what're some hot looking campaigns right now Veeky Forums
i'm not really looking for the kitsune/dragon gimmick ones.
Leo Jones
I posted some nice breasts for the application thread.
Nathan Hall
Better question: What are you making for The Heist Game?
Liam Morales
Well, DepressedHomebrewer is talking about a REVOLUTION campaign that sounds pretty neat. And someone was talking about a potential heist game, which sounds interesting.
Angel Gutierrez
I'm so glad your app didn't turn out as edgy as the one above yours.
Your amount of edge seems to be mainly a fun connection of fluff ti mechanics.
Colton Wood
Possibly? But who wouldn't at least flirt with a girl who looked like that?
Lincoln Hughes
Is intimidate worth it without other social skills? Without Sense Motive? I'm looking at skill goals for my Pitborn STR Slayer from Westcrown.
Grayson Perry
Culdranth's pretty much have their genes scrambled so much they could probably have kids with her with no ill effect.
Probably not socially acceptable though.
However THEIR kids are also on the table. They do have kids right?
Sebastian Davis
I was making something, but there were a few too many red flags for me and I stopped.
Owen Bennett
What red flags?
Julian Reyes
Priscilla's adorable, sure, but come on. I'm already in two games, and one is meatspace.
Josiah Russell
If I use an Unarmed Strike in Elemental Nimbus(Fire) stance, does the energy damage also become nonlethal?
Easton Cox
Undeadgame soon. I keep thinking about joining dragongame myself... but I can't really think of what I want to do there. Tainim Paragon/Blasty Incanter to make up for the paragon having a shit breath weapon?
Anyway, tell me what you want in a game, user.
Adam Jackson
Is Tyrannosaurus an okay animal companion? Does it have feathers?
Tyler Collins
Surely you can squeeze one more game in.
Lincoln Edwards
Gosh, I honestly have no idea. There's so many possible options for characters for a Heist game.
Angel Wood
That's something you'll have to find out in game.
In any case. Besides Culdranth, what sorts of NPCs would you like to see in the game, not just The Demesne?
Carter Price
Alright, ISWG Lore Poster here, got it all together.
>Rough History Ustalav is a land of dark secrets, clinging to its faded past glories, while also trying to conveniently forget all the horrors both past and present.
Back in the Age of Enthronement, some Pimp OG Varisian named Sovidia Ustav carved a bloody path into the territory, driving out the native Kellids and their history of weird magic and worshiping bizarre entities out of the land (think minorities in Lovecraft), claiming region for his wandering people Ra-Gada style. He then divided the land amongst his lieutenants and allies, according to their merits and deeds, and for 500 years the new nation of Ustalav was ruled by the Ustav Line, bearers of the Horned Crown. After that, the various Varisian clans and and houses started to fight over land Westeros style, until King Kaldemov decided to put his foot down, reorganized the entire country into 16 counties, formally established the domains and grants to the most influential families, and gave them stri rules on administrative power in accordance to loyalty to the crown. This lasted a few centuries, and was really a golden age of prosperity that has never been replicated in Ustalav. Then everything got boned.
Henry Hernandez
Less so for a few of the more recent apps, but I didn't particularly like how many people were applying with True Dragon characters.
It just leaves a bit of a bad taste in my mouth since I like playing more down to earth concepts, and it would be hard to fit into a party with those in it.
Henry Lopez
> dump 2/6?
Tar-Baphon arose as a Lich in 3203 AR underneath Ustalave, and tore the place apart. He blitzed the nation with hordes of Orcs and Undead, used his Arcane and Military Genius to guide it along, and took the whole place over by 3206 AR , ruling his empire of abominations fueled by the corpses of the his slave-subjects for 600 years. When the Shining Crusade finally stopped him, the Immortal Principality of Ustalav was restored and they started to readopt the laws and systems of their golden age, but with a small problem: The Line of Ustav and the Horned Crown was broken, and the many noble families with tenuous claim to the throne started to bicker with each other, slowing recovery.
To make matter worst, the servants of Tar-Baphon still lurk in the dark corners of the land, abominations and beasts prowl the countryside, the spirits of Kellid Ritualists and horrid beasts of ancient legend once again walk the earth, and the horrible elder things that once slept, having been stirred the Whispering Tyrant’s Might now turn their inscrutable gaze to the land of Ustalav.
Because of all this, even as civilization has grown and things have slowly rebuilt, the people of Ustalav have become incredibly superstitious, distrustful (to sometimes hateful) of outsiders, and have turned to strict puritanical religion and cultural traditions to give them some semblance of normalcy and control over their lives, even as their country constantly experience upheaval both physical and political.
The current ruler of Ustalav in Prince Ordranti III, but his rule in tenuous. The Counsel of Palatinates to the west hold council meetings of the wisest and most influential of the citizenry, the Counts of the heartland hold the strongest and most immediate force and influence over the nation and act with almost impugnity, with the Prince himself being so heavily bound by beauracracy that he tends to be nothing but a figurehead in all but the most extreme circumstances.
Lincoln Ross
I still want to marry Urgathoa!
Leo Gomez
>What are you making for The Dragon Game?
Well, I've got the one who wears a smaller dragon instead of clothes.
Kevin Roberts
>Locations The Counties and Cities of Ustalave are currently divided politically between three districts: Soivoda, The Palatinates, and Virlych. >Soivoda: Dominating the Eastern half of the country The County of Amaans surrounds lake Kavapesta, where most of the residence is centered They are constantly afraid of ghosts in the mountains, and hunting dead in Gorscha Pass
The County of Ardreal was once the Heart of Ustalav, andsite of the historic capital where Sovidia Ustav made his home. Faded pride and glory with arrogant nobles, its kinda like Taldor. Also home to Ailson Kindler, the most celebrated Gothic Romance writer in the Inner Sea region.
The County of Barstoi is mostly salt-mines and jagged hills, full of honest and hardworking people. Possibly among the more stable Counties in Ustalav, with well-trained militia and plentiful food, with crime being lethally punished and law enforced by Pharasmin inquisitors and black-armored soldiers. May or may not be communist.
Caliphas is the southernmost County of Ustalav, and the city of the same name is the current capital. The economic strength of Ustalav, it give the nation good access Lake Encarthan, and brings in much wealth. Rural Caliphas still maintains its quain and rustic charm, with many small communities of artisans and vineyard, perfumeries, and stone quarries. Easily the comfiest county.
The Furrows, once known as Furcina, is a dead land, salted and burned to nothing and littered with abandoned trench mazes and disillusioned ghosts. This place got wrecked when Count Neska of Barstoi tried to go to war with Adreal and Varno, enganged is a super bloody 4 year trench war, then pulled out and commanded the soldiers to salt and burn all the land as they fled, so no one else could have it. What a dick.
Ian Jackson
You don't want to be the normal, down-to-earth guy who has to teach these doofy dragons how actual people behave?
Samuel Martin
This is my 「STAND」!
Isaac Murphy
Take a look at DSP's Monster Classes: True Dragon for something similar to In the Company of Dragons but lighter weight and a bit closer to the original dragon types, e.g. breath weapon every X rounds instead of an X/day limit.
Gavin Edwards
>4/6? Odranto County is historically where the Kellid have continued their raids and skirmishes against Ustalav. It is littered with fortresses and castle of different time periods, some still held while others are cursed and abandoned. Here there be dungeons.
Sinaria County is mostly cold and miserable swampland, with little fertile land around Lake Porphyria (I wonder if they have any Kineticists there). The City of Karcau is built and spread across multiple small islands, and is widely respected for its Opera and is laso known as the Villiage of Voices due to its strong musical tradition. There’s also a vast underground lake, and vast labrynths of submerged tunnels and underground channels. It’s essentially miniature Paris, complete with catacomb, and $5 says some eldritch abomination lives in the underground lake and is responsible for the musical genius.
Ulcazar is the smallest county in Ustalav, and is where the highest peaks of the mountains are. Mostly just hermits and hunters live there, as well as the silent monks of The Monastery of the Veil. Snore.
Varno County is mostly just scattered lakes and forests, with a few villages. Its only notable feature is that is that the weather is bloody schizo, constantly swinging between famine and abundance.
Versex County is ill-suited for farming, so most the economy there is based on mining and plying the waters of the bay. Outside of its main city of Thrushmoor are smaller superstitious communities, save for Illmarsh (Not!Insmouth), and Carrion Hill (built atop an ancient burial mound, surely this is a good idea!)
Sebastian Kelly
Being the doofy dragon who needs to be taught how actual people behave is part of the point of , too.
Kayden Russell
Another thing I was thinking about if I were to do an AP. Why restrict oneself to Pathfinder races? It is not as if I am first party, and thus do not need to connect myself to Golarion's canon in Deities, Races, or Nations.
On the religion side this leads me to doing away with Pathfinder's "a god for every occasion" style (which is persistent through much of D&D), where only vague hierarchies and interactions convey themselves and instead go with something else. Two major world religions, one monotheistic and the other polytheistic. The monotheistic one would cater to a variety of domains through saints (or a saint equivalent). While the other I conceptualize as something closer to old eastern European folklore.
In the same vein the only Pathfinder race I would likely include would be human. The others being drawn from Eastern European folklore. The list would likely be: >Humans >Vodyanoy >Borovoi >Rusalka >Domovoi >Kikimora
Rather than kitchen sink I would prefer to culturally center the game. While the races/religion are closely linked to eastern Europe I do think that simply carbon copying a culture is bad form. On the other hand being complete new destroys one's ability to relate to anything in the setting and draw parallels.
Kayden Hernandez
>The Palatinates: In 4670 AR, these 3 counties gave up ruling themselves with nobles, and refounded themselves under rule by council of politically savvy citizens. Democracy Ho! Canterwall County is the breadbasket of Ustalav, and is also the main force in charge of defending against Belkzen, and the things that occasionally crawl out of Virlych. Recently though many towns have been abandoned without explanation, as though “swallowed up by mists” hurr Steven King reference we paizo r clevr Lozeri County was the first to reformed, though most citizens don’t see much of a difference between before and after they deposed Count Beauturne, with some even complaining that “at least the count kept the woods safe”. The county is most famous for the Wild Hunts it puts on for the affluent, however in recent years there are conflicting rumors of a monster known as “The Devil in Gray” prowling the woods. My money is that its either a Gray Render or something.
Vieland used to be ruled by Count Caromarc, but he stepped down to retire to his estate in Dippelmere Swamp. Nothing else has really changed in Vieland.
>Virlych This is the part of the country no one wants, because it houses Gallowspire, where Tar-Baphon is locked up. This place is poisoned by his presence, and is a lifeless and haunted wastelend that only guys from Lastwall still look over. Get out of here Stalker!
Evan Thompson
>Imports and Economy Not much, desu. The economy is mostly based around mining ore and salt (lots of salt), as well as perfume, wine, and the Not!Arkham University in Lepidstadt.
>Population Demographics Mostly Humans of Varisian and Ulfen descent, and some smattering of Kellids. Many Vampires, particularly Moroi and Nosferatu make their home in Ustalav, and their Dhampir children can be found in decent number. There are also known appearences of instances of Tiefling, particularly Motherless, though most usually are smothered to death or hunted down. Ustalavians HATE Orcs, and Half-orcs are heavily discriminated against, often leading to lynchings. Werewolves and Hags haunt the Shudderwood and other dark corners of this land, and as such their Skinwalker and Changeling kin can also be found here.
So tell us anons, are you a bad enough dude to brave the horrible and cursed night, deal with the squabbles of nobles, and face the unspeakable horrors that leak into the world of the sane? OR will your corpse be nothing more than fuel for the next would be necromancer?
and that's it!
Evan Cook
If you want something that feels more like real world religion, have multiple pantheons, but have the gods in several pantheons heavily overlap with gods in different ones.
Think like how Thoth was seen as being the same god as Hermes by the Greeks, for example.
Andrew Jenkins
I'd like reoccuring encounters with Dragon slayers who have ridiculously narrow morality. Kind of like Heroes from Beast: the Promordial. People who are so fucking obsessed with defeating dragons that there's nothing else left.
Princesses who wish a handsome noble would show up to whisk them away and give them the dream life. It would be neat if the party showed up, kidnapped her, and made her wait tables back at the demense.
I want a wandering martial artist to challenge the party to a friendly sparring match.
There should also be a suspicious, beady eyed merchant who offers the party massive wealth for information regarding Culdranth's demense, specifically how to get into it.
Jonathan Turner
Why are Kellids so fucking gay? They need to either civilize or get the fuck out
Hudson Ortiz
i don't really know.
all i really want is to not be shoehorned into one backstory/race like the knights, dragon and kitsune campaign do
Daniel Baker
>kidnapped princess made to work as a maid >she gets increasingly tsundere that nobody's even bothered to ravish her
Charles Butler
Sounds way cool. Would be an excellent location for a campaign.
Ayden Young
Hey guys, whats the most blatantly overpowered Pathfinder character/build right from level 1?
GM claims that all classes are completely balanced and I wanna show him whats possible. Plus he says hes gonna run a hard game and to not be attached to our characters.
Julian Baker
more dragon NPCs!
Maximo Dumonte
Maximo was a dragon slayer of great repute, At least among dragons. He put an end to over one hundred dragons in his life. The last was to be The Hidden Queen, Culdranth herself. He had fought hard to reach her, but the weight of his years could not bring him the strength to slay her. Culdranth, in one of her rare moments of activity, knighted Maximo and took him into her home. She keeps him under her protection to dissuade any upstart dragon whelps looking to take advantage of his advancing age.
He spends his time in peaceful contemplation, warning Culdranth's citizens against the evils their kind can commit. He runs a barbershop, and when asked scrimshaws designs into the hides and horns of the denizens of the Demesne. A skill he acquired crafting his gear. His sword is mounted on the wall of his barbershop. Most of his draconic customers say it creeps them out.
I like all these ideas. Oh and don't worry, Kidnapping princesses will be a thing.
Jason Diaz
Fair point. I was planning on having something like this, but in such a way that several saints/things the saints encountered in the monotheistic religion draw major ties from the other major world religion.
Luis Bailey
Cleric 1
Jaxson Powell
...I can't believe I haven't explored this with human!Celisse.
Juan Clark
A wizard with sleep prepared.
Liam Reyes
Could you reasonably play a Strix that *doesn't* hate humans (at least enough to not try to murder them on sight) or would be too snowflake-y?
Justin Butler
I can agree with that. It's fun when you can stump them into starting combat too sometimes.
Then again, I recall one particular set of incompetent "chaos-rangers" recurring types that my party kept trying to talk to because we were so damned amused by their existence. It invariably devolved especially due to their khorne berserker, but they kept being revived stranger and stranger, and there was no hatred on our part.
... unlike that asshole that kept dodging and running away.
James Phillips
Probably arcanist or psychic. Either way, focus on save-or-lose spells and the class abilities that boost your save DCs.
Anthony Howard
You easily could. Custom setting or not it just depends on how you write up their background. Making them the only one would, but maybe tieing it to a whole group not hating, or even caring, about humans.
Logan Ramirez
How come nobody ever posts the best half-dragon?
Caleb Flores
what are some nifty minor magic items that can be put to huge use via creativity? it doesn't need to be raw, any cool idea would probably work as long as it's minor.
im trying to make a inspector gadget type character that uses his "fannypack of useful items" to solve problems in creative ways, but besides stubborn nail, iron rope and alchemical stuff like smoke-bombs, oil of slipperiness, universal solvent and such is the most interesting stuff i can find
Daniel Wright
20 Int Elf Arcanist with the Potent Magic exploit, Arcane Focus, and FCB in Arcanist to get +1 in the Arcane Reservoir, allowing you to get more mileage out of Potent Magic on save or suck Color Spray and Sleep spells
Joshua Rodriguez
Does it have a 「STAND」?
David Perez
No, but it can turn into a raptor.
Easton Nguyen
>They need to either civilize or get the fuck out They did, we call those Issians They are assholes
Landon Morales
every Feather Token
Eli Peterson
Sure, there's even an ART to get rid of the mechanical aspect of their hatred. It's a little tricky in Golarion since Strix are only found in one little corner of Cheliax, but it's easy enough to handwave away if your DM will work with you even a little bit.
Hudson Davis
>A bouda's gaze can bestow ill fortune on her enemies. This hex can affect a creature within 30 feet that the bouda can see. The target takes a –2 penalty on one of the following (bouda's choice): AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. The hex lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the bouda's Intelligence modifier. A successful Will saving throw reduces the duration of the hex to 1 round. Once per day when the bouda uses this hex, she can impose two different penalties on the target instead of just one. If the bouda takes the evil eye hex, it increases the number of different penalties she can impose on the hex's target by 1.
Does taking Evil Eye allow you to place 2 different penalties all the time and 3 once per day, or 1 all the time and 3 once per day?
Camden Bailey
Traveler's any-tool.
Samuel Bennett
Well dragongame doesnt really shoehorn you into a race. There's suggested races, but you could be a Human Male Fighter if you wanted.
And the only part of your backstory thats a thing is that you need to live in the pocketdimension somehow. There's a ton of freedom there, not too much worse than 'you need to have investment in Sandpoint'
Juan Flores
I approve.
Is he also friends with the grim reaper?
[spoilers]oh god I'm wanting to make that reaperdragon again now. Help.[/spoilers]
Mason King
Hit Control-S next time, user.
Nathaniel Baker
I can't, I'm on phone! And clover seems to have ditched the spoiler tag button since the last version I used!
Matthew Taylor
>Ratfolk circus owner who totally wants dragons in his show >So-called "hero" who couldn't slay PC-leveled monsters if his life depended on it, yet keeps being credited with the PC's victories >A pair of bumbling doofuses whose attempts at bullying are undermined by their utter incompetence and awful luck
Dominic Reed
Is creating your own gods for a homebrew setting too much?
Connor Barnes
Some actual dragons; since many of the NPCs so far are humanoids. The PCs are already a little odd, but what other oddities are out there?
Also whatever's outside the main jump-point/gate/whatever from the demense. There's probably some trading town we deal with often nearby?
(I think I'm currently the only one on the entire roll20 thing that's not humanoid-form actually?)
Ayden Bennett
Asher Baker
As the player or GM? It's most certainly not bad as the GM. It's also okay as the player, because the gods you worship don't even have to exist for you to still worship them. You should still bring it up with the GM before game, though.
Lincoln Bell
As the GM, sorry.
I'm trying to make everything homebrew besides the actual game mechanics and I didn't know if making my own gods was going too far.
Levi Thompson
Go nuts man. Your setting, your gods. Or no gods.
Anthony Carter
Most certainly not. You're making the entire world, that includes the gods.
Owen Reed
Alright, cool, thanks lads.
Now to figure out how long a setting document to give players actually should be, sitting on 5 pages right now.
Kayden Roberts
Make sure to make it easy to read and navigate.
Matthew Nguyen
Oh for sure, I'm putting every section head in bold for now and then I plan to make a table of contents with hyperlinks to each section.
I need to explain each major nation, what each continent is like, each god, and then some other stuff.
Shouldn't be TOO long.
Mason Hughes
If you need to just focus on the continent everyone comes from. It'd help cut down on reading for the players. You can still continue working on the rest of the setting and give it to players who would actually have the knowledge skills to know about the stuff.
Lucas Thomas
>How long
None long.
Tell your players "Bookisus is the god of knowledge. He likes libraries and such." and you're done
Nolan Parker
That's boring though.
Benjamin Anderson
Mmm, I probably shouldn't let the party come from different countries just to avoid the question of how the fuck an international party actually works.
William Richardson
Now I kinda just want expys of Guilty Gear characters.
Benjamin Carter
What you don't really know is that Bookisius isn't actually a god, they're just a highly advanced outsider that wants people to constantly hunger for knowledge. The more the people hunger the more likely they are to throw everything to the wind for even taboo lore. Bookisius is merely a priest trying to lead the flock to the wonders of the far realm.
Gavin Murphy
I would play the FUCK out of a game that was Not!Guilty Gear, or at least had Not!Guilty Gear Characters.
Ian Gray
Well that's the old faith. The new faith of Bookisius follows the prophet Bookishmael who has elucidated that the "hunger" for knowledge is actually an internal hunger to know more about oneself and the world. Called "The God Between The Lines", the new faith believes that understanding what is meant behind the semantics and dictionary-explanations lies a deeper truth and interrelating truths from different sources reveals a spiritual truth about the culture that wrote them and their world.
Jose Bell
Jaxon Cook
Ian Martinez
My Roman Cancelling Companion
Austin Edwards
Not gonna lie, that'd be pretty cool.
Dibs on Not!Johnny
Connor Gomez
>tfw you will never get to play a Not!GG Campaign with /pfg/ >you will never get to see Jolly's Johnny
Adrian Jones
Just how autistic is DHB?
Cameron Walker
GG? And don't worry about not seeing Jolly's Johnny, that's only for Jolly's SO and general practitioner.
Josiah Scott
Pic related
I think it would be funnier in some non-PF system.
Jackson Lopez
Any games I can join? I'm lonely and suffering from dice-roll withdrawal. I NEED MY FIX.
GMT+8 by the way
Colton Bennett
Wait for DHB's autism to produce a game.
Leo Powell
Ever have that moment in a game where you realize you're in the jaws of something far more powerful than you thought?
Lucas Allen
We need a discipline or something for GG-style combat. Or maybe a whole class, because it would be a gigantic discipline.
Gavin Torres
Yes, but the I was in the jaws of crippling alcoholism.
Charles Nguyen
Put your trip back on, Gareth
Jayden Kelly
But I'm not gareth...
Xavier Fisher
I'd run it if I was more than a snivelling welp trying to learn Pathfinder for the first time. Perhaps we should homebrew that shit up.
Mason Mitchell
you are now
Connor Young
So, if we were to give stats to the various Guilty Gear and Blaz Blue charactersm what types of classes would they be? I'm guessing Baiken would be some kind of Bushi/Landschnekt Venom would be that one Croupier archetype from Gonzo 2 Zato-1/Eddie would be a Nightmare Constructor Dread perhaps? OR maybe a Summoner? Slayer's class is easy, its DMPC