24/7?
judging by the art posted, from 6th edition forward is not.
You're not the same guy, that was me
I meant this
This thread has a pretty 13-year-old idea of what counts as old, but in the Oldhammer *community* it generally refers to 3E and earlier WFB plus Rogue Trader only. Some people include 2E 40K for various reasons but like, that's the controversy point.
4e is Oldhammer now. 1994 is 23 years ago.
>This thread has a pretty 13-year-old idea of what counts as old
Nigger, it's only a 30 odd year old franchise. How far are we supposed to dig?
>Gargog the Unstoppable
>H-he's fast!
Anybody got pics of old school chaos warrior art?
Or just old school WHF plate armor in general.
Some day I will exploit this.
>4e is Oldhammer now. 1994 is 23 years ago.
That's not how it works, dumdum. Oldhammer is a term, not just all Warhams that are old. Try going into the OSR general and telling them that 3E D&D's 17 years old so it counts, and see what happens.
I just realized I have no elf art that looks dated. When were they introduced?
I wouldn't call 17 years old. But once you go past two decades, that's fucking old.
How much dated do you want? 4th ed? Older?
As long as he doesn't answer please just post from whatever edition.
Two of my favourit old school champions.
Let's start with High Elves then....
Now with Dark Elves....
And to finish off with Wood Elves....
That's all I have.
Thanks user.