>that guy who always plays as a chick
That guy who always plays as a chick
>you can play an elf only if you are one in real life
>That guy who always shitposts.
fuck off, I play what I want
> Those two guys, who always play as lesbians
> And always have relationships
Reminds me of the Borderlands video game series. Every named female is at the very least bisexual
Come on, anons, everyone knows that being a homosexual is fashionable now.
Yeah but op is being a plain faggot, not any decent kind of homo.
What if I'm a guy who OCCASIONALLY plays as a female character?
>that guy who always plays as the same chick
>that guy who only plays as the same class, but thinks he knows how to play every class.
>not wishing to be the little girl
as long as he's not jacking it under the table I don't care
Nothing wrong with that as long as they aren't creepy about it.
Have one in my group. He's chill though.
Most guys in my group have played chicks though. I'd say my own ratio is about 3:2 dudes to chicks.
Oddly enough, the guy who plays the least chicks in our group is legitimately gay.
Yeah, that's me.
RPGs are a way of being someone else for a while, to do something you'll never get to do in real life. It's not that strange to take the opportunity to be a chick for a while
>kinda like drag, but without the hassle
>exclusively play female characters for years
>finally think about it and realize I'm trans
Fucking this.
Thankfully, next week I'm getting my Race Reassignment Surgery.
>that chick who always plays a guy
>he always plays elf
>>that guy who always plays a male summoner who summons sexy female humanoid elemental
They always have a sexual relationship
I have a suspicion my friend is trans for this reason
I play females. Probably 1 in 5 or 6 I'd guess. And I GM all the time so you gotta have some women in that mix.
As long as they're not all 10/10 sexpots with daddy issues or LSN then it's not creepy or indicative of some weird fetish.
It's fucking ROLE-playing! Play a fucking role. Be a chunky punk chick with an axe to grind, Be a mousy housewife that stumbled onto arcane power. Be a femme fatale that lures rich assholes to destitution and ruin.
Just don't play vampire lolis. That shit is creepy and you have a problem.
One of my best friends always played dudes and his characters were always flat and interesting. One day he made a girl and BAM; interesting, nuanced and entertaining character
>that dude who always plays amputees
>it never actually affects the game
I think that might be his fetish at this point
>that guy who insists on playing a Gnoll who's trying to dedicate itself to God for holy powers
That's what happened with me, essentially. Whenever I play a guy I make them boring, stoic archetypal manly men. With female characters I don't due that, dunno why.
What's wrong with someone trying to play a neutral or good member of an evil race? Did Drizzt touch you in a bad place, son?
fuck this is me
They both look like dudes with long hair.
Come to think of it, every trans I know just ends up looking like a dude with long hair, regardless of starting sex...