MtG Aether Revolt Spoilers

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That seems okay. Vampire Nighthawk without Flying but a mana cheaper. Still pretty susceptible to removal though.

Definitely a solid pick in limited though.

Not Nighthawk/10

But I am glad we're getting more Vampires. I remember I was talking with someone a while ago about how they're major Black creatures, but they pointed out how they barely had any cards in the past few blocks (I think this was before BFZ).

>that assembly worker
I sure do love accidentally creating infinite combos in EDH.


7 mana for the activated ability seems crazy though. But it is cool to have another assembly-worker. Hmm, are there any new Riggers coming out?

For sure. Shock isn't going to help you here. But Fatal Push and Harnessed Lightning will...


>Homelands was the pinnacle of magic design.

>No flying
>Vampire Nighthawk
Vampire Tony Hawk

Oh my god that guy pissed me off. I still can't believe that one comment though, about how broken things were for not having Cumulative Upkeep. Like, really?

Oh shit, does he actually like Homelands? Or are you just joking?

Vampire MightHawk
Vampire SlightHawk

I've just stopped watching his videos but is that his issue? He misses Theros? I fell off for a bit after RTR so to my understanding Theros was weak or something.

I'm just joking.
Vampire NoFlightHawk

Ayy, it's a consistently decent BB creature for that godawful modern monoblack devotion/stompy thing.

I can confirm the notion. I have a value grind/recursion Daretti deck and whenever I untap with lots of resources I have to assess whether or not I can rustle up an infinite loop. Thing is I was only aware of two infinite comboes but since I've found plenty more without changing a card.

Solid, if boring card.

Posting to keep the debate going from last thread.

Do you believe that Aether Revolt is WOTC's open support of the 2nd Amendment. It revolves entirely around the rebellion of the people against an out of control government which has restricted access to aether (weapons). We see a thriving and peaceful community who recognizes the danger of unilateral control of the aether tale up arms against an overzealous government. Aether access is restricted due to the government understanding the necessity of it in conflict. To take away people's means of defending themselves you have complete dominance over the population.

I am upset at Aether Revolt's power, but only if the power doesn't stick around. Amonkhet and Atlazan should have similar power levels, and have shock printed in one of them, for example.

Can we fucking stop arguing about this shit, neither of you is going to change your mind so can we stay focused on the fucking cards.

Shock is in AR

Do you mean lightning strike, we have shock?

Blacks Iconics are Zombies and Demons though

You say "an out of control government" but what I think you mean is "a government that doesn't promote my values." Well, sorry dude, but we live in a democracy, not everyone gets what they want, get over it.

Vampires are fairly close to them though.

No, I mean that shock, or things that signify the jump in power levels like shock, should continue to show up in later sets, instead of this one and only this one, thus guaranteeing its dominance until it rotates.

I want an AR Shock AND, say, an Hour of Devastation Shock. Or whatever.

WotC plz
plz WotC
>cmc 2
STAHP, why do you push limited and also make it garbage at the same time?!

Is this the largest power creep MTG has seen?

Will it stay like this?

Really? I'd absolutely put Vampires way up there.

He thinks the set is too high in power level because it seems you could make decks that have wincons other than beating your opponent to 0

Okay that makes sense, I was just thinking I would rather have strike in a different set since that hits the 3 toughness which is a major tipping point right now and can supplement shock.

Well, there are iconic and characteristic creatures. The iconics are Angels, Sphinxes, Demons, Dragons, and Hydras. The characteristics are a bit fuzzier, with Human/Soldier, Merfolk/Vedalken, Vampire/Zombie, Goblin, Elf. My main point is that quite a while ago, Wizards decided to make Vamps the Black characteristic creatures, which is why they got so much tribal stuff in the original Zendikar block, but recently, Vamps just haven't been showing up as much as Zombies, so it looks like there's still competition there.

just signed up for my local prerelease, however i'm a noob. what colours should I look out for?

We've seen half the set so far, but it at least seems to be a sign of the biggest powercreep since a couple years, I'd say maybe the biggest one since Innistrad.

>not posting original art

>Is this the largest power creep MTG has seen?

He hates that there are infinite 3 or 4-card combos you can make with cards in the set. Yes, I am serious.

Yuck. Some of the old art is OK, but I tend to prefer the more modern stuff.

It is weird that this set seems to be significantly higher power level than the large set of the same block though, you'd think they would be more similar.

>Consulate confiscation of inventions and restriction of aether access on the command of a single dictator.
WEW LAD. Unless you were talking about America where every time is reached the Supreme Court the right of the people has been upheld.

I'm focusing on the lore behind them. Don't you agree it seems WOTC is taking a certain political stance with the storyline the same way they've made similar political gestures regarding the LGBT community?

>Yuck. Some of the old art is OK, but I tend to prefer the more modern stuff.

agree with this. too many old cards look really awful

To be fair, the past 5 sets had a really, really low power level at the common and uncommon slots. Because of this, standard seems to have devolved into a game of who slams his topdeck mythic first and outmuscles the opponent.
This might be an attempt at making budget standard decks viable again.

Yeah sengir vampire original art is actually terrible I was joking, I do prefer original lord of the pit art though.

Well, I did assume you were talking about America because you specifically pointed to the 2nd amendment, instead of talking in more generic terms.

The fact that freaking Shock is making people excited is really telling about the power levels of the previous few sets.

What the fuck are you crying about?

How new are you? This is not even close to the biggest power creep. See Mirrodin, Urza Saga or even Zendikar.

I've been out of the game a little while, that may be true. I'd say it extends back into Tarkir, though.

Innistrad was not power creep user. It was a strong set to be sure but it was preceded by Scars block. Batterskull, Wurmcoil, Sword of War and Peace, Sword of Feast and Famine, Dismember, Praetors in general etc...

Innistrad was actually considered a fairly weak set compared to Scars outside of a couple of spicy cards (Gesit, Snapcaster, Lili mostly) when it released.

Eh, it's OK, not the worst out there, by far. Didn't even know that pic attached's art existed until recently, and I really like it. Though I do like how the artist's instructions were supposedly just one word: Balrog.

Not necessarily. The large set established the set and the mechanics, the small set's supposed role is to explore them, maybe to their limits. We've had stronger small sets like New Phyrexia already, it just happens sometimes.

On that note Kaladesh was a nice set as well as far as playability goes, so the difference is not that distant.

You shut up about this too, it takes two to have an argument unless you are truly off your rails.

Why is it that both Mirrodin sets are just absurd when it comes to power level? Actually, it seems like a lot of artifact-focused sets get crazy powerful. Do I even have to bring up Urza's?

OK, fine.

Sorry for fueling the sub-discussion of old art vs new art, but I really enjoy Drew Tucker's art and I don't quite get the flak it always gets as examples of shit old art.

Fine by me spoilers aren't coming in particularly fast. A lot of that probably comes from the art looking bad on small cards as opposed to a larger version.

>What the fuck are you crying about?
WotC's fascination with making limited revolve around slogging 3 toughness ground stalls for the past like two years.

"By reviving the bikes of the middle ages, and reviving the tradition of driving, I've now become unstoppable!"

I will say that I think ashes to ashes is one of the best understated card arts out there. Also he has the best high tide art. I suppose a lot of people don't like more abstract art and prefer things which are clearer.

Vampire Litehawk

Well, it has a lot more to do with MTG than the 2nd amendment discussion, so I think it's fine. I think Drew Tucker's art just works better for certain cards than others. Like, I don't like his art on Clockwork Beast at all, because for that, I'd expect something more detailed to show off how mechanical it is.

Let me rephrase my statement: I believe, with a great amount of baseless hope that this power creep we're seeing might bring us back to around Innistrad levels. Not the best there is, but far better than the fall that happened just after it.

Also Scars was a really powerfull block all things considered, especially but not only New Phyrexia.

Most artifacts are colourless for one thing. Other than that, both Mirrodin and Urza were unbalanced due to the amount of testing Wizards did, or rather lack of thereof. Scars wanted to live up to Mirrodin's legendary level and also had Maro trying to make Infect a thing really hard, with the rest of the set having to be at a similar level. Also overall love for Phyrexia.

Urzas saga was a nice and balanced block user. :^)

A better question is why is there this large powercreep in the 2nd set of fucking Kaladesh.

Seems so odd and out of place.

Speaking of art, I really love what they did with Shadows over Innistrad, and just how far they went with showing how twisted and warped everything became under the presense of the Eldrazi.

Urza's set was not an artifact set. There were more cards that cared about enchantments than there were cards that cared about artifacts. You could make a pretty reasonable argument that the most broken cards in Urza block were enchantments as well.

Artifact blocks are tricky because artifacts are almost always colorless and can therefore be added to any deck. To make artifacts attractive to players you have to make them strong but then you wind up with strong cards that can easily slot into any deck. Mirrodin also unveiled equipment and the development team had no idea how to cost it so you get busted shit like the swords and bonesplitter.

Shadows was a fantastic set in a vacuum

Probably they figured out how to do 2 set blocks.
>Fill the first set with mid-low power cards and rely on new block hype for sales
>Make the second set filled with the actual power cards to boost sales after new block hype dies down

>people bitching at wizards for standard being fucking the worst it's been in ages
>wizards just ups the powercreep and prints cards that will do aboslutely nothing to dethrone Aethercancer, BG and UW


Build a deck based on your card pool not the color. You can be planning to play red from now until prerelease but if your red pool is 6 cards and your green is 30 there isnt much of a decision to be made.

Tucker's A2A art is awesome and iconic

God I love that card

Not really. Look at OGW compared to BFZ. There were maybe 3 nonland cards in BFZ that were constructed playable.

Mtg should just pay therese nielsen and rebecca guay to illustrate all their sets. 10/10 best art

What's the reference

Yahenni and Kalitas look like they could do beautiful things together. Going to maintain a Grixis deck for when Nicky B shows up.

not really related to spoilers, but since none of the discussion in this thread really is I figured I'd ask here. I wanna fluff out an order to get some delicious free shipping, what are some decent packs to get in terms of the value of the cards inside?

Some youtuber threw a hissy fit because if you have specific four+ card combos you can go 'infinite' and get an arbitrarily large creature that still dies to removal.

>swords and bonesplitter
Forgetting something?

Sorry. Not sure why, but I always think of artifacts for Urza's.

In a vacuum? Was there something wrong with it?

I was just about to talk about Guay. I can't believe Wizards was close to getting rid of her, she made some amazing stuff. Though granted, like Tucker, it works more for some cards than others, but in the Lorwyn/Shadowmoor and Kamigawa blocks, I think it worked every time.

"Some youtuber"

>Was there something wrong with it?
Apart from the busted mythics, it was pretty weak.

from my knowledge you don't buy packs for value cards since it's such a gamble.

Yeah off the top of my head this is her weakest art, and it's really not bad just middling while the rest of her stuff is good to fantastic.

Do they really?
>If a nontoken creature an opponent controls would die, instead exile that card and put a 2/2 black Zombie creature token onto the battlefield.
>Whenever a creature an opponent controls dies, put a +1/+1 counter on Yahenni, Undying Partisan.
Doesn't Kalitas make a replacement effect for dying while Yahenni only cares about dying? I dunno, would appreciate if someone would clarify.

I love the Eldrazi, and I think this is probably my favorite piece of them. I think it just gets the reality warping aspect across very well.


Yes, Kalitas cockblocks Yahenni. You know, I wasn't really sold on the "no gender" thing for the Aetherborn, but it really works for Yahenni.

I was yes. Thank you for reminding me.
Sylvok Lifestaff was fucking busted how the fuck did it see print
It is generally remembered as an artifact set because of Tolarian Academy and Memory Jar as well as a few other noteworthy cards. Urza is also an Artificer by trade and there are a number of cards that care about artifacts as well.

It's a reasonable assumption to make but ultimately incorrect.
That should be all you need to know. If you really want to watch the video yourself (which is different than 'not getting the reference' fwiw) you can google boycott aethr revolt or whatever.

>Standard will be more powerful than modern

>Sylvok Lifestaff
Wasn't that in scars not og mirrodin?

Actually if a creature dies when both of them are on the battlefield it will be exiled so you won't put any counter on yaheeni.

Probably. I've actually got a pretty terrible memory for equipment. I was going for the green version of the Cranial Plating cycle.

>tfw got a path to exile with this art at my lgs for free three years ago

I fucking love this art, she is amazing.

Not entirely sure how this art got onto a card, but I'm not complaining. Just hope it's not too saucy for a blue board.

>Memory Jar
The one and only emergency ban.

Me and another user responded to the video in the last thread if you want to take a look.

>one and only emergency ban
Wrong again user. One more and the mods will have to kick you from the thread.

Oh shush, that's not an actual magic card.

In case anybody here hasn't watched this cringey video, here it is. DesolatorMagic gets buttfrustrated about infinite combos with shitloads of pieces and Consulate Dreadnought + Siege Modification without even mentioning Fatal Push. I'd never even heard of him before this, but holy fuck is this dude a faggot.

I feel like the art here doesn't match the card, or the flavor text. It just looks like a Skeleton welcoming a guest into the manor. Like, I feel like it should've had Defender maybe.

There's been another emergency ban? Which card?

Note that he either disabled ratings or hid the like/dislike bar.

Peregrine drake in pauper.

Seems like obvious bait. He doesn't even get the cmc tutor ability of trophy mage correct.

Dat drake.

Is this set moreso illustrating wizards pro second amendment leanings or its communist sympathizing leanings? Aether can be a very useful metaphors for both the right to bear arms and the citizens of a government having control of the means of production.

"I can defeat all the top 8 decks with my 12 bucks deck"
Why do he need to lie on the internet?

>Des is colon compromised

In other news, water remains wet.

His buttmadness is entertaining as fuck though.

Speaking of skeltals, how long until they powercreep into the fabled B cost skeleton with B: regenerate?

Best Swamp? Best Swamp.

Really? Huh.

Please stop.

Well, Regen is dead, so probably never.

I love how in his argument about the so-called "Marit Lage Boat," he forgets to mention the abundance of artifact and/or enchantment removal that exists, let alone the aforementioned Fatal Push.

Regenerate is being phased out for temporary Indestructibility.