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Still looking for feedback. Seth and one Chaplain join the 8 man squad in the Land Raider, everyone else (that can deep strike) deep strikes.


OK guys I'm trying to think of a cool use for Veterans that isnt just fucking throw in chimera and point at enemy blobs with special weapons.

So for 141 points, you can get

>sergeant harker
>Heavy weapons squad
>3 sniper rifles
>Forward sentries

Park that in a nice piece of cover and thats a lot of firepower with good saves and can't get raped by charges too hard.

Just say they're Alpha Legion in disguise.

If an opponent gives you lip, tell him his army is Alpha Legion too.

>tfw the chaos termi sprue only has 1 combi-melta and 2 power axes
>chaos termis are overpriced anyways
But they're such cool models. Especially with the Chaos Termi Lord with his cool axe and cute little familiar.

tfw you're working on a doomrider conversion

5th for the Hive Mind

better share a picture of it user

I like it. Forward sentries is what I like for non chimera vets.

I like carapace shotgun vets with meltas, a heavy flamer and demolitions. Run 2 of those along with a Straken squad and they hop out to close quarters unload. Wish that the Taurox was one topped so you actually had a reason for shotguns

My White Dwarf came yesterday. Can't take pics but has it already been leaked yet?


post pics

GW never gives you enough shit to make a squad that spams the exact same wargear in all slots. Like, even if you only need TWO of one bit, they'll purposely give you just one.

Yes, now we wait for someone to leak the real book.

>Can't take pics

Do you not have, like, a fucking phone?

I think the new devastators come with two of each of weapon now.

So how's this look for a 'I know anything higher than 1500 is suicide for Admech without a War Convocation, but I really like Kastelans so give me a break' list?

My lens cracked so it looks like absolute shit and you can't see anything

I don't know about that user but my phone cant take good pictures

a face that has witnessed disgusting, heinous shit he will never be able to purge from his tormented mind


My list doesn't even have any termis in it because they're just too overpriced for what they do, even if I do like them. Makes me sad.

>tfw whenever I post my list it gets ignored

But GW, if you don't take shaky pictures as leaks what will we have to talk about?

my fucking 100 shit brick could take a photo of a page of text.

you must have an old phone

most mainstream smartphones, even cheap ones, made in the last 2 years have okay cameras now. I just upgraded from my "ancient" 2014 phone because the mic stopped working, and man pleb phones have improved a lot

the CSM terminator kit doesn't even come with 5 combibolters and power weapons - the default loadout!

Imagine if the tactical squad box only came with 7 bolters, a combiflamer (no combiplas or combigrav), 1 bolt pistol, a power sword (no chainsword), a meltagun (no plasma, flamer, or grav), and the missile launcher. It'd be shit

I am pretty sure the reason the default squad size for CSM terminators was reduced to 3 was because of the kit.

Do i need a special miniature primer, or can i use the spray primer i use on bike parts after i sand them?

Haven't we already got leaks of the WD?


>9 HP superheavy
>4+ invul save
>repairs up to 4 HP per turn on 2+
>fires 18 lascannon/multimelta/heavy flamers and 2 witchfire psyker powers per turn out the back
>6 lascannon/multimelta/heavy flamers get to shoot at close deepstrikers for free

What do you think, guise? Apparently Imperial Agents doesn't let you take a unit of 12 jokaeros any more. Lame.

Yea the phone i use comes from 2011 and have no plan to upgrade as i just use it for calls and dont need it for anything else.

some primers are OK for miniatures, some are not. Thin coats are best.

I use an airbrush to apply vallejo primer (about 5 dollars per 50 ml of liquid primer, with the amount going on each miniature being a few drops each in total)

I'm just sad that it's a power mace instead of anything else. Power maces suck in a 3+ meta. Like, at least give the Termi Champion some special rule(s) or something. Like Zealot or something for WB. Would be cool if termi squads were lead by termi dank apostles.

Your entire army is one model, essentially.

I love it.

counter it with a whole bunch of inquisitors sitting far away blasting with conversion beamers. Because they are all the new single inquisitor detachment, they all get warlord traits (for what that is worth). Maybe toss in a few acolytes with each inquisitor to soak lascannon shots

Is 20 Sentinels enough?

the termi lord kit has a sweet axe, and you can get a sword from the loyalist kit

Yeah but that sweet axe is going to be the Goredrinker, if I ever get a regular termi Lord instead of the DP for my KdK.

And I'd rather not get a loyalist kit just for bits.

I think I could take it

maybe you have friends you can beg?

Rate my heavy weapons list. I love heavy weapons teams.

Only if they're all Hulkster colored.

>And I'd rather not get a loyalist kit just for bits.
buy bits individually on ebay then

there are 3 axes in the termi kit if you get the one with the lord, so for a 3 man termicide unit at least you have all the axes. if you have dark vengeance stuff you can chop off the maul and add the axe.

>the terminator box gives you exactly zero combi-plasmas

this is the real crime, I had to convert all mine by cutting up the combi-bolters and sticking on plasma pistol bits. I just posted about how cheap smartphones are better these days but now I can't figure out how to make my phone take pics without making everything dull and colorless

>have friends

Count on it, brother


I'm chuckling in my chair. I'd love to see this army, actually.

How do we fit Randy Savage in here?

Can you actually put multiple separate units in the same transport?

>this is the real crime,
this time a billion

I like the more vertical combiplasma you see on some of the loyalist kits (the ones with the plasma on top, no the ones where it is an underbarrel plasma). There is no chaos bit for that as far as I am aware, so it has to be converted, or you have to add spikes or something to the loyalist bits. Shit sucks yo.

are hawks decent? not guard so i'm not sure i trust tons of s3 shots

Well if you like heavy weapon teams then I guess it's good...but it's not going to win you many games.

Some thoughts:

If your goal is to field a lot of weapon teams and still perform moderately well, put one on your CCS. They have BS 4 and can shoot out of the chimera.

Drop the veterans and buy 10 more basic infantry for a rounded 50. Blob them all together.

Buy a psyker, make him level 2 and cast prescience on your 50 guys in conjunction with whatever order your officer gives every turn.

Optionally, drop the leman russ and buy a wall of martyrs bunker for 50 points, use the extra points to buy another squad of autocannons and stick them in there (second squad can sit on battlements for cover saves). You can also upgrade it to an ammo dump and get preferred enemy on your guns that way.

superheavy transports, yes

Too bad you need four to max them out.

I feel like he'd be a Fire Dragon

Actually, yeah. They're roughly at the level of Eldar units that are great, but not as great as super stronk stuff like Spiders or Scatbikes. Plus they're a lot more than the S3 shots (which you shouldn't underestimate, it performs the same a storm bolter vs MEQ and slaughters GEQ in droves), since they can dish out plenty of haywire, ignores cover blasts, they can kill any flier short of a superheavy almost guaranteed, and have an 18" movement to top it all off.

They're a good contender for most flexible unit in the codex.


What the fuck is up with that anyway

>Hyper advanced aliens
>crazy lasers and shit
>here are our best crazy lasers
>s3 lol

>mfw putting together a squad of Deathwatch termies with assault cannons.

Luckily I found a bit seller on ebay with 4 autocannons for $8.

>just buy two boxes user


welp i'm sold on them, the dated models are starting to grow on me as well

Baharroth spent too much time flying and not enough fighting or designing weapons.

If he could be a Howling Banshee, actually, that'd fit the best. Since he was literally out of his gourd 99% of the time he was on air.

all the top netlists run 5 devastators in a rhino with 2 grav cannons to shoot from the hatch so it's a perfect kit


Funniest part is that the Eldar are meant to be proud of their flashlights, because they can control light itself.

Meanwhile the Imperium values a lasgun only slightly more than the man holding it.


Rare audio of Jain Zar's banshee howls

>mfw I never noticed this
>mfw I have no face

I'm in tears user. It's too late for this kind of shit.

So it's a bunker?
Or do they drive around and give up shots?

I played a three-way 1850 match the other day. It was the first match in over a year and it made me never want to play the game. Being targeted by both players is one thing, but them working together to wipe me off the board, to the point of planning how they can help each other, is much different.

What do you think is the life expectancy of a guardsman?

One that has a commander with a brain and doesn't make him run in front of tanks to draw their fire.

Yeah three-ways are impossible to balance. inevitably it will be pick off the weakest guy losing the least amount of friendlies then fight 1v1.

vehicles make passengers relentless so long as you go slowly

That's fucking bullshit. I remember in my early days I played a couple Three way matches and shit like this would always pop up. Two shooty armies vs my assault army. I never stood a fucking chance.

Stuff like that really makes you hate this game, especially when the other players are having fun and you're obviously not.

decent enough

Most guardsmen fight boring shit like rebellions and other crap that the PDF can't handle for some reason. You don't hear about them, because those battles aren't interesting.

Instead you hear about guardsmen on death worlds fighting superhuman aliens. The life expectancy there is much worse.

Am i doing it right anons?

>Le Npc faction meme

Age of the emperor is the only thing that can save Tyranids

That's why you play equal teams, friendo.

Guardsmen? You mean those guys I surround my actually valuable tanks with?

nigga you dumb as hell, why are you paying for rhinos?

Or just a fucking codex update? You know, like ever other high powered faction out there with the latest toys.

Heh. You're probably just gonna get fully removed

You still pay for dedicated transports, newfriend.

Vehicle is Relentless
Passengers just get Fearless

Yea i dont know if being 1 edition behind hasn't helped anyone. Like CSM, Nids and IG seem to be having problems less so IG as they have a decently strong codex to start.

oh my god you're literally the dumbest shit, use the space marine decurion formation you fucking cunt, and you called me a newfag? let me show you how it's done



also plz r8 my list



Returning 4e guard player here. Bought a new dex and rules and went down to the club for a game. It was against a guy with tyranids so I swapped out all my heavy weapon teams and shit for Heavy Bolters, Russ sponsons, etc...

>MFW he pulls out 6 Hive Tyrants

Yo what the fuck happened?

Is it worth adding an enginseer congregation to a (developing) AdMech war convocation?

Different guy, what is the Decurion Formation?

>List tailor
>get WAAC'd on


But yeah, the new way detachments and formations work is rather odd.

A Necron formation.

>"different guy"


Crtl+f'd the codex, no hits for decurion.

is this real life, is this just fantasy?

Veeky Forums is dying, no escape from reality...

>calling people newfriend
>being this new

go back to warmahordes or whatever shit game you play since you seem to be incapable of reading

What are you talkin about, user?

If I take 2 formations, does that mean my army is unbound? Like if I take Emperor's Wrath and Emperor's Shield, is that fine?

If a titan is inside a void field generator, does it stack?

Read the rulebook.

An army is only unbound if you take something that isn't in any sort of formation or detachment.

Using that shitty army building program is never doing it right. But by all means, be newfag #2562572 to prove that only dipshits use it.

I can't open images in this thread

Sucks to be you.