I'd like to get my girlfriend into 40K, I've got a massive imperial guard tank army for myself but i was thinking of buying her a starter kit in eldar.
It's that or blood for the blood god, chaos.
What is Veeky Forums's recommendations?
I'd like to get my girlfriend into 40K, I've got a massive imperial guard tank army for myself but i was thinking of buying her a starter kit in eldar.
It's that or blood for the blood god, chaos.
What is Veeky Forums's recommendations?
Have you asked her what/whether she'd like to play?
what type of tanks?
Maybe some old Sororita models?
Talk to her, if she is a real person.
Of course not, as a woman she can't be expected to know what she wants.
>how to get girl into 40k
Tyranids. The answer is ALWAYS Tyranids.
Now who the fuck wants a heavy flamer on a tank. I mean, for fucks sake. Just put a fucking cannon on it.
Im on acid and I can see that thats impractical
Flametanks were employed in WW2 by
-Germans (FlammpanzerII Flammpanzer III etc)
-Russian (OT34; OT26...)
-British (churchill version)
-US (M3 Satan (stuart mod)
-Italian (CV33 modificaton)