>tfw your mom makes you choose between eating vegtables or playing GURPS
Tfw your mom makes you choose between eating vegtables or playing GURPS
What kind of a disgusting neckbeard fa/tg/uy doesn't eat vegetables?
Take a good hard look at your life, OP.
This. If you don't like vegetables it means you've been eating shittily prepared ones forever.
>Implies vegetables aren't good
>Suggests playing GURPS is ever even an option
OP confirmed for being literal human garbage.
What kind of shitty parents even gives their kids the option to not eat vegetables?
Since they made it illegal to beat them with a broomstick
Damn kids, eat your veggies
Dude, my parents never beat me.
There were still consequences when I did stupid shit.
>But Mooooom! I WANT to eat sautéd vegetables while playing GURPS with my friends!
Best vegetable coming through. CYOA veggie edition when?
To be fair. That's a brussel sprout. Brussel sprouts are nasty. There's lots of good veggies though.
yes lad; I hate mushy peas though, depite being british
>Brussel sprouts are nasty
only if you cook them wrong (boiled or steamed)
roasted brussel sprouts with sea salt and pepper are fucking delicious, as are pan fried with garlic
Protip: do not use leftover brussel spouts to make a curry.
Do. Not.
if you have leftover sprouts, you obviously didn't cook them right
when I make sprouts there are no fucking leftovers, ever
aw shit nigga, are those balsamic glazed carrots?
because balsamic glazed carrots are my fucking jam, alongside some good pork chops and garlic mashed potato and a nice dandelion salad
Steamed brussel sprouts are nasty. Roasted, or as part of a salad, they are delicious.
They're really good shredded on a fried chicken sandwich, too, with a bit of honey mustard, sliced red onions, and pickles.
>pan fried brussel sprouts with garlic
My nigger.
Vegetables being gross stems from shitty preparation, as usually the most commonly done methods are the worst. Another vegetable that really should never be boiled or steamed is cauliflower, which honestly is pretty shit, which is why I almost always see it get drowned in a cheese sauce of some sort. Just pan fry it with some garlic and onion its fucking delicious.
Raw peas are the shit, if they're big and firm enough they're amazing just to snack on.
Peas go to shit once they loose their consistency, unless its for a pea soup, which is a different type of pea.
I tend to roast with garlic + salt, with a bit of balsamic vinegar splashed in there, also tend to use a cheese sauce as well and managed to get my fussy-ass wife to eat them.
>Vegetables being gross stems from shitty preparation
abso-fuckin-lutely the truth
I hated most veg as a kid, along with beef and chicken too--turned out my bi-polar mum was just an awful cook, not to mention poor/lazy to boot, so we never got anything fresh, it was always canned
there is NOTHING in this world sadder than canned green beans warmed in a microwave, shit makes me weep just considering it
discovering how much I love to food and how much I love to prepare it was nothing short of a true revelation
fuck yes, I like it tossed up with sambal and roasted hot until it gets a nice char, I'm drooling thinking about it
Does anyone actually use cheese sauce to not mask the taste? I mean cheese already overpowers everything, is there anything that actually benefits from it?
Dried peas are really good too, like the kind you get at Japanese snack stores covered in wasabi and garlic powders
Perfect match for a cold beer
depends on what you mean by "cheese sauce" but a nice bechamel with a bit of grated gouda is a decent base flavor and combos well with earthy and smoky ingredients like wild mushrooms
if you mean that yellow powder kraft shit then no--it's like ketchup, you use it to make otherwise unpalatable garbage edible
I like cheese with nuts.
I mean, peanut butter + hard cheese is half of what makes up my knockoff pestos.
>Boiled brussel sprouts are bad
How does it feel to be objectively wrong?
Was the same way. My mom is a terrible cook, she can't make anything that tastes good for shit, meanwhile my dad is one of the greatest cooks I've met, literal food porn levels of melt in your mouth goodness. My mom was the main cook, so I'd always deal with pre-cooked chickens and hams from the publix/generic grocery store, over-baked tough dry chicken breasts, dry boring potatoes and vegetables, shitty corn syrup, overcooked meats, and somehow terrible stew, I don't even get how you can get dry gamey meat from a fucking stew, but she managed to do so.
My siblings have TERRIBLE taste in food along with my mom, one liking blue steak (as in literally fucking raw), and the others liking well done (brown inside and out), and steak was the only time my dad was ever allowed to cook things besides when we had family over, since besides me and my dad they all can't stand anything that isn't bland and boring. I watched him cry once because one of my sisters drowned the most perfectly cooked cut of filet mignon ever in ketchup, before throwing it out because it was "raw", even though it was cooked medium rare.
I'd love a recipe for boiled sprouts that didn't turn out like squishy gym socks, so I guess you should fucking post it faggot
Why not both?
>over-baked tough dry chicken breast
holy fuck do I know that pain, I still wake up in cold sweats remembering the sandy, flavorless messes I had to choke down
I mean either kraft powder or shit quality american cheddar or mozzarella.
Actual pizza mozzarella or welsh cheddar is fucking amazing though, I'm talking about those shitty blocks you get that are all the exact same shape and look the exact same, like a food long, half and inch thick, a couple inches wide, not real good quality cheese, especially the spreadable variety.
>brussel sprouts
yes I'm just pretending to be retarded. In the old days we called it "joking".
Pesto, mozzarella and peanut butter actually works.
I make a fairly mild cheese-white sauce.
Melt a couple of lumps of butter in a pan, add in a couple of spoons of white flour, teaspoon of salt and pepper. Mix it up off the heat until its a paste, then add in about a cup or so of milk- back on a low heat.
>This is where you need to pay attention, motherfuckers that don't will ruin it.
Low heat, lots of stirring with a wooden spoon, try to avoid it boiling- some bubbles and steam = good, boiling bad! Keep stirring until it thickens
Cheese you can add in what you want, for people that don't like too much adventure a 50-50 of shaved Parmesan and shredded vintage cheddar- about a handful should do it. Then stir that into the rest.
Serve immediately over whatever- corn beef, mashed potato, cauliflower etc
Oh, yeah its about as healthy as eating a bullet
Oh fucking god no no NO
>Melt a couple of lumps of butter in a pan, add in a couple of spoons of white flour, teaspoon of salt and pepper.
so far so good
>Mix it up off the heat until its a paste
>off the heat
n-no user, what are you doing, turn baaaaaaaack!
(try cooking your flour for just a little bit on medium-low heat before adding the milk--don't let it brown, but you should be able to smell it when it's done)
I just use unsalted roasted peanuts or peanut butter instead of pine-seeds cause it's cheaper and (slightly) faster in my pestos to begin with, but yes, it's simply divine with pasta and just by itself.
Look out, you are going to trigger the pizza-pastarians!
I like GURPS and eating vegetables, so this is a difficult decision for me.
Its really easy to wreck it, you can get a bit of a gentle caramelisation happening like you said, but I'm trying to be easy as I can
>implying a female knows about GURPS
This is a board dedicated to fantasy, but come on man, this is stretching it.
>until it's a paste
>that webm
user tell me where the bad cooking touched you.
that better be hollandaise
Parmesan is only bad when you get that craft powdered "parmesan" and then you throw a fuck ton of it on "spaghetti", besides meat sauce does not need cheese.
Parmesan, the real stuff, is great for making actual pasta sauces though.
Pretty sure he's a Veeky Forums meme known for being an abomination of a chef.
Those greasy cunts..
I was in the military for quite a long time, not scared of anything people call food.
Is she the cheesy potatoes lady?
What you'll need is:
- Brussel sprouts
- Water
Put some water into a pot. Then, add the sprouts. Heat the water up and let the sprouts boil until they're soft enough.
That is Cooking With Jack Show
Also look up Paul4608 and if you're really brave... Masaokis
>cutting vegtables out of your diet
are you insane, veggies are fucking great and great for you
play gurps and eat veggies, everything is good
>Brussel sprouts are nasty
nah man, fucking bake them, makes them fucking great
didn't even salt the water
Why the fuck is there cooking in MY gaming forum?
Everybody in this thread, please fuck off to Veeky Forums
I think it's the first time I see that guy again since I downloaded those pictures years ago. Can't even remember what was going on in the video.
Having realistic cuisine is important to properly depict fantasy worlds.
If were invited to a dinner party with the king or a noble, wouldn't it be weird if they served you the wrong thing?
Eat your damn veggies you little shit! I work too damn hard to feed your bitch ass to listen to you bitch and complain!
You can just use french or chinese cuisine. Both use a lot of vegetables. Go the right path and you end up with things like mashed cauliflower
>psychic asparagus
Exactly what I needed.
Pathfinder race when?
I honestly forgot that I wasn't on Veeky Forums for a bit.
This is fantastic.
Personally I find most cooked vegetables disgusting. I'll eat a raw carrot and broccoli sure. Hell I eat packets of baby carrots as a snack, but shit like steamed carrots sickens me. Maybe it's just the texture and mushiness of it.
Asparagus magic in action.
Normally I agree with that sentiment, but roasted baby carrots and potatoes done in the same pan as a meatloaf is incredibly good.
Steaming or boiling (almost) anything that isn't a grain product or potato or something is (almost) always the wrong way of going about things.
>it's tape
Can I do both?
I like most veg and wouldn't mind trying a game of GURPS.
A guy was unboxing a katana and said kid exclaimed
>Its tape!
when questioned as to what was holding the box shut/together
cooked broccoli is amazing
overcooked broccoli is fucking disgusting (and everyone fucking overcooks it)
>Brussel sprouts are nasty
Litteral manchild detected
>all these people going in about how good veggies are fried in butter
Everything is good fried in butter. A carefully steamed or boiled Brussel sprout or broccoli crown is delicious in its own, even without seasoning.
Is this Veeky Forums? I was going to Veeky Forums, guess I took a wrong turn somewhere
I have permanent scarring on my ass and colon due to my hippy parent not ever preparing vegetables ever.
Because she is a fucking child.
Nowadays when I cook for her I have to mash up the vegetables and secret them into some other food like stew so she will eat them. She always compliments me on how delicious it is, and is sad that hers doesn't turn out as good.
She refuses to take my advice of adding delicious vegetables.
I am so pissed about this goddamn.
>I have permanent scarring on my ass and colon due to my hippy parent not ever preparing vegetables ever.
Did you eat broken glass instead or something?
man a diet of white bread, meats, and cheese will produce some bricks so hard they become SHARP.
The left side of my asshole is now blown out and inside out. The doctors say they can fix it, but it would cause permanent anal leakage.
I prefer it permanently bleeding to permanently shitting, so I stick with the bleeding.
>starts crying
That's just pathetic.
You need to stop cooking things before they get mushy. There's a spectrum between raw and soggy, and damn near everything tastes better between those two points.
>your mom
I moved out of my mom's basement two years ago and now I'm in that weird situation where I'm the one telling her to eat more fruit and vegetables.
>Hand shaking
I know this "reality" shit is staged but HOLY SHIT, that's a vegetable. That's literally the thing that's been keeping us alive for centuries.
>Brussel sprouts are nasty.
Only if you prepare them wrong. You don't eat them just like that, you usually put them in something else like a stew to thin out the bitter flavor.
This too.
...i like boiled brussel sprouts.