This is how I lawful neutral.
This is how I lawful neutral
Then you are doing it wrong.
Dredd was Lawful Lawful.
>implying he's not lawful^3
Dredd is clearly Lawful Proactive. Lawful Neutral is just not breaking laws, but Dredd actually goes out and arrests creeps and law breakers and enforces the rules.
Dredd thread?
Dredd thread!
Naw man, the Law Cubes are where you go after your sentencing.
he's right tho. you'd have to split the nation up into 5 or 6 different factions for everyone to get the government they want, and that's just the people who care.
I always thought he was Lawful Good, but his world was so comparatively evil what he did could be considered VERY good. Lawful Good does not mean Lawful Nice.
This is how I Lawful Good.
Your paladins degenerate into Chaotic Evil psychos midsession?
57% percent of the voting populace voted? That is some ridiculously high turn out.
my sides have been sentenced to 10 years in the cubes
I remember people having a hard time doing pure paragon runs of ME1. Some people just aren't cut out to play paladins.
She was a raging retard.
This is how I chaotic evil
this is how I Chaotic Neutral
It varies. Dredd shows genuine care for the populace at times. Other times he piles up bodies like nobodies tomorrow. He'd say it's all just for the sake of order and stability, and given the post apocalyptic hell hole that is Mega City 1, he may be right.
but... which one?
This is how I Lawful Evil
This is how I alignment chart
a chart of unusually fine taste
I recognize everyone but Neutral Evil
>pure paragon runs of ME1
ME2 made it harder and you know it, because you get to do badass shit like kick people out of windows and stuff.
>tfw more people turn out for elections in Dredd's world than our world
A weirdly ok chart from what I recognize
He's the jerkass boss gangster from the movie Snatch (one of Guy Ritchie's movies about British Gangsters).
It's like the last movie where Jason Statham got to actually be an actor, and not just do action movie stuff.
I think I have to rewatch it now.
>Implying OP is even one tenth as good as Dredd.
I'm betting a fiver you are just Edgy Stupid.
Lawful Evil and Chaotic Evil on that chart are making the same point
I've had enough of your disingenuous assertions.
Why is Devlin the GOAT lads?
Also it didn't help that some of the Renegade choices were things like "killing the enemy mercenary who is fixing the flying tank they will be using to kill you with" and "Shoot the robot that's coming to kill you".
Like said some people are not cut out to play paladins.
Its how they're making it that matters though. One is trying to justify it within the rules of the game and the developers balance.
The other doesn't even try to hide that he's using broken shit just to win, he'll do it and flaunt it.
>more people turn out for elections in Dredd's world than our world
Great Atom War when?
The lawful good post there is a piss-poor example of lawful good.
At their core someone who is lawful good believes that law, order, and structure are concepts that are either inherently good and arise from goodness or lead to goodness. A lawful good person will try to have unjust laws repealed or revoked, but they will try to use the law to do it unless given special permission by what they see a higher authority of goodness. Like their liege or a god.
Because assault on a Judge with intent to kill totally doesn't warrant the execution penalty.
That is lawful neutral not lawful good.
too true too soon
>It's like the last movie where Jason Statham got to actually be an actor, and not just do action movie stuff.
Go watch Hummingbird (though admittedly it plays with his macho image).
That's the point
Dredd is Lawful Evil. He killed half a billion civilians during the Apocalypse War. But, he's also saved Mega City one more times than anyone can count. He's my favorite example of why LE is the best alignment.
Assdamaged Harkonnen detected
>b-but the Historians!
>but the Tyrant!
Not enough spice for you, fatty?
no, that's just another flavor of LG. We can't get bent around the axle on the exact specifics of alignment when all sentient things are so goddamn diverse. Yes you would have people who would use the law, but then you have those who would outrite defy the law to bring it down.
At it's heart, Lawful Good means 'Good guys with a moral code'
Killing that many does not make him Evil it's the motives behind it that matter he is not selfish and not looking doing what he does maliciously therefor he is not evil.
It is Lawful.
Neutral, Evil, Good are all worthless suffixes.
Indeed but you specified Judge and I was talking a Paladin and they have two different approaches to the Law.
I would argue that Dredd and the other Judges are Paladins.
Dredd did nothing wrong.
What the fuck were they expecting, seriously?
D&D classes and alignments don't exist in the Dredd universe. You're all wankers.
This is how I chaotic good.
You could argue that they are but I always saw paladins as more good than Lawful shining beacons of morality and all that, Dredd doesn't rally fit the bill, it's not about the morality it's about the Law.
>motives are more important than actions XD
Deontologist scum belong on >>>r/kant
This is a consequentialist board
>Implying a british comic would talk about American Democracy
You're off your neck mate.
>not understanding how the alignment system works
A good person is moral, an evil is immoral a neutral person is is a mix of both, or non the the above.
*chaotic stupid
Clearly the corporate sponsored two party one with least votes gets in method is superior.
Truly Clinton was Trumps greatest asset in this election.
The pig guy right?
Not really if he was Lawful evil he would be using the law for evil, but he is just following and enforcing the law.
>b-but they started it!
That doesn't make murder legal, cit.
Right, so I can kill as many people as I want, but as long as I don't enjoy it, I'm not evil.
Have you thought for one second how retarded you sound?
>That doesn't make murder legal, cit.
You know, sometimes when I see people like you IRL, I wonder how your bloodline survived to this day and age with that kind of bullshit in your blood and brain.
>"Motive" is "Did I enjoy it or not"
It's because 1st and 2nd world civilization, as most people understand it, is specifically set up to allow those that nature would select to be killed off to continue living.
>Implying there was any trust to shake
>Implying I'm upset with the results of the recent US election
>Implying I thought Hillery would be less shit than Trump
>Implying I'm American
It's possible to laugh at thing for the sheer absurdity of the thing but not be dismissive or disparaging of it. Like the Icelandic Pirate Party. I wish him all the luck their is for all our sake. With luck he will be the next Richard Milhous Nixon.
>Right, so I can kill as many people as I want, but as long as I don't enjoy it, I'm not evil.
Not my argument I'm saying that killing is justified unter the ight circumstances, self defense being one.
So why is everyone always going about how "Hurr durr, CN is the "I do what I want with no regards to anything" alignment? Wouldn't CE be closer to the "Randumb, I do what I want" alignment?
...who even thought that such a flawed system like alignments was a good thing in the first place?
I really liked Nixon.
Importantly Dredd doesn't consider himself a hero or even a good person just a guy doing his job
The movie was fucking great. Urban was (still is) a big fan of Dress and it fucking showed.
Rookie is also possibly the only woman that I would claim as my waifu, and I don't fo that kind of things often.
Really bummed that it failed because of shit marketing. Urban really tried to push for a sequel or a serie, but it didn't work out. Such a shame really.
Because few GMs allow CE characters.
But they do allow CN characters that are inevitably played like CE psychopaths.
So as I thought, it's a case of people playing the alignment "wrong"? (Since they are "kind of" playing CN as CE)
I agree with this. I would have loved to have seen Call-Me-Kenneth and the robot uprising or bad shit going down over multiple films leading up to Judge Death.
Urban Dredd doing pic related would have been great.
Because he's charming, witty, a riot at parties and capable of swatting a vampire's head clean off even before his little accident. Always brings a note of joyous gaiety to any outing!
Urban dredd was great all over. I was genuinely surprised by the quality of hos acting. Shows how much a role can make or break depending on the guy playing it. His non stop frown must have been hard to get used to.
Urbs Dredd alignment is easier to determine. It's Lawful Frown.
Depends if it's a presidential election year or a midterm year.
For the 2016 election, turnout was 58.1% as of November 15, and that was still with hundreds of thousands of votes left to count. For the 2012 election, it was 58.6%.
But for the 2014 election, it was 35.9%.
The funny thing is, the other one was probably closer to the comics.
*chaotic britbongistan
I'm no American but I read some interesting stuff on that.
Like how southern (read Republican) states have bullshit requirements to be able to vote, like in Texas, having either a passport, gun licence or a driving licence, and limited hours to vote, in the pretense of fighting irregularities, which are very few and far between anyway. Basically doing whatever they can to avoid the poor (read: non-whites) vote. Obviously it's probably a niche thing that doesn't have much importance in the long run, but it's still kinda akward to read something lile that. How can people not smell the jullshit right away when the politics end up doing that?
Uh, Dredd is and has always been about America.
Because someone in charge will say its not true, and the ruling elite will silence/discredit the people who say it. And so long as the poors aren't voting, who fucking cares if its going on?
As an American I support it. If I was writing the constitution, I'd limit the vote to degree-holding white and Asian men over 25 and under 55, with a masters degree or better, military experience, and no large debts.
Increasing the scope of the franchise historically correlates with worse results. Decreasing it helps - to educated and intelligent people hopefully, but "skin in the game" is even more important.
Restricting the vote to people who care enough to find out voting hours is the best we can do today.
Keeping the serving class from voting is the most important thing though. In an economy-driven world, preventable costs like labor need to be kept rock bottom. Make it clear that they can pay rent and feed their child or they can vote, and they will make the correct choice to feed the economy.
Idiocracy was a documentary.
My country requires ID to vote nationwide and we still have higher turnout than the USA. I have no problem with people needing to prove they're citizens.
ID is standard. Mine is the same, and everyone has an ID here. But what I read was specifically one of those 3 (passport, driving or carry licence), which is something poor people tend not to have.
>this is what fascists actually believe
Your insinuations are retarded. The poor I oppose are the welfare-poor (who vote in the morning). I support working poor and the middle class (who vote in the afternoon).
The 'serving class' is a conflation of several totally separate groups, with different political interests. It confuses the urban and rural divide, not to mention the ethnic one, which is unfortunately all too real.
Driving licenses are cheap and state ID is free.
"Poor people don't have them" is bullshit. People who don't care about society don't have them, and that also tends to make them poor because selling drugs is economically unprofitable. Fast food workers make more, in the mid-term, than corner hustlers.
Do you have "military experience"? Is it beyond a few years as a worthless slicksleeve? Do you have your CIB/CMB/CAB?
ID is easy to get, but if that user means -specifically- one of those three things, a lot of people are automatically excluded. Only people who regularly leave and re-enter the US would have a passport, which isn't all that many people considering the overall population size. Most people have at least enough faith in humanity/not enough of an asshole complex to feel the need for a concealed or open carry license. Those can also be costly or difficult to get, so those are out, too. And a lot of people don't have a driver's license because they don't own a car either because they can't afford one or because public transportation and/or carpooling/taxis allow them to get by without one, so all they have is a plain ID card, if they have that. The justification for not getting a plain state ID card is that they can cost upwards of $25 or more depending on where you live and do shit all except tell someone who you are, if you're old enough to buy smokes/booze, and if you're an organ donor.
Drivers licences and state id require documentation to obtain that is difficult for the very poor to provide during the normal hours of a DMV, which are carefully regulated to not extend beyond the regular work hours of anyone working a full day shift
>Most people have at least enough faith in humanity/not enough of an asshole complex to feel the need for a concealed or open carry license
Stopped reading there. Into the trash you and your post go, my naive cuckold friend.
States also do not punish fee gouging in the ID worker's positions. They are encouraged to charge extra fees for little to no reason. And its not just to the ultrapoor, I bought car used and they tried to level several hundred dollars in fees until I argued them down.
>Most people have at least enough faith in humanity/not enough of an asshole complex to feel the need for a concealed or open carry license.
It has nothing to do with faith in humanity mate and you aren't an asshole for carrying a gun. I like having the ability to defend myself even if I expect/hope never to use it. I've never been in a car accident and I still wear a seatbelt. There's no reason for such dismissive hostility.