I just got started playing Magic. I have currently two decks. One guy at my work plays and is helping me to start out. He is using a re animator deck when we play and I lose kind of fast usually. I was wondering if anyone can tell me good counter decks to re animator decks. Any help is appreciated.
>pic related, my current deck leader.
Other urls found in this thread:
What do you mean, deck leader?
4x Relic of Progenitus in the main would help.
i mean its my current fav of my deck i just built, green and blue
Nice. Im gonna order them.
>another of my cards in this deck
Cheap graveyard hate like or Tormods Crypt will stomp out their reanimator targets.
"Free" disruption like Daze can keep them from reanimating in the early turns.
Thank You user. I'm looking them up to order as you guys give em to me. Btw, i use starcitygames to look up and order. is there a better or more used site for magic cards?
Okay, how "kitchen table" are we playing here exactly? How is he reanimating stuff? Does he do it on turn 1 or like, 5? Are you running only the newest cards and is he okay with you dipping into older editions?
Also use tcgplayer.com, you'll tend to get the best deals there.
TCGplayer.com is the usual go-to.
There's such a thing as 'formats' aka, what cards are legal to use in your deck. Based on the two cards you posted, you guys are just playing pretty casually, not using an official format.
There's plenty of cards to counter gave-based strategies but if you're playing with what seems to be two intro decks slammed together then you might as well just do whatever, instead of getting specific hard counters to your one friend's main deck type.
Starcitygames has the best selection, shipping, and service, but you can find slightly lower prices on tcgplayer.
In response to your question about graveyard hate, I recommend Scavenging Ooze. Stuff like Relic of Progenitus is a great anti-reanimator, but Scavenging Ooze is a much better card overall for green decks, since it gets bigger and bigger as the game goes as creatures die.
This is a valid question. Legacy and vintage reanimator decks can put a 7/7 or bigger creature into play on turn 1 or 2. It's a lot harder to counter than slower, less competitive reanimator effects like Unburial Rites.
lmao you guys will turn this into an arms race.
next week user's friend shows up with a burn deck.
>next week user's friend shows up with a burn deck.
Good thing my nigga Ooze gains you life then
We could tell user to play miracles.
Force of Will + CounterTop is pretty decent against most decks, burn, reanimator and whatnot. If his opponent's reanimation spell is Ever After, Terminus is CMC 6.
I don't know what you're looking to do, but there are other Nissas.
Revane is really the only bad one, but in casual, she'd be okay. Artisan is second worst Nissa.
There are a variety of ways to deal with Reanimator archetype decks.
The most prominent are to counter his reanimation spells, or to play cards that 'hate' on the graveyard. Relic Of Progenitus has been mentioned; Tormod's Crypt is cheap, and Rest In Peace is broadly the strongest; Scavenging Ooze is a good option for a creature based deck since it's versatile but is also not super cheap.
Out of curiosity, what's he reanimating?
Also, what spells is he using to reanimate?
Also, what is he using to put his cards in the graveyard?
In my imagination, OP's friend is playing manaless dredge, and OP is just sitting there with his mash of intro deck cards going
>hmmm, I sure do have a lot to learn about playing magic!
Has anyone else had to fortune to meet someone who splays their graveyard out sideways just because they were taught Magic by a Dredge player?
Would you by any chance be so kind as to share the list of cards you are running with us?
Helping with combating reanimation is one, but we could also give you some general tips and guidelines towards your deck as a whole.
Moreover, we could also recommend you cards for whatever budget you have.
Of course, knowing whatever your opponent is playing would also be helpful.
(This is assuming OP will come back into the thread.)
hah, didn't even notice it had been 12 hours
These are quite possibly the most important questions in the thread. Is your opponent going "Dark Ritual --> Entomb + Reanimate --> Griselbrand/ Iona" or "turn 8, play a guildgate, bring back Craw Wurm"?
Also buy a playset ( 4 of them) of Swords to Plowshares, Brainstorm, Dark Ritual/Duress, Lightning Bolt, and Rancor. Around maybe 20 bucks for staples (must haves) for each off the colours.
Threads like these really make me want to start Weekend Casual Generals. But casual threads tend to die quickly
I love my void winnower deck.
Don't. They are cancer. Use TCGPlayer, ABU, CardKingdom, or FLGS instead.
I've played against a few people who do that habitually, not because they learned from a Dredge player, but because they've seen it on Starcity coverage.
Like, if you're playing a really graveyard-centric deck it won't bug me much, but if you're playing fucking Red Deck Wins, you do not need to fan your graveyard out.
How are they cancer?
I'll give you that they're more expensive, but they're not cancer. I usually default to SCG because they have good service and selection. After the fifth time an order from TCGPlayer arrived in a penny sleeve inside a regular No.10 envelope and the seller basically said "lol deal with it" when I complained, I quit buying from TCGplayer.
>"lol deal with it"
Yeah, that's why TCGPlayerDirect exists.
>How are they cancer?
Filing legal action against websites that reference their prices. In comparison, TCGP will actually pay other sites to reference their prices.
Market manipulation based on ill gotten information from WotC.
>Filing legal action against websites that reference their prices
I can't entirely blame them. While TCG allowing people to use their API is awful nice of them, it's just that: nice. I cannot fault Starcity for not wanting other sites/stores to utilize their website as a way to price their own shit without any effort. I understand why you dislike them for that, but I don't share your opinion.
>Market manipulation based on ill-gotten information from WOTC
Do you have any actual evidence of this, or are you repeating a rumor you chose to believe because it demonizes a website you dislike?
SCG is almost solely responsible for the huge increase in cards. There are other parties, but SCG is the biggest. They also are huge proponent of the Reserved List. Plus inside info from wizards.
>"lol deal with it"
Sounds like someone doesn't know how to navigate the cart optimizer
There is plenty of evidence. Use google for fucks sake, im not going to spoon feed you.
>I cannot fault Starcity for not wanting other sites/stores to utilize their website as a way to price their own shit without any effort.
It's not being used by competing stores directly, just aggregators that tell you which store is selling what for how much, as well as sites that track the price of cards over time (remember when Snapcaster mage was cheap?).
>Do you have any actual evidence of this
The C&D's, yeah. You can google it and find links to the threads on Reddit.
>solely responsible for the huge increase in cards
Assuming you mean prices, I don't believe that. The biggest problem with massive price spikes is speculators buying out every copy of a card they can find to artificially inflate the price. Starcity doesn't engage in mass speculation like that. The 'worst' they do is go "Well shit, we're out of Force of Wills, and nobody's selling them to us at 20 dollars. We'll have to raise the buylist to 25 and the sell price to 50." Then when they run out at 50, they raise the buylist to 30 and the sell to 60. That might have an impact of people using Starcity as a 'guide' for prices, but it's neither malicious nor intentional.
>Huge proponent of the Reserved List
[citation needed]
>Plus inside info from wizards
[citation needed]
That's not how that works. If you want to make a claim like that, you need evidence to back it up. Saying "I'm not going to spoonfeed you, find it yourself" tells me there is no evidence and you're talking out of your ass.
Burden of proof is on you, not me.
Okay, I can totally understand being frustrated at that. I don't think their intent was to not be on price aggregators, but rather to avoid people using their sell and buy prices for free. I can absolutely understand why the resulting "also not on aggregators" thing could frustrate you- I'll cede that one.
And I also absolutely believe the C&D thing- that, I don't necessarily have a problem with. I was more asking if you have proof on them having insider info from Wizards that allows them to manipulate the market ahead of time, and/or proof that they have engaged in said manipulation.
You do know that SCG spiked the prices on fetches right before modern was announced, plus dropped prices on EM reprints before it was announced. The citations is their own website. gtfo SCG shill
Correlation does not imply causation.
But that is how it works. Fucking. Google. It
Nope. It's not my job to find support for your argument, it's yours.
Christ, you're dumb as bricks
I'm dumb as bricks because I expect someone to provide sources for their argument rather than telling me to google it myself?
Yes, welcome to adulthood where you are expected to put forth any type effort beyond of tipping your fedora. This isnt high school where people hand you everything.
>I was more asking if you have proof on them having insider info from Wizards that allows them to manipulate the market ahead of time, and/or proof that they have engaged in said manipulation.
In one word, no. I've got no smoking gun. Neither Wizards (embarrassment) nor SCG (obvious reasons) will ever admit that anything happened.
Alexander Litvinenko might have accidentally stepped on polonium-210, but I doubt it. The same principal applies here.
This seems as good a thread as any to ask. I got rid of my collection a long time ago and haven't even played in a year or two. I'm maybe looking to get back into things but am more interested in buying/selling as a hobby if not to make a bit of cash on the side. What's my best option for getting an initial stock, and what are some general tips besides buy low sell high? I also live on the border of canada/us so i can get stuff sent to and from either, but I'm canadian.
>Smoking gun
How about when Wizards put up the article about "investigating possible leaks to certain vendors" right before EM was announced. Have we heard a follow up to that?
Yeah, try the stock market instead. This is a game, not an investment
>This seems as good a thread as any to ask. I got rid of my collection a long time ago and haven't even played in a year or two. I'm maybe looking to get back into things but am more interested in buying/selling as a hobby if not to make a bit of cash on the side. What's my best option for getting an initial stock, and what are some general tips besides buy low sell high? I also live on the border of canada/us so i can get stuff sent to and from either, but I'm canadian.
Expect random people to blame you for the price of cards. If you are really looking to make money, look elsewhere. Unless you have inside information, or even better; a time machine, you won't be making any real profit.
Fuck, really? Link?
>those staples
No ponder, birds of paradise, or goblin piledriver?
The fact that they had to issue that statement, along with "random" price drops and spikes on both SCG and TCG is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally suspicious
OP, Fatal Push is a good card coming out in Aether Revolt, the next set BUUTTT it's really only good against cheap creatures that the competitive decks are playing. If your friend(s) only have big creatures, it's less good.
Depending on how serious you are and your budget, the best manabases are the fetchlands and dual lands.
the duals are the lands that have land types in their type line
they say 'Land - Swamp Mountain' and there are 25 different ones. The ones from Alpha are the best and super expensive. The Ravnica ones ask you to pay 2 life or they enter the battlefield tapped.
The Battle for Zendikar ones want you to have two basic lands, any two, but they're only in ally colors.
Dual lands are the ABUR ones only
Shock lands are from Ravnica/RtR
Tango lands are from BfZ
Please don't teach incorrect nomenclature or jargon. It only leads to confusion. Yes they all have dual types, but not all are 'dual lands'
Don't shops get a decent chunk of income from selling singles? Or is it just their main draw of getting customers in in the first place?
There's a difference between being a business and being an investor.
If you devote 50+ hours a week just to keep up on daily card price changes, have enough room to store MASSIVE amount of card stock, and are able to afford the insurance on it all, then just open a store. Though most of the profit vs manpower is from selling booster
It's hinestly something I've considered as there is no flgs within a few hours drive yet a decent mtg/anime/"""nerd""" culture here. I would definitely need to do online sales as well to keep any steady income, but it would probably work. I've been thinking about just selling online on my own though just to learn the process and get some personal experience.
I always thought the secondary market would produce better profits but i guess that's pretty luck based on what you get in stock and if someone is looking for it. Sealed is consistent.
Not sealed, but just straight booster sales. There is a reason why big box stores sell them. As for singles you WILL need to hire someone just to keep up on prices. You won't be able to handle that along with owning a business. If your looking for a big profit though, you won't get it. Magic sales are now either stagnanting or even decreasing depending on who you ask.
>How are they cancer?
They maek monies so they're EEEEBILLLLLLLLLLLLL
Not at all what people in the thread were saying. Otherwise TCG would be the devil incarnate