I love this girl. I want to date her. What's her name?
I love this girl. I want to date her. What's her name?
I think HERESY is a pretty cool gal. She kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything.
Sister Smaugcuck.
Adeptus Weeboritas
Hitomi Shizuki.
but user, dating a sister of battle is heresy
Slab Bulkhead.
Armored Cunt
Nah, it's not heresy. They've just got better Shit to do than get fawned on by imperial fa/tg/uys.
Also dating a space battle nun would be hell. She'd always be critiquing how worthy you were. Better off dating a Guardswoman. Same kickass chick that kills Xeno scum, but much easier to approach, and she pays her share of the drinks.
Having some innocent preacher for the emperor seduce a bolter bitch with his humble Faith routine would be comfy as hell though.
Veeky Forums has gone to shit
Butch Deadlift
Green Mugi.
>I remember when Veeky Forums was good!
>tfw have drawn traced this image
>tfw it will be the only relevant thing I've created in my whole life
Hey, better than most of us.
So, you want to date Lady of Pain, huh? Well, your funeral, mat--
Total slut for multimeltas.
It was fun when this image was the first result for googling "heresy". I'm just not sure if I want this to be my legacy.
Heresy-chan. She has a couple of twin sisters, one of whom is pictured here.
Another pictured here.
>kvantovaja teorija polja v dvych slovach
>quantum theory (of) fields in two words
is that
>"in common words"?
>not contributing to Veeky Forums via assortment of tasteful crops
More like "in a nutshell"/"in short"/"briefly".
Another sister.
>To my eldest son, I leave my greatest accomplishment: a traced image parody of a kinda weird anime
and the brother
I miss the old Veeky Forums, straight from the Go Veeky Forums
Chop up the lore Veeky Forums, set on his worldbuilding Veeky Forums
I hate the new Veeky Forums, the shitposting Veeky Forums
The always rude Veeky Forums, spaz in the threads Veeky Forums
I miss the sweet Veeky Forums, getting shit done Veeky Forums
I gotta say, at that time I'd like to meet This Guy
See, I invented Veeky Forums it wasn't any shitposting
And now I look and look around and there's so many That Guys
I used to love Veeky Forums, I used to love Veeky Forums
I even had the Skub, I thought I was Veeky Forums
What if Veeky Forums made a post about old Veeky Forums?
Called "I Miss The Old Veeky Forums"? Man, that'd be so Veeky Forums
That's all it was Veeky Forums, we still love Veeky Forums
And I love you like Veeky Forums loves Veeky Forums
And their boss.
>I even had the Skub
But skub is shit.
But wait, there's more.
I see. Old folks taught me how I "citaju bukvy" but I don't really know the language.
Changing some of the lyrics to the song and it fits to much...
Their slutty /ss/ cousin.