What kind of God would a lawful evil Cleric worship?
What kind of God would a lawful evil Cleric worship?
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Typically? A lawful evil God.
More interestingly? Lawful Good God.
A lawful evil one, I imagine.
The settings Not!Satan.
good question.
A lawful evil or Neutral Evil god.
(Or local equivalent)
Any god who follows the rules of the other gods, but is evil.
What is the setting who are the existing gods?
Does he use that buckler(?) to stab things as well?
The Archfiend, Dark Prince, The First, God-Fiend, King of Hell, Lord of Darkness, Lord of Hell, Lord of the Pit, Master of Witches, Prince of Darkness, Prince of Devils, Prince of Hell, Prince of Law, Ruler of Hell
Tyranny, Slavery, Pride, Contracts
Slavers, bureaucrats, tyrants
Asmodeus believes that the strong should rightfully govern the weak, who in turn owe their masters unwavering obedience. He loves negotiations and contracts, especially those that give one of the parties a distinct, hidden advantage over the other. He expects and appreciates flattery, but its never fooled by it, seeing it as a negotiation tactic, as well as a duty those in inferior positions owe their betters.
The Midnight Lord
The Dark Prince
The Prince of Pain
Envy, Pain, Darkness, Loss
Sadists, masochists
Basically if Pinhead was a god and he had an established church upon the world.
One which has and follows an incredibly strict and orderly, albeit evil code?
Do you know how I know you're a moor?
remove arsemodeus.
I want to see a Lawful Evil Cleric in a world with only one evil god, who happens to be Chaotic as hell, in it for the lulz.
The god knows he could probably have his most loyal follower do something great.
Instead he's just a relentless Dick to him.
Mine follows Hoar.
Because Vengance Paladin.
Lawful Evil Paladins are super fun.
As a Christian, OT god is totally Lawful Evil. The church is largely LN. Jesus was NG/LG
Still better than NE ass "pedophilia and lying are OK when you do it for me!" Allah
Something like Molag Bal from TESverse, or Bane. A deity that encourages social darwinism, letting the strong punish the weak as they please.
For the Lawful Evil cleric, those who do not have the strength to rule exist only as subjects to serve. Law is created by the strong to cull the degeneracy called 'freedom'. Any delusions otherwise most be ruthlessly purged. The worst enemies of the faith or those who do not understand the code of strength, i.e. empowering unworthy weaklings above their station, and the uppity sub-creatures with the hubris to defy this order.
I don't know, man. Lawful Evil should be able to cover more than "discount Ayn Rand."
*slow clap for the person that thinks they're clever*
"discount Ayn Rand" is diametrically opposite to stratified social darwinism. The archetypical Randian hero has, or should have a respect for individualism and exalting the sulf-fulfilment of the best and brightest. In a stratified social darwinist order, that lot would be the greatest adversaries the tyrant uses to blame for everything that went wrong when the mediocore chafe under famine, poverty or sickness and rally them under his banner (see every petty and grand dictator ever). Nothing capitalist or objectivist about using muscle to bully the money into the tyrant's will.