Anybody tried the subject? Any opinions?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's any other fantasy heartbreaker with some racism/sexism thrown in for good measure. It's not even offensive enough to bitch about, it's just boring.
I wish it was only the sixth time. Die in a fire, OP.
Give us the PDF first, Varg.
I'm heading to my LGS lads. I'm getting tired of the memes and want to play this darn game.
What should I expect?
(Protip I'm a /pol/ack so Vargs ideology doesn't faze me)
Is it 2:00 p.m. already?
Stop making these fucking threads every day, faggot.
It's basically inoffensive mechanically. Doesn't fuck up too hard, but at no point will you be stumbling across gems of design and wondering why nobody tried it before. There's no reason to recommend it above any other fantasy RPG.
It looks really stupid from what I've seen. My brother is a fan of Varg, though, so I'm gonna buy him a copy.
1. It's a shitty game.
2. Stop making these threads, Christian.
3. Stop being a gay spammer trying to build a cult around how gay you are, Christian.
Shut up, Christian. No one is a fan of you.
Just get off the internet already, and stop pretending you're some sort of "e-celebrity."
You're pathetic as shit.
>Varg's real name?
Huh? I thought it is his real name.
Expect female characters to be virgins forever because a handful of the character options has girls lose all their abilities forever if they have sex.
So I guess you can also expect rampant male buttsex.
male homosexuals are hanged and thrown into a bog, so these "despicable degenerates" can never be reborn.
Hey, could you promise to post a scan too?
His real name is Christian, he calls himself Wolf because he likes to pretend that he's a good Viking.
>His real name is Christian
Holy shit, he got BTFO by christianity before he was even born.
As they should be IRL desu.
I imagine that's why he's so butthurt about it.
News to me. Can you show me where it says that?
It's in the "justice" section. btw, in the "barbarian laws" (which, according to Varg, is better than the roman laws) the punishment for stealing a horse is higher than for murdering a person.
>calls himself Wolf
What a fucking faggot.
>Expect female characters to be virgins forever because a handful of the character options has girls lose all their abilities forever if they have sex.
Why this makes me think of /pol/?
It gets better. I didn't save the screencap, but /v/ found his Steam profile.
He's got quite the handful of hours on Hyperdimension Neptunia.
>swimming modifiers
Thankfully they stopped using that after first edition.
>posting about myfarog every single day
What level of autism is this? Can't you just make a general or something?
damn, I want to send him a friend request just for fun
If he did it'd be just him.
nobody discusses it, no need for a general.
It's just shitposting / shilling, just filter it if you're annoyed.
The whole point is that by making a thread about his game once each day, perhaps one person might be curious and wasteful enough to buy a copy of the book.
Making a thread every day on Veeky Forums doesn't cost Varg anything but time, which he seems to have in vast quantities.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
seems to work
It's just a troll thread. Sadly Veeky Forums isn't smart enough to just sage it. I actually did buy a copy of the book after seeing it mentioned. It was like $7 secondhand on Amazon so I think I did good.
>seems to work
You'd think so, but the fact that every single thread, someone swears they're going to buy a copy yet no copies ever make their way onto the Internet seems to indicate that it's just OP playing pretend with us. See
His legal name these days is Louis Cachet, seeing as he's hiding in France.
>they stopped
It's just "Varg".
Look at the credits again. There are several people listed, including the guy who does the graphic design.
That's a good question, but I got a better one?
Are the two in pic related the same person?
why is the T and R in TiwaR captialized?
It's proto-nordic.
Stop baiting about MYFAROG
>man-on-man homosexuality is a death sentence
>woman-on-woman, however, is just "eh, okay, we don't mind"
Just stop bumping your thread already, Christian.
It's embarrassing to watch you be such a retarded and obvious shill.
I've played quite a bit, and even wrote a roguelike based on the mechanics and flavor. I'm a fan of Varg's channel and also a longtime Burzum fan. The game is good mechanically, and the "racist, sexist" content is completely inoffensive and could only be construed as such by someone incomprehensibly far up their own ass. Just because in a game designed for realism women have less strength (go watch a track meet) and their are no nigger elves in proto-Scandinavia doesn't mean the game is some unacceptable crime against humanity.
Fuck off Christian. Darkthrone is way better than your shite anyway.
Fuck off, Christian. Holy shit you're such a pathological liar that it's cringey as shit to watch you bump your shit threads pretending anyone likes your faggot shit.
>designed for realism
>swimming modifiers
So why you have not hanged yourself yet?
Probably because the only bog he knows is his own swamp ass.
>Just because in a game designed for realism
>Varg literally thinks that prostitution is something the evil abrahamics created to put the aryan man down, and the bad guys are literally abrahamics trying to destroy the glorious and flawless norse way of living.
You are either a pretty shitty troll or Varg himself, so fuck off.
That shit really pisses me off. If anything, prostitution is pagan as fuck.
Gotta get me some TEMPLE WHORES son! Fucking hookers for the gods!
Shut up, Christian.
>game with magic and wizards etc.
>also has realistic combat and characrer development
>somehow one point that you don't believe makes the biological fact that women have less physical power unacceptable
>Shut up, Christian.
Are you replying to the right guy?
Okay, is this at least playable? Not that I would, but compared to the infamous Unholy Trinity, how does it stack up?
Shut up, Christian, and stop trying to force a discussion just to bump your faggot thread.
We don't have a PDF, so it's hard to tell.
It's good fun. Feels similar to a lot of OSR stuff like Basic Fantasy because that's what Varg likes.
The last one posted was in
>I actually did buy a copy of the book
Scans? Or take pics with your phone and throw them on some free host, to solve this once and for all?
>male homosexuals are hanged and thrown into a bog, so these "despicable degenerates" can never be reborn.
Are you saying Myfarog has homo drowner ghouls? Sounds pretty metal.
>has realistic combat
So, it differentiate between different kinds of damage, how different types of armor react to them, the impact of the use of armor, which had nothing to do with "weighting you down", but rather it was about tiring yourself faster because of the poor weight distribution? Or it just a buzzword you are using because you think "realism=good"?
no since you paid money for it and own it.
Varg's a cuck, but he did the world a favor when he killed Euronymous, the same edgelord that gaslighted an incredibly disturbed young man into killing himself (they went and rearranged the body to make a fucking album cover) and wanted to torture Varg to death while filming it to release as a music video.
They may not have liked each other, but holy shit...
Yeah, it does mate. Where did I say that made it good?
This exchange was:
me: MYFAROG tries to be realistic, the weaker female character thing isn't an issue.
you: But MYFAROG is unrealistic in one specific way!
me: MYFAROG also has wizards. Nonetheless, it tries to be somewhat gritty and realistic.
you: But realism isn't necessarily good!
This is not an argument, and is not even tangentially related to what I am saying.
>Yeah, it does mate. Where did I say that made it good?
Well, then post the rules, otherwise we have nothing but your word on it.
>you: But realism isn't necessarily good!
Re-read my post. I said that you were using realism as a buzzword as it is often associated with the idea of something being "good", and you complaining about we desliking it because females are weaker in it make no sense becuase no one even complaining about that in this thread, or most threads about Myfarog that I ever saw for the matter.
Ah, I'll admit that was an honest mistake then, I'm sorry. Most of the criticism I see of the game is part of some absurd progressive PC-cult political platform, so I'm somewhat prickly towards it.
I could try to get my brother to scan the rules for me tomorrow, as he has my rulebook. There are plenty of discussions on YouTube (not by Varg, by players) that might interest you if you want to learn more about the game.
>Most of the criticism I see of the game is part of some absurd progressive PC-cult political platform
I think that has more to do with your biases than what people are actually saying.
I mean, a lot of the criticism really does exist. See
I respect Varg a lot and it's obnoxious to see him slandered up and down in practically any mainstream outlet that discusses him.
Christian, just stop. No one fucking respects you, and you pretending people do is fucking ridiculous.
You're a limp-wristed faggot that spams Veeky Forums in hopes of getting people to buy your book and watch your videos, when you suck at everything you do,
Just choke on a dick and die already, you ban-dodging faggot.
>Implying a horse isn't worth far more than at least 10 cottar dregs
Implying anyone cares what women do as long as they make babies
>Most of the criticism I see of the game is part of some absurd progressive PC-cult political platform, so I'm somewhat prickly towards it.
Protip:Anyone that isn't a neo-nazi, neo-pagan pseudoluddite find Varg beliefs really fucking retarded, and it doesn't help that those beliefs are constantly leaking through Myfarog fluff.
from the looks of the various tables of modifiers and junk, it feels more like a 2nd gen heartbreaker with bloated rules for too many situations that get in the way of gameplay and overdeveloped world builder's disease
>calling him by his fake name
>arguing about politics instead of ignoring this thread
Go away, Christian. Stop arguing with yourself.
My sentiment as well.
Until we get a pdf MYFAROG threads should be deleted by the mods as these thread nowhere at best. When we have a pdf to look at then we can really talk about this shit game.
I'm vaguely curious about it's mechanics (and I'm a gook) but i don't want to risk alienating people by trying it out unfortunately.