Is there a comprehensive list of cards WOTC has deemed too powerful to be printed in Standard? If not, let's make one:
>Lightning Bolt
>Affinity for artifacts
>Mana leak (pic related)
Standard "reserve list"
There's no exact list, but a series of cards that they either believe the mechanic is too strong to be reprinted (storm, delve), or individual cards that act as a hallmark of what shouldn't be printed (time walk, ancestral recall).
Affinity for artifacts isn't just a matter of how powerful it is. It's how bad it hurt the game. WotC is afraid the damage caused by the same mistake twice, (or perceived as making the same mistake twice). They are under the impression that it would harm the game even more because it would convey they haven't learned from their mistakes. This might partly because there are still players that were around when affinity was so miserably oppressive. Once that affair is out of living memory, maybe it will be safer to bring back the mechanic in standard.
Also, for your list, Force of Will (I assume)
Actually, they were thinking about putting Affinity for artifacts into Aether Revolt but replaced it with Improvise as a nerf. So clearly bringing it back crossed their minds.
Searched "too strong" on maro's tumblr:
Too confusing:
Arbor Dryad
Healing salve (also too weak)
Banding (Also "possibly too strong". "Definitely too confusing.")
Too strong:
Crop Rotation
Mana leak
Avalanche Riders
Tarmogoyf (at least in a block with delirium)
Doubling Season ("trusting experts")
Chain Lightning (due to effect on modern)
Lotus Petal
Phyrexian Arena ("probably")
Fecundity "Lean yes" (to too powerful)
Blood Moon
Hymn to Tourach
Siege Rhino
Snapcaster Mage
Dark Confidant
Rebel Mechanic
Goblin Bombardment
Stoneforge Mystic
Living Death
JTMS ("definitely")
Serum Visions ("a guess, maybe")
Control Magic ("probably")
3 or 4 mana reanimation spell ("Development says")
1cmc mana dorks like Llorwyn Elves ("Development has come to the realization")
Engineered Plague ("highly unlikely")
Medallions ("told by devs")
Daze ("I think so")
Red Bounce
Bonesplitter ("I think so")
Dual Lands
Thragtusk ("my best guess")
Astral Slide ("I believe")
Daybreak Coronet
No for other reasons:
Frenetic Efreet (bad combination of high power, high variance)
Explicitly said he thinks is okay:
Hypnotic Specter
Nev's disk
FoF (says "maybe")
Giant Growth
Plague Rats ("far from overpowered")
Lightning Bolt ("requires developer commitment")
Darksteel Citadel (when artifacts matter)
Boomerang (because it can hit lands)
Annihilator in large numbers, though one is okay.
Demonic Hordes
Counterspell ("I believe in the right format but my chances of being wrong are very high") Note later in time he also said no to reprinting.
Form of the Dragon
Memory Lapse (maybe)
Though it's worth noting maro's pretty clear and strong about him not being a developer and not being too confident in some of his assessments. I might run through the dev tumblr he refers people too as well since I fucking hate working. Also some might be contextual to the standard at the time.
Explicitly says he thinks is okay:
Emerald Diamond ("I’ve been told by development that Standard could support one Diamond, probably Emerald Diamond as to not undercut green’s mana ramping.")
tumblr fucked up and made me think there were 21 pages of results instead of 13, guess that's it.
Dev tumblr is too involved to be worth it, here's a link for anyone else interested.
This is an awesome list, thanks
Np, anything's better than grading highschool physics midterms
>Llanowar Elves is overpowered
wtf I hate maro now
dryad arbor? really?
Then again these mongoloids got confused about colorless mana.......
How the fuck is Crop Rotation too strong? All it is is a bad tutor for special lands.
This list makes me wanna cry because these are all my favourite cards, but then I remember with stuff like Planeschase, Duel Decks and most importantly, Commander product lines, there are plenty of avenues to reprint these cards.
Note carefully how I specifically left out the Masters sets.
>"possibly too strong"
Every fucking creature that has Banding was hopelessly understatted/overcosted even for its time, when creatures were way weaker than they're now. Unless they print a version of Brimaz that has banding instead of vigilance, nobody would even notice them were they reprinted, since they're too weak to be used even as limited chaff.
Again, he's pretty much just reporting what he thinks development thinks.
Worth noting that these questions were mostly asked during bfz
He meant banding the mechanic not "any card previously printed with banding". Add banding to creatures that fall on the modern power curve and yeah, they'd be a problem.
It was literaly in the previous set
Lighting Strike
Llanowar Elves
>reading comprehension.
Maro is in design it is development that has a problem with the elves
wtf I hate you now
>Note carefully how I specifically left out the Masters sets.
Maybe the next masters set will at least avoid that limited print run bullshit.
>Maybe the next masters set will at least avoid that limited print run bullshit.
nah, they'll put some in their warehouse and release the rest as "another print run"
What if there was a printing error.
Then they would be unable to do that without getting caught out.