>awful model
>with awful rules
>released after an awful codex
>In a bid seemingly hoping to create the most awful race in 40k
why does god hate us?
>awful model
>with awful rules
>released after an awful codex
>In a bid seemingly hoping to create the most awful race in 40k
why does god hate us?
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How is that worse than the pyrovore in any way
do anyone at games workshop actually likes nids? armies liked by the dev team usually get good rules (tau, some mehreens flavors) everyone else gets shit and the occasional OP unit due to lack of balancing
perhaps now that the genestealer cults are a better army than nids GW will update nids during 2017 not to lag behind
the Pyrovore model has the redeeming quality of being a decent biovore stand-in
Tyranids is also the most popular army with females by a landslide. COINCIDENCE?
GW trying to drive women out of the hobby, fucking misogynists.
>Setting full of epic heroes and villains fighting for the fate of the galaxy
>Hurr imma gunna play da npc race of hungy bugs durr!
You nidfags deserve it.
Here's the (You) you wanted, Little Timmy.
GW realized a while ago that they want to squat the nids but there's too many of them to do that so they just make them increasingly shit each edition in a hope that people stop caring enough for them to retcon them out of existence without too much hassle.