Anyone played this? Thoughts? The whole idea and world story is great, though the African "m-muh revenge" is kinda off to me. Also could someone dump rebirth version of it?
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Shameless bump.
Is good played a one off and love it.
I always felt like the factions made it too hard to have a cohesive party, but otherwise I think it looks pretty good. That said, I can barely drum up interest to play D&D or Shadowrun, let alone something relatively unknown like this.
Saw some of the promo stuff, thought it was cool, but never went past that.
Any game that forces me to be on the same continent as the majority of Africa isn't worth playing, desu.
>though the African "m-muh revenge" is kinda off to me.
Yeah, that's one of the stupidest parts and the reason I don't want to play this game.
It has a problem that's common to a lot of RPGs - the layout of the books is abysmal. Clearly it was designed to look pretty rather than to function. The fluff is boring, the tone is even more boringly grimdark than 40k (even 40k has some comedic elements and factions that look different from each other,) and the value for money is probably the worst of any tabletop RPG (though still better than TCGs or wargames.)
This is kind of an issue, too. Ever since World of Darkness, games have been making their own splats mortal enemies of each other and yet still trying to mimic the D&D model of a diverse party of splats. You have to pick one. Like, imagine an RPG set in WWII where every party was expected to include an American, a Russian, a Nazi and a Japanese guy. It doesn't work except for laughs.
>You have to pick one.
I agree. Classes should not be Factions. Those are completely different things and have different effects on gameplay.
Yeah.. the Africa being almost unscathed, m-muh we wuz kangz n sheeit, no America or Siberia.
So anyone has this Rebirth version?
/pol/tards, poluting every thread since last thursday.
Have you even read the book? The AFRICA STRONK in this game is obnoxious. Everyone else is like tribes, bandits, scavengers, wannabe lawmen, or Swiss motherfuckers in mountain bunkers.
The Africans are ridiculously richer than everyone else, have all the oil, have all the tanks and shit. It's stupid.
Well everywhere else got fucked by the catastrophe.
Because europoors and amerifats aren't here to plunder and exploit the continent anymore. Besides, Africa was in the midst of a phase of unification before the apocalypse, and asteroids didn't fall on it (not as much as Europe). It's explained in the book, and I find it believable.
I found this point of the setting interesting, even if a little heavy handed, indeed.
Same, honestly I can get why the griping but it makes a lot of sense. Africa was better off than the rest of the world and Europe was pre-eschaton loaded with goodies. Of course the rising powers in Africa would want to get their hands on that shit.
The Africa part never bothered me.
I have been using Africa as the only leftover of "modern civilization" since probably my kajiu-attack-after-WW3 campaign somewhere in 2007. Africa has no nuclear powers so no one will bother nuking it.
Degenesis builds on the same idea except now it is spess rocks and aliens.
It's nice to have Africa being the upper crust for a change. One gets tired of americans saving the day.
Except the Africans are also horribly decadent, enslaves people (primarily whites), and up until very recently didn't give a single shit about the dangerous ayy lmao plants growing in their backyard. Where did you get the impression it was "unscathed"? I guess it is relative to Europe, but unscathed doesn't mean it's a paradise.
The game isn't AFRICA STRONK no more than Fallout is AMERICA STRONK. In Degenesis, EVERYONE is horrible. It's just that the socio-economic conditions of the two continents have been swapped.
Ran a short game on it and absolutely loved it. I really wish I could get the chance to run it again.
Wow, people get really butt hurt over this Africa thing. The "killer plants" kinda keep to themselves as long as you dont go in them so they arent much of a problem especially with the Anubians being able to deal with it slightly.
They are unscathed by the astroids and never had to fight the spores. And have the only source of fuel in the whole area.
I would believe they are the most powerful faction but I doubt any game would take place in Africa as the post eshaton Europe is more exciting and fleshed out.
I have DM'd a couple of sessions and enjoyed it. Plan to run some more soon.
>set in WWII where every party was expected to include an American, a Russian, a Nazi and a Japanese guy
this is a weird, dark sitcom
I don't think a lot of you guys realise how powerful and rich the African(s) (goverments) would become if suddenly the Western world and China got nuked, rocked or ayy lmao'ed.
>I don't think a lot of you guys realise how powerful and rich the African(s) (goverments) would become if suddenly the Western world and China got nuked, rocked or ayy lmao'ed.
I do, it's "not very"
The Western world and China left Africa alone for most of history, and the continent barely managed to produce a couple of modestly successful civilizations. Nothing compared to Europe and Asia. Hell, nothing compared to South America. The only continent that lagged further behind, without any interference from outside powers, was Australia.
I've always wondered why Europe was so far ahead of everyone in terms of cultural and technological development during the renaissance. I asked before, but most I got is
>muh niggers are subhuman
>muh colonialism holding them back
Neither very useful explanations. I think you're closer to the truth. Isolation is stagnation, when your old culture grows unchallenged and untested, new ideas get shouted down by a majority of status quo conservatives. Europe had just the right mix of warfare to encourage survival of the fittest, but also areas of prosperity to develop innovation and trade to spread it.
The reason why Africa never developed like Asia or Europe/North Africa is very simple.
Africa is huge, across a vertical scale (which means that it has many different climates, unlike Asia and Europe which for the most part have huge swaths of land climate with some tropics or mediterranean climates dangling from the lower parts.) You cannot reliably build an empire across many different climates, because you cannot streamline agriculture and husbandry in the same way that the Europeans, the Central-Asians and the Chinese have done.
Africa is also home to the deadliest diseases known to man, diseases that have coevolved alongside almost every humanoid species.
And then there's the simple matter of Africa being far away from the fertile cresent, where pretty much all major thinking innovations came from. Also, any kind of information travelling down south had to deal with that disease barrier, so no one really bothered going down too far south.
These problems won't hold a post-apocalyptic Africa back, because these problems have already partially been solved during the last stages of the colonial era and the post-colonial era.
I love this game. I bought it more or less on a whim, after a fa/tg/uy posted some scans of the original german book, and I've been in love with it ever since.
I love the setting and how everything works (even if like some user here mentioned some cults are hard to fit into the same party but that can be solved if only you want to), and the system is really fun to play with. Combat may look somewhat barebones in rules, but once you start adding the bits of Potentials of characters and the many different qualities of weapons, combat starts getting really interesting. I feel it rewards smart play as well; in a recent oneshot, my players managed a combat situation that was meant to be fairly challenging, really well, by flanking and putting the hurt down where it was needed (spending ego points coupled with a high brawl stat + blade bracelet = a really fucking dead clanner, bitch got shiv'd hard).
The way "classes" evolve organically feels good, and there is some really neat mechanics to some of them, like how one of the Neolibyan classes gives you responsibility of an entire city.
Whatever you do, user, do not listen to the /pol/ fags in here. Read the disclaimer at the start of the book, and then just go and not be a retard. I implore you.
>Hell, nothing compared to South America. The only continent that lagged further behind, without any interference from outside powers, was Australia.
South America got lucky with corn and potatoes, which allowed them to grow populations that might have outnumbered Europe and Asia together, if some of the recent evidence and hypotheses are correct. So much people would allow for a lot of development without contact with the Middle-East. The Middle-East is key. It is so much easier to develop your culture when you don't have to invent math, writing and astrology/nomy yourself.
And most of Australia developed backwards. Aboriginal "technology" from when they migrated from Africa has more intricacy than the stuff Aboriginals were using when the English started dicking around. IIRC, only the coastal Aboriginals retained the development from Africa.
As a Pole I liked how this German game has my country hit by an asteroid and turned into a barbaric wasteland, filled with cavemen and mutants... Except for the city of GdaĆsk, which is now held by the NOT!Prussian NOT!Teutonic Knights..
Joking aside, my friend got the books for her birthday last year and they are beautiful. Our group could never really get into it (we spent most of said year in a Viking homebrew campaign, and have the new year planned already witch Eclipse Phase, oMage, Kult, Fading Suns and a probably something else I can't remember at the moment) but the setting could be fun.
>a country filled with mutants and cavemen
>people still shout kurwa all the time
>we wuz kangs nigger power fantasy where they aren't on the bottom rung of the ladder
lol, nah
>game by studio of german, polish, romanian artists
>we wuz kangs
I don't understand.
The game has black people that are not spear-chucking voodoo tribals. They drive cars, own property and live in a ladn that was not hit by a comet - therefore, the game is a revisionist anti-white powerfantasy, nigga nigga nigga blalabla... and so on
They thought it was different from what others were doing, and have a limited understanding of the diversity and divisions of Africa?
>Getting triggered by african kangs
If you could look beyond the superficiality of it, youd see that the africans shown not as heroic kings but as decadent and hypocritical as the europeans before them. Now they are the invaders and slavers and most just pretend to ignore the giant plants coming from the south that not even the anubians know exactly what to do with.
Its also pretty accepted that what they can salvage is rapidly drawing to a close, most of europe has been picked clean and without it, their empire will stagnate.
The weirdest thing about this RPG is as mentioned how all the classes ought to basically hate each other. Although the newest version hand waves explanation for why some might be working with each other.
>Paint Africans as evil invaders with not enough vision to realise the true enemy are the alien spores fucking up the continents.
>lol WE WU KANGZ blacked cucks amirite guyze :DDD
This is a silly arguement, you do know that the Spitalians have been invited down there to try and fix this, right?
Hah jokes on them! They gave a giant tank and the Spitalians went off road as the africans stood around scratching their heads on why they would do something so stupid.
Class imbalance seems high.
You have to go back. This is not your land.
Be nice. >51053081 at least is making fun on /pol/acks by trying to explain what they actually believe, I don't think he's rabbiting their views unironically
Its a fun system! Anyone got any green texts? I need some ideas for my upcoming campaign.
I only did the oneshot mentioned in and I'm not sure if we got any greentext material from it.
I am upset that someone thought to make that disclaimer. It should not exist. It panders too hard, especially for something so niche
I'm upset that someone *had* to make it, frankly.
>appeal to humanity
>you have to be 16+ for an appeal to humanity
Somebody better call ISIS and tell them they're too old to be Evil. They've hit the appeal to humanity age.
You clearly have no idea what kind of evil little shits teens can be, do you?
Well ya. They're too young for appeals to humanity.
Exactly, the developers literally call it colonialism 2.0. Which, liberal as they are, they know the meaning of.
Honestly though, I worked part time at a school and I have never wanted to punch someone's face as much as some of those fucking vicious teens.
Panders to what, exactly? Human decency?
What? Does it cut into your black and edgy shrunken heart or something?
You're seriously underplaying this to a point where the pol reaction seems more rational.
>none of the cultures that exist in the game are any better than the others
Retards clearly, considering a few of the cultures are evil and one are literal mudhut tribals that eat people.
I agree. Especially because the whole game hinges on the idea of everyone hating each other for ethnic/nationalist reasons. It seems like they were just trying to say they don't actually advocate for race wars.
No, it's like stapling a disclaimer to the inside of your front door saying WARNING: SKY IS BLUE MOST OF THE TIME.
Well, if your house is filled with autistic basement dwellers that never get outside, maybe you should.