I am an awful person Veeky Forums, and now I am going to inflict this beautiful shame upon you all. Goaded on by my players and persevering through sheer bloody mindedness, I have written up rules for Keijo in Legends of the Wulin, and I present them to you now for your criticism, appreciation and mockery. Given a little testing, they're actually pretty fun, adding a few tweaks to the core combat system, but I'm sure there's more I can add.
Legends of Keijo
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From its origins in a small island nation, the strange yet exciting sport of Keijo has taken the world by storm, and despite some resistance from older and more conservative members of the Wulin the strength and passion of the women involved has earned them a place amongst the throngs of martial heroes.
While the feats accomplished upon the Land by the trained athletes of Keijo might mystify some, to Xia it is entirely unsurprising. To dedicate yourself to something, mind body and soul, is the essence of Kung fu, of cultivation and personal refinement. And even as some Keijo stars seek ancient knowledge and strength to improve their performance, some Xia take their first step onto the Land, to test their strengths in this strange new form of combat.
The rules of Keijo at their core are very simple. A group of women (Or men, in some amateur leagues trying to break into the female-centric sport) battle upon a floating platform known as the ‘Land’, forbidden the normal unarmed weapons of fists, knees, elbows and feet, instead relying upon strikes with the rear and chest. The aim is to force your opponents off the land or to knock them down, as touching the Land with any part of your body other than your feet is considered a loss.
Despite the obvious elements that appeal to a crowd, Xia who participate find the sport an interesting and unique challenge, requiring them to rethink their approach to combat, to more carefully consider positioning as well as having to create entirely unique forms of offence and defence. Keijo players who enter the Wulin, meanwhile, adapt to the rulesless nature of combats outside rather well, but only a fool underestimates their ability to bring some of their signature Keijo tricks into the battle.
Keijo Battles mostly use the same rules as combat in Legends of the Wulin with a few tweaks and adjustments to capture the unique flavour of the sport.
All Internal and External styles function as normal. While physical Weapons may not be used, it can be assumed that all competitors have taken the time to adapt their particular style to the sport if they are going to compete, thus retaining their Weapon benefits. However, the improvisation required is a weakness that may be exploited, allowing those with Keijo specific Externals, Unarmed styles or Unarmed special weapons to make use of a +5 Action Bonus against opponents not as comfortable as they are with the unusual mode of conflict, with appropriate description.
While fighters may suffer conditions and be Taken Out in the normal way, falling to the ground or leaving the ring has its own special rules. When struck by a Knockback, the remainder after defence is compared to the defenders Chi Threshold based on the type of Zone they are in at the time of the attack and the conditions they are currently suffering. If the Knockback equals or exceeds the Chi Threshold, the defender is automatically Taken Out via fall or ring out.
The Land is split into zones as normal, but each Zone is one of three types- Safe, Stable, or Edge.
Safe zones are close to the center of the Land, large areas with little risk of being forced out of the arena. Within Safe zones, a Knockback must exceed three times the defenders Chi Threshold to achieve a Ring Out.
Stable zones represent the majority of the field, with good footing but an element of danger. Within Stable Zones, a Knockback must exceed twice the defenders Chi Threshold to achieve a Ring Out.
Edge zones represents the very brink of the Land, or other areas of extremely uneven footing and great risk. Within Edge Zones, a Knockback must exceed the defenders Chi Threshold to achieve a Ring Out.
In addition, the degree of Condition a Xia is currently suffering affects this threshold. Those suffering a Minor condition reduce the Threshold multiplier by one, and those suffering a Major condition reduce it by two. These modifiers only apply once, no matter how many conditions a Xia may have suffered. The threshold is always a minimum of the Xia's base Chi threshold
An ordinary Keijo Land consists of three Zones- A Safe zone in the center, a Stable zone around the center, and an Edge zone adjacent to it, representing the typical circular arena.
Some variant Lands might simply lack one type of Zone- The Curved Mountain Land for instance has only Safe and Edge zones, while the constantly wetted Fountain Land might lack a Safe zone, having only Stable and Edge.
More complex Lands like the Road Land require more Zones, the Road Land consisting of alternating Stable and Edge zones representing the platforms and the bridges between them.
Some, like the Seesaw Land, will require special rules. Upon a Seesaw Land, a fighter may use a Shaping Wave to decrease the stability of all Zones- All Safe zones become Stable, all Stable zones become Edge Zones.
The GM is encouraged to come up with interesting Lands and rules for them, taking inspiration from the Land seen in the original Keijo manga, listed at keijo.wikia.com
Wouldn't this belong in Veeky Forums?
It is on Veeky Forums?
As a bonus, a player of mine put together a Keijo External Style for the game, representing the orthodox fighting style. It's available over on the wiki, but I'll repost it here for completeness.
Keijo!!!!!!!! Combat Style
External Kung Fu
Destiny cost: 7 (4 if errata in Half-Burned Manual is used)
Keijo is a new and unique sport taking the world by storm. In it, women compete on floating platforms, called Lands, that take various shapes depending on the whim of the bout organizers. Known types are solid land (a circular arena), see-saw (circular arena with concave bottom, prone to easily tipping in the water), jungle gym (exactly what it sounds like), and "maze" (small solid lands connected by floating bridges that may or may not be mobile and able to reconfigure their layout on the fly). Contestants strive to be the last ones standing on the Land to compete for cash prizes, fame, and recognition. There is one restriction (beyond being female): contestants may only use their breasts or butts to strike. Any other body part being used offensively results in a disqualification.
Keijo Combat Style, at its base, is a fast and brutal style that combines power with delicate balance. It Laughs at those who require solidity and solid footing, as well as slow and methodical styles that telegraph their moves well in advance.
Keijo Combat Style requires precision and quick reflexes. As such, it is vulnerable to, and Fears, duplicitous styles, and those that impede the practitioner's ability to move.
Speed +5
Footwork +5
Strike +5
Damage +0
Block +5
Toughness +5
Not So Fast (3)
Because the Land is usually very compact, Keijo athletes are adept at keeping their opponents close and preventing them from opening up too much range.
As a Minor Action on Initiative, you may make a Hard (30) Finesse roll. If you succeed, the difficulty to Cover Ground both into and out of your Zone is increased by one step.
Are you fucking drunk mate?
This is bloody Veeky Forums
Quick Thinking (3)
Keijo athletes must be adaptable and light on their feet, adjusting to constant surprises on the tricky surface of the Land.
You may make a Tactics check as a Marvel on your Attack roll to analyze your opponent's style, instead of during Initiative. You may still only perform the Analyze action once per Round, however.
Play to the Crowd (2)
Audiences place huge bets on the outcomes of Keijo bouts. Keeping them on an athlete’s side requires skill as well as showmanship.
You have +5 to Perform, and may use Perform as a Wave on Initiative to get the crowd on your side. If the Wave is unbroken, then you are considered to have a Trivial Passion hyperactivity of self-confidence thanks to their cheers. This condition lasts until the end of the fight, and may be Inflamed or Soothed as usual.
Keijo Fighting Categorization (3)
While undergoing training, each Keijo athlete is evaluated and placed into one of three categories according to their talents and proclivities. These categories define what their style on the Land is. Each athlete may choose only one style and may not purchase techniques from any style that is not their own. The three styles for Keijo are Infighter, Outfighter, and Counter. Purchasing this technique behaves as a sort of miniature external kung fu and unlocks a new Laugh and Fear for Keijo Combat Style, an extra ten points’ worth of combat statistics, and several unique techniques.
what fucking drunk shit is OP on, cause i want some of what hes having
also your amazing don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Infighter: Keijo infighters are strong and tough, meant to get in close and deliver punishing blows that can stun or blow opponents off of the Land. As such, they Laugh at all but the most robust defenses, but they Fear those whose defenses are up to the task. A Keijo infighter’s Damage bonus increases to +10.
Infighter Techniques
Ass Defender (5)
Keijo infighters harden their bodies to near physical perfection, the better to use them against others with the same training.
This style’s Block bonus increases to +10.
Heavy Training (2)
Keijo infighters undergo training meant to push them to their limits, in order to recognize--and surpass--them.
You have a +5 bonus to your Might skill.
Heavy Ass Cannon (3)
Keijo infighters usually customize their heaviest strikes, but all are mostly some variation on this basic technique--a heavy blow thrown with the hips, meant to blast opponents off the Land.
You have a +10 bonus when making Knockback Marvels, but suffer a temporary -5 to your Footwork until the end of the Round when doing so.
Crowd-Pleaser (2)
When a big strike lands, it draws oohs and aahs from the crowd, bolstering the Keijo infighter’s confidence--even if it doesn’t necessarily harm the opponent that much.
When you inflict a Rippling Roll, you may immediately use Play to the Crowd using the Rippling Roll result instead of inflicting damage to your opponent, and may Inflame your own existing Passion with successive uses of this technique, to a maximum of a Minor Passion hyperactivity (this allows you to restore a condition that has been Soothed back to a Trivial).
Outfighter: Meant for speed and confounding attacks, Keijo outfighters harry and strike opportunistically. They Laugh at plodding opponents but Fear those who can see through their patterns. A Keijo outfighter’s Strike and Footwork bonuses increase to +10.
Hop, Skip, and a Jump (5)
The Keijo outfighter’s greatest strength is her ability to cover ground quickly and easily, dancing across the Land like a giant stage.
This style’s Footwork bonus increases to +15.
Acrobatic Precision (2)
Keijo outfighters often require tactics that demand they attack from unexpected angles and unusual places.
You have a +5 bonus to your Finesse skill.
Meteor Hip (3)
Because of the required leg strength for moving so quickly, Keijo outfighters have extremely strong muscles in their waists and hips, and often use these to their advantage, throwing that weight around like meteors.
You may make a special Knockback Marvel that doesn’t cause the opponent to travel to a different Zone. Instead, if the Marvel is successful, it inflicts a temporary Condition, ‘Knocked Prone,’ that may be countered with a Finesse check. If it is not countered in this way, then the Keijo outfighter and her allies are considered to Laugh at that opponent and do not Fear them until the end of the next Round, at which point the Condition fades.
Speed Kills (2)
The Keijo outfighter’s reliance on speed means they can get multiple attacks in the space of only one from an infighter or counter, even if they lack power.
If you inflict a Rippling Roll this Round, then on your turn in the next Round you may Flood a die as the basis for a Secondary Strike; both it and your primary Strike suffer -5 Strike as you value quantity over quality.
Counter: Keijo counter-fighters analyze and predict their opponents’ moves and pull out techniques from their personal bag of tricks to undo them. To that end, they Laugh at straightforward styles, but Fear those as canny as themselves. A Keijo counter’s Damage bonus increases to +5 and their Block increases to +10.
Counter Techniques
Force Redirection (4)
Even moreso than most Keijo athletes, Counter-fighters are adept at turning the weight of an enemy's attack--or even their very body--against them.
If you successfully Block an attack by 10 or more, you may immediately Reply, inflicting 1 Ripple.
Keen Analytical Mind (2)
Counter-fighters are adept at reading the situation and crafting appropriate tactics to deny their opponents any opportunity for victory.
You have a +5 bonus to Tactics.
Elastic Body (3)
Befitting their abilities as Counter-fighters, these athletes can sometimes even turn the scariest attacks back on their opponents. One who expects to blast their opponent off of the Land can end up being sent flying instead!
If you successfully defend against a Knockback Marvel by a margin of 10 or more, then either you are, or the opponent who attempted this Marvel against you is, knocked back instead, effectively Covering Ground to a Zone of your choice. Note that if you choose to be "knocked back" yourself, you are still controlling which Zone or Zones you travel into.
Rapid Reaction (3)
Keijo Counter-fighters live and die, metaphorically, by their ability to analyze opponents and adapt to their strengths and weaknesses. Learning how to time or swing a blow to exploit an opening is a key part of Counter training.
If you have successfully analyzed your opponent's Style and manage to exploit something their style Fears, you have a +10 bonus on any Disrupt or Disorient Marvels against that opponent.
I can't take much of the credit. I have gloriously insane players who reinforce a destructive feedback loop leading to all this bonkers stuff.
And that's all the Keijo related content that has emerged from my game so far. Sorry to make you suffer it Veeky Forums, but I love this board and I thought I'd share just on the off chance someone would be entertained, amused or perhaps even interested.
Also, I can't really make a thread about Keijo without posting the Gates of Bootylon. It is the most wonderfully absurd nonsense I've seen all year.
>Unironically writing a Keijo system
Moments like these make me wish I had friends. I'd totally play a Keijo game as an OC donut steel loli with an incredibly flat chest who somehow insists on using boob attacks exclusively. She only wins her battles because her rockhard nipples are at crotch height to most of her opponents.
The entire time I watched (and read) Keijo I felt like it was begging for a game adaption. Thanks OP, keep up the work.
Gate of Bootylon was undironically my favorite anime scene of 2016.
Overall it's like a 6/10 show though
It was the best Fall 2016 anime though.
Can't argue with that
That isn't very difficult.
imo it was on par with Occultic;Nine
the untranslated manga is where the really crazy shit happens:
>hips of bootylon is used on an ancient egyptian mummy to learn ancient egyptian keijo techniques
>Cerberus girl's butt gains sentience and starts speaking
>Keijo player with really saggy tits uses them to pull off insane power moves, AND she's insanely risilient and hard to hurt
Maybe? I had /qst/ on another tab since I enjoy having a laugh at shitty fan-fics. Must have not noticed that I had switched tabs.
That sounds fucking amazing
>Meteor Hip is an outfighter technique
Nigga that shit is infighter as fuck.
God bless op
bumping in the hope someone will dump all this into a pdf, like with Time Wizards!!!!
>Cerberus girl's butt gains sentience and starts speaking
damn, now I wanna f*** that butt even more
Congrats OP you missed the entire point of the comic/show and you have shit taste in systems.
Do everyone a favor and kill yourself next time you get the chance.
Ayy mate, how bout you chill?
Can you explain your point, or are you just being a dick?
Good catch, I'll pass that on to the author. Ideas on an alternate name?
When I'm happy with the rules and figure out loresheet benefits I'll post this to the Wulin Legends wiki. I also want to write up Transcendent Techniques for things like Aoba's Scanning Hand.
Can I play your overly busty tall friend?
> opinions
You couldn't handle that butt.
Author here. Pretty sure I saw it used by people other than Nozomin, but I'll think of another name/technique.
The only person other than Kaminashi to use it was Aoba, when she was using Bootylon to imitate Nozomi's Hip Meteor.
The Astronaut girl from the Goketsu uses a move called Meteoric Ass, but it doesn't seem related in anything other than the name. Also, her version is more Exalted than Legends of Wulin.
that's what you think
Later in the manga they explicitly say that Nozomin is actually a hybrid style Infighter/Outfighter.
I can understand the sport itself just fine.
But how exactly do all the Keijo players have shounen-tier superpowers?
Most people can't induce paralytic hypnosis by swinging their breasts, or create an actual /vacuum/ with their butts. Or achieve super-speed through a self-wedgie.
What are these girls /made/ of?
There's a reason I plugged it into Legends of the Wulin. It's a straight up supernatural martial arts show only with more tits. Keijo athletes are full on Xia. Even before we meet the girl with literal martial arts superpowers.
They're made of manga/anime. I mean, any shounen sports series is going to be as full of superhuman bullshit to some degree or another.
Mos tof the players are Olympic level atheletes before they go through keijo training.
That's when they train until they're able to do sonic booms with their tits.
This is actually something I'm trying to emphasise in the campaign where I'm using these rules.
While Keijo is very much a spectator sport and its rules are designed with the audience in mind, it forces competitors to make use of their bodies in truly unusual ways and has its own distinct tactical challenges, letting Xia participating in it gain valuable experience that they could apply towards cultivating their own strength.
During a training session before a tournament, our groups Doctor was extremely excited as the exercises had her working a lot of unusual muscle groups, represented as a Chi Condition they gained from the training session.
The premise of the arc is that the Keijo tournament is being run in an area with a tradition of young Xia training, fighting and learning there, both trying to establish their fighting style as legitimate in the eyes of older and more conservative members of the Wulin and to allow the young people of both worlds to exchange thoughts and ideas, getting Xia interested in Keijo and letting the visiting Keijo players test themselves against powerful and unusual opponents, hopefully learning some new tricks along the way.
Sounds pretty neat.
Author again. I should probably genericize the Meteor Hip technique anyway, as it *is* something unique to Nozomi. If I were going to catalog all the named techniques used in the series, I'd end up with WAY too many for a single style.
That sort of thing should be more a combination of the player's ingenuity, their external Kung Fu, and maybe even one or more internal techniques--a sort of Combo, in that sense--than an actual "anyone can learn this" technique.
Heavy Ass Cannon stays for infighters, though, as IIRC that was a rudimentary attack taught to all players.
I dunno about renaming meteor hip since I can't think of a new name, but Speed kills should be renamed to Ass Gatling.
I thought she was a hybrid style infighter/counter
See , I was trying to avoid (and failed with Meteor Hip) actual character's technique names.
Ass gatling isn't unique though and seems to be something all outfighters can do, like hip up for counters or even titty hypnosis for the pro circuit.
I'd agree with genericizing or omitting the more unique talents, like vacuum ass cannon, excaliblast or ass of varja.
Honestly I only remember seeing Sayaka and Rin use it, and even then only because they were competing solely in speed, but I could always be forgetting someone.
Butt Bump
One more shot at keeping this alive.
I love you op