If dorffort elves don't cut down trees, then how do they smelt metal?

If dorffort elves don't cut down trees, then how do they smelt metal?

Coal? Arcane fire?

It's called sustainable forestry.

Mined coal and magma.

How do they mine down to the coal/magma in the first place without metal tools?

What if... They just buy that stuff from others and don't do the dirty work themselves.

Dorffort elves don't. Hence the wooden weaponry and armour.

in the first place they trade metal tools for blow-Js

They grow the wood of needed shape with elf magic, then it falls down itself. It takes long, but elves are long-lived

They smelt metal by singing to it, duh

thats gay, stupid, untrue, and fundamentally too apologetic for Veeky Forums. Please go back to whatever liberal containment board you came from. We're here to talk about elves, how awful they are, how unrealistic they are, and how much we hated them. Again, leave.

They trade it.
But I bet Armok does it.

Get this, user.

They don't have metalworking.

If they did, they could take over the world.

Literally a race of almighty retards.

Dead trees. Elves are immortal. They can very well wait for for 50-100 years. Trees are like pets for them.

>cut down tree
>plant new tree
>cast grow-tree on little tree

Are you retarded?

They didn't need mines, they just got the surface metals. They were around for longer so there's no more surface metal by the time everyone else starts.

Past that they can just melt down the weapons of slain foes and such.

Dwarf Fort elves are like the vegans who refuse meat not out of some kind of PETA ideology that places animals on the level of humans, but rather just doesn't want to support factory farms. They have methods of humane wood harvesting, specifically, , but they don't trust anyone else to have harvested wood that way.

In future editions Toady is likely to attach tags to goods so that it's possible to tell whether they are elven, dwarven, human, or goblin make, at which point you may be able to trade elves elven wooden goods without them getting mad at you, but for now that's just one of the weird inconsistencies of Dorf Fort.

Also they fuckin eat people.

I await the day when Cacame Awemedinade leads the genocide of their entire race.

What? I thought they opposed all forms of woodcutting because they though threes were alive and their special magic let them grow and harvest wood without harming the tree, not because it was more sustainable.

This is 180 degrees off of what I thought was the case.

So when I start my fort at year 5, elves have taken all the surface metal?

>muh elves are unrealistic and dumb
>but dwarves are realistic

What I meant was that there are elf-approved methods of wood harvesting, but that they don't buy wood from anyone else because they know they're the only one who uses those methods. There are vegans who would eat meat if they had proof that it had been farmed humanely.

Don't respond to bait.

user, I feel bad for having to be the one who tells you this, but that post was probably made in jest.

>Autism levels this high
Starving trout dont fall for bait this bad..


do you even dorf?

They buy magma-forged stuff from dwarves. And get money from humans via blowjobs.

Aren't wood elves just the radical extremists? Meanwhile other elves are living in marble palaces and don't care about overmining a region or deforesting for a summer home.