What would you pick, p1p1?
MTG Limited
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assuming first pack id sa swooper, maybe siege modification if i felt like red that day
This is a hard choice, most cards are pretty good
I'd go with Unbridled Growth I think
>Mana fixing
>Revolt enabler
I'd probably regret it though
i thought about this some more and now i think unbridled growth would be the best here
How the hell is marginal mana fixing better than straight-up removal? Daring Demolition is a slam dunk
Daring Demolition is the smart choice. Barricade Breaker is sort of bomby and colorless, which is nice as it keeps my options open, but Daring Demolition is going to destroy my opponent's most important thing every time it gets drawn.
BREAD. There are no true bombs (Barricade Breaker is close, but it's a juggernaut which means it has serious downside) so we turn to removal. Best removal is Daring Demolition (which is also just a good card in Limited. Slam dunk pick, we're done here.
I really SHOULD pick daring demolition, but the call of the Big Gulp blowout is strong.
Alternatively, snag decommission and cut white hard. White's a good color to be in for the KTK packs.
>Big Gulp blowout
what the fuck does that even mean
Consulate Dreadnought is a 7/11, hence the nickname "Big Gulp". Playing a turn 1 dreadnought followed by turn 3 seige modifications gives you a 10/11 first striker on turn 3. Most times that should lead to a blowout win.
big gulp + blowout.
I would pick daring demolition. It's a pretty safe choice. I think barricade breaker is good, but what made gearseeker so powerful was it's unblockable ability. Unbridled Growth depends largely on how good revolt will be, but I don't think it's in the same league as the other two. I also don't think there is as much fixing in this set as there was in kaladesh, so you're unlikely to see the crazy 4-5 color decks.
>Consulate Dreadnought is a 7/11, hence the nickname "Big Gulp".
is this a thing now?
I'd probably slam the dick train. Crew 1 is so damn trivial and that thing looks like it can get out of control quick.
It is in my playgroup, and calling Inkwell Leviathan (until this set the only 7/11 creature in the game) "Big Gulp" was maybe not widely used but common enough that people rarely questioned it.
As for this pack, my first thought is Untethered Express because crew 1 seems really easy to do. Sram I could justify since there's plenty of time to build around him.
Sram. Card draw engine on an efficient beater in good colors. Can't go wrong here.
I'd hardly call that a card draw engine in limited. if it was creature or sorcery or artifact or something, sure.
Refresh my memory- what was BREAD?
Bombs, removal, ???
Bread, Removal, Evasion, Attackers, Dregs is how I was told.
Wow I'm not paying attention. It's BOMBS, Removal, Evasion, Attackers, Dregs.
Appreciate the spoon feeding. Thanks user.
I'd pick untethered express since it's colorless, and it's so powerful. With only crew 1. I don't know about Sram. I think he'll probably just be a grizzly bear in your average limited deck. Maybe you'll draw a card off him once if you build around him, but there are only so many non-removal non-creature spells you can put in your deck. I also think ridgescale tusker is a contender here. He reminds me of a much bigger saddleback lagac.
>DD, Express, Shock
At this point i'd push for a Red/Black/Colourless based around flat removal and cheap aggro.
IMO the opening pack was R/B heavy and Breaker screams artefact heavy aggro.
These are all pack 1 pick 1's.
I think I'd grab the rare because I'm bad at magic.
tough one. either the rare, the champ or the gremlin road kill.
Been practicing doing pre-release simulated sealed decks, I'm finding it pretty easy to build a pretty good deck with most pools, but some are better than others:
>Oath of Ajani
>Verderous Gearhulk
>Felidar Guardian
>A bunch of really nice counters matter commons/uncommons in the relevant colors
I want it so bad
>pack 1 pick 1
Sorry I didn't even read that.
My choices still stand though for pack 1 and 2.
>I'd pick the Rare
He's not a bad pick, extra mana is handy and Green is largely considered the strongest color in Kaladesh/Aether.
I'd say the legit alternatives to him are Shock and Cruel Finality with preference to Shock as its a C/P targeted and is disgustingly effective in a range of situations.
That would have been my second pick. Usually I follow BREAD but I love a fun, powerful rare.
I think people are overrating it b/c of their experience with prophetic prism (which was admittedly quite good)
all red cards and the pacifism are good but I think I would go for Reckless racer.
First strike can deal with some stuff and looting is so delightful in sealed
Greenwheel Liberator
Ridgescale Tusker
protip : not picking the rare doesn't mean you're suddenly good at draft.
demolition without any second thoughts.
close between ridgescale and the train, although the train is probably better p1p1.
Caught in the Brights with shock as a close second.
I'd pick Rishkar. Worse case scenario, he would be a 3/3 for 3 that taps for green. Best case, he'd only be a one mana investment for 4/4 worth or power and toughness. I'm not too interested in shock, since chandra's pyrohelix was completely underwhelming. I know it was an extra mana, but it had more flexibility. I don't know - maybe the creatures in aether revolt are small enough that shock would be good. I also think caught in the brights might be better than it looks because of revolt, although I don't know how relevant that would be in most games.
Pacification Array no contest
id take hope, 1/1 with avoidance, can sac it if they target it
But it's a 1/1 flyer for 1, that has never been p1p1 in any limited format.
Pacification array looks stupid good in limited followed by the black sac spell as you can get good value of it
While i agree that it isn't the pick, Pacification Array and Perilous Predicament are better, it IS a completely open, evasive pick.
Sweeping a ton of X/1s including a bunch of servos sounds sweet. I'd probably go with the defiant salvager though.
the Rare
the Rare
the Rare
the Rare
tomoko does love her rares
tapping is very good, but 2 mana is a lot for the repeatable effect. I think Hope of Ghirapur is just going to be a kitesail scout the vast majority of the time. I would pick prey upon. I think it's going to be a lot better than it was in previous draft formats, since trading in a fight triggers revolt
The Miner
Liberator. Always raredraft, you're not going to win anyway. Just take all the rares and go home without playing.
Dragster. Miner gets you a free revolt trigger once, but it also gets blocked by everything including Servos. Dragster is colorless and most likely lives until you get to draw two, and even if it doesn't it probably trades with a real card (i.e. not a Servo). Could just be my preference for cute cards, though.
BREAD? Dont you mean BREAST?
>Miner gets you a free revolt trigger once
Have you read the card?
Aethergeode Miner
Nice body for 2 and if it get blocked, just blink it
I REALLY like rallier here, even though I'm not sure how useful it'll be.
Dragster is defensible, miner I think could be doable but there's too many white cards to force it.
I'd pick miner. It's an aggressive card that the opponent can't deal with, unless he has a removal spell when shields are down. It also let's you trigger revolt as many times as you want. Rallier is good, but he's two colors. I have no idea what deck dragster is supposed to go in. It has aggressive stats and an aggressive cost, but sacrificing it and drawing two doesn't make much sense to me. Also, noteworthy are cruel finality and chandra's revolution. I think their secondary effects should not be overlooked.
Kari Zev
Menace + the temporary body of the monkey means than you'll deal 1 or 2 damage most of the time you attack with here
Honorable mention to Aeronaut Admiral and Shielded Aether Thief that are pretty good but push you toward an archetype
The rare, again.
Kari Zev, no question. Cheap but aggressive, survives shock and because of menace becomes really good with pump spells and that Monkey will be a constant thorn in your opponent's side.
>they nerfed Crypt Ghast
WHY does precise strike not have improvise/revolt?
There are already 3 cards in print that are strictly better than it.
Foundry Hornet
Untethered Express or maybe Ridgescale
Miner (you can crew a vehical with it assuming you have 2 energy, then flicker it, then declare attacks, then flicker it if it gets blocked, right?)
summoning sickness
I'm thinking Hornet. It kills off all your opponent's servos and trades your creatures up when played after combat. The body is not bad either, even when you don't get much out of the ETB.
Tusker is the best card here, but Kaladesh is loaded with good five drops, so I'm tempted to take the colorless Express. I'll probably take Tusker.
Scrapper. For reference KTK had a 3/3 double strike for five. At rare.
Pacification Array. Tappers are good.
Dragster I guess.
Kari Zev, not close.
Soooo, pre-release discussion anyone? Things you hope to pull/build?
>Things you hope to pull
Whichever cards are worth the most
Whatever Marshall and Loiuse tell me to
I really want to pull a Pia's revolution for my EDH deck other than that I dunno, I think I would want to build blue/black or blue/red artifacts or a strong green pool so I have an excuse to stop being racist against green
Prey upon > Decommission = Daring > Greenwheel
Sram > Ridge = Express > Conviction
Metallic > Rishkar = Cruel > Scrapper = Natural
Prey > Perilous > Pacification Array > Scourging Bandar
Aethergeode = Rallier = Daredevil > Chandra's > Cruel
Prey = Kari Zev > Metallic > Chandra's
Do you guys take into account rarity when drafting?? If so how much, if I see a good rare I almost always pick it because I figure I will never see it again but have a decent chance of picking up a good common/uncommon later
The only thing I use rarity to think over is how likely I'll have to deal with something or get to draft it.
For example, Prey upon is an amazing removal spell in the common slot so I can expect a lot of it in the draft pool but i can't expect it to table. It's a card I'll get to first and second pick a lot, but almost never get past pick 7.
I'd pick Kari as well. That was a bad one
If I think they're very close I might use it as a tiebreaker. That came back to bite me in the ass on Friday when I only saw Attune with Aether in pack one.
Tusker is the pick here i think,Renegade is worth considering but two color stings, caught in the brghts is solid as well
>not picking the rare doesn't mean you're suddenly good at draft.
Remember that. Doesn't mean you always have to pick the rare but they're higher rarity for a reason.
>>not picking the rare doesn't mean you're suddenly good at draft.
who said otherwise?
Tusker, definitely.
Tusker or Roadkill. I have preference for Tusker but roadkill is splashable.
BREAD hasnt been relavent for years. WotC got word of what we were doing and started printing some bad removal (as well as good removal) and better creatures (as well as bad one) so people would actually have to think.
BREAD has always been fucking relevant. The problem is that nobody understands the meaning behind each letter and have been teaching it wrong or not at all.
You can't just throw the fucking acronym at people and have them run with it; that's the way people fucking teach it because players are too damn lazy to teach people properly.
The BREAD framework is an excellent starting position. The reason why you feel it fails is because nobody goes into detail.
When people ask "How to draft?" the answer should be, "It's going to take about half an hour to an hour to fully explain BREAD" but instead people give them the two minute explanation that is BREAD.
How does card draw fit into BREAD?
>BREAD has always been relevant!
>People saying BREAD without a long explanation is a bad thing to do!
Which is it bro? If the acronym isnt useful to tell new players then whats the point of it?
I don't know how it fits in the BREAD already given above but the way I learnt it was
Efficient - spells that are just value
Advantage - cards with a combat advantage
Not claiming I'm correct or other anons are wrong but as stated it's a framework for card evaluation first not a rule.
cake > bread
It doesn't. But that doesn't undermine BREAD. It is a part of the quadrant theory, which should be explained when you're covering the A-letter of BREAD along with the vanilla test.
You start with BREAD and each letter represents a lesson. You should be teaching quadrant theory and the vanilla test either at E or A and they are the heaviest lesson and references and reinforces B and R.
what the hell are you talking about?
Quadrant theory is unrelated to BREAD.
The letters in BREAD never represented lessons.
Vanilla test is also unrelated to those things.
IMO Admiral is the pick here. Does anyone else remember Abzan Falconer? Mass flying kills people really fast. I mean, imagine playing this on turn 4 after a freigter.
Kari Zev is decent, but I think Admiral is the clear winner in raw power.
Forget it. We probably believe in the same things except I choose to use BREAD as a framework for teaching people to draft and you don't.
I think its weird that you just made up your own meaning for BREAD different from how everyone else uses it, but whatever.
>Mass flying kills people really fast.
I'm sure you'll have mass vehicles as easily as mass creatures.
Yeah, should probably just be seen as a 3/1 flyer with very occasional upside.
My pick is Shielded Aether Thief > Chandra's Revolution > Aeronaut Admiral > Prey Upon
>E - Efficient
How is it wrong to use the Vanilla Test as the lesson for defining what is or isn't efficient?
Vehicles are giant. You literally only need one vehicle in play with this card to be really good. And it's not like a 3/1 flyer is bad.
Because everyone Ive ever seen talk about BREAD online (except you) have described it as the order you should pick cards in limited.
You should pick Bombs over Removal over Evasion/Efficient over Aggro/Advantage/some other A word over Dregs.
BREAD is not only dated because removal has gotten worse and creatures have gotten better, there's no consensus on what it it even stands for (I've heard three different versions, including the one ITT). Quadrant theory has been the gold standard for years now because it's a clear framework for comparing the relative value of different cards in different game states. Feel free to keep picking Pyrohelix over Seedsculptor because of bread, but don't lose games for other people by giving them bad advice on the internet.
What the hell is quadrant?
>it's a can't break through congested board and can't cast the only removal I have to swing for lethal because no second swamp episode
At least I pulled 3 fetches fucking zen draft
shit dude, have you played magic before? prey upon is not exactly a windmill slam
>started playing during Urza's Saga
>if I wanted to bring a booster to a chaos draft or something it would cost me an arm and a leg
Fuck the reserve list man, even ruining niche limited formats.
Anyone have any experience with making cubes? I'm kinda thinking of making a peasant one, but I'm not sure if I should just make a "best of limited all stars" or try to force some themes and archetypes. Maybe explore some fun direction for some color pairs they usually don't go in, like Gruul Auras.
I'm not enjoying Zen draft at all. It just feels like a slog, and the rewards are terrible. 120 to draft, but going 3-0 only gets me 150? Bastards. Bring back the Vintage Cube.
Don't half-ass it like a Peasant Cube. Go full Pauper or just play with all rarities. Pauper had plenty of awesome cards(Delver, Bolt, Hymn) without mucking it up with a few uncommons scattered here and there.
I think that it's definitely better to have some themes and archetypes in your cube. It makes the draft more interesting. Just beware that if you make the themes too strong with not enough glue or crossover cards, it can lead to players drafting on rails, which isn't as fun.
I think that peasant is a good start for your cube. There are plenty of interesting commons and uncommons available for you to meet whatever your design goals are, and leaving rares out to start can help you focus and keep you from being overwhelmed by the available options.
I'd recommend familiarizing yourself with Cube Tutor - it's a valuable tool for anyone maintaining a cube. Personally, I'd also recommend heading over to riptidelab.com. There are a lot of smart thinkers about cube design over there.
Aether Swooper. Low mana cost, can chump block 1/1s, flying, and creates another dude. Also this way your passing 2 U cards instead of 3.
Greenwheel Liberator looks very strong as well, but it looks a little too narrow.
First one I tried and it's already quite the head scratcher.