>yfw you realize the reason cyberpunk characters have crazy styles is to hide their identities from facial recognition software
Yfw you realize the reason cyberpunk characters have crazy styles is to hide their identities from facial recognition...
Huh, cool. Didn't think of it that way before.
>as the neural networks get better, so too must hairstyles get more and more bizzare
>yfw you have to spend 2000 credits a week to get the fucked-up plastic surgery needed to remain anonymous
wouldn't it be easier just to have wear a mask?
>the ultimate cyberpunk fashion accessory is a small burlap sack with eye holes
The police start profiling ugly people.
Uh, wouldn't their distinct features make them even more noticeable?
No, because almost every place has laws against concealing your face in public.
I know this because I love masks and would love wear one 24/7.
>the alarms are still wailing as the robbers speed off in their 2003 toyota camry
>the sprinkler system has gone off, spraying water all over the hostages huddled on the ground
>one hostage stands up, surveying the chaos
>"Man, those guys were asthetic as fuck."
If we assume the trappings of cyberpunk in action - mechanised and constant observation and utter apathy from people - then no. Because machine doesn't recoginise them in their weirdness, rather trying to match their face to a picture. Meanwhile people are too apathetic to give a fuck about yet another colourful punk.
Aside of that, even if we go for more serious tone, have you ever been on, say, convention for goths? Where rather than having one bizzarely clothed chick with even weirder make-up you have few hundreds people like that in a single conference room?
Apply that to cyberpunk and punks being everywhere. Suddenly having pink hairs and a small anchor in your left ear doesn't make you stand out, because the guy who saw you saw also 20 people like that since just yesterday.
Tell that to one-fingered Yakuza with full body tattoos.
then baneposters will spam the network with stale jokes every time they see you
Not if you change your haircut every week.
Unfortunately, somebody cared who you were before you put on the mask, which goes against the principles of Baneposting. There will still likely be those who point out how your personal identity is of no concern, as matter of importance is your plan.
>implying they won't do that anyway
>the real reason the Chinese government is starting to worry about the smog
Only in the time span between the system learning of your style and you switching to a new one. And assuming you go for a unique style, instead of doing the usual thing of adhering religiously to your subculture's designated uniform of individuality.
Because the Party will no longer be able to use its GLORIOUS FACE-RECOGNITION SOFTWARE to keep tabs on DIRTY DISSIDENTS.
Nobody cared who they were until they put on the masks.
No they don't.I think France dose but even that law was met with resentment.
I'd like to know what cuck country you live in and would love to read that particular law.
Their "facebook but with 'good citizen points', which includes a reward system" is kinda impressively dystopian
>facebook but with 'good citizen points', which includes a reward system
Tell me more.
It's better than just 'good citizen points', but doing stuff the government disapproves of not only lowers your ranking, which is important for a bunch of stuff (can't remember what though), but also those around you. Meaning, you're rewarded for snitching and ostracising the government's political enemies.
As goofy as the bane jokes are, his line about nobody caring before the mask rings true, a person's identity matters so little until it's hidden, suddenly by the mere act of denying us this we need to know
Germany is actually doing this as we speak, arresting people for wrongthink and dissenting opinions shared over social media sites
Thanks Merkle
The entire EU has a system in place for it. If only they had remembered Thomas More when they were making Holocaust denial illegal, they could have avoided their fate.
It doesn't exist yet - at least not in it's full scale, and in particular the punishment aspect is just a rumour, but it's like your credit score: it applies for loans, making travel and other paperwork easier, and there are rumours about implementing penalties for low scores, like slower internet speeds, or restricting jobs a low scoring person is allowed to hold.
It pulls data from social networks and online purchase histories, and is pretty visible to anyone who wants to look, including yourself - got a pesky friend who's driving down your score? drop them, and your credit goes up.
Think how many people score-chase on inane shit like candy crush, if you want to be a bit concerned.
Amusingly, anime - being from Japan and all - is aparently a negative purchase
Yet people decry Japan's denial of wartime atrocities when the evidence for both is about the same.
Oh, and I think dating sites also can look at it as an option too - don't want to date a bad citizen, after all
Sometimes the ability for an organism to defend itself is more important than truth. You dont cut off the nose to spite the face.
>Yet people decry Japan's denial of wartime atrocities when the evidence for both is about the same.
So, the only people that deny it are ignorant at best, and ideologically motivated at worst?
And this is why cyberpunk isn't popular anymore.
Because it's already real life.
>>thinks being a nazi qualifies as muh thoughtcrime ah blooh blooh I'm being oppressed
Found the amerifat who doesn't recognise the power of speech.
Or the nazi, not sure which.
Found the useful idiot marching his nation towards a dystopian hell.
As atrocious as nazis are, setting precedence to silencing political opinion deemed "harmful" is a pretty fucking awful idea. Sunlight is the best disinfectant and all that, anyway.
To eyewitnesses, yeah.
But computers looking for faces to document will often screw up if you have weird shit all over you. The point isn't to have an unrecognizable face to humans, the point is to have a face that computers ignore.
Russia is doing the same thing. Though it's less about liberal stuff and more about mentioning nazis and being non-christian.
Besides what thinks are "nazis" simply arent. The german gov. crackdown of social media always coincides with the uncomfortable truth about refugees slipping past the filters of the MSM.
Germany doesn't have a weird facebook that actively encourages stabbing your fellow man in the back and awards you 'citizen points' for doing so.
Germany keeps tabs on potential terrorists. Which is what neo-nazis are. I doubt you'd have problems with people keeping an eye on extremely radical Muslims.
So apply that same thing to Russia, China, Turkey and see how your argument breaks down, as those countries are openly doing it.
My argument does not break down. Suppressing dissent is suppressing dissent.
Wew, this myth again.
The actual goal of the German police in those raids was to seize illegal weapons. The people they targeted were people associated with far-right groups that had made comments suggestive of violent action, and that were already suspected of breaking the law. Lo and behold, a bunch of the houses they raided were indeed found to be full of weapons, narcotics, and materials for making bombs.
The ONLY people arrested to be put on trial were those in possession of these items.
>Sunlight is the best disinfectant
Actually not heard that one - looking it up, found that the guy was committed to privacy rights, and he was also a massive progressive and a pretty active zionist (he died in 1941).
I'm not commenting on either of those, but I think it's an amusing confluence of policies for this discussion.
But yes, setting a precedent for shutting down people isn't great, even when those people are doing the online equivalent of shouting in the street that groups of people should burn and that nazis were right.
This is getting pretty /pol/ pretty fast though - I'm kind of wondering how you'd incorperate this into a game (no, really, I am)
If you present a scenario where the cops (or CorpSec) are overzealous and clamping down privacy, but the people they're silencing are obnoxious assholes with no redeeming features, who do you think a party would side with?
Do you view AFD as far-right?
depends on the group
Were it cops, my group would probably side with them. Corps? a little harder to gauge. Even meatheads know corps aren't entirely kosher.
With China's 'Good Boy Points', it feels like you can game the system though. /g/ already orders a bunch of small cables and stuff from their eBay equivalent, so they could easily drown in them. I was told that stuff like attending parades gets you points, but what stops them from sending someone from the office to just have the phones in a bag and score the geolocation points?
People who are members of far-right groups are often voters for the AfD, as it's the only plausible party to vote for by their reckoning.
Wow thanks for turning this into a politics thread guys, so fun
A lot of modern facial recognition(the ones used in cassinos) is actually pretty good at seeing through disguises, even better than humans for most part.
>I was told that stuff like attending parades gets you points, but what stops them from sending someone from the office to just have the phones in a bag and score the geolocation points?
A cap on the amount of "good boy points" you can earn per day combined with punishments to people that try to game the system would be enough, I guess.
Can you provide a source for your claims? The latest FB crackdown seems to focus on so-called hate speech entirely.
If you've gaming the system you're still helping - helping meet production targets, giving the media statistics that look good (100'000 people attended the parade in Beijing today) while still doing whatever you were actually doing.
Honestly, it's a pretty clever deal.
Oh, and has it been mentioned it's being set up/run by the company that does Ali Baba?
Being a Nazi and being angry about your government importing hundred of thousands of violent criminals, giving those criminals paid services that their own citizens aren't allowed to utilize despite paying for them via taxes, and even going out of their way to satisfy the and cover up the bloodthirsty and violent crimes the criminals commit are 2 vastly different things.
t. Gay German in the closet who has seen firsthand what tolerance has got us.
Different poster, but yes and no.
The AFD takes great pains to exclude members of extremist groups from joining their ranks. Despite this, however, they are very much supported by a voter base of extreme far-right folks who see them as the only option that doesn't completely fuck with their worldview.
Also, while they don't popularize the view, they are full of people who are tenaciously against same-sex marriage being allowed, and often against gays or lesbians being allowed to partake in certain jobs, such as teaching. They don't publicize these opinions to a great degree, but they don't distance themselves from them either. They court the far right while trying to remain middle-leaning enough that people who aren't really that political and don't do their research can feel endeared to them by other policies.
>They court the far right while trying to remain middle-leaning enough that people who aren't really that political and don't do their research can feel endeared to them by other policies.
I think you've got that backwards.
>Keep tabs on potential terrorists
And yet, they aren't arresting Neo Nazis, they're arresting citizens who speak out about the crimes that are being committed with no responses from police or the government. Additionally, there ARE radical Muslim groups, IN GERMANY, who have facebook pages talking about things like rape and murder but it's just left off as joking.
Social Credit Score accounts would be a fairly valuable target to hit in a cyberpunk game - you can make someone, break someone, or affect whole swathes of people to make disruption, or to just go Robin Hood on a community and give them all cheap loans
Any specific names or keywords I could google?
>there ARE radical Muslim groups, IN GERMANY, who have facebook pages talking about things like rape and murder but it's just left off as joking.
German police made recent raids on suspected IS members within the country though.
Sesame Credit.
As stated, it's not active on any large scale yet, and punishments in particular aren't much but rumours, but it garnered relatively huge media attention
Far Right at this point is a meme that means anyone not in the Far Left
Do you view Donald Trump as Far Right?
If you do, congrats, you're retarded, he's slightly right of center with largely leftist views.
I've reviewed my own political agenda, and I'm actually fairly leftist, with minor right leaning ideas. But by the standards of Germany, I'd be a neo nazi (in spite of being a quarter jewish, gay and darker skinned) because I don't believe Islamic Extremism should be allowed to run rampant in places like Sweden and Germany
Was that after a 12 year old tried to bomb a market and another prick rammed a truck through another?
Gotta love that retroactive policing.
>Being a Nazi and being angry about your government importing hundred of thousands of violent criminals
...Hundreds of thousands of refugees. Most of which are actually kids and many of which are women.
There are nowhere near enough cases of crimes by immigrants to suggest hundreds of thousands of criminals.
I think the last really big one was, ironically, just a little before that.
>Most of which are kids
No, most of which are adults who breed like rabbits
Most of the kids are also child brides, in fact there was a huge thing not too long ago about how it was 'unethical' to seperate the hordes of pedophile goatfuckers from their 9 year old wives.
Define "refugees" then define "most".
More than 70% of recent migrants arrive for economic reasons. Those from actual warzones have long since been in danger and have no need to move into Europe or beyond. The majority are young men, and their age is least important detail about them that remains unverifiable.
I just need to start wearing a full face mask everywhere I go at this point. Facial recognition software is the reason I can't go to London, or England, anymore.
I view him as a self-important asshole who's going to let the governor who led Indiana to becoming the second-shittiest state run things for him while he's crying about how people are so mean to him on Twitter.
Are we living in a cyberpunk future Veeky Forums?
>Far Right at this point is a meme that means anyone not in the Far Left
If you want I can start making completely stupid statements too, but then this conversation would have no point.
>Do you view Donald Trump as Far Right?
Donald Trump has no views or ideals of his own, he's not aligned to any political system. He says and does whatever he thinks will get him the most applause, whether or not he believes what he's saying or has any intention of following through.
He has a lot of far-right supporters who think he's gonna usher in a grand regime of gays being shot in the street and all blacks in jail, but that's simply the nature of the far right - they're easy prey to self-interested demagogues. He won't do that stuff because he doesn't have the power and he's not actually interested in doing anything but strengthening the power large corporations have. That is the only reason he's there.
Yes. Every try to make an argument from an anonymous Twitter profile? Facts dont matter.
>Are we living in a cyberpunk future Veeky Forums?
You've clearly never been to New York, Florida or Louisiana then.
>If you want I can start making completely stupid statements too
>Donald Trump has no views or ideals of his own
That was quick. even if you think he panders to people, he obviously has a set of beliefs he adheres.
If you did something bad enough that people are combing through security cameras looking for you you probably deserve it
I haven't done anything, yet. I'm just deeply, irrationally paranoid.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean someone isn't out to get you!
If by Far-Right supporters you mean Alt-Right, then yes he has a lot of those. Most of his supporters, and voters mind you, are middle/poverty class Americans fucked over by Obama
For someone who said they didn't want to make stupid statements, you sure were eager to jump in and make nothing but stupid statements.
>KIds wont turn into criminals because of troubled, violent childhoods. You can trust me.
Fuck off shill.
He very clearly has no political place he wants to move the US toward. He constantly shifts around on his positions and contradicts himself, because he doesn't really care where he's going ideologically. His choices for heads of state have been made no based on how well they'll do their job or what they'll do in the role, but how much uproar and attention they'll bring him, and how much support from people who like his "I'm just a guy that doesn't give a shit and does whatever" persona it will grant him.
He cares about business. That's it.
I want /pol/ to leave.
>make post on German FB about how you dont particularly like people who pray 5 times a day to a mass-murdering pedophile
>go out in public and get screened by FR software that has your profile pic in its database
>get arrested for being antisocial
Give it 5 years. Though anyone who lets their society turn into a dystopian nightmare probably deserves it, right?
If every kid who had ever had any trauma in their pasts turned into a criminal, the human race would have killed itself a thousand times over by now.
>He very clearly has no political place he wants to move the US toward
>He cares about business. That's it.
I'd say you contradict yourself quite often as well.
Don't let your ignorance of things end up being your definitions of them.
>Chose literally the best person for each job, people who the american populace not only expected but also approved of but were dismissed during the Obama administration.
>This is somehow him appointing people for shock value
Oh fuck off you daft cunt.
I bet you don't even now who he appointed as ambassador to China or why he chose them.
>Most of his supporters, and voters mind you, are middle/poverty class Americans fucked over by Obama
I didn't say they weren't. I just said he also has a ton of far right, and, yeah, alt right, supporters.
That said, the 'poverty class' has hardly been fucked by Obama. They've been fucked by time, and by the realities of living within in our system of economy. Industry is not coming back to areas where it's flagging in America, because those industries were flagging for a reason. They're no longer profitable, and if they are, they're generally profitable elsewhere.
Me too.
Though as I'm this one is probably on me.
Well, me and
I just wanted to post relevant netrunner art and mention an existing thing that wouldn't be out of place in a cyberpunk game
Much like 's quote, it's a catch 22
You do realize "alt-right" is just anyone right of center who isnt explicitly republican or "libertarian", right? An umbrella term meant to demonize dissent.
Lel, most of his choices have no experience or qualifications in the areas they're posted. Or they have MASSIVE conflicts of interest going on, where it's actively best for them personally to sabotage the post.
You do realize you can go to any social network and find people who call themselves alt-right and are willing to explain what it means, right?
There's two main groups with different ideas about what this is, but they're both real communities.
He chose a man with a long record of working with Chinese officials. Libtards wrote him off immediately because he's the governor of a "flyover state"
And you do realize that barely any two of them will evenly match? Some are zionists and some are anti-semites. Some are paleocons and some are traditionalists, monarchists or outright fascists. They're all over the place.
I've been to New York and Louisiana. Louisiana is circling the same drain as Indiana, and neither of them are quite as bad as Mississippi. New York is pretty much fine, although New York City is a crazy place filled with crazy people.
I cannot wait for the Trumpet Bearers to realize that he has no interest in improving their lives or making good on any of his promises.
Shillaroos can die in a fire too, of course, but they're not as loud so their despair won't be as fun.
>although New York City is a crazy place filled with crazy people.
Wasn't New York always like that?
That's what happens when you let a narcissist make political appointments. They're picked for loyalty, not for competence, because he's the superman and they just need to shut up and do what he says.