I've decided to move back onto Veeky Forums, please don't delete my quest.
Lost Island Quest 59
Welcome to The Lost Island Quest. Last thread our hero, Alan Rodain, watched his girlfriend become a goddess and slay an angel, shored up on his ninja skillset and concocted a plan to deny the Imperials of future resources on the Island. Now, he seeks Dolah for guidance with regards to his failures in utilizing Father Calloway's necklace as a divine conduit.
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All the important information to play this quest.
Nice to see you again m8 but could you perhaps fuck off back to the /qst/.
Nope. I'm going to run my quest here now again because I like it more.
Fuck you op is the hero we need.
Only though everybody forcing quests back onto Veeky Forumscan we fix this mess
You're welcome. I am the martyr you need to start the holy war for Veeky Forums.
And reported.
Excuse me, but you posted your quest on the wrong board.
We have a board just for quests now.
And its fucking shit
But these are the rules, we all have to follow them.
Mostly because the content itself just fucking sucks.
No mostly because its an unnesecary board made to pacify retards who cannot fucking count with features that make it a pain in the arse to use.
Quests are better here.
>an unnesecary board
Sorry but moderation disagrees with that my dear entitled shitposter.
My feels > rules desu.
More like hiro was to lazy to look at the board and see people were lying about quest numbers.
>ma filters catch half the board
Because the word quest is used all the fucking time on Veeky Forums for other things as well.
Yes shit posting is sure to turn hearts in your favor.
You crazy bastard. Stay, or be pruned, but I'm interested to see how this plays out.
You're right we should just do nothing because that solved problems before.
Hiro's site, Hiro's rules. If you don't like them then move somewhere else.
Shitposting got /qst/ made in the first place
Doing nothing is vastly preferable to taking a dump on the floor in protest of a decision you don't like. It's shocking, I know, but acting provocatively doesn't make anybody sympathetic.
But that is a lie.
It clearly made moderation sympathic to antiquest fags
>antiquestfags have taken over the moderation
This boogeyman again.
Hiros rules also say we are allowed a meta thread but that does not stop mods from deleting it every time it is made.
And more importantly it does not stop antiquesters from using the same arguments they are using here in those threads.
Mod please delete this thread. Quests were a pain in the ass, that's why we got /qst/, and the only reason OP is being a faggot and posting his thread here is that he is a fucking attention whore.
>antiquesters were a pain in the ass,
Fuck off and take that cyoa faggotry with you.
We didn't go anywhere. You fucking jews on the other hand were thrown out
Those haven't been banned yet?
No is just a horsefucker
You should probably actually write an update, Trick.
Best part of the metathreads are the antiquesters whining that we shouldn't have them because they dont like the evidence staring them in the face that they were in the minority.
/qst/ unfortunately made me slow.
Hi there /pol/
Nice to see you.
I came back for a quick second to post something (not related to this) but I see this kind of shit going on again (/pol/ in tg) and I'm reminded that people born after 1990 are the worst.
When the mods wake up be sure to tell everyone back on /qst/ that you will never be welcomed back here again.
>antiquesters think they have won permanently
It took you guys 8 years of lying to get your way eventualy hiro is going to do something about the corupt moderation on Veeky Forums that ignores his instructions and in doing so take a closer look at the truth of the situation.
It's okay, we know Trick will never be welcome here, becasue Trick's not even welcome on /qst/. So you can kill yourself with with your mind at ease, you literal waste of space.
preemptive rip for OP
>he thinks shit mods will ever leave
Ahah fuck off.
Start with /co/ /a/ /v/ /mu/ /sp/ /int/ Veeky Forums /news/ /x/ Veeky Forums /an/ /lgbt/ /t/ Veeky Forums /m/ and /f/
Mods will always be shit. Power corrupts, and topics are always deleted for bulshit reasons.
This post will be deleted shortly because mods are sensitive little flowers that can't take criticism.
preemptive rip for this guy also
lmao kill yourself you actual shit poster. Even /mlp/ deserves a board more than you rejects. might as well delete your shit because you are an even bigger waste of space than posting horse pussy
Don't pretend you didn't know this was a lost cause from the start OP.
Rules are Rules.
that feel when I remember ruby quest
that feel when I remember when this board was all about being excellent to each other
what happened to us
>you cannot delete a post that is 2 minutes old because it is too old
Well, best I can do is stand by what I said.
>can't delete a post because it is too young
>can't delete a post because it is too old
Might as well remove the whole delete function from Veeky Forums.
You mean like the rule against getfaggotry
You know the one fucking rule that auctualy needs to be enforced more.
Trick just did it because he desperately craves attention and validation and hopes that this thread will win him enough points with user's in /qtg/ to forget for a few days that he's a living shitpost who's never produced anything worth reading in his entire time on Veeky Forums, despite leaving behind a trail of poorly thought out meme quests.
Dunno, have gotten banned/warned couple times for engaging in that behavior during last 3 years or so so it is probably being enforced every now and then.
It's only on places like Veeky Forums or /co/ where mods look for excuses to hold people/ip's against their posts.
I say every board on the "interest" section of the front page happen to be the worst boards.
I'm being meta because I know I'll be banned from Veeky Forums for this anyway
>a trail of poorly thought out meme quests.
I wrote one meme quest.
>implying most of the pro questers here go on /qst/
haha, you think this will stop us
The eight years of lying will be brought to an end
The takeback begins now
No, you should repost your thread but replace quest with cyoa, it'll stay.
Fuck off
That's just rude, user. Leave me out of this.
When's the quest gonna start?
>about to laugh that some user is pretending to be Vox in my thread
>Vox is actually lurking in my thread
So are you hear to play, Vox?
Soon my friend. Almost done with the opening post.
>hiros rules
Show me where it says admin in this post
So because Hiro didn't outright say it you feel it's appropriate to disregard rules imposed by mods?
Its painfully obvious moderation manipulates hiro
It's just one big corrupt cabal. Hiro is much more sinister than you'd think, don't fall for his alter-ego performance that he puts on in public.
It's pretty obvious you are getting pulled along into hiro's fake obliviousness. He speaks english fine, he's just a conman acting up for your sympathy.
“Hey Azdor,” you call out to the wizard, refusing to look at his form while still under the effects of this spell, lest you want the pain rising in the back of your skull to flare up once more.
“Yes Alan?” he asks.
“Persuade the rest of your group to spare the sailors if you could.”
He sighs. “I'll certainly try. I doubt Irontide or Kroll have left any survivors, but Ferrek should be open-minded enough. On subsequent castings of the spell you should improve at blending the sight of the material world with that of the mystical energies pervading the Island.”
You hear the faint rustling of his carmine cape as he flies away, concluding your interaction with those words of wisdom. You yourself follow the glowing purple trail of lights that Kyra's equipment left in her wake, keeping your vision aimed towards the ground and trying your best to avoid sensory overload from the various other auras that Irontide and company have muddled the area with.
You glide over the shore, where burning piles of imported equipment blaze like bonfires upon the beach. Off in the distance your eyes can't help but catch a rainbow swirl of colors and you think you catch a glimpes of a single, small humanoid figure waddling off in the distance.
You float into the courtyard of the small fort, noticing the glowing purple trail scales its walls in an unbroken line.
Your eyes follow until you watch the trail end in a much more vibrant clump of violet radiance, roughly humanoid-sized. You squint your eyes as you try desperately to shift your vision to detect the much more physical background of the Imperial fort's interior.
You can make out the faint outline of Kyra, pressed up against an overturned wagon, hiding from something.
fuck, this is way better than the one I saved. Glad it's still being updated
Upon scanning the rest of the area you notice the court is littered with corpses. Blood stains the dirt and grass. Many of the bodies have been bisected in some way. Men in full plate cut clean in half at the waist. Various limbs – some without obvious owners – are scattered about. A few decapitated heads lay gruesomely under the open sky, their eyes wide open, frozen in terror at the moment of their death.
In the middle stands the only two living figures left other than yourself and Kyra.
Kroll and Irontide, both of them covered in copious amounts of blood, gore. The former dips a fully armored arm deep into an opened crate, swishing the limb around as the noise of clinking coins rings lightly in your ears.
Kroll, dressed in much more revealing attire, simply cleans his blade of viscera in silence as Irontide bellows in mirth.
“Don't think the night can get much better than this,” the dwarf announces to his ally in that gravely voice of his, his gaze transfixed on the opulent contents of the crate.
Kroll casually look up from his careful, meticulous task and flit to your form as he becomes aware of your presence.
At first he looks confused. And then a burning hot rage – so fierce you almost swear it possessed a magical aura of its own – surges to life in his eyes. And then it quickly bleeds away to a level of glee far outstripping the mood of his companion.
The barbarian smiles. “I think it just did.”
Irontide utters a grunt in confusion, before casting a glance over his shoulder to see you as well.
“Oh,” the bearded fellow remarks blankly upon recognition.
>Irontide, leave the dragon's hoard alone
>Ignore them and go to Kyra
>This plan was stupid!
>Did you know I was here?
>Something else? (write-in)
But i dont want to come back.
I actually like /qst/
>The former
This should read >the latter
Worthless janitor do you job.
The problem with quests on Veeky Forums is that it isn't good territory to write in mechanical terms. You can't put any mechanic because it is fucking simple design and shitty in term of text limit.
Just move to forums.
>Did you know I was here?
Please take your quest to the dedicated board: