>Many Magic the Gathering players ask, how do you lose your job?
Many Magic the Gathering players ask, how do you lose your job?
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I do like how he's getting $5k a month from his Patreon and still begs for more.
Now it's 9k.
5k a month is still upper middle class.
I feel like his first video was very humble and sincere about his condition. His second video is just a cash grab imo.
>I need help
>$9000+ a month
>I need help
And yet you link his Patreon rather than screenshot
Why is he asking for money directly? What "tragedy" happened that he can't sell all the Magic shit he has accrued to make some money?
> He fell for the marriage meme
reddit is eating it up
Not in San Francisco where 4K for a two bedroom apartment isn't unheard of. That said he could live like a king in a fly over state/90% of the rest of the nation.
being an English community college professor. He wasn't given any classes.
That said, he has a family, his mother-in-law lives very close and is very involved with her granson and his wife. I doubt the family would want to move.
It makes me sick that he is already so well off and is begging for more.
Well boo fucking hoo, not everyone gets to live in the bay area.
he claims that he only gets half from the patreon money and youtube ads pays next to nothing.
Veeky Forums is shit at empathy and thinks it can contextualize numbers without the context.
More news at 11.
lol he said in the comments that now that he lost his job he's going to use the new patreon money to rent out an office. It was just a cash grab, he wasn't in danger of not putting food on the table or anything.
Nigga I get 3k a month and that's on a currency hitting about .60-.80c on the US dollar.
So like, 2k a month.
And I'm considered well off here.
Fuck this guy, he makes way too much money off patreon. Patreon should have a limit
Not in Commiefornia.
He's married.
>He's still married
That's 5k with no tax.
Patreon is seen as gifts.
At least in sweden, still.
>Guy is running a successful youtube channel creating profitable content people wont
>nope can't have that because I'm OP and can't stop sucking cock
>better shit all over this guy
You're all 1% hating commie leftists, the lot of you.
I bet ya'all play red/black decks too.
You must be new here. Welcome to the honest part of the web.
I have no problem with people that earned their money, begging faggots can fuck off and die.
He made no effort to provide anything he just begged.
This is coming from an educated person that is supposed to be superior to everyone else.
Why is he entitled to live in faggotmexifornia?
You know what normal people that cannot afford to live in fuckfornia do?
You know what normal people that lose their jobs do?
They sell their assets and downgrade their lifestyle not get a fucking upgrade like this limp wrist professor faggot has.
Thats a shitty excuse. He just wants to continue his 100k a year lifestyle.
He has options to reduce his expenses but nope, hes increasing it on the back of gullible reddit idiots.
This 100%
>already makes 8k/month on patreon
>still begs for more
kys beggar you are on the same tier as those on the street.
Why are you here then you stupid tumbr turd?
His expenses have nothing at all to do with this.
You leftist faggots should be more butthurt about this than anyone!
This is a privilege person begging for more privilege.
oh boy, if he tries that he's in for a shock
patreon is definitely taxable in the states
Stopped following him after he threw a shit fit about Trump winning the election.
I dont follow Magic people for politics.
He lives in San Fran
He absolutely needs the money
Yes, we should pay people to buy kids toys for a living.
Yeah, he's greedy. But I'm not mad somebody is trying to make their cash. At least he seems to actually care and produces a product people like.
Nobody is mad but it's pathetic to beg like this when he's already making 8k each month from patreon alone.
>Stopped following him after he threw a shit fit about Trump winning the election.
What? He did that?
Well double fuck his fruity ass.
Him, Boogie, ManaSource, the whole lot of them.
I dont even care if people have different political opinions than me, I just dont follow these channels for politics period, only magic.
I did a ton of unfollowing in the month of November.
He is supposed to be "educated" yet buys into bullshit from the controlled media?
He is supposed to be "educated" but has zero job skills and cannot find another job besides "teaching".
He is an English professor in the most liberal state in the US, what do you expect?
I expect that fucking narrative that is shoved down our throats day in and day out to be true.
He was a community college teacher, being a teacher is the backup job for people who failed to get or make a career in their sector and he's a COMMUNITY college teacher on top of that.
here I am working my ass off making at most 2k a month, trying to save up so I take some courses so I can get a job that won't involve me getting attacked by niggers every other week, and then comes along this cuck who gets 10k a month for making YT videos.
Just like fuck my shit up.
That mother fuckers live in one of the most expensive areas on the globe.
He owns his house which means he is sitting on at least 1 million dollars.
ANYONE else would sell the fucking house and move to a cheaper region.
I don't get it, why does it matter is people are willing to pay? He produces videos that people find entertaining, and whether it's true or not, he claims he needs money to continue doing so. I bet a lot of your outlooks would change if you were in his shoes. Im down for more money being put into mtg videos, especially ones like his that are usually pretty informative.
He doesn't have a real, reliable income so he'll continue to crash more and more, entertainment is just like that.
At least they didn't kill 5 different members of your family you spoiled faggot. And I'm not even white.
>and then comes along this cuck who gets 10k a month for making YT videos
Now look up how much PewDiePie makes.
I'm not white either user, I'm Irish. You definitely have my condolences though.
>Patreon is seen as gifts.
>At least in sweden, still.
Gifts are taxable if they're past a certain amount.
>b-but he lives in the bay area and the cost of living is really high!
So? Move out. Live out in the middle of chickenshit nowhere like I do and you can live almost for free. It's not like making videos requires you to be in an upscale city.
Well i dont know. before this video his patreon was on 5k. If its true what he claims, he only gets 2,5k from it. I can understand how thats not enough to live in an expensive area
>I don't get it, why does it matter is people are willing to pay?
Some people are still living under the ridiculous illusion that money has to be "earned" somehow. No. Money gets randomly allocated to random people in random amounts and it's all nothing but luck. That's all it's ever been.
>live in the most left state in the union
>live in the most left city in that state
>make $50k per year just from making stupid videos on top of a real job
>lose job, still make over $50k
>"i'm poor, i can't support myself"
>double income for no reason
Socialism really is just a ruse to make the rich more powerful, isn't it?
Keep at it, friend. I'm proud of you for working so hard and I hope it works out for you.
So if you guys won the lottery, would you just give all the money away because you didn't earn it? Buying a lottery ticket is akin to begging for money, since your sole purpose is to receive money for little to nothing.
It doesn't, you're being sensible. People don't have to pay if they don't want to, so who cares. People just like to be angry about things
So if you don't win the lottery do you beg on the internet to make people give you a winning lottery ticket?
>buying lottery tickets
Good goy
Is that what he's doing? Or is he producing things that people enjoy and getting compensated whatever the fans deem appropriate?
I don't buy lottery solely for the fact that i've been a cashier and its a pain in the fucking ass for them to run. Not to mention I've got enough of a money sink in mtg.
>Is that what he's doing? Or is he producing things that people enjoy and getting compensated whatever the fans deem appropriate?
It's exactly what he's doing he was already getting money from adsense (which is what he should be paid for overall) and 8k from patreon, now he's begging for even more money, on top of that we don't know how much he receives of direct donations.
Why do his finances matter? You think you're the only person who saw how much he was making before this video? If people want to help/fall for it so be it. How does it effect you in any way, are you jealous?
>Why do his finances matter?
Why do you keep moving the goal posts?
>is he producing things that people enjoy and getting compensated whatever the fans deem appropriate?
In a sense, yes. He was doing that and he was being compensated well, but he jewed his fanbase.
>"50k a year is unsustainable for me and my family!"
No it isn't. NO IT ISN'T. It's a respectable income, especially for making INTERNET VIDEOS, and you could easily support 3 people off of that. I just moved out a few months back, my dad made somewhere in the area of $45k to support me, my brother, my mom, and himself. I went to college. We had high-speed internet. We had some of the latest electronics, and, guess what, we had savings too, like, for in case something goes wrong like losing your job. He duped everyone who watched him. He acted like without support he would be out on the streets, when in reality he was middle class. Upper middle class with the income from his job.
He didn't dupe or jew anyone lol. He asked for money and they willingly gave it to him. Stop being mad that a youtuber makes more than you and your dad combined.
>Stop being mad that a youtuber makes more than you and your dad combined.
Ad hominem. Though, now I am probably making more than he was before his e-begging campaign. Obviously not as much as $120k or whatever he gets per year now.
>He asked for money and they willingly gave it to him
He asked for money under the guise that he would lose everything if he didn't. I have no problem with self-promotion, but he intentionally deceived his audience into giving him more money.