How would Veeky Forums have expanded them? They clearly weren't the most supported, most of their units are already in TW:WH by now.
How would Veeky Forums have expanded them? They clearly weren't the most supported...
maybe a robin hood knight in disquise with the peasants but you don't need to change much, they are cool as is
maybe foot knights too
they actually had a robin hood expy
Honestly, all brets really needed were a few of their cut options back. Foot knights, crossbows, warmachines.
By advancing the setting
They did that and it was dogshit.
Its called Age of Sigmar
They did it wrong.
Foot-knights. Call them Squires if you want: Warriors who haven't earned their spurs yet. Not as strong as regular knights but still a good block of medium infantry
Crossbowmen. Give them a highpoint cost, make them foreign mercenaries (as they often were in actual France anyway). A disdained but necessary nod towards the missile weapons used by lesser cowardly men.
>Claiming to be of noble birth and bearing
>Walking the same ground a peasant might have walked on
How about NO?
I remember a similar thread a while back where someone suggested 'horrors'; who would be peasants that were so corrupted/inbred that they basically were chaos spawn. It would be a single model unit, and would look like a large hunchbacked man with too many eyes and tentacles. As a proposed restriction, the poster suggested that no army with a damsel could also contain a horror, as it would be chivalrousness to make a lady look upon such a monster. There were a couple other units in the same post, but I only remembered this one.
>Being this anal about stupid traditions
>Not embracing warriorship and killing your enemies on foot and on ground
>Thinking the Lady actually cares if you're on a horse or not
>Being this afraid of being close to smelly peasants
>Being this cowardly
>Thinking you'll never get knocked off your horse
Did the horror also shout "Sanctuary! Sanctuary!" and hide in the bell towers of cathedrals?
>Being against the law of the land and the law of chivalry
>Embracing the skull taker
>Thinking the Lady doesn't care
>Being ok to sully yourself with the peasantry
>Being this conformist
>Thinking you0ll never get back on horse
You are sounding quite un chivalrous sir! I demand to see your heraldry such a heretic could never be a proud knight of Bretonnia
>Being against the law of the land and the law of chivalry
Please show me what law forbids me from killing my enemies when I'm on foot, sir.
>Embracing the skull taker
Are you denying that you are a warrior whose duty is to kill your lord's enemies?
>Thinking the Lady doesn't care
She doesn't.
>Being ok to sully yourself with the peasantry
Knave, it's just peasant blood. It'll come out of your tabard.
>Being this conformist
I'm the one being conformist?
>Thinking you0ll never get back on horse
It's just fact that you're not always on your horse. You can't go up ladders with a horse.
>You are sounding quite un chivalrous sir! I demand to see your heraldry such a heretic could never be a proud knight of Bretonnia
Pictured: my heraldry. A knight of Couronne is literally telling you you're too obsessed with your horse, and it's creepy, so stop that nonsense
>doesn't fuck 10/10 mares
>probably fucks women
Get a load of this faggot
Suggest you shut up unless you want labour on feast days too, peasant.
This is why I never invite you guys to any parties. This is why my ambassadors to Bretonnia ride griffons and not horses.
>Please show me what law forbids me from killing my enemies when I'm on foot, sir.
Good sir, you misheard my remark is not that a knight shall not kill on foot rather that a knight shall do so on horse and peasants on foot, only those worthy enough having the privilege of the saddle
>Are you denying that you are a warrior whose duty is to kill your lord's enemies?
>Are you denying that you are a warrior whose duty is to kill your lord's enemies?
Not denying, only that carnage is not the same as embracing warriorship
>She doesn't.
I pray for the sir can speak for the Lady, mayhaps the enchantress is needing of another profession then and I double pray that the lordship doesn't embark on the grail with that attitude
>Knave, it's just peasant blood. It'll come out of your tabard.
But the shame won't
>I'm the one being conformist?
For saying that the Lady most blessed speaks for oneself and that it doesn't matter how we wage war and that chivalry is lesser than mere killing yes
>It's just fact that you're not always on your horse. You can't go up ladders with a horse.
That I agree, however one doesn't take the field on a ladder
The crowned lion? I say.....
>german talking shit about what we fuck
Your women are scarrier then our monsters
Your women are scarier than our women. Like seriously, Stop fucking your sisters guys. It would go a long way to stopping Deathclaw from confusing them with cultists.
Remove thy penis from thy horse, knave.
>Walking the same ground a peasant might have walked on
Bretonnians may be noble folk and have disdain for certain things, but when it comes to warfare they're not retards. A knight's going to be capable at just about anything, including fighting without his horse.
They're feudal knights, not handicapped people that replaced their wheelchairs with horses.
Merge them with Wood Elves.
Duels are fought on foot. Checkmate athiests.
>Battlewagon of some sort
>Armed and armored squires walking essentially as foot knights
>Some sort of stealthy ranger option
>Sheriff of some sort
>Ballista launcher and catapult throwing flaming pitch
Pretty easy mang.
What would win 100 vs 100
Strength: 4
Range: 24
Move of Fire
Rifle (or whatever the class of later period guns are called)
Strength: 3
Range: 30
Move or Fire
I like the thought that Rifles could beat Handcannons but handcannons work better on Orks and anything bigger/tougher than Orks. Not sure if it would happen though.
We already have an empire faction dumbass.
What Bretonnia needs is a full proper army similar to France or England from the Hundred Years War. Men at Arms in full plate armor on foot with polearms. Y'know, like they used to.
Bretonnia USED to basically be the Warhammer Historical Hundred Years War army in WHF, but then for some retarded reason they got rid of most of the infantry and added an unnecessary amount of cavalry that use the same fucking models.
You get props for English Civil War stuff, but the Empire already has cuirassiers, doesn't it? I think being stolid traditionalists is part of Brettonia's natural character. I dunno if guns would catch on any time soon.
I could see them using guns, but having very strict codes of conduct concerning them. Using them in duels, never shooting at anyone's back, only using one shot before riding into the fray. Stuff like that.
To start GW could have reintroduced what was already taken away : Foot Knights, Crossbowmen, The Robbin Hood/Peasant Outlaws. Maybe even the mortars, organ gun, and cannon but I guess those are more up for debate.
I think they could have made some sort of Ranger unit similar to what we have in LoTR.
A fan made 8the Bret codex had some pretty cool ideas for new units such as Faceless assassins and Fey Spirits.
They could have taken Bretonnia in many different directions...
Huh, so Karl Franz has black hair and brown eyes. I never noticed that before.
Nature spirits and other things associated with the Lady. You'd probably get whiners though because they're something different from an unmounted unit or an existing unit with a different weapon.
Technically they could have advanced the setting a couple of years, basically the first three End Times books, but that is about it. GW wrote themselves into a corner by having Archaon being the greatest Chaos Warrior ever and not just the next in line.
I imagine they cut back on infantry because that seemed like the Empire schtick and men enhanced with the power of a god is Warriors of Chaos.
It IS a bit silly to have such a technologically backwards nation so close to the empire. Even if they are traditionalists. IF they lived in isolation on an island I could get it but they are literally right next to the 16th century.
I agree with medium foot infantry line squires and men at arms, foreign crossbow men and more warmachines.
I also wouldn't mind some more heroes like an Errol Flynn and that old trope of the foreign knight who is mighty and chivalric as duck but alas no Christian!
What else could bretonnia have? A bombard crew with a protective wall? Some heavy armoured archers (the Scottish guard)?
Maybe options for some mixed units with poles in the back and sword&board in front?
>Advancing the setting makes everything better! By 'advancing,' I mean shifting the time period to the equivalent I would most like to jerk off to, instead of actually deciding how a setting could organically evolve and change in ways that may not simply parallel history, and builds off of what the setting is actually setting up for me!
Leper hordes. Like imperial fanatics but nastier and cheaper.
Flamming pigs as goblin fanatics for peasent units.
Pigs are too valuable. How about flaming peasants?
It would be funny if they were paid by their Duke/King/Count and they were forbidden to eat them even if they are already dead.
Even if I love the idea, it would fit more in Kislev I think.
How about houndmaster mixed units of peasent handlers and vicious dogs? Gotta ride the GoT wave while you can.
Peasant revolt would be a cool story event.
Some Robin Hood style peasants get blessed by the Lady and decide, at length, "'ere these royal wankers could do ta fuck ouf", get somewhat organised and try to overthrow the king. Probably redefine their religion as well. I'd personally like to see a Cathar-style "virtue is all that matters, to be blessed go into the woods and become a ascetic" (also saves on the peasant's food stores).
Bret nobility are obviously pissed off, declare the peasant knights to be fake and evil, hire mercenaries to replace their peasant loss, set out to slaughter the rebels.
This can all be some sort of proxy for a Wood Elf conflict of some kind, letting both sides think they're righteous when they are given fae aid.
There is a Vow of Empathy or somesuch you know.
How would you stat a unit of knights that are more specialized in hunting down big monsters? Like horse riding bullfighters or hunting parties but against dragons and giants.
By adding buff Druids that call down lightning bolts, the not!Picts who are better than peasants, Griffon Cavalry, Giants from Albion, and adding Albion to Bretonnia.
These are also good ideas.
They'd get Monster Hunter (like Markus Wulfhart), but also heavy duty blessed giant lances (when on horse) or giant blessed two-handed swords (on foot).
Give them similar options to what the Empire has, albeit less powerful, and allow their cavalry to have the flexibility to function as a multi-roled force
I think what they gave them in the 9th age is pretty solid.
Disgraced knights who fight on foot
Brigands, skirmish archers
Peasant hero character
Is 9th Age really this good?
Assuming no armour saves, M 6 W 1 T3 and BS3, I'm pretty sure the rifles win. The rifles get an extra two turns of shooting and drop one eighth of their opponents on both turns, for a quarter in total, and the handcannons only do an extra one sixth more wounds than the riflers, meaning they start behind and cannot catch up.
Half-dragon monstrous unit. Like yon story of old, dragon kidnaps a maiden, knight slays the dragon. Somewhere along the way though an unnatural union occurred, resulting in the creature. By the grace of the Lady though it can be at least pointed at, if not controlled to fight, Bretonnia's enemies.
Fills roughly the same role as a Varghulf. Praise the Lady!
Also it seems that a Tarrasque would be an obvious choice, if you're doing high chivalry NotFrance.