Do people honestly believe that this card is good?

Do people honestly believe that this card is good?

Tare off your hype blinders: this card sucks. This card is Tibalt/Nahiri level bad.


This card is a meme. It sucks ass.

CMC 2 hits half of Modern. CMC 4 hits all of Modern.
Revolt procs off almost everything.
But from cracking Fetches, if nothing else.

And you only need to leave 1 mana open for it.

It's no Abrupt Decay, but it'll see Modern play.
Not too familiar with Standard, but I doubt it's bad removal by Standard's standards.

Kills Gorf, Bob, Snap-chump, and on and on.

Is this the $G#^WN#-Better-Than-Decay? No.

Is this good and will see play? Yes.

I'd rather play Tibalt or Nahiri than this garbage excuse for a removal spell

Dash could work I guess

>Not too familiar with Standard, but I doubt it's bad removal by Standard's standards.

The issue with Standard is that it's much harder to trigger Revolt without fetches, and the average mana cost of everything is much higher, so the card actually is substantially weaker in Standard.

It'll still kill Looter Scooter though.

> Tasigur and Reality Smasher have CMC 4 or less

Well, it kills almost all the relevant creatures in legacy even without the revolt. BUG/Jund/maverick/aggroloam might play a couple.


Oh, it's this meme again.

2/10 fell for the bait.

Meh in Vintage (doesnt kill Lodstone)
Broken in Legacy
Decent in Modern
Shit in Standard

Nice bait/play modern, kid

U wot

>4 mana to get a 4 CMC destroy effect
>Anywhere even close to a good trade
>People running Displacer in standard
>a single flicker effect means Revolt is easy in standard.
You didn't even put bait on the hook.

>Broken in Legacy
ah yes, same way Disfigure is broken in legacy. It's not going to take the place of Abrupt Decay, that's for sure.

Pro-tip: if you're gonna bait use a card that's not Tibalt. Only a retard would fall for it.

>replying a troll thread

No, but it does give grixis delver a new toy.

A new toy isn't precisely "Broken" you need to consider what cards it would be replacing mainboard or sideboard. Now sideboards vary a lot in legacy since most people play locally, so maybe you play a lot of elves or there's just a million turn 1 DRS. but in general I think it's being overhyped. It's a good card, but I don't know if it's good enough,

I'm not the user who claimed it would be broken, and I hardly think it's broken, slightly better removal is almost never. I'm on DnT though, and I do not look forward to playing against this+ that new 4cmc board wipe.

The only thing that matters that this doesn't kill is Griselbrand.
Fuck (you), ignorance of the Legacy metagame is my trigger.

Liliana, Hoof Daddy, True Name. Tasigur?
Every sneak n show/ Reanimator target?
It also gets countered really well , something Decay doesn't do.
It's going to replace disfigure, not much else

If it hits the table you're dead or your opponent is a retard.
Good luck hitting it with your Abrupt Decay
Just shut up already, you don't play Legacy and it shows.

As I said, this kills everything that needs to die except for Griselbrand.

Its potentially playable even without the revolt effect.

With it its amazingly good removal.

Well you cannot trigger revolt on turn 1 and play this at the same time in standard but i think it will still see use.

Especialy considering theres shaping up to be a few low mana threats that will see play

You also can't play a card with a CMC of 3 to 4 on your first turn in Standard.

Oh yeah good point.

Anyway at the very least this will be in every black sideboard

Not him, but Iona is sideboard in legacy reanimator for when Griselbrand doesn't instagib.

Doesn't kill Reality Smasher either. Eldrazi is tier 1 now, shitlord.

Dismember confirmed shit card, doesn't even kill Grizzlydaddy