Get in here poor people
Thread questions
>What are you playing
>brewing anything spicy
>what do you like about the format
>what would you change about the format
Get in here poor people
Thread questions
>What are you playing
>brewing anything spicy
>what do you like about the format
>what would you change about the format
>What are you playing
UB Teachings, UB tortured Existence, UR Blitz, UW Tron.
>brewing anything spicy
Not really, I guess the control package in the SB of TE is the closest thing.
>what do you like about the format
It's cheap, grindy, and has lots and lots of meaningful decisions.
>what would you change about the format
At least one better boardwipe than Evincar's and Rats.
>the other thread got archived overnight
Fuck me, why can't pauper threads survive for more than 8 hours
>What are you playing
Mono Green tron, Afinity, One land spy, a combo goblin shit brew, mono black control.
>brewing anything spicy
Not at the moment
>what do you like about the format
It's easy to introduce people into the game with it being so affordable and a lot of the meta used similar mechanics to modern stuff so it can help people who want to play adjust more easy
>what would you change about the format
More reprints of Hydro/Pyro-blast for MGTO. Having the best possible functioning sideboard for more then my entire maindeck feels bad
i've never played paper pauper and don't have mtgo, but i am currently building delver to play in person
>>What are you playing
>>brewing anything spicy
>>what do you like about the format
lots of decision points
>>what would you change about the format
idk really, it's very diverse
>What are you playing
What I am brewing
>brewing anything spicy
RG tokens featuring thermo-alchemist and sprout swarm. Had a lot of 4-1 finishes, but still no 5-0. I need to play tighter and improve the list further.
>what do you like about the format
The fact that counterspell, lightning bolt and rancor can all be played as 4 ofs and that it is super cheap and competitive format.
>what would you change about the format
Something to defend against the atog/flig combo in non-blue decks. Affinity is a broken deck IMO. Also reprints of ridiculously expensive cards like gorilla shaman, manamorphose and lotus petal.
There are plenty of options to prevent the combo. White can outright prevent it with a variety of "prevent x" spells, or counter it with Dawn Charm. Green has Feed the Clan to screw over their math after they've sacced the board. Black might be screwed.
What do you do about a Rolling Thunder off of Tron? Or Grapeshot from Storm?
Thread questions
>What are you playing
Affinity, Hexproof, and Blue Delver.
>brewing anything spicy
Not at the moment, trying to get the hang of hexproof and how to play around goddamned Chainer's Edict.
>what do you like about the format
Good power level, with lots of options for decks. Even brews can have game.
>what would you change about the format
Cheaper Guerilla Shaman and other sideboard staples.
Make it an officially supported paper format.
Black may not have a way to directly prevent the damage or counter the spell, however cards like duress as well as other similar cardance can take away the pieces they need. Not really the most effective, but it sonthing
Cards can*
No the attendance is too poor
Forgot about those bits. Discard should have been obvious.
We're getting quite a few toys this season aren't we? Mana Leak for Affinity, counters anthem for White Weenie, Eggs gets a cycle to experiment with, and there's that 3R 3/3 guy for either Kuldotha or someone.
Is the new "Mana Leak" any better than Dispel, Negate, or Spell Pierce for the relevant spells?
You are right with white, but green is a bit lacking. With all the pressure affinity can get, you might have been hit by one or two 4/4s and if they fling, they will sac their whole board anyway, overkilling in the process.
Red is super fucked, there is no sudden shock in the format to kill the atog.
It should be.
I've only been playing pauper for a few weeks now. Take what I say with a grain of salt.
>What are you playing
UB Delver. Not appreciating how big UB Flicker has become. I get my shit kicked in in that matchup.
>brewing anything spicy
I'm thinking about adding a minimal splash of green to BR Reanimator for Reclaim in case I dredge an Exhume (as well as exhume's 5-8 if crusher is dealt with). Going to test it out with Geothermal Crevice but my first instinct is just going to be that it's cute.
>what do you like about the format
$$$$$$$. It's surprisingly diverse and healthy and there's a surprising amount of lines of play in each matchup.
>what would you change about the format
I'm way too new a player to make calls like this. I do have to say it seems the answers are stronger than the threats, seeing as two mana can kill just about every creature or counter every spell, but that's just part of having only commons. I definitely don't think R+D should design for Pauper and print more board sweeps, for example, because they think pauper needs it because it sort of undermines the whole idea of making a deck work with scraps.
>how to play around goddamned Chainer's Edict.
have you tried crop rotating into a khalni garden? Crop rotation definitely is a dead draw, but sideboard versus edict matchups?
If you aren't blowing up their lands and whatever else with the variety of green artifact destruction I don't know what to tell you. Red has Guerilla Shaman.
What's so broken about Atog/Fling? They sac their board and basically ride everything on killing you in one blow.
I've got 2 Khalni gardens main with 3 Young Wolfs and Fists of Ironwood in the side to help eat Edicts, but it's just never enough. Crop Rotation being an instant tutor may not be a bad idea though. I may toy with that when I get in tonight. Thanks for the suggestion.
Soul Sisters
Monowhite metalcraft and Midnight Gond
>what do you like about the format
Diverse, legacy-lite. Cards inspire brewing almost every set. Far from a solved format.
>what would you change
Make it officially supported in paper with a paper banlist. Cards printed on mtgo only at common are still legal though (battle screech and Chainers being the big ones)
Hell, have a big party at lgses to celebrate the "new format" with promos bring played commons in pauper. Promo delvers, anglers, chain lightning or even just squadron hawk. I think people will play the format if they knew about it.
Well its just one way they try and kill you. Affinity can also just beat you down normally.
I don't find it too oppressive myself, but having more silver bullets at common would be nice.
For what, monogreen? Every color has its own variety of answers.
>promo delver
God the value