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Dark Eldar appreciation edition

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First for Commorragh!

First for dark eldar were my first army

3rd for black templars

Speaking of black templars

1000 point spess mehreen black templar army.

Captain artificer armour gav pistol and power fist 150

Predetor with twin linked las canon 100

Storm talon with las cannon 125

Land raider crusader 250

Crusader squad with grav cannon and amp with gav gun 120

Crusader squad with 5extra initiates and 5 extra neophytes and sword brother one have a power fist and another with a flamer the rest with chain swords 230

A rino, RINO with storm bolter

Please give me some pointers

5th for can't find the strength to paint my last infantry squad.
I'll probably even miss this number.

Daemons were my first army

I have no idea what a shooting phase is or how non-assault weapons work.

So, I think im gonna go with the SC Dark Eldar box, and eventually build onto it with a Armored Squad box, some venoms, and some scourges.

Now, comes the fun part: Thinking up some fluff behind them, and a paint Scheme. I've been doing a lot of Blues and Reds as of late, and Im trying to gome up with another scheme. Any suggestions?

8th for aesthetic shoulderpads

Seriously, I wish all IG had these

It's Deldar, so start with your Archon's ambitions and go from there.

You're welcomed in the webway mon-keigh

Surprising amount of Dark Eldar discussion recently. Is Gangs of Commorragh the only new thing coming out for us? Is there any new lore concerning the DE yet?

So what are the pros and cons of Venoms and Raiders? When would you take one over the other? If Raiders make better gunboats, why do Blasterborn go in Venoms?

It's literally the difference between flak and carapace, that and kneepads which Mira also has iirc.

>the red guy
What is that? DE? Necron? The artstyle makes it hard to tell.

You can start by listing things out in point form.

Replace with the Emperor's Champion.
Get some side sponsons, either drop points elsewhere to save up for Tri Lascannons or get two Lascannon sponsons and save the Autocannon turret.
>Storm Talon and LRC
These are fine.
>Crusader Squad, Grav gun, Grav cannon
Do they go in the Rhino? That's the only way you'll get them firing.
>Big Crusader squad
Should be fine.

I was wondering that too. Those two blades sticking up from his back pretty much say he's an Incubus since they have the same things, but he's a little more fancy and samurai-esque than other Incubi.

But if that is an Incubus it begs the question of why the hell he's hanging around a bunch of Black Templars, an Inquisitor and other zealous Imperials.

I'd be surprised in the fluff with the agme doesn't go into more detail on DE society.
But thats not out yet.

Raiders have Dark Lances, Splinter racks, a bit more bulk and a larger capacity for your Kabalite squads. Venoms are just enough for your HQ and a Trueborn retinue, and have an ungodly amount of anti infantry firepower.

Anons, can you please rate my Word Bearers Khorne Daemonkin list? It's going to be my first army, so I thought to ask you all before I buy anything else, as I already have my tactical squads.

1500 Khorne Daemonkin

-Daemon Prince, 160
+Daemonic Flight, 40
+Warp-forged Armor, 20
+Goredrinker, 30
+Collar of Khorne, 15
+Ichor Blood, 5
Total, 270

-2xChaos Space Marines, 130
+2 marines, 30
+9xCCW, 18
+Power Sword, 15
+2xMelta gun, 20
+Icon of Wrath, 20
Total, 233 (466)

Dedicated Transports
-2xChaos Rhinos, 35
+Dozer Blade, 5
+Havoc Launchers, 12
Total, 52 (104)

Fast Attack
-3xFlesh Hounds, 240

Heavy Support
-3xMaulerfiend, 390
+Lasher Tendrils, 30
Total, 420

Complete total, 1500

Also, Lasher Tendrils versus Magma Cutters? Magma Cutters seem really useful if you want to cut open a metal box or something, but 3/4 S10 Power Fist attacks seem like they could do the job too. I'm not sure, though. Lasher Tendrils seem really useful against dreadnoughts and other things, though. Also, should I take out the dogs and add in a unit of Possessed to make this a Blood Host, or keep it a CAD?

He's suppose to be a DE character, can't recall what his name is.

Venoms are much better if you want to run a MSU list, Raiders are more general purpose since you can stick a wider variety in them. Raiders twin link all splinter weapons and can get a dark lance to shoot vehicles.

Trueborn have loads of options and full kitted out in a venom they cost about the same sitting right under 200 points in a venom.
You can go 4 Blasters in a venom, or 3 blasters and 2 splinter cannons for loads of dakka, or you can stick them with 4 blasters and 2 splinter cannons in a raider with a webway Archon for some really wild deep strike fun.

Do whatever you want, that's pretty much the fun of Dark Eldar transports

But I'm going to be jinking like fuck either way if there's a high-value squad riding inside, right? Is the built-in 5++ more important in case of Ignore Cover than 3HP?

I mean you've got a lot of armour but it can't really do that much. I'm assuming the gravcannon/gun squad is going in the rhino, which might be ok but mixing heavy and special weapons on your basic troops doesn't usually end well. A big choppy deathstar in the Landraider might catch some off guard, but if it's the only thing on the table (and after 3 turns of your opponent ignoring it and wiping everything else out it WILL be) it's kinda gimped.
I'd drop the Artificer armour and grav pistol from your captain, at this low point level he's gonna spend most his time in the raider, and you're probably only going to get 1 shot off a game with the pistol, so unless you're vapourising a TEQ it's usually not worth it. Combi-melta goes well with a P.Fist though. Taking flyers in that small a game is a liiitle bit arseholey, and it wont even be that useful in all honesty, I'd just use those points to put more bodies on the floor and turn your predator into one with las-sponsons and autocannon top, which is usually seen as the most points efficient way to take them. I think that looks like wank though, so don't worry if you end up using the tri-las variant.

To summarise, drop the talon, modify the Rhino squad into something that maybe hangs back on midfield objectives, plasma guns are usually a good shout, perhaps buff the Predator a little bit and some small adjustments to the Captain and big crusader squad.

>Taking flyers in that small a game is a liiitle bit arseholey
A single flyer per 750 is fair game, especially when it's something light like the talon and not some shit like a vendetta.
Nitpicking here since I think your advice is sound, even the bit about dropping the flyer.

has this theory been burned to the ground yet?

okay Veeky Forums. I was reading about the Daemon-Killa ork.

From what I've heard, Khorne has a whole bunch of orks infesting his realm. In fact, because so much aggression, combat and conflict in the universe is because of orks, Khorne has even started becoming more orkish looking. His face, his manner of speech, everything.

The Daemon-Killa orks are still there in Khorne's daemon world and realms to this day, where the orks fight endlessly. They're both remade and their spores go out to populate the psychic hellscape, becoming more orks.

I think Khorne made a mistake, Veeky Forums. I think Khorne is going to wind up as a third in a triumvirate of Gork and Mork. Eventually, those orks are going to get too numerous and powerful. The vast majority of the psychic activity in Khorne's domain is going to be orkish.

The universe has only really had 40K years for generations to breed, grow, die. Orks reproduce like holy fuck and they send out mucho violence and conflict and war. While one could say that this should empower Khorne, I think it's also changing the very face of the God of War itself.

I think at some point, the God of Blood will get set upon by Gork and Mork and pounded flat, who will have infested so much of the God of Blood and Skulls domain that the only waaaugh in the entire endless void of Korne will be Orkish in nature. And that's not Chaos, that's just Orks being Orks. That's their nature, not their excess.

I think the chaos god of war, violence and conflict is poisoned and drunk and he doesn't even know what's happening to him.

Khorne is the face of war, not of the factions that go to war.
Remember that line that Veeky Forums loves to spout whenever Khorne's ethos or motives are questioned? That he cares not from where the blood flows? The races that happen to be making the most war wouldn't affect him with their mannerisms, they would just empower him because they are out there spilling blood.

the 5++ allows you to not jink against some weapons like a Heavy Bolter for example, or if you're feeling frisky Scatlasers and Auto Cannons.

UNless they retconned it he's just an growth of the emotion of rage isn't he? something that Orks don't really feel when they're killing, as it's not really in their psyche.

It's the same orks that are revived to fight again not spores, an dit's not his ream just a single world in the eye that's in essence a giant daemon.

What's wrong with mixing special and heavy wepons?

Is there any scenario where selling your soul to a Chaos god is a good idea? Is it ever possible to be happy serving them in the long run?

Special weapons generally don't have the long range of heavies, but if you move to get into range of the special then the heavy is snapfiring.
The only times you'd really want a special and heavy weapon in the same squad is if the heavy isn't actually the Heavy type (heavy flamers and to a lesser extent grav-faggotry) or if you're splitting the squad up with Marine combat squads.

I'd give her a reason to appreciate those kneepads, if you catch my drift.

Gav canons and plaz guns work well together as they both have the same distances.

>don't move and the plasma only gets one shot
>move/into RF range and the grav fires fewer shots
Not really.

I really like the green trim, which is Cult of Strife I think. Despite all reason, I feel the need to do a wych cult, personally.

>Tfw I missed the Shardstorm box

Asdrubael Vect

None of them represent happiness so they won't give you it.

What terminator kit looks best with the Death guard conversion?

"Vanilla" CSM, Tartaros or Cataphractii?

Nurgle and Khorne most.

Nurgle is all about being content with what is.
Khorneates are happy in battle and in death.

Slaaneshi are always chasing the next high or trying to find way to go even higher.

Tzeentch is the eternal ambition, to be happy with anything would slow do your race forward.

So I took on some of the advice you guys gave me the other day regarding painting my marines, added some blue and tried to do some highlighting here and there.

The armour is meant to be silver with a greenish tinge to reflect warp magics, I also added a small blue glyph on their helmets as a ward of protection

Still have heaps of room for improvement, but overall pretty happy how they turned out.
Any more advice or feedback? Cheers

>Always angry

doesn't sound happy to me user.

Nurgle is depression but also being content with what you have, even if thats a litural shit hole.

Just noticed I made the image massive, sorry here's a smaller/better one

Shrink your images. Alright you did so that's fine.
Clean up those bases. You've got the white on your dudes and the coat(s) you've put on the bases aren't smooth at all. You might even consider removing them from their bases and reattaching once you've dealt with it.
The GK looking guy on the far left needs some stripping, it looks like his gun has lost a lot of detail.

any sfm stuff from lefftanent?

The glyphs are a bit on the fat and rough side.

The chest eagles and eyes needs more contrast to the rest.

Consider using black for the gun casing instead of green

Cheers mates, I'll give the bases a bit more of an effort. Yeah I tried to go for a 'worn/battered' appearance for the GK but obviously it needs a little refinement

Black for the guns sounds like a good idea, I'll give that a shot. I'll try to make the glyphs/icons/eyes a bit more refined

Really appreciate the feedback


The reason nurgle smiles is because he is miserable to the point of insanity.

Consider going over the glyphs twice or more to make them really stand out, and don't forget you can use some of your green to neaten them back up if you make a mistake.

You can do a super easy glowing effect on that psycannon by drybrushing the blue you want generously around the barrel, then using a lighter shade of blue to drybrush in a smaller area around the barrel, then a tiny bit of white for an even smaller area of the barrel.
Here's a good tutorial for it; youtube.com/watch?v=7Im42vmG6zs

Shit man that's spot on, cheers.

Thanks mate, I'll give that a shot and keep trying to get better with it. And I'll work on the Glyphs

>Raiders have Dark Lances, Splinter racks, a bit more bulk and a larger capacity for your Kabalite squads. Venoms are just enough for your HQ and a Trueborn retinue, and have an ungodly amount of anti infantry firepower.

errr no
trueborn are 5 minimum and together with an archon they no longer fit inside the venom. The ungodly amount of infantry firepower is not all that strong either, especially when you compare to a Disintegrator on a raider (S5 Ap2 Heavy 3)
Especially against T3 models its frustrating as they are effectivly a S3 weapon due to poison

They are however much smaller and come with a 5++build in.

>only get one shot
>less chance to overheat
Seems gud to me.

You know what would be a good combo?
Grav and volkite.

>paying 15 points for a single s7 ap2 shot that you're not even going to be firing that much

Painted more deathwatch terminators today. Just the space wolf and a not-deathwing inforgiven left.

Oo-er, you're right about the capacity, I must have been thinking of Incubi retinues.

That said, it depends on what you're firing at. Disintegrators are delicious when you start attacking armoured infantry, but 2 splinter cannons with a few more on the deck are hilarious for flooding MCs with wounds.

Currently planning my final project for my media course, current plan is a 40k short fan film
Idea I'm spinning in my head is a lone krieg korpsman winds up stranded on a planet in the warp and faces his inner demons and an ancient evil
Want the film to be silent and more along the lines of an abstract arthouse film, probably biggest inspiration being the most recent death stranding trailer
if anyone can think of anything they'd like to see in this, imagery that you think would work or even which chaos gods daemon he might be facing let me know, its all a jumble of ideas at the moment so I'm open to anything

If an IC joins an allied squad, what faction does the squad count as? Does it count as the IC's faction or the allied squad's cation?
>inb4 both

Could an Inquisitor begin the game riding with some Marines in their Rhino? Conversely, could an Archon invite a small Warlock Conclave to join him in his personal Venom pimpmobile?

so long as they're battle brother you can attach any IC to any squad

Not allowed to start in Battle Brothers Transports, this is covered in the FAQ.

What kind of rule are you dealing with? If you were using, for example, the Cronos Parasite Engine's Spirit Probe, only the Archon in your hypothetical Archon/Warlock Conclave would get a FNP boost, he is the only model with the Dark Eldar faction. In most cases it would be that rules would be forced to interact with these units on a model by model basis.

This a good place to start for 500pts?

Just picked up the 6th ed Eldar battleforce and a farseer and made this list with it.

It's pretty solid yeah.

Be aware that you can only cast Witchfire powers when inside a transport if you attach the Farseer to the Dire Avengers.

Also remember that you can take wounds on the Guardian Squad using the Weapons Platforms toughness and armor. Otherwise you know, toughness 3 5+ is gonna die pretty fast.

Other than that as Eldar with the Bladestorm rule you can pretty much kill any heavily armored unit you would encounter at that point level, I can see that with your three Bright Lances you've got enough Anti-Tank as well as Anti-2+ Armor and you've got a nice mix of Armor Values and Toughness values.

So yeah, you should be pretty solid.

New SoB sketches.

Cheers for the input! Plan on having a few low point games and seeing if I like the army before I expand.

Dark eldar is a really powerful army of you don't read the section about morale in the rulebook

This ruling is what I'm trying to make sense of friend.

Truth be told, all I want to do is have a Farseer buddied up with a Succubus and her Incubi bodyguards in her personal Venom.
Pic related says
>units that are Battle Brothers
but the BRB says
>While an Independent Character is part of a unit, he counts as part of the unit for all rules purposes
so would the Farseer still be his own unit with the Craftworlds faction and be disallowed from starting the game embarked, or would he, per BRB, count as the unit with the Dark Eldar faction and be allowed in?

I don't understand what you mean by that, when rolling to wound you always use majority toughness, then you can do armor rolls one by one.

Shoot an email to GW or double check with your opponent before a game to see if they'd allow it. That's really the best you can do in grey areas like this.

When shooting at a unit with artillery you use the artillery's toughness, no matter how many crewmen there are. I'm not certain if support platforms count as artillery though.

You're thinking of support platforms (now called Vaul's Wrath to help set them apart), which are the fuckhuge platforms with massive weapons like vibrocannons, not the dinky Guardian heavy weapon platforms that carry brightlances and shit.

The latter is in a weird place ruleswise because it's an infantry model with special rules that make it artillery lite. For what it's worth, if his unit was knocked down to exactly two models, being one Guardian and the platform, all shots would be taken against the highest majority Toughness in the unit and the last Guardian would effectively be T5.

I want this.


>I actually have this.

What were the command benefits again?

>3 infantry squad
>4 transport
For what reason is this?

What's up with Black Templars? Did something came out for them?

There's 30 cadians, but split into two 15-man squads for some reason

I want rules for this bastards.

WD battle report is shit I want stats, points, rules.

Where are the fucking leaks?


So that you can leave one of them empty and play mindgames with your opponent as to what has what in it :^)

You fucker

Not that guy, but I'm the one whose misconception started this.

Oh whoops, I thought it was an Artillery model. One of my recent opponents told me it was, but I immediately agreed because I thought that was how it worked as well. (For what it's worth it didn't end up changing anything, poison 4+ don't give a fuck about your multiple potential toughness values)

Thanks for the correction.

From the battle report we know Celestine's sword is unchanged so it's likely her rules are literally the same aside from her bodyguards.

Cawl's rules have been at least partially leaked.

Calm your autism and wait literally ten days, assuming we don't get more comprehensive leaks before that.

I want to know before the buying the shit. That's all.

After the IA burn I wish to know

Tempestus Scions

Hellrain Brigade 1
Command Squad 4 Plasma, 145
Commissar, 25
Taurox Prime, Missle Launcher 100
Recycle Squad, 2 Melta, 90

Hellrain Brigade 2
Command Squad 4 Plasma, 145
Commissar, 25
Taurox Prime, Missle Launcher 100
Recycle Squad, 2 Melta, 90

Command Squad 4 Volley, 125
Command Squad 4 Melta, 125
Squad, 2 Melta 90
Taurox Prime, Missle Launcher 100
Squad, 2 Melta 90
Taurox Prime, Missle Launcher 100
Squad, 2 Plasma 100
Taurox Prime, Gatling 90
Squad, 2 Flamers 80
Taurox Prime, Gatling 90

Valkyrie, pod 135

1845 points.

>IA burn
So, you're a Sisters player. In that case, you probably already own Celestine's old model. Therefore, the only question you should be asking yourself is, do you like the new model? Is it pretty? Do you want to buy it? Because you can already play her rules with the model you almost certainly currently own.

In either case, if you only give a shit about one or two out of the three models it's probably best to wait and pick up the one you want from Ebay for savings, unless you want to be first in and make a profit by selling off what you don't want to recoup what you spend on the box.

anyone got the saint celestine rules image?

I'd say it's well within RAI.

That FAQ is to stop you putting skitarii on their own in a drop pod. Not to stop a magus joining some marines in their drop pod.

different user here, is this ok for a friendly-ish 500 point store tournament? Don't think anyone's running anything too hardcore.
CT is Salamanders because green dragons are cool.

kek, not this again please user


Nothing has happened yet. But they are suppose to be siding with sister celestine and other SoB in the newest update coming called Fall of Cadia.

I know it's bad, but I can dream.

Wych Cult and Friends - 1500 points

Armor of Misery
Glaive, Splinter Pistol

Bloodbrides x10
Hydra Gauntlet x3
Syren w/Agonizer + HWG
Raider w/NS

Wyches x9
Hydra Gauntlet
Hekatrix w/Agonizer + HWG
Raider w/NS + Sails

Wyches x5
Hekatrix w/Agonizer + HWG
Venom w/Canons

Wyches x5
Hekatrix w/Agonizer + HWG
Venom w/Canons

Reavers x3
Heat Lance

Reavers x3
Heat Lance

Reavers x3
Heat Lance

Purge Coterie

Blaster + WWP

Trueborn x5
Blaster x4
Raider w/NS + Lance

Reavers x3
Heat Lance

I don't think you have enough anti-tank. You've got two melta shots and otherwise have to commit entire squads of shooty units to melee assault for a single krak attack, or pray for iron arm on the librarian, but neither of those things are particularly reliable or effective uses of your squads.

Pray nobody brings a Leman Russ.

r8 me archons

I've got a total of 4 melta shots, 2 of them master-crafted from the Librarian and Sternguard?
I see what you mean though.

Also would I be able to take the Tome of Vel'cona if I freed up some points? S9 Molten Beam is always nice.

Use the list builder in OP - that's the new standard here

Guys please, 9'' Str 6 Melta Guns are not worth it. Just use Blasters, you're using Reaver Jetbikes ffs, you basically get to pick which Armor facing you're going to shoot. Plus, you're straight up better at killing a wider variety of units.

Fair. I'll swap. They're the same price.

>3 mandrake squads
Stopped reading there

A stunning number of people overestimate how good the Lance rule actually is. They just see "never better than AV12" and start salivating despite the fact that weapons with it usually possess balancing weaknesses.