What's the point of being passive aggressive in games? In game or out of character.
Are you that much of a shit to ruin other people's fun?
Do you lack that much social awareness and self awareness to not act like a cuntnugget?
Were you literally forced to eat that much shit that you have to vomit it out for other people?
What's the point of being passive aggressive in games? In game or out of character
Passive-aggressiveness is the feminine way of dissenting. Most who do it don't have good control over the feel cocktail in their heads, so assume they do not unconsciously until proven otherwise.
You can't fix it, your That Guy has to do the work. If he can't take hints, ditch him until he straightens up.
True that mate. If someone acts like that in my games or my friend's games, I'm sorry to say but I have the right to physically slap their shit.
I've also had enough of freaks with no inside voice, no clue of personal space and who just barge in and interrupt.
I feel like there's a story you're not telling us here. Either way, some people are just cunts who never grew up. It's not something a person should put up with if they have the option not to.
Nah, I'm just sick of shitnuggets who post here and irl who smugly screech about how their passive aggressiveness told their groups what was what and saved those poor sods from themselves.
Sure you deserve a high five, in the face with a chair.
And too right mate, but it's not just about growing up, they should at least act with a modicum of human decency.
You're eloquent in spite of being extremely angry, holy shit.
What's the point of being passive aggressive on an image board? Anonymous or otherwise.
Are you that much of a shit to ruin other people's fun?
Do you lack that much social awareness and self awareness to not act like a cuntnugget?
Were you literally forced to eat that much shit that you have to vomit it out for other people?
Get over yourself, we're not here to coddle your balls for you.
Passive aggression is a way to skirt around being directly confrontational and taking an L for instigating conflict or imposing your will on them.
If you were to go and rob somebody of their lunch or money, then that's theft.
If you were to put a toll booth between a convenient alley way and be in your legal rights to prevent access unless somebody wanted to go around you, that's technically not theft, because you don't have to go that way.
The end result is you still shake someone down for their livelihood and food every day, but the difference is if they go passed your toll booth, they're now not just evading your business but breaking the law.
The point of being a passive aggressive and manipulative asshole is to reap rewards while keeping yourself out of harms reach. Throwing rubber bouncy balls at walls and then feigning it as an accident if it rebounds off of somebody's head, leaving you apologetic for an ambiguous accident, if responsible, but nowhere near as much if you'd just punched them in the face. Being passive aggressive lets you backhandedly and smugly side-compliment someone while insulting them to assert emotional dominance over them, no different from the way one jock may fart in your face.
Were you trying to be funny or smart?
In game it's because the character is actually that much of a faggot that they have to undermine the adventure. Out of character there's no excuse, just talk like a normal fucking person.
I've only done the first once when another party member did a really dick something based entirely on OOC knowledge, did a few more dick somethings based on IC knowledge after that, then always dismissed any argument with "think what you will", and was too fightan stronk for anyone to just say to him "fight me fuccboi, if that's the only way I can beat something into your unobtainium skull" and not expect to get their ass handed to them and subsequently get their point "invalidated" because they can't win a fight. The game has since fallen apart from scheduling issues and OOC problems with said issues boiling over making our GM ragequit, so I got what I deserved.
Neither. Complaining about somebody being passive aggressive online puts you on the same level of unwillingness to just fucking talk to somebody about your problems with them.
I already talk to the freaks about it, it's moreso for the little shits online who screech and blather about their shitescapes.
Your a shit.
No shit Sherlock.
The irony of this post is delicious.
You sound like a passive aggressive shitter, stop being a little shit.
You had a bad experience with "passive aggressive shitters", went online to bitch about them instead of confronting them directly, but somehow I'm at fault for pointing out the irony in that? I don't think so, pal.
you're right OP, games are not the place for that shit.
passive-aggression belongs on the internet. air your grievances anonymously here to vent your spleen. [that'll teach those swine]
Keep reading though.
You went and jumped up a conclusion which ultimately did confirm your being a retard.
So again, instead of directly confronting the "little shits", you decided to start a whole new thread that they will probably never see just to complain about them to nobody in particular.
That's awfully passive-aggressive for somebody to hates passive aggression.
Nothing about any of OP's posts changes the fact that this thread exists to vent his frustration in a way that perfectly fits the description "passive aggressive". How dense are you?
How am I meant to confront and talk to the little shits who post their blathering for the masses to marvel at?
This is the issue here, whatever meaning you've taking away from here is wrong. I've confronted the problems in my games, I can't do so for other people or for their games, I'm venting that freaks like that exist to wreck games in general and are cunts.
Learn some fucking reading comprehension.
Are you passive aggressive shits? You sound like ones. I'd advise reading through the thread instead of just sounding like a retard.
Can you fucking read?
I haven't failed to read or understand anything in this thread.
You have failed to understand that "venting" online to anyone who'll listen is, by definition, passive-aggressive behaviour, which is ironic given that you are complaining about passive aggression.
If you can't do anything further to help the situation, what is the point of this thread? Are you looking for sympathy? Support? How is that any different from the people you hate so much?
Do you understand the concept of passive aggression?
Do you guys? Sounds like you're just complete fuckers and sticks in the mud.
It's completely ironic you're posting this way in this thread.
Seriously, at this point it would be a lot healthier if you just went outside and punched a tree until you felt better, this thread is getting out of hand.
Stop letting your passive aggression define you and actually post some advice to curb the problem, which is what this thread should be addressing.
It's unfortunate these shits exist. So what can done about it.
What's the problem? Get the fuck off wherever you think you're on.
Nothing can be done to prevent people from venting online about their real-world problems, that's why this very thread is amusingly ironic.
It's circular and silly.
I'm not going to argue that this place doesn't have a history of enabling people to be intentionally dumb for kicks, I'm just advising that it's not a healthy way to deal with stress and the stupidity levels are climbing rapidly right now.
No you dense fucker, stop talking through the issue and just wanting to hear yourself, you deliberately obtuse fuck.
Address the issue of ways to fix passive aggressiveness in these shits.
See Are you guys also problems in your own groups? Completely sounds like it.
Why the fuck are you tools in here then?
You can't "fix" passive-aggressive behaviour, especially by starting threads on Veeky Forums to complain about it in a passive-aggressive fashion. This entire thread was DOA.
I enjoy it. OP is the one who apparently doesn't, yet here he is enabling it with gay abandon.
A lot of others have provided reasons or have tried to explain their actions. See above. They have been helpful.
What the fuck have you been doing you cuntbugget. You've been shitting on everything like a rabid dog with diarrhea.
You like passive aggressive behavior?
Others have tried to be helpful, you've truthfully been acting like a no fun allowed autist.
You being here passively aggressively shitting on everything is deliciously ironic.
How has anything in this thread been helpful? What has it done for you other than help you passively vent your aggressive feelings towards passive aggression? How is the hypocrisy so difficult for you to understand?
I enjoy irony, so I enjoy this thread, but that doesn't stop it from being a hiding to nothing.
You've been deliberately obtuse and stubbornly unhelpful and cleaving to your broken echochamber.
You must be really fun and have lots of friends.
That's a very flowery way to not answer my questions, user, maybe you should put that talent to work on something useful instead of a dumb thread?
How about you put your own talents to post something related to the thread rather than being a little retarded shit or has that irony escaped your massive cranium.
It's just what happens when you're a spiteful and hateful being but also lack the surety and confidence to be direct. I don't think there's any reason for it that's specific to games.
You are the only problem here, how has that escaped you?
Learn some self awareness.
My posts have all been related directly to the thread, namely how inherently silly it is. All I've done so far is repeat my sole point, which remains completely valid, while you take out your frustrations on me in a display of rampant hypocrisy.
I obviously wouldn't go that far, you're showing yourself as being no better than they are.
Talking is the best way to resolve the problem, you can't solve the issue of people with no self awareness, that's no impossible. Just be willing to listen and talk and if it keeps getting out of hand kick them out.
Not realizing you keep banging on this sore point like a broken record while others have been posting actually helpful posts.
You actually can't see you're the only problem here. You sound like you've used and is using passive aggressiveness in your games and you're vehemently defending it.
Not realizing you're the only supreme gentleman here.
>You sound like you've used and is using passive aggressiveness in your games and you're vehemently defending it.
In what way? On what grounds? All I've done all thread is respond directly to an apparently endless stream of insults after pointing out that a passive-aggressive post about passive aggression is deliciously ironic.
Nobody has posted anything helpful, because by definition, you cannot prevent passive aggression by being passive aggressive about it on Veeky Forums.
God damn, this thread is really something else.
As a newcomer to the thread, isn't being passive aggressive, he's just being aggressive.
Passive aggressiveness is characterised by being nonconfrontational to the target of the aggression - either through remarks that do not address the issue, or complaining about it to a third party, in the hope the third party will take action.
OP's post ranting about passive aggressive people was targeted at people on this board, NOT people in hypothetical games and therefore while may have originally been seen as talking to a third party, in fact was directly confronting individuals in a verbal spar and thus very much against passive aggressive behaviour.
While you may enjoy irony, OP's viewpoint is not in itself hypocritical, as he is directly confrontational.
tl;dr he's trolling for replies, not being passive aggressive 0/10 see me after class for reeducation in classifying online behaviours
This is why those issues exist, because turds like you turn a blind eye to them and criticize those who bring it to light.
Stop being so autistic that you can't see it.
The other guy is confirmed as a nonhelpful retard with no desire to be helpful just an incessant need to hear the plobbing of his own posts.
That guy has no fucking clue what the fuck he's slobbering about? This absolutely does not surprise me.
What the fuck are you doing, other guy? Do you not even understand the words you're using? Learn them before shooting your mouth off.
the other guy is also trolling for replies but he's being wrong on the internet so I spent 2 minutes of my life making a correction to a flaw in his thinking as perceived by me in being an act of idiocy rather than deliberate misinterpretation to cause more unnecessary argument.
I doubt he was trolling, that brings perceived intelligence to his shitspewing.
Nice buzzword, have a (You) I guess if you're that desperate.
Feel free to point out to me where in OP's post he addresses any specific person directly.
He's addressing it to the people on the board, sure, but ALL the people on the board, assuming that some of them are the culprits and will see it.
That is, by definition, passive-aggressive behaviour. It's no different from a Facebook status that says, "Oh my God, I hate boys who flirt in front of their girlfriends". He has become exactly that which he despises.
Corrections are supposed to be correct.
Sorry, I was in another tab lurking in a more sensible thread.
Also confirmed for autistic in your rigid thinking.
Do you understand the difference between aggession and passive aggression?
Yes, knowing what I'm talking about is autism, congrats.
Do you?
Stop deflecting the question and answer, damn you!
Case in point, I've been confrontational to you, you've been passive aggressive to me. Help, he's being mean to me and my kind.
I'm directly asking you. Do you at all know what you're talking about?
You're already known for talking through or past the issue and avoiding.
Passive aggressiveness IC is generally the route taken by those who lack the physical power to force a direct confrontation (and be victorious) or to keep yourself from being directly confronted.
It's a staple of politics, for example, where it is a bad idea to pointedly call out another of your group.
/thread happened a while ago, you faggots.
Okay, the difference between passive aggression and aggression is that passive aggression is vented without confrontation or violence directed specifically at the source of the frustration, but still in such a way that the source will be able to see and register those frustrated feelings.
Some examples might include a Facebook status about a specific friend but without naming them, a note on the fridge requesting that your flatmate go eat a fat dick, or, I don't know... making a post to all of Veeky Forums complaining about passive-aggressive fa/tg/uys.
Say that to my face, fucker.
You can be confrontational and hope for confrontation verbally. Stop learning your definitions from little shits.
>passive aggression is vented without confrontation or violence directed specifically at the source of the frustration, but still in such a way that the source will be able to see and register those frustrated feelings.
So, the initial post was passive aggressive, but the rest of the thread is pretty confrontational, wouldn't you say, and therefore not passive aggressive?
Responding to confrontation passively is not passive aggression, it's just passivity. I'm not trying to directly or indirectly confront you at all. You're not being mean, I'm not upset, you've just made a dumb thread and I've been pointing that out, directly to your face (screen), for far too long now.
>That OP pic
Fuck me, I actually did and thought this as a kid. It took a teacher telling me to stop already and my dad explaining that that's not cursive it's just annoying for me to stop talking like that.
And now I'm remembering all the other stupid stuff I did as a kid. Fuck you OP, I buried these memories for a reason.
You aren't always as wordy as you can be, are you?
No, the whole thread has been passive aggressive with the exception of posts directed at me because of my pointing out the hypocrisy.
Unsurprisingly, nobody dropped in to say, "Hey, passive-aggressive guy here, fuck you OP", so OP has at no point been directly confrontational with the source of his frustration, making this whole thing an exercise in irony.
And others have proved you how wrong you are for a while now, but sure, feel free to just leave your fingers plugged into your ears and yell lalalala at the top of your lungs.
They've been posting posts to gain an insight into passive aggressive pussies and correcting your misuse of the definitions of those words.
Also, good job for smugly taking the op and cleaving meaning from that just obe post. Good job, you must be proud of yourself using big boy words.
>only I am right
Holy shit, do you hear yourself.
Are you autistic?
>everyone is wrong but me, because I say so
Are you deliberately being obtuse or just inherently a severely impaired retard?
Did you bother at all to read the other posts in this thread?
Does acting like a severely socially crippled and lacking any self awareness retard please you.
If you escalate a verbal disagreement into a physical conflict, you are a degenerate animal, and you should immediately become an organ donor and then kill yourself.
>tips fedora
Why do you have to be such a pussy?
Conversely, why the fuck are you so edgy?
All arguments aside, passive aggression is poison to RPGs. GMs absolutely need to confront or remove passive aggressive players.
t. Overbearing shitbag.