Are Genestealer Cults the best recent addition to 40k that GW has made?

Are Genestealer Cults the best recent addition to 40k that GW has made?

>not just another flavor of Marines
>old army re-imagined into something new
>actually has new models and thought put into them, instead of just a half assed update so people with their ancient metal models will be somewhat satisfied
>brings new lore to the fluff
>has neat mechanics
>actually pretty powerful in competitive

I think they're pretty solid overall.

Other urls found in this thread:,000/Tactics/Genestealer_Cults_(7E)

Genestealer Cults and Skitarii/AdMech sit at about the same level of quality for me, with basically the same reasons you posted for both. Not only that but the two factions seem to be somewhat immune to the bullshit 'but my race is better than yours' syndrome some of the others' are suffering from right now.

I'm not satisfied with the storm troopers

This and Skritali were amazing modern additions

It's just another flavor of Tyranids/Genestealers. I don't know how you can complain about "too many marine rehashes" when they just do another fucking rehash.

They could have done a completely new faction instead, like AdMech or Knights was. As is, GSC is still just a fucking shitty rehash, just like marine shit, just like Harlequins, just like MT, no matter how much you GSCfags like them, you fucking hypocrites.

AdMech weren't a completely new faction, no more than Genestealer Cults by any stretch of the imagination. One could also argue that Imperial Knights are basically a rehash of the Titanicus but made more affordable at this level. I'd understand where you were coming from if you didn't say AdMech/Knights were any better and now I'm just confused as how you came to reach your conclusion.

Someone list off what they did to update genestealers, missed this.

Did any variant of knights and admech exist in 40k as a playable faction? No.

Did any variant of Tyranids or Genestealers exist in 40k as a playable faction? ?????

Techically genestealers are a whole other kind of tyranid in a lore standpoint but I see what you mean.

Death Watch are esstianlly "Yo we heard you like sternguard vets so why not make an entire army of them"

>They could have done a completely new faction instead, like AdMech or Knights was. As is, GSC is still just a fucking shitty rehash, just like marine shit, just like Harlequins, just like MT, no matter how much you GSCfags like them, you fucking hypocrites.

Oh right because we have sooo many flavors of tyranids
This honestly feels like bait,000/Tactics/Genestealer_Cults_(7E)

>Did any variant of knights and admech exist in 40k as a playable faction?

Yes, Servitors and Techpriests, two units that represented the Adeptus Mechanicus, while Genestealers have until now been the only unit that represents GSC. As for Tyranids, doesn't count unless you're willing to say AdMech don't count because Guard exist, they're quite separated beyond one working for the other.

Were the AdMech/Skitarii an old army in previous editions of 40k or are they a new thing? How long were they in 30k before the codex came out for 40k?

Imperial Knights were in Epic or whatever it's called, the old game with the teeny tiny little models, weren't they?
Wasn't the AdMech in that game too?

The one that was like Apocalypse games are now, but using itsy bitsy models instead of normal sized 40k ones.

Shit opinion

>too much marine shit is stupid do new shit instead of marines

You have to be a retard. One flavor of ANYTHING is enough. Don't complain about repeat flavors just because you don't like that flavor and want your favorite flavor repeated instead you faggot ass hypocrite. Harlequins and MT were stupid and unnecessary too. But it's not like we had so many flavors of IG or Eldar.

>It's just another flavor of Tyranids
>this is what Marinefags actually believe

Servitors and techpriests aren't factions you stupid faggot.

Epic isn't 40k you stupid faggot.

Holy shit you faggots are stupid. Can't even get simple facts straight.

>I don't like constant rehashing of one faction
>Therefore I am a hypocrite if I don't mind one expansion of the faction

No, you're reaching and projecting, stop.

GSC play nothing like Tyranids. And they don't even share the same Genestealers.

I like them because they're more grimdark and less giant robots.

>MEQ players should be happy with all MEQ releases, because Deathwatch, Grey Knight, and Space Wolf specific models are totally usable by vanilla marines
>this is what clueless xenos faglords actually believe

I guess you should just stop complaining about lack of releases, because GW made plenty of Tau and Eldar releases. Those are xenos, you can use those right?

can you put human heads on those guys ?

they would make a decent hivers AM regiment.

DA play nothing like GK. And they don't even share the same Terminators.

>Servitors and techpriests aren't factions you stupid faggot.

No, but fluffwise they're members of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Meanwhile Genestealers isn't a faction, but they're members of the Genestealer Cults, so now you're projecting, reaching and contradicting yourself (on both levels by becoming hypocritical in your own process.)

Yup. The heads are all separate bits.

Pretty sure the heads are just like normal sprues.

In fact if you buy a box of these kind of Neophytes you literally just get a normal box of Cadian Guardsmen with an extra sprue of cult stuff packed in.

DA play a lot like Codex Space Marines.

You dense retard, I'm asking a question. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm asking the tangentially related question of whether or not those factions were included in Epic.

You clearly came into this thread just looking provoke a fight and scramble to make an angry response to anyone who replies to you, otherwise you'd have better reading comprehension.

>Servitors and techpriests aren't factions you stupid faggot
>He doesn't know about Imperial Agents

>the best recent addition to 40k

Thanks, will definitely make a veteran squad out of them then.

Why do 40k threads attract so much butt hurt

Imperial Agents came after the introduction of those factions. Prior to the actual Faction: Skitarii and Faction: Mechanicus, those units were Faction: Imperial Guard/Armies of the Imperium.

Yes, they go way back.

"Genestealers" aren't a faction either.

Gee what gave it away, you stupid faggot? Was it your stupid amazing faglord detective skills? Here, have a medal, you raging faggot.

The fanbase is diverse and GW hasn't helped by cracking down on a setting that was, until more recently, a lot more 'your dudes' and 'your canon,' basically resulting in everyone getting a bit more salty at the fluff that disagrees with their interpretation (which almost everyone has, anyone who likes all the fluff is probably a liar or just really, really sensible.)

Tyranids are. You also missed the mention of Imperial Knights as a faction as well.

because people don't understand it was a game made for the middle and upper classes

>Tyranids are

I say they are cool the only modern addition that really lacked in my eyes were the scions.

>So yeah were gonna name change everything
>Also storm troopers have regiments now
>Cool cool got any more lore?
>Nothing really
>but here are all these cool scion regiments we never expand upon and are mostly here to teach you how to paint
>Also everyone still hates storm troopers lol
>Any special characters?
>lol no we cant have individuality in the scions boy
>how are they in table top
>just play space marines

Fucking hell Skritali and GSC even Death Watch got more shit and of course the storm troopers got the short end of the stick

>completely new faction

Here's your (you), you filthy animal.

Here's the difference between the different flavors of Marines and GSC to Tyranids.

DA, BA, and Vanilla Marines share 90% of the same units/models. Same tactical marines, same assault marines, same devastators, etc, with maybe some name changes.

GSC and Tyranids share one unit.

Notice a difference?

>You have to be a retard. One flavor of ANYTHING is enough. Don't complain about repeat flavors just because you don't like that flavor and want your favorite flavor repeated instead you faggot ass hypocrite. Harlequins and MT were stupid and unnecessary too. But it's not like we had so many flavors of IG or Eldar.

With how much you repeat the word flavor and faggot you are clearly baiting or have something wrong with you

>Scions got cucked on any and all lore

Why do people hate Storm Troopers ;_;

Their lunch is completely eaten by Space Marines.

Shit those Wardens look fun. Why are the modern Wardens pretty much exactly like the Crusaders but with slightly different weapons.

>that Warden on the end there
Think you could kitbash one of those together with a normal Knight and a Lord of Skulls?

>just play space marines

You said it yourself Scions werent designed to be a full army yet a select few autists want a complete army of them and they decide to do it on Veeky Forums

Scions are designed to be used mostly in full armies of regular IG or Space marines not a full thing themselves.

There is a reason their command squad is considered an elite and not HQ

>Shit those Wardens look fun. Why are the modern Wardens pretty much exactly like the Crusaders but with slightly different weapons.

So they can reuse the same plastic molds. Variety is a lot easier when you're casting inch high metal minis.

Skitarii > Scoins
Guard Veterans > Scoins
Spees Muhreen Scouts > Scoins

They literally have no role.

They exist in a universe where they are better than the average joe but still lack in the face of space marines.

Space marines are always considered muh special forces and even with all the training and toys scions have they will still be the black sheep of the Imperium.

and only a small few like their design (like myself)

>the barrel of his meltagun is a screaming skull

That's metal as fuck.

Not to mention Space marines are literally considered angels among guardsmen while in almost every interpretation of Storm Troopers regular guard hate their guts for being rich kids.

The only Storm Troopers guardsmen like are their regimental equivalents Karskin,Catachan Devils, and Grenadiers.

So in lore and outside lore Storm Troopers are hated sadly and Veeky Forums is the only place I see a fanbase for them.

Someone did this Warden conversion to look like the old Epic model.

They could have given the questoris variants new names or names associated with a paladin style knight with different weapons, and kept Wardens and such for possible future releases.

The questoris could have been the combination dakka/choppy Knight while a Warden could have been the shooty variant with a more hunched and armoured form, mounting variety of guns on its back and defensive guns on the arms. Back guns could have included a short range Ignores Cover howitzer, long range Barrage artillery pieces, a missile battery (multi-shot, possibly AA capable?) and maybe even a single barreled turbo-laser for anti-tank use.

FW's cerastus Can be the fast, more close combat oriented variant.

>Your basically Special Forces but not really


Pic related is the best I've seen and quite simple to make. The legs could use a more beefed up armour, but that's about it.

The crab knight could be fun to convert as well. I think FW cerastus legs mounted on a questoris shoulders and its own legs replaced with a claw and a battle cannon should do the trick.

What parts are used in this?

>Yes, Servitors and Techpriests
robots and electro priests are old, dude

the only technically new thing are the skitarii themselves

>while Genestealers have until now been the only unit that represents GSC
genestealer cults had models and full army rules in 2nd edition

Body is converted regular knight. Turret is a 3rd party rhino whirlwind bit, arms appear to be stalker guns. Can't be the stormhawk interceptor triple gun because I remember Dave Taylor making this conversion well before Stormhawk was released.

>Body is converted regular knight
Oh fuck.

That's the body is on backwards isn't it. What does the back of this piece look like?

Medium forces?

Not a meltagun bro, it fires a giant burning skull jam-packed with hundreds of regular burning skulls.