OMG, someone who is familiar with HotB!
Well yes I'm replacing the attributes with those, but they came from Sunless Sea, so they don't match up perfectly, but the same theme of them being very broad categories.
Irons is anything violent or dangerous, toughness, strength, weapons, speed.
Mirrors is any sort of observation, cleverness, awareness.
Pages is knowledge, so basically a straight replacement for Snake. What you know, what you've read, studying, deep insight, etc.
Veils is anything hidden or secret. Stealth, lies, subtlety.
Heart is compassion, empathy, honest persuation, art.
A big part I'm working on is the economy.
Which will be very different if they do Sea or City.
Sea it will be mainly about keeping their ship supplied and in good repair, and some trade goods.
Buy and selling will probably be more of a barter system, with some ideas taken from the acquistion/requistion rules from the Rogue Trader. I don't want the players wasting time counting pennies. Individual treasures will be handled in seperately, but for the most part they'll see if they can resupply, and if they can then they'll have a chance to get something extra based on how good they did.
One shopping trip per time in port, and basically resetting each time they go out, thought they can invest towards large purchases, but again that's spend down.
In City I want to play up the 'secrets as currency' thing more. Stuff will be either found, or bought or spent with favors and secrets. I'm going to have them discover their surface money is basically worthless, and have the economy of the Neath and the Bazaar seem very strange. Their are bills of currency, but they rarely seem used, a lot of whispers and nods and winking and enchanging of closed bags