What's your favorite kind of shield? I really like the tower/riot shield look, even if they're kinda cumbersome.
What's your favorite kind of shield? I really like the tower/riot shield look, even if they're kinda cumbersome
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I prefer the heater shield look.
Yeah, that's a classic look. I also like round shields that are just wood with metal on the border. It really says "I'm a low level adventurer and I'll be replacing this and my copper sword at the earliest opportunity."
Not a board-fighter usually, but I apply my favorite aesthetic to them: Junk.
I love walking around like a hobo who's using everything he can find to personalize his initial equipment with; My weapon becomes a little worn and is decorated with leather strips, feathers and my initial set of clothing has been repaired and reinforced with all kinds of leather patches and metal plates I picked up on the road. This way, I can use my appearance to tell my stories, rather than my words.
So, to finally answer; I love improvised shields that have been upgraded into a real tool after the first moment; Stuff like Thorin Oakenshield's Oak branch or the road sign shields from Mad Max.
For example, I once used a bar stool during a tavern brawl to defend myself right at the beginning of a party and afterwards, went to a craftsman and chopped off the legs to make a shield out of the seat. By the end of the adventure, it got an iron rim, bore the symbol of the guild I allied myself with, was decorated with scales from a big lizard I killed and had three broken arrows sticking out of it.
I always liked the tough robust round shield look, like the default shield from hand of fate and hand of fate 2. Can someone tell me what it is called?
Unrelated note: I really like the 'Nomad' or 'pseudo-barbarian' adventurer look that the main characters have in both hand of fate games. Makes them look really special. What culture is that btw? Is it slavic? Lithuanian? Polish?
Shield names are a lot less complicated than sword names.
Either the tower or the kite, excluding bucklers.
Don't care much for heaters or round shields, 'cept those fancy Indian ones.
But those are all metal, and a little small, so I guess they're also bucklers.
Medium to small round metal shields of any kind, usually paired with an agile weapon.
Gets me hard just thinking about it.
What one handed blunt weapon would pair well with a shield like in the OP? Some kinda flanged mace?
I want to be a medieval riot cop.
Magic shields are pretty cool.
Better yet, shields that nullify the existence of an attack before it occurs are the best
Really, "shielded by reality rather than a physical object" makes for a good bbeg in games.
JoJo's bizzare adventure and a perticularly interesting version where the enemy was defended by luck. Anything bad that could happen to the target would instead happen to someone else somewhere else in the world, randomly. You couldn't even attack them without accidentally stabbing babies or something.
So I guess newborns make good shields against good-aligned characters, is my point.
a flanged mace would be a solid choice to go with that aesthetic, but if you're going for non lethal with the riot cop stuff you might want to look at something like a billy club
Certainly less lethal than a flanged mace but that thing could easily kill.
Ahah, thank you stranger. Shields have plenty of complicated names and types though, Heater, Pavise, Targe, kite, tower, buckler, rondache...
oh definitely, and I imagine it was quite a common occurrence in those days. But table top wise I'd imagine it could be done at non lethal damage, rather like how you can beat someone to death with your fists, but they're considered to be "non lethal" in dnd
None of them actually
One that isn't strapped to my arm for no fucking reason other than the maker/some autist thought that's how it was supposed to be.
greeks pls leave, no one likes your dumb "forced into formation" shields either.
Put bubble wrap on the business end of the mace.
+1d4 sonic damage
>whack some peasant
I dig the sword'n'board look, but my favourite would be a round shield with a slight curve, made of wood with a metal frame.
As a larpfag I've grown to love the smaller russian kite shield. I can strap it to my waist where its easily accessible rather than carry on my back or in hand all the time
Personally, I prefer weaponised shields, such as the tortoise blade or Klar.
Small shields.
tfw I started a small shield thread yesterday and it drowned with almost no replies
Shieldlets, when will they learn.
An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.
Square shields, the bigger the better.
As another larpfag, I prefer the targe for similar reasons. Can hook it onto my waist if I need too, it can just hang strapped to my arm otherwise while still leaving my hand open.
Got a special place in my heart for tower shields on special occasions though. Nothing like leading a party into the fray, arrows bouncing off a slab of "metal", and keeping them safe until we reach the front lines. Feels heroic as fuck
>What's your favorite kind of shield?
Ones you can dual wield.
Riot shields come in round too, though.
What's more they're the best kind for improv bobsledding.
Scutum type for light to medium armoured users, a straight up war door (either gallic or a pavise with a less dramatic center hump). So, essentially much the same as your pic but larger. And curved, usually.
I enjoy scutum-type shields myself. I like the Roman imperial aesthetic in general. It's a cool style.
Dumbly shaped fantasy heater shields with sharp tips
what shields are these
Giant, carved stone tablets.
I know, what are there names in game
Looks like Dark Souls?
It's Dark Souls 2. Shield's are called Orma and Reeve.
Shields held/gripped in your hand, rather than strapped to your arm.
As for the shape, I usually like circular/oval shields, teardrop/kite shields and heater shields.
Aren't wooden round shields supposed to be disposable things that never see more than one battle?
There are a lot of kinds of wooden round shields from various cultures made using various techniques and used against various kinds of weaponry, so yes and no.
You're thinking of the viking round shield which was held together with leather and glue and which was fairly disposable. Cuts going into the grain have been shown to bite deep but get your opponents weapon stuck, which is pretty cool but fucks up your shield quick.
You're accused of having bad taste.
the non-existant punching shield.
I've become very fond of the Greek aspis type shield recently. Throw in a heavy falcata, some cataphract-aesthetic armour and big Mesopotamian style beard, and you've got yourself a pretty memorable look.
Chain-Shield. Custom-made item for Dark Heresy game. Circular Combat Shield with chainsword teeth around the rim.
It looks good but falcata with heavy armor isn't the best combination
Tower shields are great if you are in a unit, but once the formation breaks up they get real awkward real fast.
A heater is a pretty good middle ground, you can rank up, and fight in small groups/one on ones.
Lately I've become a fan of a big round shield. Works okay at the edges of a formation, and once you get the hang of it, its a really good defence as a skirmisher.
Had a lot of fun lately going round shield and mace. When you get right up close that mace is way more fun than a long sword.
Do you mean falcata vs heavy armour, or is there somethng I'm not seeing?
The classic
From a game perspective?
Magical shields. Because I love being a frontline wizard.
From a historical perspective? Bucklers. I love me a good buckler. Lantern shields are cool too, but a bit silly.
Muh Phalanx bro.
Improvised ones are also pretty cool.
>everytime i'm in the streets i hear
>love shields
>love chain swords
>too autistic to carry both because muh weight
Why did I never think of this?
Not Realistic fuck you
If you aren't your own phalanx, then you aren't trying hard enough.
Heater gets an honorable mention.
I like kites and rodelas , personally
Coffin Shield
This video is how a teacher of European martial arts thinks the round shield was used. If you have a half hour, watch this whole video. Otherwise, skip to 16:45 for the best part
>It'd help to include the link, ja?
human shields