Best chapter thread? Best chapter thread! I'll start, Space Wolves
Best chapter thread? Best chapter thread! I'll start, Space Wolves
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Salamanders are best. Space Wolves are pretty good too, though. Fuck the Codex.
I agree. The Codex is for faggots
Ultramarines coming through.
such faggotry from the start
'Scuse me brothers, coming through.
By the blood of Sanguinius!
>Space Wolves
Pick only 1.
Oh boy, I bet this threads going places
Mutant scum, you will be clensed.
What's that? I can't hear your loyalist whimpering over my Legion-strenght forces
do any of you heretics even crusade?
What's this Chapter nonsense?
>Best Legion coming through
Okay it looks like we'll never decide who the best chapter is.
Can we at least agree on who the WORST chapter is though?
The invaders
We'll never agree on that either.
My vote goes to the High Lords of Terra bitchboys, the Minotaurs.
Excuse me.
Space Wolves are the worst. Hypocritical furfaggots who'd do anything their sugar daddy tells them to.
Assuming we're talking Imperial chapters
>Blood Angels
>White Consuls
>Raven Guard
>Marines Malovelent
>Space Wolves
>Dark Angels
>Black Templars
>Blood Ravens
>mfw this perfect af list
>Hating Blood Ravens and Black Templars
Oh look a Lamenter cuck
How can such a good list get this fucked
I'm partial to chapter 3 myself.
Templars are autisctic maximus even for astartes standards.
Blood Raves are depicted as easily maniuplated morons with seriously low accomplisment list.
>No White Scars
>No Flesh Tearers
>No White Scars
Was just about to post this.
Real best Chapter incoming.
Scars and Tearers are nice chapters. Everybody who is not a faggot likes Blood Angels and the rest mentioned.
I wish Lamenterfags would just leave.
I wish people who hate the Lamenters just because most others like them would stop acting like highschool level edgelords who have to be original no matter what
I have literally no problem with the Lamenters in terms of their lore. But the fandom surrounding them is over-zealous to say the least, as you've ably demonstrated.
>m-muh noble sacrifice to save muh citizens, everyone who disagree with me is just edgy/underage!
Good to see this thread is off to as good a start as all these topics go.
Space Wolves are good, but we all know who the best chapter really is.
My top pics are
>Iron Snakes
>Blood Angels
>Space Sharks
>Raven Guard
Chapters I dislike
>Marines Malevolent
>Flesh Tearers
Are they even a Chapter? I was under the impression they're a non-standard collection of Astartes. They're their own thing, not derived from the old Legion based structure.
Salamanders. They are my favorite. They are so much more humble and better than all the douchebag space marine chapters out there
thought so too once but yeah, they are considered a chapter. A very non-standard one but still.
Lion for life dogfuckers
Crimson Fists. We where on the cover of the first ever rulebook after all.
Well... That's dumb. Might as well call Deathwatch a Chapter.
Doom Eagles are the best
Yeah, I've never liked calling Grey Knights a chapter. They feel way too different, almost like how Custodes are different.
Also, I'm pretty sure Deathwatch IS considered a chapter but, like Grey Knights, it feels wrong to do that. Especially since service in the Deathwatch can, and I think usually is, temporary.
Every time we have this thread it's always the same. [Chapter] is appointed the best, then Blood Ravens steal it from them.
>Every time we have this thread it's always the same. [Chapter] is appointed the best, then Blood Ravens are gifted the title
On one hand, they're incredibly badass whenever they show up. They even out badass the Grey Knights once. On the other hand, they're clearly someone at FW's pet chapter.
>marines malevolent
Fuck right off, faggot.
Id put my own homebrew chapter in canon if given a chance
How did they btfo the grey knights?
Marines Melevolent are intentionally shitty. If you want their trope but not taken to retarded levels, just go to Iron Hands or Red Talons. If you think Marines Melevolent are not intentionally written retarded with the intention of them being hate-mongers and punching bags, then you need to get your head checked.
They fight alongside them, alone, and the Grey Knight supposedly route but it's never mentioned the Red Talons do.
It's kinda reaching, but it still says something to me.
The Pentarchy of Blood
>Red Talons
>Charnel Guard
>Death Eagles
>Flesh Tearers
Everyone else need not apply.
How is this even a question
We all know what the best Chapter in 40k is
Iron Hands are now cucks.
The Red Talons? Never heard of them
Marines Malevolent are the only chapter left that put reals over feels.
Red Talons wiped out the World Eaters recruiting world by crashing a moon into it.
That said, other examples of better 40k reals before feels chapters include the Flesh Tearers and Carcharodons.
Space Wolves 2.0
You're just a soft faggot lol. Them being written as big meanie bo beanies isn't the same as them being written retarded. Warhammer isn't your safe space, cuck.
But its Alpharius
Okay you monumentally wrong fuck heads the best chapter are the Tyranids.
Deathwatch are not considered a chapter.
>40keks every time
No, I am Alpharius
I am pretty sure thats Heresy.
>your face when Omegon write from your name
Am I the only one who likes Raptors?
The ONLY chapter that makes use of camoflage and counter-intelligence.
Doesn't value dickwaving in combat or honour.
Values pragmatism, adaptability and completion of the mission.
If it helps Grey Knights are numbered chapter 666, before there were 666 chapters
That was in 30k though. That would have been as Iron Hands shattered legion forces not as the current chapter
A lot of people like Raptors, Anonymous...
Literally everyone who wants MGS or tacticool marines.
>putting Marines Malevolent on the same tier as SW/DA/BT/BR
MM are automatically better than those chapters because their faggotry is unironic.
I guess that's the entire point of them...
Oh well.
Why did the gk rout?
They still participated in the Pentarchy of Blood and a bunch of other notable engagements since then. They're going pretty strong, all things considered.
They got run over by a bunch of war hound Titans everywhere.
I want them to get more fluff and unique units, but I know GW would just ruin them instead.
>not the Galactic Partridges
Is that the Badab war?
I just want Tyberos to have a 4++ or EW.
Get out of here, Matt.
I like the Black Dragons.
Imperial Fists are kind of bad, though. They're not the "shittiest" chapter by far, but they're just vanilla, gay, and not even actual Imperial Fists since they've died like 5 times.
Kill yourself, senpai
1ksons aaaall the way
I was just playing senpai. I actually like the salamanders
I agree with everything in this post
My battle brother.
>anything besides black consuls
Yea ok pal.
Definitely the Birds of War.
>Traitor posting
The most retarded forced meme/samefagging on Veeky Forums in years