>He actually was practically prince of the halflings
LotR thread.
He actually was practically prince of the halflings
Other urls found in this thread:
LotR thread?
So, are these basically the areas of habitation after the War? Where people lived, though some areas were held, but uninhabited, by other lands.
It still stings that they never did the cleansing of the Shire.
What were you thinking when you used unreadable red like that?
Sorry, don't know how to do two-colored fonts in paint.
Close enough. I mean, we consider abos people.
Where do halflings go when they die anyway?
Beyond the circles of the world.
>we consider abos people
Speak for yourself
Frodo and Sam mention the name Elbereth (Varda) a couple of times; they probably go to her house, spending their time in maximum comfort.
Aren't halflings just a short not yet offshoot branch of humanity? I'd assume that means they go to the same place as regular humans.
Isn't that what you carve on the floor to deter undead?
They have the Gift of Men so their souls go out of Arda. Afterlife is simple in Middle-Earth, elves fuck off to Valinor for the rest of the world's existence, knockoff races like dwarves or ents go nowhere at all as their souls were essentially lended to the Vala that created them, and mortals that don't fit in the previous category have the Gift of Men. Orcs possibly go to Valinor too but Tolkien didn't like thinking about orcish souls.
Lots of monsters respect Elbereth. It's easier to list the kinds that won't.
Also that's based off people repeatedly using Elbereth's name to scare the ringwraiths away
Would they go to valinor as orcs or in their original untortured elf form?
Yes, but full of Orc memories. Also, orcs birthed greater populations than all other elves, and thus vastly outnumber the living population of valinor
do the latest generations of orcs even have souls?
Does Stephen Colbert ever post in these threads?
Oh, that seems unfair for dwarves, eagles, and ents.
Aren't there a few Dwarven settlements in the Blue and Grey Mountains?
How do you know that Dwarven souls go nowhere? Didn't Eru Ilúvatar adopt the dwarves and give them true life? The dwarves themselves even believe they have a separate place in the Halls of Mandos set aside for them.
>No Beornings and Woodmen
>No Dalishmen
>No Blue Mountain Dwarves
>Assumption that Bree-people are the only remnant of entire population of Arnor and not just the one that was mentioned because hobbits passed through it
>Mirkwood Elves claiming entire forest and not just the northern part
>Assuming people of Rhun are a proper ethnicity and not mix of various eastern cultures, and that the ones of the western part are Asian
and that Aule will call upon them to craft the next world. How many of the seven clans of dwarves actually appear in the books?
Dwarf named and primary characters from the First Age to the Fourth are all from the Longbeards however armies of all the clans came together for the War of the Dwarves and Orcs. The vengeance of all dwarves for Azog's insult to the kin of Durin.
They say their souls go to Aule's hall however no official, authorial word about them was published. It's unlikely they leave the world though it is also super unlikely they don't go anywhere or don't have souls. So my money is on Aule's halls.
Make another, then.
Also, I thought the other dwarves were chased out by dragons.
I believe Tolkien said in a letter once that Orcs are trapped in Arda, and will eventually decay into poltergeists.
That was things like the barrow wights, you're conflating that with what he said happened to Orcs after Sauron was defeated where Orcs, without strong central leadership would fade into being tribal barbarian menaces but never fully threaten people again. Elves would become forest fae with much the same fading but less actively malevolent and vicious.
I mean, I'm pretty certain he said orcs would fade into poltergeists by the "modern age".
So, do non-men just go completely extinct by the modern age, or do their civilizations just become minor in Middle-Earth, but stay strong back across the sea?
And do you think the Entwives came back?
Non humans go to Valinor, go extinct, go into hiding, breed true with men or become spirits of the forest and hills.
No, entwives died when the blasted lands got their name.
>become spirits of the forest and hills.
But what does this mean? They're ghosts? They still exist, but stay out of international affairs and spook men away from their lands?
And do we know what happened to the Entwives, or did he completely leave it before he died? Were there no Ents across the sea, to send a few Entwives over?
It means what it means. They're the fae and fairies and all things that make you want to leave a place of nature cause you, somehow, think you're trespassing on something or someplace you just shouldn't be. Ever had that feeling? Walk into a glade or particular dell on a hike and get this feeling of "I shouldn't be here, this place isn't for me/this place is holy/this place doesn't want us." ? That's an elven or dwarven spirit saying, "get the fuck out human."
There are probably ents and entwives in Yavanna's forests but, like, 6 people have left physical heaven for middle earth. It's not a popular thing to do.
is there an "extended universe" being written ?
Its sad we don't have any comics for example.
Is there something on top of Hobbit/Lotr/The Silmarillion ?
I wish his son wrote more.
So, ghosts?
Maybe after Christopher kicks it.
But for now if you want stuff outside of shitty livejournal fanfic you've got The Last Ringbearer (which is shit for its own revisionist reasons) or derivative homages that are different settings (Shannara).
If your only reference for spirit is "remnant of a dead being" then yes. They're ghosts.
But remember the Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost is a spirit that never was mortal once. Spirits don't have to be remnants of mortal beings.
>tfw your realize Sam is the most pure Paladin to ever adventure
Please god do not let that happen. Christopher's works are already difficult to find merit in. The mishmash of whatever lowest bidding authors that have no guaranteed grasp of the setting that most extended universes have is bad. The never ending cashcow bullshit of committee designed, producer driven Cinematic Universes is also terrible.
It should just be legal for anyone to make their own, though most would ignore the shitty ones.
Think about the fights over who's writings better extended Tolkiens works.
>Sauron tempts him with his greatest desire
>Shows the world blooming into a beautiful garden
>Sam decides it would be a lot of work for one Hobbit to maintain, doesn't succumb
Absolute madman.
I think there are settlements in the Blue mountains but the ones in the Grey mountains were mostly eliminated by dragons.
Wait, in the tower after Frodo was poisoned and taken, Sam uses his shadow to scare the orcs. Is that a paladin spell?
What's his religion?
Okay, so, Dale, Carrock, Eagles, Blue Dwarves.
That's plain old raw determination and wit son, a real Paladin does it without overt divine aid.
Being a Hobbit, duh. Did you read how fucking into hearth and home these shits are? They'll murder a fallen angel to secure another day of pipe weed, a big bowl of stew, and Rosee's big halfling ass.
LotR thread.
The exact quote is "a great silent shape, cloaked in a grey shadow, looming against the wavering light behind; in one hand it held a sword, the very light of which was a bitter pain, the other was clutched at its breast, but held concealed some nameless menace of power and doom"
Which leads me to believe the Ring had something to do with it.
>you'll never be a well-off hobbit heir of your uncle's find underground estate
>you'll never chillax on cool summer's eves with your hobbit buddies, drinking ale and smoking whacky tobaccy aka old toby
Release me from this prison.
>tfw you'll never be thainheir
>tfw never win mayoral election
>tfw never make a better government system for the shire and introduce inventions like watches, looms, musicboxes, etc.
>tfw never be remembered as a Great
Why even live?
>Where now the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing?
>Where is the helm and the hauberk, and the bright hair flowing?
>Where is the hand on the harpstring, and the red fire glowing?
>Where is the spring and the harvest and the tall corn growing?
>They have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow;
>The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow.
>Who shall gather the smoke of the dead wood burning,
>Or behold the flowing years from the Sea returning?
Fucking reality.
At least we share this feel.
Do you think Durin ever awakened?
How is MERP? I'm not really a fan of The One Ring RPG.
Hobbits are living life on easy mode compared to most races in ME.
I mean Humans are constatnly getting fucked over by Orcs and Easterlings, Dwarves and Elves have their own problems.
Recently I've been planning to run a game in Beyond the Wall, and while I doubt I could (or would want to) emulate LoTR perfectly, I do want to try and capture that sense of loss and melancholy that's entwined with the wonder of Middle-Earth.
I know it's a tall order, and I do have a few ideas myself, but does anyone know how I could try and build that feeling into the game?
>yfw durin wakes again
>tfw you will never live long enough to see Rhun become independent again
Dunedain fucking shits, Middle-Earth for the Men of Darkness
DoM has some really neat worldbuilding
>tfw drinking wine
Who /dorwinion/ here?
Reminder that the Valar are assholes who love elves but hate humans.
Elves are like the Jews. God's chosen people.
That was Tolkien's point. That a bunch of content, fat country bumpkins can change the world AND remain fat and content afterwards. It's a paean to the disappearing pastoralism of Tolkien's Britain.
I had that feeling once in a high school gym room, i don't think it necessarily means spirits..
By organized, I mean having one general leader, living in more than tribes, you know?
Like, while the Ents live alone and not in some great government, they have a leader, and an Entmoot, and have as much government as they need, you know?
if taking his ring is just too much effort any attempted seduction will fail
except for frodo, who really couldn't unsee those horrors from the somme
Who's to say that OP isn't Stephen Colbert?
Anyone have that SJW LotR pic? With the gender and race changing?
I prefer not to save things I feel lacking of any real merit, and had put that image out of my mind entirely. Now reminded of it, I can't help but realize it's irritating qualities all over again.
So, what is Angmar exactly? A remnant of Angband? A place that's further south? I'm not sure how the Third Age geography matches up to the geography of the Simarilian.
What's a female hobbit? Not a woman. What's the name? Just girl or lady?
I don't have it, but I do have some cool non-SJW art.
see Ered Luin on this map? The northern portion of this chain corresponds with the Blue Mountains on this map . As you can see, almost everything else is underwater.
Meanwhile the Grey Mountains here are part of the Iron Mountain chain from the 1st age (the old chain would swing North East from here so the part of the chain featured in Beleriand, and Angband, is to far north to be displayed on my map).
Angmar is simply a stronghold established by the Witch King north of Arnor. It didn't have any preexisting settlements to build off, apart from a fuck ton of goblins that live up in the northern Misty Mountains
valar are assholes who dont give a single fuck about elves or humans or dwarves or whatever
except for Ulmo, hes great
It likely borrows its name from Angband, which translates into 'Iron Prison.' 'Ang-' means 'Iron' while '-mar' means 'Home,' so 'Angmar' is 'Iron Home.'
Angmar was a kingdom founded by the first of the Nazgûl and used as a staging ground for wars launched against the three human kingdoms of Arnor, Arthedain, Rhudaur, and Cardolan. It successfully replaced the royal line of Rhudaur with a hill chief allied to Angmar, invaded and destroyed Cardolan and slew the king of Arthedain and eventually conquered its capital after centuries of conflict. All of Arnor fell to Angmar.
Shortly after his complete conquest, a general of Gondor gained the assistance of the elves of Grey Havens, the surviving men of Arnor and the armies of Rivendell under Glorfindel. The Witchking of Angmar fled to Gondor and left his kingdom leaderless, allowing it to quickly be crushed.
After Angmar's fall, all that were left were scattered towns in the Southern reaches (one of which is Bree) and small troupes of Dúnedain that lived in the wilderness, who became known as Rangers of the North.
Arnor was only brought back to glory during the reign of King Elessar, better known as Aragorn or Strider. He brought about the Reunited Kingdom of Arnor and Gondor, also known as the Two Kingdoms.
Why did such a massive amount of land sink?
War of Wrath. Shit went down on a divine level
Well damn. Thanks for the information guys.
Did Gondolin sink, or is there some remnant of it in the Third Age?
Part of me wants to assume Gondor due to similar naming schemes, but I doubt that's true.
Gondolin is on this map near Taur-nu-fuin. Basically everything east of the Ered Luin (so almost the entire map) is under water.
Gon, from memory, means stone, and the are entirely unrelated (well, thematically they are somewhat related)
Fair enough, thanks again for the information
>fled to Gondor
Correction, fled to Mordor.
>every single fucking character has a Tumblr nose
Are you shitting me.
it's a cold day
Are you really so fragile that you're triggered by a nose when nothing else about the piece is remotely SJW-ish?
Unofficial map.
You're confusing "SJW" with "Tumblr art" this is an easy mistake to make, since much tumblr art is SJW crap, but some Tumblr art, despite sharing many of the same...stylistic choices as most Tumblr art, is not SJW crap.
Contrary to popular belief, Tumblr did not invent that nose. They just use it stupidly fucking often for everything.
>ywn speak with Tolkien
>Implying I want to speak with a luddite.
He'd probably "politely" talk shit about my life style, and how much time I spend on the internet.
I wish I could have gone to one of his lectures. I would love to learn from the man, to be able to learn about the history and language of Anglo-Saxon England.
Just don't tell him about that, you faggot.
Dude was a good writer, a masterful world builder, and had a damn fine knowledge of history and language.
But he was a fucking luddite.