Previous thread: Is this the next Hangarback?
MtG Spoilers for Aether Revolt
>be red
>get no powerful uncommons like the other colors
>get no powerful anything
>other colors are going infinite or have unkillable 2 drops with 3 power and 3 drops with 6/8/10+ power
>b-b-but I got another timmy jank dragon and atog and mr garrison's IT
>But hey, Saheeli combo players HAVE to play red!
>Tune in to the next PT stream and watch!
more like next Triskelion
>4: put a 1/1 counter on it
Not in your life. What made walker good is that it costed one mana and a tap to grow.
The legendary pirate with the monkey looks neat
>tfw the only cards they play in red are harnlight, and saheeli
>the fumaroles are more important for being a combo piece than producing red mana
>red is probably the most likely color to have creatures leave the battlefield
>lol, no revolt
How is it even possible WotC didn't put this word on a single artifact
Off topic, but is having Trisk in my Yisan EDH deck awful?
How else am I gonna activate his ability into killing creatures? Don't wanna get blown out by fight
its competing for slots with a 4/3 trample for 2 in voltaic brawler and brawler is nowhere to be found when copter is better in the same slot, and copter even gets one-upped now by aethersphere harvester lmao
Under Steel Overseer, or that new "lord" or various Undying or Modular shenanigans it has potential.
Also you can tutor it with Trinket Mage. It's not a bomb (outside of limited), but it's a mighty fine combo piece.
Most artifacts are already colorless
in addition to duplicant, I should say
Looking up some ways to keep your Mechanized Protection leech safe.
He cost's a bit, but your board is basically completely safe from hate, gives you extra draw, and is a decent blocker all in one.
>but is having Trisk in my Yisan EDH deck awful?
No. Playing mono-green commander is.
>How else am I gonna activate his ability into killing creatures?
Drop Smokestack and use the ability to feed it with tokens while everyone else dies.
>turn 5 before you start doing anything
this standard is a 4 turn kill for both combo and aggro, you aren't getting anywhere with that slowball
B-blue got some counterspell love...
Let me dream user.
Darksteel Relic
I don't really see much for my R/B Zombies deck.
Maybe I'll make G or G/W stompy if I ever get bored of it.
>No. Playing mono-green commander is.
Well that's not very helpf-
>Drop Smokestack and use the ability to feed it with tokens while everyone else dies.
Okay, cool.
wait for amonkhek for zombie/mummy love
Ignore that and go for clues
>Thinking clues are the answer
It's really a shame cause Kaladesh is a thematically cool block but my favorite color doesn't get anything fun. Just like red I can't join in on the fun
What about this card? I'm not a standard player but it seems to be useful somehow
Greater Good, Birthing Pod, Phyrexian Altar, Ramp & manadorks
Fucking Shops decks in Vintage don't need more of this shit.
>thinking people play vintage
Turn 1:
>consulate dreadnought, pass
Turn 2:
>aethergeode miner, pass
Turn 3:
>attack for 3, solemn recruit, flicker for a +1/+1 at eot
Turn 4:
>start your engines, attack for 24, go next?
It's really easy to play Vintage online user and it's a fraction of what it costs to play in real life.
>Inb4 Bone Saw + Mechanized Production + Open the Armory is the best way
>mfw I collected Saheeli's when they were 4/5 a piece
>what is chump blocking
all you have to do is play one fo those cards that gives a thing trample, friend
miner can just flicker itself out of bad trades and keep building up the +1/+1's on recruit
recruit will eat your blockers in first strike step
dreadnought is pure memes
Are you still celebrating the holidays?
Cuz that's a pretty nice Christmas Land you've got going on.
>Have the perfect hand
>only deal 24 on turn 4
With the perfect hand, GR energy can easily deal a several times more damage and Aetherworks can probably activate twice. What exactly are you getting at with this example?
>Herald of Anguish
>Metalwork Colossus
Syndicate Trafficker
>Inspiring Statuary
>Secret Salvage
>Pic related
who /DimirAffinity/ here?
if the only cards in your hand were miner and recruit, you're swinging for 0/0/3/9/11/13/15/etc
With less infinite combos
yeah but better when you have infinite mana
Did she really get this expensive because of spoilers?
Can't believe people are actually excited to play infinite combos by turn 3: the standard. How the hell is wizards getting away with this? First cryptolith rite now this
Yeah, damn cryptolith rites!
Wow, i'm fucking glad i didn't sell mine. I sold Dovin Baan though, fuck that blue man.
Looks like a fun set for limited. Don't care about standard or modern but hey shock got a reprint so that's something
I'm pretty disappointed that there's still no graveyard hate so Delerium decks are completely safe for months to come. They've put in mass artifact removal in this very set, but nothing to deal with graveyards in either Innistrad or the current block. No wonder Delerium decks reign when they're completely safe.
Delirum is now irrelevent in the grand scheme due to multiple turn 4 win decks now existing in standard.
There's no way the 4 drop 2/2 artifact guy will untap when facing against black. People keep saying it'll be great but all the top decks have answers. W/U flash has answers, B/G has answers, even aetherworks has answers provided it's able to spin and if not there's harnessed lighting and mardu in unlicensed disintegration/harnessed lightning.
Splinter Twin, you seem... different
Saheeli Rai is at $25, jesus christ
i'm talking the Saheeli Rai combo more than anything.
it doesn't really feel any different though, its just not operating at Flash.
That is a pretty big difference, but it might be fine for Standard.
How does this work?
So bets on whether the 'official' name for this deck will be
a) Copy Cat
b) Saheeli Guardian Combo
Both on the field, copy the cat with Saheeli. It enters, blink Saheeli. Keep the new Saheeli, and blink the cat, etc
Attack with an infinite number of hasty 1/4 cats
The combo can be done at instant speed, so opponent needs to remove the first half before the second resolves.
play saheeli turn 3
turn 4 play Cat, copy cat, exile saheeli, use saheeli to copy OG cat, token cat exiles OG Cat, OG cat comes back and copies Saheeli.
If I want to play a mono deck in a draft with this edition, what colour should I play?
-2 on cat
cat token bounces saheeli
repeat until you have a bunch of hasted cats
If this deck isn't christened as Copy Cat then that's just a severe wasted opportunity.
The amount of combo in this fucking set.
Dear lord.
Welcome to modern magic.
We had a deck recently that was literally called "UR Spells"
what the fuck
Crazy Cat Lady
Or maybe K I L L E R Q U E E N
I can't do the symbols on my phone
I've been playing UR control since Kaladesh came out. I've been the only one at my lgs who has consistently been on control. Hell, there's me and like 2 other guys who played back before 8th edition.
This Saheeli combo is going to be so easy to pull off in this standard - and protect. The UR shell I have is going to be easy to splash white for this card. Maybe even Dovin Baan
Don't forget your 4 Gideons.
I counter you with "Jeskai Guardian"
The "official" name will be Jeskai Saheeli Twin.
I'm getting flashbacks to "Podless Pod"
Gideon would be garbage.
You want card filtering and card draw and denial. Get your combo out and be done with it.
That's more realizable. It still depends on getting exclusively 2 cards but it's not like there isn't looting everywhere in U or card draw in R/W. Given that walker removal is close to, if not nonexistent, same for 4 damage player burn, the only thing this needs to be worried about is the cat getting grasped or harnessed with at least 1 energy.
So we have a grogillian combos being shown off with Paradox engine, but all of those are a turn too slow compared to Saheeli.
Gideon is a win condition. Why go all in on the combo when you can just play a pile of good cards with an accidental combo in it?
I'm replying to myself here.
The idea of a turn 4 win isn't going to happen unless your opp is tapped out. It's most likely going to be a turn 6 win. You're going to want a counterspell up.
so how do I fill in the rest of this decklist?:
>4 Saheeli Rai
>4 Felidar Guardian
>4 Wandering Fumarole
>2-4 Crackdown Construct
>You're going to want a counterspell up.
If you want some card filtering for Copy Cat, you could go for Key To The City and throw in Crackdown Construct for a backup combo.
You'll be running Fumarole anyway
Yeah. But realistically you're not going to have your nut hand every game. There's going to be an anticipate or a glimmer or so kn
Draw spells, counter magic, burn, and maybe a blue gearhulk or two
4 Anticipate
4 Glimmer of Genius
4 Dispel
X Negate
X Reflector Mage
X Spell Queller
You have to remember that the strength of Twin was the fallback plan of punching your opponent.
Nice 3+ CMC wincon there.
Splash white. Mostly blue, some red. I think new Chandra is going to be insane in this deck
>glimmer of genius
do I really want so many top-heavy spells on my curve in a fast creature standard? shouldn't I be maindecking more removal/sweepers
>Do I really want to scry 2 and draw 2 at instant speed in a deck that ideally wants to find 2 specific cards?
I dunno, you tell me.
It's a combo deck. Have you ever played a combo deck? Especially one with blue.
>Silver bullets that do nothing against topdecks
If Thoughtseize didn't stop Twin, this certainly won't.
turn 4 all in stuff is cool, but I like mine better
4 Mechanized Production
4 Sram's Expertise
4 Cogworker's Puzzleknot
3 Gideon Ally of Zendikar
3 Reflector Mage
4 Disallow
4 Metallic Rebuke
3 Declaration in Stone
4 Reverse Engineer
3 Master Trinketeer
4 Port Town
4 prairie stream
4 Spire of Industry
5 Island
7 Plains
2 Negate
3 Summary Dismissal
2 Servo Exhibition
2 Stasis Snare
3 Spell Queller
1 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
2 Call for Unity
all you do is put a Mechanized production on Puzzleknot or a Servo (not as good as the Knot itself) and then proceed to spew servo's while keeping counters up.
MVP's are Metallic rebuke and Reverse engineer.
another consideration for this deck is 2 panharmonicon's to speed it up and power up Reflector mage.
combo decks don't mind paying 1-2, maybe even 3 mana to dig like forbidden alchemy
but 4 mana dig in a standard where creatures swing into you on turn 4-5 means you might just have dead cards in hand
You'd lose turn 4 though.
The deck isn't fast enough.
how can I lose turn 4 when I have 8 mainboard counterspells and 8 more in the side?
Can also use Lost Legacy to strip whatever else you want.
Like I said, I've been on UR control for this entire standard.
Glimmer is probably the most powerful spell in the deck, save Torrential Gearhulk.
I think the best idea is to use a control shell to put the combo in. And you need other win cons. Torrential Gearhulk is a wincon in and of itself. Just splash that white, put in some white goodstuffs and just roll with it
>Not having your playset of Cryptolith Rites ready for the inevitable price spike.
I can already smell the profit.
is it really better than just running tormenting voice in the same slot and not having dead cards in hand?
*tormenting voice/catharctic reunion, I mean
Yes. Gearhulk being able to flash back instants is insane. 6cmc 5/6 flash that scrys/draws 2? That's always a welcome play
Forget all this stuff about crazy cat ladies. What I want to do is brew up some spicy Delveresque WIZARD TOKEN TRIBAL with Docent of Perfection, Metallurgic Summons and Baral.
he meant instead of glimmer
And generated value when dying, ESPECIALLY dying in combat. This maybe kills a 2-drop or pings the opponent for a couple points when removed, or just trades.