humans can't survive FTL, so they send robots and fertilized human eggs to the far corners of space, to create colonies. how will this play out?
Humans can't survive FTL, so they send robots and fertilized human eggs to the far corners of space, to create colonies...
Heartwarming story of robots learning things about parenthood they were not programmed for
human rights groups go mental at the idea of effectively sending children to be brought up by bots without parents without any consent.
? but they were
It fails because humans need other humans to teach them to act civilized.
Look up kids who were kept in rooms with nothing but tvs or were not taught to be part of humanity by people. Best you could hope for are cavemen looked after by talking toasters.
Depends on how intelligent the robots were.
how do i delete these posts?
>humans can't maintain coherent generation ships, so they send robots and fertilized human eggs to the far corners of space, to create colonies. how will this play out
I fixed your FTL problem.
Chances are the first generation are autistic as fuck. By the 3rd or 4th, however, with large populations, I imagine the genetic factors would win out and produce a relatively functional group.
>autistic as fuck
what do you mean by this? like agent 47?
Code monkey here, I think I speak for whole department when I say that no, we have no damn idea how maternal instincts work. Hell, some of us might not know for certain how babies are made.
You will have psychologists who know this sort of stuff in great detail, but then those people are pretty bad in explaining it on technical terms...
Depends on how sophisticated the robots are. has the right idea, it just doesn't go far enough. The sound of a heartbeat is good for fetuses and babies, and even helps grow even after they're born. The robots would have to look and feel human to properly raise the human babies, right down to body heat and in utero speech/rude noises, and they would have to make the right kinds of physical contact. This should go without saying, but you need both "male" and "female" robots. The robots need to be able to "breed" in such a way that they don't get more young humans than they can handle, but at the same time produce enough to prevent inbreeding; they're basically going to be Mormons, with each fem bot getting pregnant about every one and a half to two years, and it will likely take a few decades to go through all the embryos. The robots need to be capable of teaching a wide range of occupations starting with vital ones like engineering, medicine, agriculture, science, and law enforcement. You also need to decide on a religion, or some kind of substitute institution for the colony. Making your own is the appealing option because you have the benefit of hindsight and a clean slate to write on, but realistically some multicultural "include all faiths" approach will get forced onto NASA's intrepid team of neckbeard roboticists and the robots will have to mediate between space Muslims, space Satanists, and space Sikhs. This is on top of all the regular challenges faced by space colonists like poisonous atmosphere, space viruses, xenomorphs, and rival spacefaring civilizations. The roboticists have to account for all of this and more or create very sophisticated problem solving AI, and they only get one shot because once the ship leaves port it can't just come back to Earth at the first sign of trouble.
What could possibly go wrong?
If humans can't survive FTL why would an egg? Just because it's one cell doesn't mean it isn't subject to the real physical things happening around it.
Kinda. Raised by robots /videos with no actual human parents would make them distant and weird
Eggs/embryos are smaller, so if the issue was some kind of radiation it would be a lot easier to make a heavily shielded compartment for 2,000 of them than 2,000 humans. I'm pretty sure that extreme pressure or gravitational force will also kill a human at lower levels than it would take to damage individual cells.
>not teaching your baby chess
>not having them lift
It's like you want your kid to be a mouthbreathing retarded lardass.
In the Revelation Space universe, the Amerikano colonies which were started in this manner all imploded spectacularly, usually with axes-through-bulkheads results. Machine-raised colonists tend towards nasty mental pathologies, apparently.
Assuming it's a one-way trip and only radio contact is possible afterward?
You get an all-robot colony sending false images to make Earth believe there are humans there.
Humanity splinters into an infinity of sub-species and factions. AI becomes the glue that holds mankind together. Armies of robots are employed by Earth to keep the colonies in line. Other than that, humans have no connection to each other beyond TV.
Thousands of sub-species descendent from the Homo Sapiens begin to appear as mutation, natural evolution, and artificial genetic engineering creates new breeds of mankind better adapted to the new environment.
>distant and weird
Worked for Superman. What, is Superman not good enough for you?
your robots would have to be straight out of blade runner.
Superman was raised by people, though.
They just weren't the same species as him.
Only the first generation of humans would need to be raised by robots. Then they would be self sufficient. Robot lifespan will come into play. If humans raise the second generation, there will likely be differences from the first.
Remember: Nature>nurture in almost all respects. Humans raised solely by adoptive parents almost always exhibit traits of their original parents including but not limited to IQ and personality. Don't expect robot-people just because they were raised by robots.
so you've got these immortal gods who are also the progenitors of your group/conclave/civilization. They are also your great-grandparents and you essentially call everyone brother. Eventually one or two of the the conclaves led by the most liberal parenting bot/gods is either shown by or overtakes their god and learns of all the other enclaves. The groups now must struggle with knowledge of other families and how they will inevitably integrate once they reach the new planet.
IIRC a small issue with collective farms is that, since everyone grows up viewing the entire collective as a family, it can be hard to convince young workers to bang each other. Not a gamebreaker when the next farm is half an hour down the road, pretty nasty when you're several light-years from civilization.
great series of books. finished chasm city earlier this year.
Come the fuck on people, read 2001 Nights.
just make your giant collective farm and giant collective of farms with some space inbetween, teach kids in smaller groups, etc
Minimize contact between groups of kids until they're about 11 or 12 then. That effect that prevents you from wanting to bang people you grew up with mostly goes away by then.
He is on tg
I'm so sorry.
That's exactly why I said write your own is the ideal solution. You can pick and choose the most adaptive aspects of the major world religions and carefully craft a holy book that exemplifies them all. You even eliminate the threat of religious violence for at least a few centuries because everyone prays to the same god that's based on the same holy book. Robots are angels/celestials that serve God, not gods themselves.
Robot families. Mom-tron and Dad-bot put another frozen bun in the oven every few years and even though the frozen embryo babies aren't blood related you've solved the ickiness factor and you'll continue introducing fresh DNA into the pool for decades, maybe even centuries.
>ou even eliminate the threat of religious violence for at least a few centuries because everyone prays to the same god that's based on the same holy book.
Wouldn't it be easier to upload people into robots, if humans can't survive the trip? At least for a hand full nany bots.
Maybe bit not necessarily plausible, unless some dystopian government takes a hand.
im a robot bad guy in OP post scenario. what do i do?
Smoke in front of the kids?
No idea.
that is true for ereditary characters, not for culturally determined ones
Yep. It's one form for a seed ship.
You put a bunch of uploaded human minds into a VR simulation. Optionally, they can be turned on at the end of the trip. Either way when you get there they oversee the creation of an industrial infrastructure via robots, terraforming the planet, and then the introduction of life forms. When conditions will support human life, some or all the personalities download into android bodies built on site.
Then they start having human babies (grown in vitro) and raising them as humans. In short order, you've bootstrapped a human civilization.
Actually, economists working from twins separated at birth have determined that most traits split 50/50 on genetics vs environment. Nuture matters slightly more at early ages, and genetics matters more in adults.
The usual numbers quoted to ensure long term genetic stability are 500 for a rigorously authoritarian breeding policy over a carefully selected initial population, or 50,000 if you let people do as they will. For a spaceship, carrying that many frozen zygotes is trivial compared to all the other hardware and genetic material you'll be bringing along.
Another possibility is to vat grow human bodies without brains, install computers to operate them, and then load your AI or uploaded personalities on that. Or do it the other way, and vat grow your first generation to be raised in VR simulation environments. Compared to all the other problems, this one is pretty trivial.
Sources or I am going to call bullshit on your quasi blank-slate statement
When the ships first start arriving they find the area already settled by humans that went out on ships that had fixed the FTL problems and made them even faster.
You can find a good treatment of the extant literature in Sacerdote 2010, a reviewed chapter from the Handbook of Social Economics. Sacerdote's work is widely cited and I've yet to hear someone seriously challenge it.
Probably this, to be honest.
Who are they to say how I raise my children? A Robo Nanny is all my spawn needs.
Colonies spring up, centuries later another method of FTL is discovered and the various colonies instantly declare war on one another or trivial religious or societal differences. Humans will be humans.
The effect the Kents had on Superman is kind of a cornerstone of the mythos. How do you miss that?
All Tommorows.
All robot reared children become robosexuals. The singularity is pretty sexy and incestuous.
>Frank for the last fucking time get your goddamn preggo robot fetish out of the game
At the point at which this is possible, you could just create gigantic colony ships the size of countries and send them off at subluminal speeds to other stars.
I mean why not? Why are planets important?
If the setting permits it, fill each ship with the "mind uploads" of the women donating the eggs and the men donating sperm cells. Also send support ships filled with other uploads and mind uploading equipment. The future colonies will have a stable society with good traditions supported by ancestoral worship and ancestoral "spirits."
>Kinda. Raised by robots /videos with no actual human parents would make them distant and weird
Could this be solved by having a pool of adults in cryostasis come with the ship? Or just a few grown-ups?
the whole premise is opposite to that kind of options
I would bang a couple of my cousings.
Do we have the capability to communicate FTL between planets?
If not, why would we bother to colonize?
That's nice of you but buggering boys does not babies make.
>right down to body heat and in utero speech/rude noises
>rude noises
So if your mom never farted (or took a really gassy shit) while pregnant, you'd come out messed up?
For the survival of mankind?
It should work for a while. Religions tend to split into different sects onyl after the founders of the religion and everybody who personally knew them is dead, since at that point you can no longer just ask the guy who wrote the book about what he means, and peoples intrepretions starts to diverge from one another like in a game of "broken telephone".
The major sects of Christianity that are around today formed centuries after the death of Christ, same with Islam. Buddhism had a big divergence occur when it spead from India to China and got blended in with a lot of traditional Chinese beliefs (and it's this form of Buddhism most people think when they think of Buddhism, as the Chinese spead it all over Asia).
If you have immortal AIs acting as the priests you could possibly eliminate any divergence entirely, as the AIs should always be around to tell what's the correct intrepretion of the holy texts, and are unlikely to radically change their doctrine or start disagreeing with each other since the doctrine has been literally programmed into them.
The children grow up as piles of shit and never accomplish anything because you NEED BOTH PARENTS to be healthy physically and psychologically. No exceptions.
Maybe have a ship crash land, then have the surviving kids raised by these robots, with no idea of their past, without technology from their ship they could end up a medevial like kingdom who are guided by immortal silver skinned people they view as god's.
If you have FTL travel, you have FTL communications via messenger probes.
>If not, why would we bother to colonize?
For the same reasons our ancient ancestors made long boat journeys to find new lands.
While having the robot "parents" be human-like would be a necessity, both because humans are wired to recognise other humans and thus the children would have easier time interacting with humanoid robots and because your goal is to create a stable human society and thus you need the children to learn human interaction, I don't see any particular reason why you'd need to use humanoid robots to also gestate the embryos.
It's be more efficient and safe to just have the fetuses grow in tanks, with the conditions designed to mimic those inside the womb as closely as possible, than have fembots that actually get pregnant (even if that would be my magical realm).
Also, it seems I'm lacking in fembot pictures.
>Code monkey here, I think I speak for whole department when I say that no, we have no damn idea how maternal instincts work
But are you sending robots programmed to raise children to outer space on rocket ships meant to last decades/centuries in search of habitable planets?
1) Law enforcement assumes a state and there is no reason to assume such would exist under these conditions;
2) One can do without a religion to provide moral foundation.
can someone post the All Tomorrows PDF? I recall they did this.
These are great story hooks
user... you're on tg
I mean, for what it's worth, fetus' start adapting to their environment in utero. Learning language etc. (Yeah I know they still come out fucking incompetent, but in utero learning essentially doubles the amount of time that children have to figure out how their culture's language works, they spend the in utero time learning how to isolate human speech from other noises.).
So your womb tanks had best be in the thick of things at least, right next to the coffee machine or whatever.
You could just play pre-recorded human conversations. It's not like the content of them really matters since the fetus does't really understand speech, hearing speech just helps it recognise language (which in turn helps learning the language later on)
The most "natural" way of doing this would be to have a particular robot/volunteer who is carrying a mic 24/7 that is linked to the tank so that it hears their voice and all the sounds around them in the same way that it would hear those things if it was in a real womb.
Robots would need to communicate vocally for that, but they already have to in order to raise out-of-womb kids, so it works out.
Even if the robots have a facility to enable the in utero learning, what would they talk about?
What would a child who developed hearing robots talk be like?
This is genuinely fascinating.
What would the growing humans' relationships with their carers be like once they've been born?
Would there be any quirks of development there?
>able to upload minds
>still making meat babies
Well, you've got to get new minds from somewhere.