Why the hell are they pushing this lesbian romance subplot so much?
Why the hell are they pushing this lesbian romance subplot so much?
Because SJWs can't keep their grubby hands off of all of our hobbies.
Because two things that have been selling really well in this day and age are Capeshit style superheroes and minority pandering.
What game is this ?
I need to make some futa "fanart" featuring these characters, need more backstory.
Turns out "attractive females who are sexually involved with each other" sells product and makes money.
Only thing we can hope is that this trend dies in six years or so, when all the children that are now into this sort of garbage are deeply ashamed of how they were
>coming from someone who still plays tabletop games
Because pushing a lesbian romance lets you pander to SJW's and waifufags at the same time.
this is Magic the Gathering?
They are?
They waste so much time on it, payday after payday, just to annoy you.
Yes. Profit is a lie, they just want to poke at your filters.
To piss you off OP.
You specifically. The entirety of it exists solely to make you frustrated and angry.
And I find that fucking hilarious.
Nigga, I dont even play Magic, but are they really doing a lesbian subplot or just making stupid shit so people can go "OMG these two characters are sooo in love" ?
Because thats what any production that isnt japanese does, they just try to make as much pander as possible, so people buy their shit.
The makes money argument really falls through when you realize that
No on actually gives a shit
People who like to play the game would have bought it any way
The minority being pandered to is a very small one
It actually causes mor grief in the community
It's just ham fisting to appear so "progressive" but it only ends up having a good start then falls off the radar.
See comics for examples: female Thor, captain marvel, any hero that got gender swapped. Their sales fell like a rock.
The thing they don't get is the role playing/ table top community can't be forced into accepting any subplot and or narrative we don't want because suprise suprise we make our own narrative/sub plot so.
All in all it does not matter just shitty pandering
It's 2017 and people still don't grasp that their hobbies are money making businesses...
>that isn't Japanese
if you think Jap stuff doesn't pander i got bad news for you son
>No on actually gives a shit
apparently they do, otherwise it wouldn't make money? i know lots of straight guys who buy lesbian porn because they get off on it. many who have been buying it before caring about the gay was a thing, really.
I thought Chandra had the hots for Gideon.
>He's so damn sincere. I liked that about him when we met. After I was done being mad at him, anyway. A very sincere, bossy, kind, preachy, thoughtful, annoying, adorable stick in the mud. With muscles in all sorts of potentially interesting places. And eyes with a million colors, like a landscape by...some artist who's real good at landscapes. Also abs you could grate cheese on, which I totally did not think about running my hands over for like six months afterward, so far as he knows.
And then in the paragraph after this she reminisces how she's still just a teenage girl that likes boys.
As someone who identifies as a progressive, I fucking hate characters who are obvious pandering. Badly written, arbitrarily defined and shoved in minority or female characters are actively harmful long term.
People want good characters, and if a good character happens to be women or of a minority, people won't blink an eye. People want good stories, and if a romance is well executed most people won't care who it's between.
And yet we have so many fucking morons thinking they can change the world by shoving stupid, overly idealised characters where they don't fit when they don't realise all they're doing is giving fuel to critics arguing that doing so doesn't work.
tumblr cred.
No seriously. I'm not trying to shitpost, that's honest to god the reason. They get tons of shit from SJWs for a dozen other reasons, so they think this will appease them.
Nah, Japanese are simply more blatandly obvious about it. Instead of an art with both side by side, hugging or something like that, they do:
"Look, the characters are both nude into a lake while rubbing each other, theres some sakura trees falling too! It... simbolizes their deep friendship, yes!"
>Appeals to me
Wholesome, good hobby
>Appeals to someone else
Fucking money grubbing liberal cucks
Later paragraphs give us this
>He's so damn huge. My head fits under his chin. He smells like sweat and oil, the grime of a long day lifting things.
>I burrow into his arms like a puppy, rest my cheek on his chest, and close my eyes. His heart pounds under my ear. He wraps himself completely around me, armor and all, breath tickling the top of my head.
>It's been a long time since anyone held me like this. If Gids had done this four years ago, it would have made me feel tingly in all the places I like. Now it just feels...
A- Lezbos are hawt
B- Mr. Greenber- err, Jones, says its a good lesson for the kids
C- entry-age children just getting into the hobby are sexually overstimulated by modern porn and a plain old romance isn't enough to get those little dicks tingling and selling our product!
That's my point, people are still going to buy it.
Does not matter the characters becuase in the tabletop/card/role play no one actually cares as long as the mechanics work, and the setting does no get nuked to stupidity thank you AoS, then most people don't give a shit becuase fuck it I'll make my own narrative/character.
All this is, is an appeal to a small group to try and drag them in, that's all.
aaaah I love niponess plot development
So is there like some SJW appeasement summit all gaming companies attend, according to this ass backwards style of thought?
"Angrypuppies.tumblr.com said we were problematic! I propose we have THREE gays this year!"
I will never get the "Lesbos are hot" meme, no, real lesbian relashionships are not hot at all.
Fucking this, said it a million times, no one gives a shit so long as the character is good.
Case and point, jaina proudmore from wow. Originally a very good developed character, now becuase the writers fucked her up, blame goldin for that one, she is a fucking aweful character now.
Or from one of my favorite shows the black list, the original main character was amazing.
Now look at shit like captain marvel or spider Gwen who's selling point is uhhhh muh Vigina, and you have a shitty character.
How the hell are people getting the idea that Chandra has feelings for Nissa when she's explicitly gushing over Gideon and how much she wants to bone him?
Yeah is called affirmative action forcing them to higher trans racial Demi sexual Apache attack helicopters in the company that make a fuss and will cry bigotry if they don't do it.
Spider Gwen never struck me as that bad, although really all I've seen of her is her character design and a few short sequences posted in various threads, so I have no idea how well the writing and characterisation holds up.
Still love the design though. The pattern being on the inside of the hood is just neat.
It's hilarious how the first two posts say the same thing but one doesn't sound like the autistic doomsaying of a manchild
>still pretending there's a difference between communism and socialism (which is not social democracy)
>I only want the D ironically
I...can't tell the difference, honestly. Which one is which?
This is what Americans actually believe.
>The SJWs are polluting my glorious hobby with their evil fingers
>Easily digestible superheros and virtue-signalling are selling really well, so they push it
>I will never get the "Lesbos are hot" meme, no, real lesbian relashionships are not hot at all.
Right, but these aren't real humans. They're stylized renditions of attractive fictionalized characters.
I assume you're just playing dense because you like trolling and you're not actually an autist, but if you are, I suggest you Google the phrase "lipstick lesbians". It might help you to understand why heterosexual neurotypical males enjoy seeing attractive women engage in sexual activity with other attractive women.
Some of them even pay extra money to view it!
>implying the embodiment of mono red doesn't want both
See, now this is a scenario I wouldn't put past the writers.
Chandra schlicks it up with Nissa while Gideon watches and joins in when everyone's good to go.
>It actually causes more grief in the community
But user
>No one actually gives a shit
Its the (((elves))) and dreaded shadow goverment organisation known as (((Illuminati-ed Games of the Coast Workshop))).
Fuck you, Gideon is pure and saving himself for Koth
>minority pandering
I didn't know enjoying watching chicks rub slits put me in the minority.
A gay relationship =/= pandering, nor does it cause grief in anyone but retards.
You don't complain about pandering when its a male-female relationship, and if a gay relationship is treated in the same way (i.e. occasional reminders and inclusion of both characters in art) then it's a-ok.
FemThor is an example of pandering. They actually brought in modern day social justice slang and progressive opinions and so obviously forced them.
You are. Women acting like slaves to the cock are far more attractive to those with the cock than cunts cunting cuntflaps about.
Maybe you should stop watching faggot gay porn then, sissy.
No, fuck you, Gideon/Liliana is the only acceptable ship.
Because everyone who works at WotC lives in California
>"I am a slave to cock" The Post
The last story I read seemed more like Chandra wanted to mount Gideon right then and there instead of choking down on Nissa's Bush.
But Koth is my husbando and I don't want to share him.
You're not?
Because why not?
As much as Naya is my favorite color combination I still got the feeling from the story that Nissa and Chandra are non-sexual Soul Buddies than being in Lesbians with eachother. Maybe with a little "just friends" spooning.
They are not. You just hit the LESBIAN PANIC button every time any two female characters exchange dialog in any of these stories.
Chandra and Nissa are not in any kind of romantic relationship. They just find each other strangely fascinating because they are opposites. Nissa these days is placid as fuck and can't deal well with change, and Chandra is a burning ball of emotions and poor impulse control. Chandra is envious of Nissa's serenity, and Nissa is in awe of Chandra's sheer vitality and energy.
Working together, they make each other stronger than the sum of their parts.
This user speaks the truth.
PR companies tell their clients that they can get alot of attention by detailing their character's homosexual escapades.
Sounds pretty fucking gay to me, senpai.
I haven't kept up with lore since Tarkir. I thought Chandra and Gideon were supposed to have a thing going on, when'd this Nissa stuff get introduced?
nissa and chandra touched each others' mana on zendikar and things have been weird. gideon and chandra still have a thing, it's a confusing bisexual love triangle.
Chandra and Gideon was way better when Gideon was like 50
look at this braindead sjw. If a character is gay, then its pandering. If a good character was gay, you would never know it, and it would never be mentioned, because being gay has nothing ot do with being a good character.
> If a good character was gay, you would never know it
...Wut. Do good characters never have relationships? Do you never see the partner of a good character? Do they not fuck?
Like, that's a weird double-standard. Stating you don't need to state a character's sexuality? I can understand that. But stating that you wouldn't know a good gay character was gay is somewhat... baffling.
MEN can respect qualities in each other. Women are designed for sex, and thus every important detail about them revolves around sex. I know being an SJW means you don't get that, but its how the world works, once you step outside your "safe space" and meet real people
Good characters can have hetero relationships. Those relationships have dynamics that can be explored in thousands of interesting and respectful ways. Gays just pander, being poorly conceived of since they're so artificial anyway.
I don't think minority pandering actually sells well
Because it's the purest kind of love.
>touch each other's mana
I bet they did
Basically this. Gays have some much fucking baggage about their lame ass "identity" that their relationships are these big fucking displays. It's not about a harmony of personalities, it's about making a statement. It's so artificial and contrived and insincere.
>inb4 "you've never met a gay person"
My sister is a dance student living in Toronto. 90% of her friends inhale cock like a drowning man takes in oxygen. And it's the only aspect of their personality that they put forth. They lisp, they simper, they crow, they croon, they waggle their limp fucking wrists like caricatures and cartoon characters, completely unwilling to act like a normal, nuanced human being.
Here's the thing, though, pandering gets you only so far. And once people realize you're just pandering to them, they won't like it so much and you might lose them as customers. Look at all the universities losing students and income because people don't like their pandering.
You'll never lose making good, honest products.
For SJW there's no such a thing as friendship, see Chirrut and Maze, they're bombarding Internet with them being gay when it was clear they were friends, same with Frodo/Sam, Boromir/Aragorn, Legolas/Gimli and countless others.
>nissa and chandra touched each others' mana on zendikar and things have been weird. gideon and chandra still have a thing, it's a confusing bisexual love triangle.
Yes, yes, yes! Very yes!
Pandering to a community that might give you the most benefits is a good economic tactic, SJW and LGTB being the group that gives most money to MTG might be another story though. It isn't working for Marvel I don't think it will work for Wotc.
>My sister is a dance student living in Toronto
You mean your sister does cam whoring.
Faggot. Shut the fuck up with your blog posting, and go kill yourself.
t. limp wrist faggot
She'd make better money camwhoring, trust me. You don't pay for a useless fucking degree to be a cam whore.
>triggered pillowbiter detected
Hit a bit close to home, with the description, eh? Sound a little bit like your boyfriend?
Sam and Aragorn fucking get married to women damn it. How can they even refute that.
And Legolas and Gimli pretty much suffer on a physical level just from admitting they're friends.
>nissa is an elf
It's a bisexual mixed race love triangle even!
Well, It "works" for Marvel but in an odd "non worky" way.
Let me explain:
>Make tumblr like comic replacing old traditional character
>It sells well for a couple of numbers
>Then it goes down because SJW, LGTB etc stop buying it becuase they aren't a community that buys comics to beging with they only did it for the "you go girl" effect
>Then Marvel creates a new run of a new character that replaces a traditional one
>Rinse and Repeat
They are selling comics, they don't last, but they still sell comics, from a long time fan point of view is horrible because it's inconsistent and it destroys lots of good characters, from an economic point of view doesn't matter, they still sell comics
They probably don't even make up a percentage of a rounding error. It's just "muh divursuty" and homophobic tokenization.
It's why I, the faggiest rainbow-shitting faggot this side of the pond, stopped playing MTG among many other games.
Canon doesn't matter to them, they literally don't care that Steve kissed and fell in love with Peggy and Sharon, for them Steve is gay and has the hots for Bucky and anything else is just him trying to fit in the "homophobic" modern world
>having no other arguments
It doesn't work for fucking anyone, as they've found out in videogames. The top selling sjw game just hit half a million sales, which is a drop in the bucket for any serious company, and every other game does piss-poor numbers
The only exception is Mass Effect because they have a lot of fans from when the series was pure rpg that still buy the games, but they're not buying it for the social justice messages
i heavent seen a single "pandering for SJW" movie that was a commercial success
Because it's 2016, come on
>insult an angry faggot
>get three (you)s
It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
It's a shield. If you make the same thing you were going to make anyway (game, movie, whatever) but throw in a lesbian couple or one more black person than you usually do, then the left can't really bitch about it.
It doesn't change how much it sells, but it prevents bad press.
But if you push too hard it will inevitably backfire. See Wil Wheaton's endless pandering on twitter blowing up in his face when he fucked Black Widow's character, a tumblr favourite
Well according to anti-SJW kneejerkers any Marvel movie is apparently all tumblr tier propoganda from start to finish
and many of them were very successful
>implying the new ghost busters sold well
I don't buy this, I think they pursue minority pandering DESPITE it potentially harming sales, because all mass media is partially used to propagandise. And the politics of today is minority glorification and degradation of traditional western values.
Because lesbian sex is fucking sexy. Why are you complaining? You some kind of faggot?
>I was only pretending to be a retarded cockswallower
They'll never learn.
yeah, but despite the SJWs, not because of them. Remember how they all cried to boycott Doctor Strange because of Cultural appropiation and shit and no one cared?
>degradation of traditional western values.
>omg I can't beat women and own other humans, muh decline of western civilization
deal with it alt-shithead
>Three unfair, uncertain, unforgivable words resonated in Gideon's mind. Words that, once loosed, couldn't be taken back.
like bloody hell they're pushing this romance angle so hard
And the (you)s keep coming and coming. It's beautiful.
Enjoy pedophile glorification in the future in your mass media, apologist scum.