Adeptus Custodes Galatus-pattern Contemptor Dreadnought thread.
Adeptus Custodes Galatus-pattern Contemptor Dreadnought thread?
Oh, look, just what we all asked for. Another fucking Dreadnought. How many have Forge World done now? Twenty? Thirty?
>Another fucking Dreadnought.
Another TWO Dreadnoughts, thank you.
I kind of just want to get the spear arms, because I would love to replace the blade part with a chain axe and make a sick World Eater Contemptor, winding up for the swing.
But besides the point, it looks cool at least.
Hell, I'd even go and use them as a larger scale FFG rpg
>"hey, custodes got bolter swords and halberds, right?"
>"so what do we do for their dreadnoughts to make them 'custodes'?"
Lazy ass shit. As if the SW venerable dread with hands holding a huge axe and storm shield wasn't enough...
No hover-rhinos, dreads are just big custodes... What are they gonna ruin next?
They look pretty bad and pointless.
What exactly does a Custodes do throughout his career that would mutilate him and send him to a dreadnought?
Why cant they just fucking release Custodes terminators and more characters?
>What exactly does a Custodes do throughout his career that would mutilate him and send him to a dreadnought?
Fight in the front lines and the most perilous warzones of every major conflict in the Great Crusade, then fight Horus' final push on terra. Plenty of opportunities for mutilation or possible death.
Plus GW is trying to retcon the "They never leave Terra" fluff into "they go on special missions" basically making them the new Grey Knight snowflakes.
As usual taking something cool but always in the background, forcing it into the spotlight, and then trying to justify it on the battle field.
I mean it looks pretty, I'll give them that. The spear looks like it has a lascannon in it, which is pretty baller.
This is a good idea, stealing it
also, do they have striking scorpion style guns next to their heads? Because those look like barrels on his shoulders.
looks like one with two weapon loadouts resembling the current Custodes loads
>Why cant they just fucking release Custodes terminators
Custodes already have significant advantages that make them TEQ
what you want is teleport rules, but you'll probably have to wait for the next book
>also, do they have striking scorpion style guns next to their heads? Because those look like barrels on his shoulders.
Probably grenade harnesses.
custodes here for 6 months.
already 3 skimmer 2 dreads and troops...
What's that? You'll have to speak up, I can't hear you under all this Terminator armor.
>Still waiting for pre-heresy scarab occult terminators
>mfw when they are cataphractii pattern for maximum confusion.
Am I the only one who really want to see Saturnine armor unironically?
this is literally a big terminator guy now... FW already lost its groove.
they never made ragnarok tanks for krieg.
Yep. I mean I suppose I can't blame them, HH stuff makes money hand over fist so it's natural they'll concentrate on that. But it still sucks we've had no support for Xenos factions that aren't Tau in ages. When was the last time Orks got something? Dark Eldar? Tyranids? Even the Eldar just got a few boring conversion kits when their Imperial Armour book was re-released.
I don't like this. Some things in 40k must remain mysterious, and the Adeptus Custodes is one of them. The less written about them the better. Look what happened when the Horus Heresy series came out. The Emperor was ruined, the early history of the Imperium no longer makes any sense, and even the Dark Age of Technology has been warped.
Leave the Custodes alone
i'm sorry, did you think old art matters a fuck damn?
you'll have to choke down a whole lot more bags of dick before i'm going to care for that misguided and clearly wrong opinion
>it's another contemptor/Dreadnought/Knight model
Still can't hear you. Try to speak up!
Either FW is blind of people actually buy this things.
Fucking marine players they are fucking 30k/40k
Calling it,
Points: 260
Legio Custodes Galatus-pattern Contemptor Dreadnough
WS: 6
BS: 5
F: 13
S: 12
R: 12
I: 5
A: 4
HP: 4
Special Rules:
- Flare Shield
- Atomantic Shielding
- Move Through Cover
- Fleet
- Venerable
What a time to be alive.
>F L A R E S H I E L D
I actuallly own this model.
Ive built it with sword and shield and will paint it this weekend
Pics of the unit description please.
This is all that comes with it
>Another dreadnought variant
Well it's nice to know that fluff isn't the only place GW is creatively bankrupt these days.
Cry some more.
why ?
>All these people not exited for super dreadnights
>not starting grey knights using custards and contemptors as terminators and dreadknights
I kind of wish the Custodes put in regular human pilots instead of wounded Custodes because they would have relatively few.
Like the Emperor's way of saving his most favorite and loyal human servants by turning them into cybernetic warriors.
Time to sell custodes and retcon everything you love.
I kind of wish 40k made more references to parallel dimensions and multiverses and alternate timelines besides the paltry few fluff seeds scattered in the codexes and black library books.
That way they could have different 40k universe versions that would fit all the different perspectives of 40k and satisfy everyone's headcanon a bit. And play up the whole mythology aspect along with organizations like those inquisitor ordos redactus or the ordos watching the administratum who try to delete or process actual history.
I dunno, the idea of a relatively unique force that never does anything always rubbed me the wrong way. It just seems like they shouldn't exist if they're just going to stand around all day.
yeah i'm pretty sure you're just repeating yourself even though you're wrong and have had that explained to you
Custodes are getting models because both 30k and 40k are heading to Earth. They don't have to go anywhere, the battle's coming to them.
Veeky Forums has always been super contrarian.
>i'm sorry, did you think old art matters a fuck damn?
It does, nowadays they make a lot of minis based on old art.. well like the entire HH range
That's our failsafe. We need to fight ourselves to keep our power in check. All united under common cause we would become way too mighty.
>30k heading to Earth
We've barely made it beyond Isstvan and the next book is on Prospero, before Isstvan. Unless they're going to wrap up the rest of the heresy in a book or two, it'll be years before 30k gets to Terra. And a few more years before the end. Then the Scouring.
When Siegmarines came out, I had plans on converting them into Custodes and using them with GK rules.
Thirty four, if you don't count armless walkers or six legged things.
yeah that's why they've slavishly recreated a deodorant stick tank in OH WAIT
>forgeworld's books are going backwards
>soon we'll be getting great crusade only books
>then luna campaign books
>then the unification wars series
the ride never ends
I would not be surprised if 30k gets compromised in order for it to have a dual-release with 40k's metaplot; Despite it's popularity, in the end GW has it's priorities.
Why are you shouting?
>literally just giant Terminator armor
Laziest Dreadnought design ever. 1/10 Forge World.
At least the 40k Mad Cat in the back is pretty cool, though.
friendly reminder that the Terminator armor is canonically called the "dreadnought tactical armor"
More Rifleman than Mad Cat
Laser gun arms plus rocket launchers on its back.
Some sort of Rifle Cat franken mech, I guess. That's where the Mad Cats got their name from, after all: the Inner Sphere mechs' targeting computers thought that they were Marauder/Catapult franken mechs.
I can't wait for them to reinterpret the old Slaanesh Knights. They're so totally alien to any other vehicle in humanity's arsenal that the result should be pretty interesting to see.
>inb4 it's just a cerastus with new shoulder pads, big claw arm, sonic cannon arm, shoulder mounted sonic blaster and some flame template sonic weapon head
It'd be such a disappointment if they did that. This is what they used to look like in Epic, for what it's worth.
You're expecting an awful lot from forgeworld. They haven't even made a crab knight yet.
Well, the knight does. There's also the Scourge:
And Strider:
But I'm thinking more of the Subjugator:
Been working on converting one as a regular Chaos knight paladin for my CSM. Wraithknight body with the legs turned around so the knees bend the other way and defiler claws. Head removed and some sort of cannon mounted on top, don't know what yet. Maybe using some big Necron Gauss cannon with alterations as the base.
I'm pissed the Warden is just a regular knight, instead of the hunched variant. GW could have kept the regular knight as the dakka/choppa (1 shooty arm and 1 choppy arm) one and later made a hunched Warden that didn't have close combat weapons but instead packed more armour, defensive weapons on the arms and a big gun on the back, either a large artillery piece (maybe short range Ignores Cover and a long range barrage variants), missile battery and some anti-tank laser cannon (maybe even a turbo-laser).
>crab knight
Isn't that this?
Doesn't look anything like it.
most of oldhanmer and rogue trade looks ultrashit tho.
>DG helmets look ultrashit
>contemptors look ultrashit
>custodes look ultrashit
>Ahriman looks ultrashit
Oh boy...
He's right you know.
You do realize that when people want old shit, they want it updated to modern standards, like you see in everything I listed. Nobody's asking for them to just release the old things as they were and they most certainly do not want GW or FW to take the name of some old thing and slap it on OC donut steel creations they're cramming into the game.
These are mainly designed for 30k.....
Except that you're intentionally misinterpreting 's point.
The Thirteenth Black Crusade is going to Earth. Abaddon is destined to kill the Emperor. You don't think that maybe the Custodes figure into that, somehow?
Those are forge world's models, made and released for HH6: Inferno, while they have to give them 40k rules too, they've been made due to the HH series, can't not have them in there.
>implying that Abaddon will make it to Terra.
You're vastly overestimating how much 40k timeline will advance, at most cadia will fall and it'll move even closer to midnight. But given how the fantasy end times were recieved, they're not gonna go all the way.
So what was his point when he replied to ?
I found my Dreadknight Proxy.
Screenshot this post. Big E's gonna die. Abaddon's gonna do it. 40k is going to get a lot more interesting.
I hope you don't feel too dissapointed
Wait and see.