MTG desolator magic full retard melt down super cringefest edition

So, as you may or not be aware, THIS faggot has some seriously rustled jimmies over the aether revolt spoilers and well pretty much everything possible.
He hates wizards, pro players and netdeckers (both of those are all cheaters according to him) and he has absolutely no fucking clue what he is talking about. He thinks that there are a million turn 4 reliable infinite combos in aether revolt and that not only will the set destroy standard, but modern, and possibly the entire game of MTG as we know it.

In this video here, he shows himself with fingerless gloves, a set of swords, a knife, a baton and a gun, all so he can protect himself from muggers when he plays pokemon go.

Here is another video about him complaining about netdeckers and making up an autistic creepy pasta.
Netdeckers rants

Here he outs himself as being an autistic fuck and bitching that he doesn't want to be made fun of for being weird and how that is also killing magic.

Finally, least but definitely not least, he recently got just a wee bit upset about the new cards in aether revolt, and to put it simply he went full blown nuclear retarded and claims that aether revolt is going to destroy magic.
This may possibly be the cringiest individual on youtube.

Bonus clip, talks about how he is going to fight everyone at pax in the summer, pepper spray them and then possibly shoot them.

This dude is the literal face of mtg cancer.

Other urls found in this thread:

The only question left to ask is :
Why should I even care about this buffoon, OP ?

Hahahaha I love Des and all of his autistic, cringe worthy shit

Is that him? Jesus he looks like the caricature of tendiesposters.

>hates wizards
>hates pro players
>hates netdeckers
>magic is ded
so basically Veeky Forums compressed into an autistic manchild bursting with rage?

>watching his netdeck video
>says he doesnt care about competitive
>goes on to rant about how netdecking ruins the game because people bring them to tournaments

Is this supposed to be ironic?

>not posting the "Kamigawa sucks because it's cultural appropriation" video
Now that contains some true autistic gems such as
>the Japanese did not romanticize the samurai, everyone else did that!

>he shows himself with fingerless gloves, a set of swords, a knife, a baton and a gun, all so he can protect himself from niggers when he plays pokemon go.

Seems reasonable, given all the video and news evidence.

You seem to be his biggest fan.

Also MTGLion=Prof=Boogie=Rudy>>>Beard>>>>>>Des

>the Japanese did not romanticize the samurai, everyone else did that!

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

You seem quite keen on giving him a bunch of views on youtube.

saffron olive? wedge?

>literally who?

Wedge is a shill. Chill the fuck out bro, the cards aren't that exciting.

>saffron olive
>literally who?


Saffron is a bad player and makes bad decks and steals ideas. He's traah

Mtglion, hes worse than rudy but better than des and hq imho
What is the appeal of mtglion all he posts is shitty investment an complains about lgs's

Still he is pretty okay tho

What is wrong with mtgheadquarters? haven't watched a video from him in like two years.

What is the deal with MtG players getting so mad when they get told to act normal and social?

I have known plenty of mentally weird or fucked up roleplayers, but they all are aware and accept their fuckedupness.

MtG players just go >muh autism safespace normies get out reeeeeeeeeee

He accidently showed his power level on twitter, and people got pissed at him. He has spent months trying to make up for it.

Hey fuck you it's fun to shill with Wedge. He's a precious ray of sunshine that proves just because you look the part doesn't mean you need to be the autistic manchild DesolatorMagic is.

they were protecting themselves (and the US) from whites and trump. they are patriots.

>"hey guys, remember how treasure cruise and dig through time were two of the biggest mistakes in recent history of magic?"

so this guy just thinks any good card is a mistake. ok.

>cryptolith rite is extremely strong and will destroy standard

>"hey remember how i was talking about ensoul artifact and much of a disaster it was and how much it made people cheat and stack their decks?"

what the fuck is this idiot talking about? ensoul artifact was not a disaster at all. no one cheated with scissors decks. they were just shitty tempo decks that sometimes got turn 2 5/5s.

This meme came about when he played someone at his old LGS (one he will NOT name) and his opponent was playing this deck.

Something about his friends thought they had proof that the guy would put like 8 of them in his deck.
So he made his friends play only mill decks, but apparently the guy would scoop before it could be revealed that he was cheating, and then not allow anyone to look through his deck.

I think desolator then played against him personally and tried calling the judge on him, but OFC the judge is in cahoots.

No seriously I am not making this up, this is a story he actually told, I will try to find it.

here. - 18m07s

if that story about the extra copies of ensoul artifact was true, then why would he ask his friends to play mill decks to check? why not just play any black deck with copies of stain the mind main deck? that would let you look through your opponent's entire deck with one card. if they were cheating, you would catch them instantly, and if not you would exile every copy of ensoul artifact they had.

oh wait, i forgot none of this ever happened and this autistic piece of shit is lying through his fucking teeth.

It could just be that he is too retarded to think of this at the time it happened.

no one would go through the trouble of having multiple people make multiple decks specifically for this one purpose, when a single card would accomplish that purpose better than all of them put together.

this card proves everything this autist says is a fucking lie.

Shit like this is my bread and butter.

No wonder he's a twat, what a rude head.

>>hates wizards
>>hates pro players
>>hates netdeckers
>>magic is ded
>still plays mtg despite this

Basically Veeky Forums, yeah.

My favorite parts are when he blames Wizards for his poor business skills.

Like, they didn't TRICK him into buying excess amounts of sealed product. Any solvent game store understands the basic concepts of supply and demand.

I don't know who is worse, him or Derium. Good that punk reject is getting more and more irritating.
>Waah we are doing shit
>But we don't want to charge you shit

It's like he is making problems out of nowhere.

>That high


It took you that long? Why not just wait until
>I should've taken a baseball bat to the LGS and just beat em to pulp, it was the logical thing to do
>the logical thing to do

>Hates netdeckers
>Follow me on twitter for decklists

Okay. Why does this thread exist?
new cringe video today.

uses throwing knives to destroy perfectly good card.

MtG tournaments are big ish events with lots of people. They make it easy to fool yourself into thinking you're an acceptable human being, because they bring you into contact with many other horrible messfolk in an environment where the non shit humans have to put up with your terrible ways.

So Des claims he is really good at magic. Is there any evidence of his gameplay? Or is he just all talk?

Turns out, his only gameplay videos are against awful AI. Is he really that bad at the game?

His entire channel is built around telling bullshit stories, it's all talk.

Worse yet, he only loads decks that he has made himself, so the decks that he is showing off and says are epic arent even properly being represented or compared to actual meta decks.

High Tier
>Prof now that MTA is gone
>LRR when the SJW isn't bleeding through
Mid Tier
>The Command Zone, I guess
>Rogue Deckbuilder
Low Tier
Shit Tier
>GG Degree

where is sbmtg and twoo on this list?

SB I'd probably put in high tier. He seems like an all around good chap.

I have no idea who twoo is.

I'd be a hypocrit if I put him literally anywhere but where Rudy is, because his ratio of random nonsense to content is equal to Rudy's.

Gods, I hate this guy

Mtg Goldfish? Seibenlore and The Magic Show?

He's also annoying and can't read

ps this thread is gay stealth marketing


How are people lower than Desolator?

The magic show aint bad its about mid tier for me, i just wish he focused more on lore, magic show, and set review videos than his podcast

>Bonus clip, talks about how he is going to fight everyone at pax in the summer, pepper spray them and then possibly shoot them.

Not watched the video but assuming that's true, pretty sure making that kind of threat is taken veery seriously these days.

>the Japanese did not romanticize the samura
just because it fell out of favor 15 years ago does not mean they had not been doing it for fucking centurys

What's Desolator's Xmage tag? I want to troll him with netdecks.