Would you?
Would you?
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Would I what?
Play a game in the setting?
Dem hips test me, but no. Can't into catgirls
Would raid Battle at Procyon for lore and ships to give the game a wider scope
>Would you?
Already did.
I like how it takes abut five solid seconds of staring for that picture to make any damn sense. There's just so many colors.
Dungeons and Dragons in Space != Age of Sail Pirates in Space
And to answer your question, OP: Yes. The setting, Captain Amelia, all of it, yes.
Which system would work best?
In a fucking heartbeat.
Trasure Planet is my dream campaign setting, how can you say no to it?
I also really like Amelia's/Doppler's species because of their gimmick.
>the not nearly as good version of Titan AE
I mean...
>Treasure Planet's villains drip with character
>Titan A.E.'s villains have all the depth of a sprite from an 80s shmup
Titan A.E. would have been better if the boring evil aliens had succeeded in wiping out the boring personality-free humans, and fucked off forever so we would get to watch the turtle and kangaroo and lizard guy tool around in space.
Yes i would, along with pirates of dark water,titan ae,simbad,even road to eldorado.
Titan AE with Treasure Planet's characters? Hell yes!
That would actually make a good 40k-based RPG plot. "Jim" would be the PCs left with Billy Bone's map. Amelia would a down-on-her-luck Rogue Trader NPC that decides to go on the trip. Long John Silver is the ship's head techpriest. The planet is actually a Death World with a lone crazed Necron that still believes that used to run with a piratical Necron Lord back in the War of Heaven.
Treasure Planet is a gem. As a movie, as a setting, as an adaptation.
"Favorite Disney movie" is one of those topics that always comes up when you're getting to know someone, particularly if that someone is a white girl, and when I say Treasure Planet, the response is reliably a breathless pause as the person recognizes just how fuckin' good the movie is.
just need half a second, might be you
you sure about that user?
It is, in fact, Age of Sail. Whether it's pirates or not is up to you. Or the DM, if there is a pole up their ass.
D&D is a kitchen sink that's all over the place thematically, and has a little bit of everything in it.
Considering she's the one with the dick, yes
[citation needed]
I ain't seen no bulge, user.
>I've never read a Spelljammer product
Cool story, that setting is strictly Age of Sail.
When I say it's my favorite Disney Movie, I always get notified that nobody on this planet ever watched it.
Pirates of Whatnow?
The dog guy is the one that carried the litter
Not interested in your headcanon, user.
Really, you went with the face there?
Man, I did't realise until now, but a good 40% of the game is about killing space furries.
Duplicitous space furries, who lose despite having by far the best ships.
Fast Frigate Flotilla 4 life - they were the largest ship you could have all your ships be and still have the maximum fleet size (10 because it was an old-ass game), and they were pretty effective from what I recall
Does it make me furry if I would?
Would you because of the cartoon animal features, or despite the cartoon animal features?
I don't know. They're pretty integral to her character.
Can't imagine her without the fur and whatnot? Likely furry then.
Anyone have the pic of the guy who taped spoons to his hands to pretend he had a robot arm like the captain?
I long for a Titan A.E. remake. That film had so much potential and got so very close to fulfilling it.
She's a pretty great Captain (later Admiral)
Fast frigate best frigate.
It may not have an ungodly amounts of fire power and star mortar, but by god was it fun to run around people in circles while killing their sails!
This movie is dope as fuck.
Long John Silver is rad.
Early nineties Hanna Barbera action cartoon. Was solid, but also campy because of era/company. Go watch it.
>Would I a noblebright RT
You bet your right kidney I would.
Actually mpreg was part of the original script. Look it up.
Totally forgot what that image was, damn.
>There's just so many colors.
this is what's wrong with rpg aesthetics today
Would you?
>Tim Curry hnnngh
No love for hot single mothers? Am I the only one who would have married this bitch in heartbeat?
Even supposing for a moment that you're not making that up, it was obviously cut, and for good reason, and so it now is basically the screenwriter's headcanon. Still don't care.
>Science Fantasy in the Age of Sail
Fuck yeah I would.
>The Flesh is Weak
To this day I'm not sure whether to like the Iron Hands or not.
Like the White Scars and Jagathai have had their "irrelevance" made into their prime characteristic, which gave them so much charisma, while Ferrero Mango and his band of silver wrapped chocolate soldiers have nothing else for them going but getting fucked at Isstvan, losing their heads (literally so) and having some weird amputee fetish.
Why has nobody taken a closer look on their chapter structure which is obviously very inspired by traditional tribal values, why is their technobession always considered such a terrible stigma that even their own primarch thinks its stupid, making them all seem like the biggest tools ever, but they still roll with it because TRAGEDY, and why is their association with the AdMech never explored further?
There's amazing fucking hooks to the tightest shit right there in front of our faces, but nobody uses it. Like there's pic related, which is a crop of a picture showing an IH with all sorts of gadgets, showing that the technobession has its perks and isn't just unreflected dogma, while at the same time bordering on the heretical as small modifications to gear and body pile up to create something worthy of Inquisitorial investigation and persecution, but no the IHs are just kinda there and getting floored by everybody.
Greatest Disney movie. I need to rewatch it
Not unless she had 2 more kids by me.