What would an ancient Egypt themed game have to involve?
What would an ancient Egypt themed game have to involve?
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inb4 kangz
Bee vibrators.
inb4 furfags
Card games on motorcycles
A river
Depending on where you want to go storywise, not!Rome
Bread helmets!
There's a giant ass river nearby. You can't really go far from it for very long. Watch out for floods wrecking the entire plot and the PCs plans
Various alien conspiracies are true. Like, all of them, at the same time. Ancient Egypt is a battleground for Greys, Lizardmen, People of Starts and multitude of other factions and people are caught in the crossfire.
A Nile analogue
Animal-headed gods
Strong themes of Order vs Chaos
Priests and huge temple-complexes
Technomancy, and magic in the form of talismans
The Nile. The desert.
Those are two constants in an Egypt game, no matter how far in the past, or how far in the future.
Desert background
Half naked to nearly naked people with beach style erotic fashion sense.
Amazing large architectures
Cults and wandering warrior tribes
Lots of undeads and traps in abandoned tombs.
Secret organizations planning on conquering the region and later the world.
Magical girls and anime.
pyramids project a magical field that alters time
Goa'ulds shol'va.
Remember people drank more beer than water.
Badass chariot wars with Nubia
Faggot pls.
Bast cannot have egypt without bast
Psychic God-Kings killing people with their stands
Lawful good final destination
sub saharians
Black kings.
The pyramids however have nothing to do with the alien battles and really are just elaborate royal tombs.
The sphinx is totally an alien tho
are the crystal gems
>tumblr: the animation
Fuck off
That image is a really solid argument in favor of eugenics.
But who won those war?
A Children's Card Game.
>old, used, and dried up
No thank you. Fishcunt best girl!
>dried up
You just need to refill.
Facebook just attracts retards of every race and /pol/ love to cherrypick
One good way to spot retards in real life is seeing if he bought up any /pol/ or tumblr garbage.
Both are imaginary mockery fiction designed for attention whoring and only idiots believe them.
Brown catgirls.
A woman seducing her way out of a punishment and coming out on top
Nothing to Jaffa Kree about
>black people could hear and see for miles, were giants, kangz, ruled the world, and had magic
>africa today
What the fuck happened?
More godly homosexuality than you would initially expect.
8 parts of human soul
magic frog god that influences the world with repeating numbers
For fucks sake steven universe is not tumblr tumblr just deluded themselves into thinking it was.
Except beach city drift that episode was blatently tumblr.
Its possible there have been some more tumblr episodes since i have not watched it in a while
You do realise that most giant-believers are white Christian Americans?
White people.
Shitty lives.
Probably some Egyptian myth
Fortune=Valentine>Peacock>Everyone else
Mah nigga.
Don't forget include a very real afterlife world and hugry hugry crocohippo who LOVES eating sinners hearts
man that donkey sure has had enough of this shit
You come across like you're stretching hard to find parity so you don't feel racist for thinking the pictured are morons.
Don't suppose any amateur -or professional- Egyptologists can tell us about Egyptian magic? It's occured to me I basically know nothing about that aspect of their mythology.
Well, yeah. But every setting should have those.
Yakub created whites.
>What would an ancient Egypt themed game have to involve?
Basically a late copper age civilization hanging around bronze and early iron age ones.
No one cared about Kek back when he was part of the Egyptian pantheon. He only does so well now because all the other old gods (except Moloch, of course) are still sleeping.
Chariots are cool.
>male bikini
The Pharao was a trap.
A ruling class that is of different ethnicity than the people's class.
A ruler that is divine
One big important river
Kek a shit.
And brown awooo
Female pharaohs were traditionally reverse traps. Hatshepsut who was a very powerful female pharaoh (technically regent but she decided she'd just take the full title) depicted herself as a man in art to reinforce her status as a ruler.
Back to your containment thread /sos/.
The same as every other game, but set in Ancient Egypt. It's tht simple
Female Pharaoh mostky happen when shit happened and the dynasty was about to disappear. Then dynasties truly disappeared just after thoses cases.
yu̶g̶i̶o̶h̶ ̶c̶a̶r̶d̶s̶
Undead, chariot races, slavery and a big golden box that steals your soul if you open it (or simply put, artifacts).
Theres a magical girl anime about egypt stuff?
Isn't there a Medjeb anime planned this year ?
Now we're talking
Never heard of it
Fine, but you'll come back for me, the ring of steel in your ears and the murmured sweet nothings of the kopesh upon your pillow. Driven mad by your unobtainable desires. And I'll welcome you with open arms and whisper "beat the blade, hook the leg".
What foods would you include in your fantasy Egypt?
Hang on, you're supposed to stab a fucker with a khopesh I thought, not use it as a hook.
Ptah/Wojack, and Kek, Lord of Slaadi Why the fuck do you think green Slaadi are made from wizards, and Black Slaadi, their final form, are pure darkness?
Lentil, plain bread, milk, fish, beer, beef, pork and fruits for the wealthy (and the builders of the Pyramids).
Kek and Keket. Sadly no Jej and Jejet in the Ogdoad.
A kopesh is a cutting weapon you tool. Look at that fucker in the image there and tell me you're supposed to stab someone with it.
If done by Veeky Forums?
Fuckload of shitty-ass memes, obviously.
The Ptolemaic dynasty
From the players perspective, a bazaar.
Assuming the players are coming from a non-Ancient-Egypt-themed place, the first place they arrive in town will be a busy marketplace. Sensory details include a lot of people shouting, and the smell of spices mixed with the smell of animals. Try to include both "camels" and "horses," or the setting equivalent. One animal able to go long distances without water, and one fast animal for desert bandits and other warriors in a hurry. If your players are local, "you all meet at the bazaar" functions like a tavern as there are usually drinks someplace and people looking to hire others for a job.
Try to foreshadow a bit here. If you are including an ancient Egyptian princess like in your picture or an even an evil reincarnated priestess, add some veiled "dancing girls" to the bazaar so your players know what's up. If they are going to have rivals in exploring the ruins, have the rivals show up in the bazaar at some point. If there are going to be bandits, have a few "black turbans" in the crowd watching the players.
>If there are going to be "bugs," and there should be, have a few buzzing around the animals at the stall. "Biting flies" are a common enough problem that you may want to do a roll to see what players are bitten. This is good foreshadowing, but the thing about "biting flies" is "malaria." Insects in settings like this can carry a host of diseases, but it is too soon to include something like this.
Once they get on the road, scorpions and giant scorpions can become an issue. One important thing for an ancient Egyptian theme is scarabs, to the players "flesh eating scarabs." There's not as much precedent for giant beetles, so you should probably use a swarm instead. Roll a random encounter table to determine which "sand storms" are actually just sand and not plague locusts or something.
Once you get from marketplace to lost ruins, expect rival factions, traps, and "guardians."
Minor god who become a mem in Japan after an expo.
He looks like a ghost (aka a white sheet with eyes and feet).
>the smell of spices mixed with the smell of animals
Reminder that all the Egyptian gods had male and female manifestations, so dickgirls would definitely be a thing.
>A ruling class that is of different ethnicity than the people's class.
Nubia only held Egypt for a very short time. Less than a century. After and before that they were all Berbers, both the people and the rulers.
Later Hellenistic Egypt is also not what most think of when they imagine Ancient Egypt. Nor is Islamic Egypt, so they aren't worth talking about.
Somebody said delicious brown Egyptian girls?
Temples must play an important role, they have their own land, their own labor.
Different cities will have different pantheons. It's not like the other gods are false or something, but in your opinion these other guys got it wrong who created the world or who you really should worship.
Dwarves. Not fantasy dwarves, but midgets. You get a lot of depictions of midgets, sometimes creating goldwork. There was a pharao that instructed one of his generals that when he gets to nubia for slaves he really needs to bring him a midget, because he loves these small endearing creatures so much. There was also a high-ranking official that was a midget, which scored himself some prime egyptian wife.
Keep in mind that the "guardians" could also be humans who have kept the ruins safe from outsiders for generations.
There is probably something big and bad in those ruins that the players are going to "wake up." That's par for the course in these adventures, but you can see how a "real person" might think it is a "bad idea" to do in their "world." Depending on your players, it might be a good idea for a rival faction to do the actual "waking up the ancient evil." This makes it easier for the players to ally with the guardians to save the world.
Alternately, a lot of traps in these old temples are for grave robbers, designed to temp and trap the greedy. If your players fall into too many of these traps without learning their lesson, the big bad is your last chance to convince them to change their thieving ways. A good rule of thumb, if your players are high-level enough that a prophecy about their arrival in hieroglyphics doesn't seem far fetched, let them put down the ancient evil. Guardian allies are mostly for lower level adventurers who need the help, and at higher levels true rivals are hard to come by.
You'll have to decide if the "rivals" are the true villains, minions of the true villain, or if the ancient evil buried in the temple is the main villain. All three can work and have worked in the past. Review your campaign notes, and try to play things by ear, or at least listen to your players. If the villain your players have been fighting over the campaign is just a misguided extremist or has enough sympathy for a heel-face turn, the ancient evil might actually be the truly evil one. A lot of mummies are basically just liches with more bandages on their undead army, but mummification is normally for high ranking officials who go with the pharaoh in the after life. An evil vizier or perhaps even a cunning courtesan could be deceptively effective once unleashed on the modern world. If the players are too busy fighting the pharaoh...
>so they aren't worth talking about.
And yet Cleopatra is one of the names people think of when Egypt is mentioned despite her being an inbred Greek. Although to her credit she was one of the only members of her dynasty to speak Egyptian and certainly the only queen of her dynasty to do so.
>no president for giant beetles
KheprI dissagrees, but he's a total bro
Because of pop culture. People don't know what Hellenistic Egypt even was.