Could your party steal the Death Star plans?
Could your party steal the Death Star plans?
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Subtlety isn't our forte. On the other hand we can probably bring it down without knowing about weakpoints.
Sure you could, champ. We all think your group is super cool and badass. Really.
We have AI, an powerful android, powerful adventurer with glowing swords and her magical sister.
Propably yes, maybe we could have even done it quietly and survive.
From where?
Scarif? Hell no.
From some punk ass rebel troopers and a china doll princess? Easy.
Our weapons are medieval and we travel by mules. We don't even have a rogue.
>40k Inquisitor's foolhardy problem solvers
Assuming we had the same level of naval support that the rebels had (no 40k vs Star Wars argument please) then probably, yes. Infiltration would be slightly hard since we're a bit of a bull in a china shop, but combat would be slightly easier.
If we did pull it off, we'd probably remember to pack teleporters so we'd survive the surface. Might fold to Vader though.
Not a chance, we're outnumbered and outgunned. We'd die on the dropship probably.
>Aasimar paladin with a furious zeal to hurt bad guys
>Cleric/Radiant Servant cookie cutter build
>Ghost Elf fighter/rogue who is selfish as fuck and a death magnet
>Shifter Monk that acts like a fucking TMNT
>High Elf Archivist with an addiction to collecting relics and magic items with history
>sigh...a Chaos Dwarf Warmage who likes making things explode and/or catch on fire
I mean, the MIGHT be able to steal the plans, but they're more likely to murderhobo every imperial they come across and accidentally blow up the Death Star themselves.
why steal the plans when you can steal the real deal?
I once had a party that relied heavily on advanced custom droids. During the construction of the death star II they succeeded at inserting sabatour droid brains in the central computers, and prevented their discovery until around the battle of endor. When they confirmed the super laser to work they made the Death Star accelerate to significant G forces with the artificial gravity turned off. Their next step was to coat its surface with their experimental Von Neumann swarm, and mop up the remaining imperial presence. We died soon after when space was blotted out by star destroyers, but the death star was well and truly stolen.
>I mean, the MIGHT be able to steal the plans, but they're more likely to murderhobo every imperial they come across and accidentally blow up the Death Star themselves.
sounds unorthodox, but I can't complain about results
I roll on the 20 sided die for my clumsy, slow, and bumblingly loud droid character to sneak into the base.
We stole Santa back from Abaddon the Despoiler in the heart of the Warp. I think we could pull it off.
Why did it take ten minutes for a Apocalpytic explosion to reach shore on an island less than twenty miles away?
>teleport to plans room
>ask AI for plans, or how to explode deathstar
Movie Spoilers [spoilers]At least the main character's plot armor disappeared and they died.
No because they don't have plot armor that allows them to sprint across open stretches without getting shot a million times, or dodge shots in narrow hallways.
>Disney Star wars movies
Choose one and only one
heh im just happy all the eu faggot overweight like you will be dead in 20 years
Dramatic timing. Also, maybe the Death Star on low power has a Gravity-Reducing side effect? I loved the first explosion though.
lol, they'll be dead in 10
> exalted
> night caste
> perfect disguise, stealth, can hide between fucking thoughts
Wouldn't need the Circle, only one.
Godbound party
>Necromancer Druid.
>Superman minus invulnerability
>Bob the builder +spear thrower
We'd die.
With the aim, perception, and insight like the stormtroopers have, I think my party could potentially sneak into the place using illusory disguises, and I think my tank could last at least a little while, assuming 29 AC is good enough to avoid most hits.
If plane shift works, then the party could probably escape too, so even if we fail the mission, we can still make it out.
I wind up sasha, come in this building, and kill all the stormtroopers
Lacking imagination.
>Turn everyone into magical invisible flies
>Spear thrower pierces any air vents
>Superman uses his super strength and grabs the plans
>Afterthat just follow him through the holes on his way out.
It was the force duuuuuuuuuuude.
Or how that monk guy walked slowly across the battlefield while a whole contingent of elite soldiers were shooting at him and they all MISSED. Then they checked their weapons again and started lobbing grenades.
My players are technically equipped for it but would fuck it up in ways you didn't even know were possible.
I mean it didn't matter since they all died anyways
I am one with the force, and the force is with me.
>what are superhero games
fuck you the monk was cool
I mean we're a level 20 5e party, and I'm a bard with teleport and time stop. We won't have any problems getting there, and if worst comes to worst I doubt the compound would stand up to a meteor swarm from our sorceror. So yeah I would say probably.
>the compound would stand up to a meteor swarm from our sorceror
I don't know, it's a military compound after all, and Star Wars heavy weapons have to be pretty damn powerful.
40d6 is a lot of d6
No. My group has a false sense of competency given that we've mainly run against gangs, mafia, and low level corps. We have zero experience running against a souped up military base. As much as the group may think we have the combat, stealth, and X factor to pull this off, I don't.
Yeah, but that's 40d6 on a relatively small area.
How do your groups even FIND the plans? You don't have a reprogrammed imperial droid or hacker most likely. All got divinations?
Shadowrun is one hell of a drug man....
Fifth edition meteor swarm covers a total of 20000 square feet
>Blazing orbs of fire plummet to the ground at four different points you can see within range. Each creature in a 40-foot-radius sphere centered on each point you choose must make a Dexterity saving throw.
The sphere spreads around corners. A creature takes 20d6 fire damage and 20d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Like I said, relatively small area. I haven't actually looked it up, but I suspect the compound is bigger than that by at least two or three orders of magnitude. You'd need a lot of meteor swarms to cover even a significant fraction of it.
I thought the point was literally that he was being protected/guided by the Force. He had actual in-universe plot armor.
Oh, and since it specifically mentions spreading around corners, that at least implies that it doesn't do too much in the way of structural damage - and since we're talking about military compound, I should think the materials will be much stronger than stone wall you might find in a dungeon.
By breaking new ground.
I'll give it to you that we probably couldn't one shot it with meteor swarm, but we do have a pretty big party, and acess to perfect invisibility. 5e spellcasters just have too much utility and too many spell slots to keep them out of anywhere without magical defenses. We also have a paladin, druid, and ranger, so between those classes I think we have more than enough utility and firepower to get in there and get out.
Our Star Wars saga campaign already did and died the same way, our GM was the one who saw the movie first and mapped the stealing of the death star plans as is.
Our pathfinder game?
More than likely with great success no doubt as we are running mythic and currently at level 23.
>Paladin with the guardian path
>Slayer/fighter/cavalier/something runing the warrior path
>Rogue running trickster path
>Arcanist running the archmage path
>Skald cohort
>Cavalier cohort
>Dragon cohort
>Alchemist cohort
All with followers and such.
If we are smart, then we initiate Mythic augmented Time Stop which allows us to breeze in undetected until we get to the archive area. Knock out some of the guards and get into the actual vault itself. Steal plans and time stop again and get to fuck out of there.
Then again with the amount of followers and cohorts we have, we could just overwhelm them and hopefully get out before the death star destroys us completely. The mission will be a success, getting off the planet will be the difficult part.
Our team has a fantasy version of rorschach, a druid with lightsabers, a guy who punches everything and deflects every bullet and a demon pretending to be an axe in the hands of a possessed woodsman
Sure, 8 level 15 DnD 3.5 characters (including my Psion, a Wizard and a Cleric) could invade whatever place and take it.
The only other game I'm involved on is a Nobilis game (I'm the GM, not a player). And any of my PCs could end the Empire in a lazy afternoon.
>Blades in the Dark
>Tier 0
If ran true to the defenses seen in the movie, no fucking way.
Our GM takes it super easy on us so we might be able to pull it off under him.
My party almost died getting take out. I'm pretty sure the only way we could get these plans is over a mountain of corpses.
That said, it's paranoia, so...
he was with the force and the force was with him
We're playing Exalted.
>Talks shit about everyone but one player
Hmm. I wonder which PC is yours.
A Jedi, a Bounty Hunter, a Mechanic and a Mandalorian.
With an NPC droid who is mobile artillery.
I'd imagine we'd have a good shot at it.
This:The Force guided him to the lever so he could pull it. Once he did what he needed to do, basically his purpose, he died. Coincidences and luck and all that shit is how the Force works. I mean shit, a princess manages to send a robot with important plans to a planet in the middle of nowhere who JUST so happens to instead go to long lost brother who JUST happens to meet the person who was being sent the plans in the first place.
Underrated post
>Come here, I promise I vill heal you!!!
> who JUST happens to meet the person who was being sent the plans in the first place.
Dude. R2 literally left the reservation and powered his way across the desert. He covered some SERIOUS distance trying to find Obi-Wan. That droid was hella detirmined.
Ending up with Luke was luck, but he'd have escaped and tried to find Ben regardless of who he ended up with, and given that Obi-Wan is literally minutes away by the time Luke and 3PO catch up with R2 then he probably would have managed it successfully, delivered the message, and Obi-Wan IS going to recognise that it's R2-D2, see the Princess is in trouble, and it's more than likely that he;s going to decide that it's time to pick up Luke and tell him his HIGHLY specific interpretation of who his father was.
>With an NPC droid that is mobile artillery.
>>We stole Santa back from Abaddon the Despoiler in the heart of the Warp. I think we could pull it off.
That sounds epic. Break it down for me if you could.
HK-88. An unholy fusion of a defective IG-88 model (E - Z, whichever) and an HK-55 production model.
If you can hold the weapon in one hand, he wants nothing to do with it. If it's designed to be mounted on a ship, he wants a version of it to carry.
My players ?
>Republic Special Forces Sniper that can take out an AT-AT with a single shot
>Pureblood Sith who can literally shout people to death and has a lightsaber.
>A cybernetic mandalorian pilot that I let get too much shit.
>A crazy Half-AI droid that had a brush with two real fully-fledged AIs (One of them Gree)
>Lewd Togruta Diplomat and infiltrator, I'm going to leave it at that.
They took down a Zillo Beast, I'm sure Scarif would've been a breeze.
I want to play Star Wars one day. One day.
Last Saga Edition game I was in, the party was basically the Empire's Seal Team 6. We reported directly to Palpatine. We could literally walk into the Scarif citadel and just ask for the plans.
If we couldn't just get them, we could probably kill our way to them, no problem.
Playing Rifts because apparently we all hate fun. We have a Cosmo Knight, so yes.
Could parties from Exalted still succeed if their failure was the Will of the Force?
Given how we're running a Guyver campaign with the serial numbers filed off, yes.
Hell, I bet we can blow up the Death Star with just the party, if we plan it just right. We can take out a Star Destroyer from the planetary surface for sure.
You see that weird flap that the guy pulls off his chest? That houses an anti-orbital laser cannon.
As soon as our party got exposed to fire we'd eat shit and die. Pic related. If things get really bad we can swim away in the water. We wouldn't be able to out-swim the explosion, but then the empire likely wouldn't need to shoot the planet if the enemy was totally repulsed and didn't even get the plans.
Nope. We don't have enough Bothans for the plan to work.
Why steal the Death Star plans when you can steal the Death Star.
Considering how my last star wars campaign went, probably not.
They'd probably all die trying to get past the shield and the sole survivor would be the pilot who gets stranded on a beach or something. He'd live 5 years making coconuts sandwitches before getting found out by the empire.
Actually your party sound awesome. Like, playing fucking squid that do adventure ? Fuck yeah.
Two Guardsmen, a Sister of Battle, a Psyker specialising in Telepathy, a Valkyrie/whatever we have pilot and a Skitarii, with some serious ordnance. Also a squad of Stormtroopers who owe us a favour for something we didn't actually do, which could be handy.
We'd stand a chance, especially if the Psyker can trick the guards and the Skitarii can find the plans, but don't have a way of getting off-planet unless our ship is there too to teleport us out.
no, but
>i slamdunk the nearest asteroid into the death star
>Letting any arbitrary force stop you
Acquire proficiency my dude
Let me check
>My cha's speed is 250km per hour, 1000km per hour but only for one hour
>Can jump 200 meter long, 50 meter high
>Doesnt' neet to breath or eath
I think I kinda have a chance
It's as cool as it sounds, but our party gets wrecked. We're all slow as shit on land and we never pick our fights very well. Most times we crawl up to the enemy and get shot to death and by the time we get into melee we've lost too much steam to do much and have to teleports away like bitches
Sound like redundant saturday vilain to me. Can be fun.
Why is Star wars still using VCRs to record data? Haven't they heard of a thumb drive and Bluetooth?
with the plan they had in the movie? no.
That said, a plan our party tends to use is "blow something up as a distraction and improvise the rest" which is exactly what their plan was here.
Our plan would probably be
>go in with an actual cover.
>steal the disguise thing and walk in past everyone, since that didn't seem to be a problem at all.
>Incapacitate the guards and droid at the archive core with swift action
>instead of hiking up to the top of the tower to broadcast the plans, just file dump onto a handful of small drives. Maybe steal some other useful intel.
>submit our "exit orders" via our droid that is the same make and model as the ones that operate the base, so nothing would be unusual.
>walk out the front door, get back on our ship
>even if they discover the bodies and go into lockdown, we can almost certainly wait it out before they assume the rebels already escaped, since we got through the sky portal with an actual cover and have a reason to be there, and as far as anyone knows, we've been waiting on the platform the entire time.
It's not a perfect plan, and there's definitely steps that would need working through, but it's much, much better than "start a battle we have no way to win and hope that buys enough time for us to steal things while we hope they aren't watching."
Dude is literally a wizard casting protection from normal missiles.
It has a crew of over 1 million, it would literally be like stealing an entire city.
Because magnetic tape is still a great way to store very large sequential files?
>Rogue/scam artist who loves collecting magic potions
>Pyromancer who actually isn't a complete pyromaniac
>Half orc paladin of balance
>healbot cleric
>monk that acts like a barbarian
A lot will probably hinge on our rogue. And the monk not fucking everything up. If we can keep our equipment and exchange our coins for credits we'd have a better chance but still pretty low
>Deathwatch Team
Fast and heavy assaults on fortified planets for small but vital objectives is our specialty.
Certainly this is why Sheev was smarter to rule as a politician rather than a Sith emperor. Otherwise, Obi-wan could've stolen the Death Star by trading his lightsaber out for a red one, happening to get captured, publicly challenging Anakin to a duel for supremacy, killing him, then demanding obedience from the remaining forces. But since the Imperial Navy operates as an actual military rather than a cult of personality, Tarkin would just say "no."
>If plane shift works
If plane shift works, then any problem can be solved by going to an alternate universe where that problem was never there.
My group has a gravity wizard. We don't steal the plans. We just destroy it.
You remember that one paranoid dude that Caspian murdered in the beginning to escape? Yeah, that's us.
It's great. We mostly recover artifacts and exploration and puzzles is more of the game mechanic focus. That being said when combat rolls around we usually get trashed. Being an enlightened squid archaeologist party isn't easy.
underrated as shit
Story behind pic related?
>Could parties from Exalted still succeed if their failure was the Will of the Force?
With starting characters parrying the superlaser this movie would have a lot less believable
Yes, but not from the archive, they would be discovered and cut to smoking ribbons before they got halfway in. They would instead the technomancers' powers to retrieve them from the resonance realms.
>Deathwatch kill team with two techmarines
Fuck the plans desu