Rogue Stars General:

Has anyone gotten their mitts onto this game yet? Just bought the rulebook on GooglePlayStore. Looks like Ash and Owen each did their own batreps with little scenarios which are neat.

I was hoping to use some Dark Age miniatures ( Forsaken Controller, Forsaken Dedlock, CORE Tallman/DRG-Y) since they have the detail I like and they are all pretty different. I would use my Infinity stuff, but it's not fitting the aesthetic I am going for.

Are there people out there that have tried this with great success? On paper, it looks like it has so many options and different ways to play since it has a lot of RPG elements in it. What models do you guys use? What are some of the missions you have done?

Sorry, a little overzealous at the moment. Really want to pick up some new models and get them ready to do some crazy scenarios.

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Osprey seems to be pumping out a huge number of games lately. Are they all using the same system, are they any good?

>Osprey seems to be pumping out a huge number of games lately.
They started publishing games. They're not the ones making them.

>Are they all using the same system, are they any good?
Obviously depends on the author.

I recently got my copy haven't read it yet.
Been already perusing various manufactuers for my possible crew though. I'm excited about it, too.

I have it. Haven't had a chance to play yet, though. It is exciting. The author also did song of blades and heroes, which is a great fantasy skirmish bring-your-own-minis game, and some of the same design elements were borrowed from that, which I enjoy. This is just a little more rules intensive then sobah. And as others said, it's borrowed a few RPG elements. It seems less like a necromunda-esque skirmish game and more like you're commanding a group of PCs against another group of PCs

I guess I could say it seems more like Inquisitor than Necromunda

I even made my own statcards for it.

These are meant to print off 3"x5" so they can fit in appropriately sized rigid card sleeves. This way you can use a dry erase marker to track damage and such.

Here's the back of the card for general rules referencing.

There is also a facebook Rogue Stars Fans page. There's a lot of active discussions going on about it.

And a reference guide on how to use the cards.

Does anyone have a pdf of Rogue Stars yet?


This looks like total shit. I am just not interested in multi-racial anime style games. I am of the firm conviction that this sort of effeminacy is the reason for the decline of quality of players, and the decline of games in general.

Nice shitposting. Because that's all that is, pure cane shitposting.

That's really neat, user. I don't suppose you'd be willing to make an editable pdf version?

One thing that kind of annoyed me about Rogue Stars is the lack of a squad sheet or anything like that. You just have to write down everything on a piece of notebook paper or whatever.

So, what kind of squads are people making for this?

I was planning on building a crew of psychic teleporting spiders led by an androgynous glam rocker with a sonic rifle.

>So, what kind of squads are people making for this?
I've been mulling over this for a while.

I recently saw The Wizard of Oz for the first time, though, so that had me inspired.
I know, I know, I not an anglophone, it's not that big here.

Honestly I've kinda always wanted a Dark Eldar army but since 4oK sucks if this turns out to be decent I might make some DE Pirates.

Sounds cool. But you'll need a Toto.

I don't have the skills to make an editable pdf. But you can import the images into word or publisher or even power point and add the text yourself. Yeah the lack of unit sheets is annoying, but the creator made his own which I was unimpressed with. I wanted one with reference fields for activation, weapons, morale, endurance, hit locations, etc. It would alleviate a lot of table referencing.

OP here, I've gleaned through the book a bit once I got it. Was looking into certain themes when designing my crew. This book is supposedly the Sci Fi version of Frostgrave. The publisher Osrey as others have said publishes a lot of these systems, but the game is dependent on the author as other anons have said.

Same user? Those are pretty sweet. I kind of want to make an interactive template myself.

I'll have to look at the Facebook page more I saw they were trying to even get their own run of models going.

I like that freedom personally, but even a loosely structured character sheet would have been a little helpful.

I'm doing a GotG kind of thing. Band of misfits, though they will be well trained and probably end up being mercenaries so I can get access to some neat tech. I'll post a picture of the Dark Age models I'm planning on using in a bit. Have to get ready for work.

I'm painting up my Mantic Forge Father minis. I'm going for a Space Cops theme. They are a group that are sent out by the guilds to right wrongs done to them in either trade agreements or warcrimes.

Ooh a dark eldar space pirates theme does sound fun too. It would sure as hell fare better than even KT DE

The game is a small scale skirmish game. You have a squad of 4-6 guys that are completely customized. It allows you to create a load of different character concepts. There's also lots of different missions and environment rules for a lot of different, usually asymmetrical, scenarios.

The initiative system it uses is pretty unique as well. Here's a battle report that I think is a pretty good representation of the game

>This book is supposedly the Sci Fi version of Frostgrave.
No not at all. It's not by the same writer, and not even the creator thinks that. Osprey just wanted another scifi game they could publish. They weren't looking for a scifi frostgrave or anything.

Thanks for the suggestion!
I was thinking of something a little cuter though.
Was hoping to find a Cairn Terrier of some kind, but I might have to settle for converting a little.

I'm also not 100% sure about the scarecrow and dorothy yet.
I think Dorothy needs red rocket boots or something.
And Scarecrow is kind of a difficult character to translate into sci-fi. Frankenstein's monster was the best I could come up with two days old and therefore lacking a brain/knowledge

I think the reason people say "Scifi Frostgrave" is because it's a super small scale skirmish game with integrated campaign rules that is open to the use of any suitable miniatures regardless of manufacturer. So, it fills a similar niche to Frostgrave, but the rules and gameplay are definitely a lot different.

I would counter with saying rogue stars has a much weaker campaign system than frostgrave. It's barely 1 page of rules

Still no scan to peruse?

I dont buy digitals on principle. if i want a book, i will pay for the physical

Paper back book is only 13 on amazon.

Not him but any PDF over $8 is not worth it. It always gets my goat when I see a digital only slightly less expensive than the physical.

Its the paper back not PDF. Can't you read?

Not him, but the pdf is still over $8. Can't you read?

How is this possible? Frostgrave's mechanics are pretty much dogshit bare bones. How can the campaign be even flimsier?

Except my post was about the paper back. Are you a halfwitt? Do you regularly make replies with no relation to the original post?

>the paper back is only 13$
>I dont think the pdf is worth it
>I was talking about the paper back
>The pdf is still 8$
McFuckingKillYourself you fucking 'tard.

I think the guy linked to the wrong post, but man are you butt flustered. Take a break from the net and go outside or something.

Not my fault you're dumb as a grot.


Some threads just bring out the best in people don't they? :-)
Face to face they would be the actual cowards we know them to be - all big talk when online and yes mummy when in the real world.
One of the downsides of the internet is that people that deserve a punch in the face (often repeatedly) just never get it. :-)

I got my book for Christmas, and have been having fun rounding up all of my Sci-Fi miniatures without a home and making crews for them.

Most recently I've been thinking about making an all jet pack mercenary team using these guys.

What minis are those? other than made by ants

Yeah, sorry about that. They're an old out of print Rackham set 'UNA Wing Troopers' from AT-43.

Not a lot of good pictures easily available, so have a concept art.

Cool. There's a guy on the FB group who is statting up a bunch of at43 minis for the fun of it.

I really regret not getting some of the karmans back when they were more widely available. Winston before Winston was cool

Making stats for your minis is part of the fun. It works especially when you come up with a the and try to find the right minis for the theme and stick them all in 200xp while balancing utility with power and giving them all some personality.

It reminds me of doing the same with song of blades and heroes, which I really like.

>I'm going for a Space Cops theme.

>I'm from a more enlightened age.
>The space age
>From the future.
>The future of space.
>Outer space.

Noticed a lack of a missile launcher, rocket launcher, or Grenade launcher in the book.

Any others feel like there should be those options?

Could be Damage 5 with Armor Piercing, Heavy, Reload, Two Handed.
Rocket Launcher could be Damage 4 with Scorch, Heavy, Reload, Two Handed.

Heavy could be nullified by Big, Artificial, or something similar. Maybe a sub category of launchers. It's the future so they could make them smaller and compact. One use only or not.

I think Self Propelled Grenades kind of cover that niche.

He is working on a supplement right now with expanded options and rules.

Intelligence only is kind of selective given how widely available they should be.

Well that gives me hope!

>He is working on a supplement right now with expanded options and rules.
hopefully that will include being able to take a larger size force, I wanted to like this game, but it's way too small scaled

The problem with larger size forces is the way initiative works in it. The model count is small because each model activated is a risk that initiative gets passed to your opponent. Generally while teams consist of 4-6 models, you often will only get about 3-5 activations off before things are handed off to your opponent. This is a risk-reward system that makes the game unique, and works well in practice, because your opponent gets the same risks and rewards. When initiative switches off, your team gets reset and you can act with the same models as last time when it comes back to you.

The problem with upscaling, is you may end up having 8-12 models if you go, say, 400xp, you still are only doing about 3-5 activations before initiative switches off.

The solutions to this would be one of the following

1) track which models activated last activation so you cant use them again when initiative comes back to you, but that's a boring option because you get into some weird situations with high model count armies vs low model count ones, and is another thing to track on top of tracking wounds/pins/and stress that already clogs up the board.

2) group activations. This is something he does in SoBaH and it works well enough. The SoBaH activation is extremely similar to Rogue Stars', so I can see it ported over. But then it's something that becomes essential as people who don't do group activations (because of having a variety of different models rather than squads) will be at an extreme disadvantage against one who does use them.

I don't think it's a win win for any scenario, and the writer knows this. So he is keeping the focus of the game in this really small skirmish meet-up format it is, and I think that is very wise. Too many games try to be other things they are not and end up generally failing at most.

still don't like it, I literally can't think of a single concept I'd like to actually use with the current model limitations(heck Frostgrave's size limits are already a pain to work around with when coming up with warband concepts)

Then this game isn't for you. Simple as that. There are other games to look into, I'm sure. I just would rather he not try to make this game into something it was never intended to be.

He talked of his struggle to scale up SoBaH the same way and it just wasn't working and lost focus, so he just designed a completely different system that could handle it, and I hear that is pretty good for it, leaving SoBaH to be the very small skirmish it was always intended.

I have a feeling he learned his lesson and won't be attempting it with Rogue Stars.

it's a damn shame, because besides the force size, I'm liking most everything else about Rogue Stars

What's the size limit you were hoping for?

Would anyone be interested in a formatted excel sheet?

Why? Calculating cost is extremely easy, it's all just addition.

Because options, people like options. Plus you can hyperlink it to the online rulebook. I can have every ability or stat at the press of a button. Works pretty well.

Where's the online rulebook?

As in if you purchased it from the Google Play Store. You can open it in Chrome on your desktop or on your phone.

Nice Iron Ancestor conversion.

Thanks. He's made from the dreadball one because it has hands and is more poseable.

it seems to be focused around more gear and weapons, themes, missions and terrain, and even doing a more simplified version is being discussed

Oh, cool. I guess it's an upgrade to Mutants and Ray-Guns?

But seriously, we should support this guy. It's basically him and his wife doing everything to create a sustainable business, and he's made plenty of decent products.

He's one of the few kickstarters I ever feel confident in backing.

MaDRG is an upgrade to SoBaH, this is an entirely different game and system. The activation and initiative system is similar to SoBaH, but the comparison ends there.

For one thing, it's d20 based, and there is no Q or C scores, it's ALL in the special rules. This game is also designed around range combat, where in SoBaH and MaDRG, ranged combat is pretty powerful. This it's more balanced.

Not him but what's MaDRG?

Mutants and DeathRay Guns. It's a post-apoc gamma world type skirmish game that utilizes the same core rules as SoBaH (Song of Blades and Heroes). Another bring-your-own-minis and stat them type game.

All of these bring your own mini games make me want a 3d printer.

Definitely. And the conversion potential for current collection is great. A MaDRG survivors warband is easy. Get a box of ork boys ($25) and a box of historical ww2 soldiers (generally really cheap) and swap parts like crazy. Then use the ork bodies for random mutants out in the irradiated wastes.

Also a key difference with mutants is how model stats are generated

Rogue Stars is simple point-buy
Song of Blades is point-buy using an equation
Mutants is randomly generated. Each player does like 5 models, and their mutations, gear, and talents are all randomized. There is also a point-buy with equation system similar to song of blades, but the game is focused on the random, in true gamma world nature

Fuck, I just put together my EMF list and now I want to go get some Grots for a green skin list.

Could always house rule some stuff with your buddies and try something closer to 20 models.

Christ. I just got my physical book last night, but I wish someone would put up a PDF so this broke fags would quit polluting every Rogue Stars thread with their pauper rage.

Pic - Set I picked up a couple years ago on the cheap but never found a use for. Might do a 4 or 5 man squad with them.

anyone got a PDF?

Hey yo I just bought the PDF off of Osprey's website. Does anyone know if they're watermarked with purchaser info in any way? If not, I'll try and throw it up on Rapidshare or the like later.

I'm gonna use those Alien Mercs that were part of my Mantic Deadzone Kickstarter ages ago. They are a nice mix of diverse guys that make a cool Headhunter-Posse

Not at these prices.

>no actual argument

try again

now? Osprey has had pdf prices like that for a while, hasn't it? I guess they really prefer customers to buy the physical version.

I made mine from the Dreadball one too



>tfw I know I'll be buying loads of random aliens and weird creatures I never had an excuse to buy before
>tfw I know I'll probably have them in my backlog for the next 10 years just like anything else I bought lately
>tfw I can't bring myself just to sell every single GW miniature I own even though I don't feel the love anymore

Bring them over to my place mang, I'll help you paint them.

Sell them user, trust me it's worth it.

So, I have to buy more d20s for this game since I only have 1 or 2. Is there any advantage to the morr expensive ones? I found a set of 10 on amazon for 3$ and was thinking about grabbing that. Also, does anyone use a dice tray? I can't decide between rectangular, round, or octagon for a dice tray.

Don't die on me thread.

There is no argument against shitposting. It's like stomping out a flaming bag of shit on your front porch. I may have gotten rid of a small flame that wasn't going to do anything, but I just end up getting shit all over everything.

As far as I can tell they aren't watermarked. Try uploading it to mega or something, and link it. Then we'll let you know if your name is on it or something and you can take it down.

I already own a copy so this isn't just me coaxing you to put it up.

Very cool. I like the belts and cables. Yeah the Warpath model just seems really derpy, to me. Mine is meant to be the Thor Pattern Iron Ancestor. A model that I'm not sure is worth it for Deadzone at least, but I think it's cool nonetheless. But it's too big for the scope and scale of Rogue Stars

Where did you get the ammo belt?

I know the feels. I know them well. Reaper BONES have been somewhat of an addiction lately. I cant stop buying one that I like evertime I walk into the gamestore because I know I can use it for something, and they're so damn cheap. When BONES 3 finally gets to the market.. oh lawdy!

Do you have an LGS? Most gamestores I go to have random assortments of dice or something. You can usually get them cheaper at an LGS than online.

Or go find a group of D&D players, ask if any of them have a spare d20 they wouldn't mind getting rid of. Most players will have that one d20 they believe is 'cursed' and are willing to part with.

I'm pretty sure it's not too big. They have the Huge and Big traits. I'm sure you can get away with that as a character with Artificial, Huge, Heavy Machine Gun/Heavy Blaster Rifle, and other stats you could want.

That's true. The unfortunate thing is a lack of hammers. The closest I could find for my dudes here is the force flail. I asked about it on the FB group so hopefully he will include it with the coming supplement.

Hey. Is a pdf around ? I want to have a look. I'll buy it anyway if seriously give it a play.

Not yet, but hopefully soon.

I'd get the hard copy, but paying shipping that equals the cost of the book pisses me off and I hate the DRM bullshit of stuff from the Google Play store.

I have an LGS but are they really going to be cheaper than 3 for 10?

Does anyone have any recommendations for dice trays?

You can also just resort to rolling the same die as many times as is necessary.

Hobby lobby has cheap wooden trays for stuff that work well since they have handles and reasonable high sides.If you want it a little softer on the dice try lining the bottom with felt.

Broken token also makes a little mini dice tower that has a built in tray. If you don't like the tower, the tray itself still works okay.