>awful model
>with awful rules
>released after an awful codex
>In a bid seemingly hoping to create the most awful race in 40k
why does god hate us?
>awful model
>with awful rules
>released after an awful codex
>In a bid seemingly hoping to create the most awful race in 40k
why does god hate us?
Other urls found in this thread:
How is that worse than the pyrovore in any way
do anyone at games workshop actually likes nids? armies liked by the dev team usually get good rules (tau, some mehreens flavors) everyone else gets shit and the occasional OP unit due to lack of balancing
perhaps now that the genestealer cults are a better army than nids GW will update nids during 2017 not to lag behind
the Pyrovore model has the redeeming quality of being a decent biovore stand-in
Tyranids is also the most popular army with females by a landslide. COINCIDENCE?
GW trying to drive women out of the hobby, fucking misogynists.
>Setting full of epic heroes and villains fighting for the fate of the galaxy
>Hurr imma gunna play da npc race of hungy bugs durr!
You nidfags deserve it.
Here's the (You) you wanted, Little Timmy.
GW realized a while ago that they want to squat the nids but there's too many of them to do that so they just make them increasingly shit each edition in a hope that people stop caring enough for them to retcon them out of existence without too much hassle.
>mfw Tyranids is the only race i like in 40.
>mfw the Carnifex is the best 40k model ever for me
>mfw its shit ingame and i keep buying carnifexes from time to time just to glue/magnetize paint them because i love them
>mfw I end up with now 17 carnifexes and i play TAU because tyranid is literally worse than orks
4th ed will never come back
You should just play with a pure Carnifex army.
It would be fun. Fuck bound armies,
>amazing model
>with awful rules
>released after an awful codex
>in a bid seemingly hoping to create the most awful race in 40k
why does god hate us?
>awful model
But I love the Maleceptor.
2 points
>amazing model
at least its a good model, unlike everything nid as of late
>most awful race in 40k
Excuse me we here at the bottom will fight you for that
Kill yourself
i should play a pure pyrovore army.
I fucking wish it would.
Ive had my nids packed away for 2 years now.
>Why does God hate us?
Don't know about you but it's probably my rampant fuckboyism and blasphemy.
>kill yourself
No, really, what's so bad about the Maleceptor? It's a legitimately cool looking model. I also like the fact that it looks like it could be an alien muscle wizard, were it not for the fact that said alien muscle wizard has crap rules.
>Excuse me we here at the bottom will fight you for that
Cripple fight? CRIPPLE FIGHT!
And as a counter-point
>It would be fun. Fuck bound armies,
Unbound armies are more balanced than bound.
I love tyranids, they need a buff. I like watching matt play them on mwg youtube.
i hate that its a massive brain propped up ona weird centaurlike body, and its a bizzare shift away from the normal look of something like a zoan.
Zoans have fucked up little bodies cause all they need is that big brain
For some reason this bigger, more powerful brain needs a FUCKHYUGE body that is fucking swole and massive scything talons, it lacks singularity of purpose in its design, and it was obviously designed so that the toxicrene kit would have another half
Not that the toxicrene is good looking either, its a poor model too.
They should both be more like the Malanthrope, which would be a logical progression from their Zoan and Venomthrope predecessors
Granted I hate almost all the post 4th edition tyranid models, too many look like bloated creatures with tumors, the Exocrine, Haruspex, Tyrannofex (cancer), and the Tervigon are all very bad not very nid looking things
>Actually liking Herohammer
Go play Warcraft or something kiddie, it seems more your speed.
Just bought the 3 warriors, hive tyrant, gargoyles pack today just to model and paint, not for playing.
Give me good ideas for converting the Hive Tyrant. Should I magnetize it or settle for a specific build? What's the best build for Hive Tyrants in 7th?
flyrants with brainleech are the only hive tyrants.
Except it wouldn't be fun because they'd all get killed by turn 2.
Tyranid MCs were slow squishy walking disappointments just waiting to absorb cheesey AP3 rape from the other side of the board.
Not to mention all the ridiculous bullshit every silly space marine chapter inexplicably gets to use now with semi-magical special characters, psykers and power-weaponrape.
I once tried fielding 2 FW barbed heirodules. Never even got them into combat thanks to furfaggoty dreadnaughts with grav-guns and fucking frost cannons. COS SPESS WULVES ARE SO COOOOOL
Has anyone tried turning that into something like 2e Zoanthrope? Put it on Carnifex or Hive Tyrant legs.
Honestly nids have suffered the most from the insistence of GW for every kit to make two different models because its ended up with too many similar looking creatures that lack the singularity of purpose of older tyranids.
I think it's way too big for those legs.
Barbed Heirodules have been shit since 5th edition at least.
Everytime i hear nidfags bitching about how their book sucks i have flashbacks to the days of nidzilla.
what is a meme list that wasn't even that good?
we're playing jeopardy right?
Nidzilla was a very solid list that a retarded monkey could play and win with.
It could be countered but it took a lot of skill and some good dice.
I had an easier time dealing with daemon bombs then i did nidzilla.
Nidzilla was not a very solid list, it had a bunch of problems and could be torn to shreds, the elite-fexes were mostly DISTRACTION CARNIFEXES due to their points cost, and most nidzilla lists could be pounded into the dirt by a smart player
Much more terrifying were the endless swarm lists, and well used broodlord deepstrike squads which usually raped anything they touched because holy fuck the broodlord was a monster back then.
[Citation Needed]
I was there for nidzilla and it was not that good
nidzilla shit on casuls and it made them cry
Doesn't have a colossal penis
Ok you guys are right.
Nidzilla was never at the top tables of adepticon and other large tourneys.
I mean its not like a solid 1/3 of the top table list during 4th ed was bugzilla and the other top 1/3 lists being deamon bombs or anything.
Oh and when chaos had lash of submission? yeah that list was not a top tier list at all... same with leafblower IG, GK win button army ect ect ect.
Says you with no battlereport or tournament report
"Everything I say is true! Just believe me! in fact i could easily back up my claim but i just choose not to!'
>battlereport about nidzilla shitting on casuls
I could maybe dig up an old white dwarf that showed off the hive fleet moloch nidzilla list
Not all of us save battle reports for 11(ish) years annon...
The square cube law explains giving it legs instead of simply having it levitate. Brain power is a function of surface area while mass is a function of volume. Simply doubling the dimensions of a zoanthrope will mean that four times the psychic power is now levitating 8 times the mass. Giving the Malanthrope legs means that the psychic power is no longer levitating it and can be devoted to other uses.
except there's already a big levitating Nid
The Malanthrope
Fuck the Malaceptor.
Isn't it gas that allows Venomthropes and Malanthropes to levitate? The square cube law aids gas based levitation because the levitation is a function of volume.
No Malanthropes psychically levitate. They are synapse creatures. They're also super smart DNA processing monsters that aid norn queens
4th ed was nowhere near the degeneracy of 5th.
>tervigon spam
>tervigons were only good cause they had access to biomancy and once that was taken away they were turned to shit.
It hurts.
Ok guys i'm going to fix Tervigons.
>Still are an upgrade to termagaunts
>Nids can still take without number
>If the Termagaunts that have without number have a Tervigon, each turn any models that died are replaced, if the whole squad (minus the tervigon) dies, they come back from the Tervigon itself
>If the Tervigon is dead its dead and Termagants come from the board edge, as normal
>Tervigons can now get Fleshborer hives because OBVIOUSLY THEY SHOULD GET FLESHBORER HIVES
3rd and 4th was the golden age of 40k.
There were some things that sucked sure. but by in large 3rd and 4th was the golden age.
T9 Tervigons can fuck right off though. Still have nightmares about that.
I miss the 3rd edition mutable genus rules...
oh yeah that was silly
they were mostly folded into the 4th ed rules
Sadly no heavy support warriors all toting venom cannons
no gargoyles with devourers
I miss playing Kroot Mercenaries.
Psykers shit on material physics tho.
Tim, mah boy, this is why the other kids don't play with you.
On a more serious note, are you so unimaginative that you need your heroics and villiany spoon-fed to you?
>Here is Marine DudeMan, my favourite unit. He fought the Orks to a standstill!
Nice, did you win that game? What list were you running?
>None, I'm reffering to the books.
At least my nameless genestealer #16 can brag about actually doing shit on the board. He wrecks my Tau/Cron friends and loves to click his mandibles about it. I also have plenty of villiany, like Tervigon [Blue] who is a bitch and hates giving me termagants.
I miss having good line of sight rules.
On-table shit is, and always will be, more fun than in-fluff shit.
I won't ever forget my friend's tau firewarrior, posed in a weird crucifixion stance due to him gluing the arms on weird, surviving a dakkajet wiping out his entire unit, and then my entire ork army's combined shooting phase two turns in a row, before running off the table edge unscathed.
Tau Jesus is, and always shall be, immortal.
thoughts on this as a Hive Tyrant head?
>im going to death or glory... with EVERYONE!
I'm hungry...
I know this is anecdotal evidence but at my flgs we have a pretty healthy meta, there are slot of space wolves but all the races have some fair representation and we all have fun playing against each other.
One friend plays nids (not flyrant circus) and does fairly well in most of his games, even taking down a riptide wing
Another plays orks because he loves the aesthetic and is always cracking jokes , he and everyone he plays has a great time.
Shit I play tau but field kroot, veapids, hounds, even the fireworks piranha from time to time.basically the game is fun if you don't try to hammer a time list on everything
Except some models are awful and are unplayable, and groundnids are basically garbage because strength 10 pieplates that ignore cover
The world is a much better place without all the WAAC faggotry.
>waac faggotry
>wanting an army that functions
Do it.
I took a second edition tyrant head, cut and placed part of a 2E zoanthrope crest piece over the heads maw; bend the jutting barbs downwards and after a lot of saw, pin vice and file work, opened the mouth up.
When it comes to a hive tyrant, have fun, get creative, go fucking wild with your imagination. Hive Tyrants and Carnifexes are the absolute most fun that I have ever had modelling.
....so back in 5E a wave serpent literally rammed through and cut a my land raider in half.
Fun is evil and should be destroyed. Fuck RNGesus.
pyrevore is wasted 40 points. this is wasted 200+ points
i still remember when the rumour mill started for 5th edition codex and all venom cannon/stranger warrior squads were said to be heavy support choice.
and now i feel sad
I disagree because my life is different than yours.
that was a thing and 3rd and they were great cheap HS that could knock shit out
205 points. The most expensive non-character monstrous creature in the codex and also the worst.
I actually think it looks cool.
I think GW HQ should be rounded up, bent over and fucked to death for what they did to muh nids in terms of rules.
>absolute rape machine in the fluff
>shit rules made everyone forget they BTFO the Cadians and Mephiston
THe malaceptor was portrayed as the scariest fucking thing in the tyranids arsenal along with the toxicrene, why are they so shit on the tabletop?
>NPC race
Pyrovore actually LOOKS good, it's a lizard-bug-gorrila with a cannon on its back.
Setting full of self absorbed edgelord arseholes fighting for fucking stupid reasons. Ha, I'm going to play a race that ignores all that bollocks and is the embodiment of life itself, that just wants to eat and grow.
wtf si that thing
stop reading novels.
the novels are dumb.
the novels are wrong.
even when the novels are right, most people on Veeky Forums are too dumb to translate what happens in them into a relative power level.
see the tau pulserifle thread
engridh even do you
I think you just like the giant, veiny dick on its back
Because you are a gay man
And you like dick
Because you are a homo faggot
Who likes the pyrovore model
Eh, I like knuckle-dragging ape monsters a lot, cannon or no cannon.
>the mental image
In reality it'd stop at the first dude, then spend a few turns slapping a few guardsmen dead before drowning in bodies.
Could you mount a Zoanthrope head on a Warrior body?
Like most of the newer Nids, the Malaceptor suffers badly from failing at doing the thing it's supposed to do. For some reason that's a recurring thing with Nids. Big psychic monster that's a shitty psyker, heavy anti-armour shooting unit that can't hit the broad side of a barn and doesn't even get ap3. The Pyrovore...
>not for playing.
>What's the best build for Hive Tyrants in 7th?
I'm getting mixed signals user.
Just build the coolest thing. Choose whatever weapon combo gives you a chubby.
Nothing compared to the Heirophant with the 3++ because of wording between editions.
the only problem with the model is that it can't move it's front limbs
>it could have been the glorious return of the 2nd ed zoanthrope aesthetic
>instead it was detailless cad bullshit done in a few days
to be honest, I'm still in doubt whether to buy it just to make it resemble the old model and use as stand in for a second exocrine or tyrannofex
then buy the old and stfu
I didn't realize the shield of Baal campaign books released with tons of new rules and scenarios were novels, how embarrassing
>furfaggoty dreadnaughts with grav-guns
Wolves don't have grav weapons?
It doesn't help that almost ALL our MC (even the CC dedicated ones) have 4 attacks or less and WS3, hows the carnifex or haruspex meant to be scary when a guardsman has a 50% chance to deflect it. On top of that almost all our monstrous creatures are diluted to fuck, half of them aren't unique or necessary and feel more like a chore to remember them.
I miss my swarm army
The rules -aren't- good, but it got a buff with his signature power does not need roll to hit anymore.
They don't No idea what user is on about.