>Tablet at the gaming table
This really shouldn't be allowed--morally speaking.
>Tablet at the gaming table
This really shouldn't be allowed--morally speaking.
"Hang on guys, let me check this obscure rule on my tablet."
you prefer lugging an assload of books around?
Depends. If your group is a bunch of poorfags like mine who aren't going to invest in FFG Dice, but you still want to play FFG Star Wars, free dice apps are pretty nice.
>inb4 playing FFG Star Wars
Yeah, fuck you too, your waifu and edition is also shit.
Fuck you.
Fuck you and your shitty £30 codexes. Fuck you, T. GW Employee! I will use the PDF of the Tau codex on my tablet and nothing you can do will actually stop me.
really? your GW dudes care?
Mine does not, as long as I actually buy there from time to time (I do it because I play there)
Eh, mine's never cared before, its when the manager takes a day off and one of the temps come in. One of them is a 7/10 hottie who's generally chill about everything, but the other...
Other is a guy who has a doctorate in GW Store Rules Lawyering. He gets assmad about anything that isn't GW. Someone once converted their guardsmen with heads that weren't from a GW kit and he told them to leave the shop because it was "advertising another brand".
Unfortunately, he's in more often than the hottie when the manager takes leave.
>morally speaking
If it means more people have the rules to hand and can check their own shit, I'll accept it.
I lug the dead tree versions around because I like them, but if people want to pirate/buy e-versions, that's not my problem.
Never buy when the shit head is there. Always buy when the hottest is. Convince others to do the same.
Let the sales figures do the rest.
>Infinity Army Mobile
>keeps all profiles and army lists on the device at ll times
>keeps track of Orders and points to Retreat
>has all weapon profiles and hacking programs on hand
>has links to the wiki
>is free
Sometimes flipping through a book is quicker, but seriously, GW should steal the Army Builder idea from CB.
Although knowing them it would cost $15 a month.
>it would cost $15 a month.
Brilliant! I'm emailing them now!
Morally speaking? Explain or be a fucking baiting faggot
What a terrible AI, she doesn't even understand that Waifu's aren't meant to be real.
She was probably made by ALEPH.
They don't understand a lot of things, like the importance of cat ears and fluffy tails.
I will bare that in mind.
I have a small kill-team of Tau, I keep the codex for the weapons profiles and lay with a HoR army list. Douchebag Temp didn't like HoR either.
I know the feel.
who spilled ketchup and mustard on that land raider
>everyone assumes they're looking up something related to the game
>Citadel™ Realm of Battle® Board
>Citadel™ Bloodexecutioner Bloodsecrator® Shrine and Plasma Obliterator Firestorm Redoubt®
There's something depressing about modern terrain.
? Thread. 9/10 times they're on Facebook or some shit.
The grimdark shipping crates and fuel pipes are solid kits, if specifically for 40k. The woods are also decent with a bit of work (namely, immediately replacing the leaves with clump foliage), since it's rare to find thicc trees like that without scratch-building them.
everything else ain't really to my taste
Maybe it's supposed to be tyranid guts?
I want a proper low fantasy wargame. One that's actually played. Mantic dropped the ball by not marketing Kings of War right after Age of Sigmar pissed everybody off so not many people play it and 9th age isn't officially supported by a real company.
I just wanna make my dwarfs fight orcs on a field or in a forest. A real forest, not a fucking hyper-life-magykk'tuhree wyldwood.
9th age has Avatars of War onboard now. They make solid Dwarves and Chaos Warriors.
>Other is a guy who has a doctorate in GW Store Rules Lawyering. He gets assmad about anything that isn't GW. Someone once converted their guardsmen with heads that weren't from a GW kit and he told them to leave the shop because it was "advertising another brand".
What a dick
maybe cute, or "qt" if your a faggot, not a hottie
>company sells digital product
>complains when people use it
You can't make this shit up.
This would be perfect for my army
>actually playing at a GW
>not making your own terrain and playing at home with bros while you get drunk and stoned
>having to deal with mouth breathers and socially awkward nerds at the hobby shop
it really doesn't get any more pleb than this
I love my Fire. I won it at a WMH tournament. I use it for all my list building and rules stuff. Its very convenient.
Plus I never have to buy a physical book unless I want to again.
>who aren't going to invest in FFG Dice, but you still want to play FFG Star Wars
So basically nobody? The only reason people play FFG Star Wars is to spend money on the dice then call anyone not willing to drop 15 bucks on a single set of dice that are only useful for a single, badly designed RPG, is a worthless pleb. When, in reality, playing a Star Wars RPG makes you an incredibly boring and unimaginative person because you need a pregenerated setting from the most popular franchise in history just to roleplay.
9th age sucks and has no official company backing it.
There are some companies making minis based around it, but that's about it.
I just bought the codexes for my two armies finally because I felt like I owed it to my FLGS owner for two nights of near-free entertainment every week for almost a year.
Im sure his manager wouldn't be happy to hear that he's driving away customers because they aren't dry-humping a product they already paid for.
Thats why I like Kill Team, lets you almost test drive an army before you dive in and build a force of them.
He says in a thread about people bitching about using digital devices during Warhammer games.
Local hobby store has this big grass mats for $20 that are about as big as that table made of, likely the same material by the looks of it.
And you can get those hills and trees with the Battlefield In A Box line, probably costing half as much as whatever GW was molesting your wallet for.
Those orks look alarmingly close to my ork paint jobs yet I've never seen some of those minis in my life.
Dude, did you get kicked out of a group or something? As a disinterested third party regarding the whole FFG Star Wars thing, I gotta say you sound salty as fuck about something.
I stole your orks, sorry user
Do you do snakebites too?
These are ugly based.
Hopefully you can see where im coming from with this. Your ork's skin tone looks better though.
I swear sometimes I think we go to the same store. I know it looks like someone spread Vaseline on the camera lens, I didn't take the picture.
Oi! My waifu is lovely and beautiful.
You sir, are a charlatan and a coon!
They're better now.
Ah yeah the red. Yours look pretty decent, you should invest in washes though to help pick out details. Also moldlines.
Here's a 2nd(?) edition painboy I found along side some modern sculpt tankbustas
Maybe they're a 9.7/10, which would be a 7/10 within the "hottie" subspectrum?
My group uses their phones for character sheets, so they can have headings and make notes about what their character knows without filling the entire sheet with random stuff, it works, but the "jokes" they make where one of them pulls up reddit or some shit is fucking awful.
The whole system is fucking stupid, 7/10 means well above average but not that good, perfectly within the standards that someone finds hot, and the scale doesn't trace the cute/hot disparity, i think bunnies are cute but i wouldn't fuck a rabbit.
Nobody ever uses 5/10 as average because 50% is a failing grade in school.
>having to deal with mouth breathers and socially awkward nerds at the hobby shop
At this point I think that the nerds at my hobby shop are less socially awkward than my colleagues, or my actual friends.
But I don't play at a GW
>morality having anything to do with it
Remove Nomads
what happened to that yellow dreadnought? I need to know!
Normies are actually pretty cringey and awkward too, they're just polite enough to roll with each other's awkwardness and laugh at the jokes and they shit they sperg over is socially acceptable. The real thing that makes or breaks social situations is how physically attractive you are. Shitty, but true. A handsome person has an easier time and will be forgiven for more things than an ugly fat guy would. Said ugly fatass would have to be suave as fuck to get a good standing.
t. fit, decent looking normalfag with Veeky Forums hobbies
>morally speaking
Morally speaking, I don't give a shit whether someone brings a PDF list instead of a printed one, or because they want light rulebooks they can search quickly, or whatever. As long as they're not browsing unrelated stuff when their attention is needed, I'm fine with it.
Of course, if you use a tablet to facilitate cheating you'll soon be wearing it as a necklace, but that's a cheater problem not a tablet problem.
Actual unfeigned interest in tabletop games is an automatic +3. It's right there in the rule book.
If i had my own gaming table or ran a club, i would demand no tablets or phones near the tables.
GW already has army builder functions in some of their e codexes. The reason they would never release a fully supported, functional, stand alone builder is because their rules are so convoluted and ever shifting that it'd take more effort to patch and maintain than they can be assed to bother with.
Any Space Marine player that knows the full extent of what just the vanilla codex alone can do should know what I'm talking about. It's no longer a force organization, it's just a fucking shambling mess, like Carpenter's The Thing.
>Playing GW
>still in the illusion he´s not "as much nerd" as the next guy playing
>Being this delusional
Just deal with it. You're a fucking nerd, just like the rest of us. Just because you're a closet nerd doesn't mean you don't love the nerdy shit just as much as the next guy.
That's why you don't have your own gaming table or run a club.
>paying for rules
Ok cuck
Depends on the game, warmahordes has an app for keeping track of all your units and what not that can link up with someone else playing with you so you can share all the open information quickly.