Does anyone care about these guys?
Does anyone care about these guys?
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Checked and no
Yeah, I think they're pretty cool dudes.
Space Mongol Bikers is a pretty good concept for an army. They don't seem to have a lot of iconic traits beyond that though.
Apothecaries? Yeah they're kind of important to a chapter.
Does anyone have that panorama from that old White Dwarf with the Siege of Terra? There was a huge battalion of White Scars on bikes breaking through the traitor legions and it looked so friggin cool.
>Space Mongols who were used to ride down and destroy any enemies that attempted to flee the Great Crusade
>loved warfare with a simple and beautiful purity
>fought on Holy Terra itself to during the final battle of the Heresy
>were highly cultured despite their rough and 'barbaric' appearance
>Primarch was so unpredictable even Big Bird didn't know what he was up to
That last one was exaggerating, of course.
Their HH books are some of the best. Brotherhood of the Storm (a novella by Chris Wraight) is especially good for getting the tone and feel of the chapter/legion down well.
In general they tend to be rather under represented though, sadly.
They are the most played competitive chapter.
But for some reason none of them are actually painted white.
I'm not surprised that GW shies away from writing stuff about a chapter blatantly based on some real life not-white culture, any negative could get them swarmed with shit. It blows my mind that they had the courage to ever write anything about the Salamanders, even if they're literally black instead of brown skinned.
>fought on Holy Terra itself to during the final battle of the Heresy
If Matt Ward had the ability to retcon the Horus Heresy by swapping one of the Terra defenders with the Ultramarines, would he do it?
The fact that all White Scars are top knot wearing Fu Manchu stereotypes is already offensive as fuck so who cares. I say this as an Asian, but I guess I don't count because I'm Chinese.
Goddamn Mongorians stay away from my city wall
>It blows my mind that they had the courage to ever write anything about the Salamanders, even if they're literally black instead of brown skinned.
Well, they DID give them the characteristic of being one of, if not the, Chapter that most values human life, and is willing to sacrifice themselves for mortals and only engages in the most brutal of tactics when absolutely necessary.
Also, the Promethean Cult is pretty cool.
Kinda wish there is more mention of their absolute feud against the Dark Eldar, both because of Vulkans upbringing and because their entire outlook on life is a direct foil to the Promethean Cult and everything it stands for
I wish they wrote an actual book on the time they wrecked the shit out of Commorragh, even if it was only because Vect let them in
Make Imperial China great again?
I think he knows that he'd be lynched if he tried some shit that blatant.
>But for some reason none of them are actually painted white.
Not entirely
See, this always kind of bothered me. Maybe it's just because I'm not a big fan of Tau, even Kroot.
5E WS players aren't 7E WS players.
I'm chinese too, I can't even grow a fu manchu beard if I wanted.
this PC bullshit is the enemy of fun.
People don't care about White Scars fluff because they were turned into fodder marines in the Tau supplements. It was fucking stupid, too.
Is this the 5th ED night-time scenario where everything has to go from reserve and the Tau player just infiltrated the opposing table edge to prevent entering?
Anyone who starts with their entire army in reserve gets what they deserve regardless of what their opponent plays.
Isn't White Scars Battle Company the most popular SM tournament list these days? Sure, 99% of those players won't have painted them as WS, but they're sure as shit getting played.
No it was just a normal mission, the tau player won the first turn so the white scars player decided to hold it all in reserve. The tau player then infiltrated his kroot along the board edge blocking the white scars entry stopping him from accessing the board and winning the match.
While legal is a really gay way to win a battle
Three decades later and people still remember the details of the match.
How was he even holding his entire army in reserve with no drop pods anyway? Did reserves come in on turn one in 5th or something? End of game turn one he'd have no units on the board and auto-lose under current rules...
>current rules
kid this game happened while you were still in diapers
That doesn't look like the mid-80s, but okay.
Salamanders the best
You could withhold your army turn 1.
Fuck you just reminded me that there is Soulstone Green paint. I could just paint up Salamanders with it, give everybody meltas, and call it a fucking day.
It wasnt three decades ago it was like 8 years ago. It was in 5th ed
You could hold your units in reserve and they would come in the first turn no roll required. 5th ed codex
This man knows
Couldn't he just enter from the flanks? I thought that's what scout does.
I like them a lot, especially since I've become more interested in Qing China, and I will never not enjoy the barbarian/tribal aesthetic. They do get pretty shafted in the lore and all though.
>double power klaw
I want to live the dream.
I'm also disappointed at the lack of info on the White Scars, for example their activity record. since almost no one bothers to write about the WS their record activity is mainly focused on the Great Crusade, the Heresy, and Hunts of the 41M. I know they have a thing against D.Eldar but they seem to never encounter them again, and the earliest record of activity is the "Evacuation of Barac" [???.38M], according to Lexicanum which doesn't even have a page.
They are just under Alpha Legion in "Least amount of Fluff"
I did pick up "Scars" (Horus Heresy) and reading it. It explains that they cared little of the written logistics and few are able to keep up with their activities. I wish there was more Fluff.
Apparently, their successor chapters are World Eaters levels of psychopathic.
Oh, and Mantis Warriors
Finnmarines best marines
Iron Talons finally got a colorscheme though, it's pretty swell. And since their only fluff is 'they look and sound barbaric,' they might be really nice.
I wanted to start up a White Scars army not so long ago. Ultimately it was the oddities in the lore (past stuff which was more coherent against new stuff retconning shit, like giving them devastators) and my unwillingness to spend so much on an assload of bikes and the conversion material I'd need to feel like they were actually Scars and not "a bunch of white-with-red space marines". Wanted to get some Fantasy horse sprues and use the pieces for bronze reliefs on Rhinos/Razorbacks, and had a whole folder of reference material that detailed the insignias they wore depending on rank, company, squad and so forth, as well as put together some Mongolian script and common motifs to slap on their shit.
That actually sounds really cool user, shame you never went with it - a brass/gold horse surrounded by red and yellow lightning on the side of a rhino (or raider, given the size) sounds rad as fuck
I want to. But I just can't
Check out "Damocles" It is one of the better Black Library books i've read in some time. 3 Short stories about the scars and one even has a Dark hunter accompany the white scars (one of their successor chapters) and give a bit of info on them.
Here, if you want a good novel about one of their successors. Read it, it's everything a novel about an unknown chapter should be.
Given that White Scars are effectively Mongolians in space, I was always surprised no one emphasized horses in their art. I think the best thing I've seen done with them was the Deathwatch White Scar dude. His bike looks "lived in", if that makes any sense; like a Mongol's horse, it seems like he's with it every second he can be. I mean, Mongolian culture practically revolves around horses. The modern domestic horse was domesticated in Mongolia for fuck's sake.
To be honest, I wouldn't mind if GW took chunks of Mongolian culture and mushed it into the Scars. Some people will moan about unoriginality, but they will always bitch about that sort of thing, and why not play on the discrepancy of the traditional Western view of Mongols and the culture they actually had by injecting that into what are otherwise a-tiny-bit-one-dimensional Space Marines?
They never felt very White Scars-y to me though.
Yeah, but that's fine by me. Kearney actually spends some time on that, saying the traditions are being forgotten by people or outright abandonned by the new recruits, like the Mongol braid for example. It gives them a true identity, which is good imo. Not every successor chapter needs to be UM-levels of rigidity.
If anything they're a bit like RG, which I think is quickly mentionned in the boo, IIRC, but they still have their own background, heroes and all. They also had a hint of Arabic I believe, in their company names.
I think it's because, even with all the relevance of horses in warfare, it's not the horse that fucks you up most of the time.
Also familiarity - people in general are more familiar with norse myth and stylings, which means it sells well, but the same wouldn't be true with mongolian.
I do think they'd benefit from a bit more attention than just "they ride bikes, they hunt, they have trophies" though.
At least the dodgy reserve and outrider/scout stuff was an attempt at that
>space marine throat singing
>big ass hunting space eagles
>chogoris depictions of the emperor looking a lot like tengri
space mongolians who kill space pirate elves.
What's not to like?
>To be honest, I wouldn't mind if GW took chunks of Mongolian culture and mushed it into the Scars. Some people will moan about unoriginality, but they will always bitch about that sort of thing, and why not play on the discrepancy of the traditional Western view of Mongols and the culture they actually had by injecting that into what are otherwise a-tiny-bit-one-dimensional Space Marines?
You might want to read Brotherhood of the Storm, Scars and Path of Heaven.
Yeah I use apothecaries all the time
For Tengri.
This pleases Tengri.
The dude who lost was a giant tool though so he fucking deserved it.
>Double Power Klaw
>Krump two gitz at 'unce
>Krump one git twice
My brothers, let us carry the light of the emperor to the darkest corners of the galaxy with Promethean flame.
I''m still mad about this
>While legal is a really gay way to win a battle
The guy was trying to cheese the rules by holding his ENTIRE force in reserve. He got outcheesed.
"Slowly, foot by torturous foot, the defenders were forced back. The great walls of the palace were riddled with hundreds of kilometres of bulkheads and corridor. Within this maze, bitter hand-to-hand fighting ensued until entire sections of passage were filled with bloated corpses. Feeling that progress was too slow, Horus ordered the Titans of the Death's Head Legion to demolish entire sections of the wall. Despite taking tremendous casualties, the great Warlord Titans broke through, and the forces of the Warmaster flooded into the palace grounds.
While all this was taking place, Jaghatai Khan of the White Scars had implemented a change of plan. Rather than throwing away his forces against the near invincible bulk of the main Chaos army, he launched a lightning raid against Lions Gate Spaceport. This night attack was spearheaded by the savage warriors of the White Scars, who led the remnants of the 1st Tank Division and elements of the surviving Guard armies against the surprised heretics. Khan threw a defensive perimeter around the spaceport and held it against all counter-attacks. The flow of men and materials towards the palace was halved at a stroke.
This success gave heart to the defenders. They swiftly attempted to seize Eternity Wall Spaceport, but here the forces of the Warmaster were better prepared. The attackers were ambushed and driven back by traitors. Horus knew it was imperative to keep his beachhead secure. The final push on the inner palace had begun."
>fast in your face army against tau
>way before tau was all about cheesy mecha
>holds entire army in reserve
>rolls special character onto the board turn one
>presence of special character gives every other unit still reserve outflank
>most of his army comes from all kinds of crazy flanks and assaults turn one
The WS player was cheesing the fuck out of that game and got schooled.
such a shame that FW didn't provide any kind of dedicated warbike for the white scars....
>Shiel's arr fer grots
>shiel's arrnt aktuallie fer grots
How popular is 40k in China?
Those those not in the know, that's Jagathai Khan riding on top of his custom rhino in the doorway.
I love this so much, thanks. One of the first things 40k (or 30k in this case?) I have seen back when I first started out.
If someone can link me the entire WD, I'll blow him.
lol no you couldn't. This pic is from 4th edition anyways.
After reading about Yesugei, I'm a real fan of stormseers.
The reasonable magik users even before the Heresy, actually respected rather than feared and shunned.
>back when HH was written with talent
>tfw this will be retconned into Khan being a massive emo for the siege or something
>While legal is a really gay way to win a battle
Oh fuck off. The marine-fag was being a cheesy cock mongler and trying to keep his whole army in reserve for turn 1 outflank to essentially deny his opponent a turn and get in his face straight away. He got his bullshit shut down by motherfucking kroot. Tau-guy is a fucking hero.
Probably my favorite chapter, just above the Guardians of the Covenant.
I'm 90% sure it was 4e.
Always liked their concept.
I thingk one huge factor holding them back is the laack of an upgrade sprue.
The fluff is cool, but it's pretty difficult/expensive to represent on the TT.
GW gives no shits about this. The scars just aren't popular. They barely Appeared back in the day
Smurfs > Bloods > Wolves > dark Angels > grey Knights >fists > black Templars > salamanders > Raven guard > Scars with regards to loyalist popularity
I want to care about them, but they barely even represent the Mongols.
The mongols rode horses and the White Scars ride fast bikes. Okay, what about literally anything else the mongols did?
They're shamanistic and practice/appreciate art forms like calligraphy.
He can't Alpharius swapped the entire ultra marines legion on Terra with white scars.
Why do they have to represent the Mongols? Why can't they loosely be based on them, but be their own thing?
No one complains that the dwarves of fantasy aren't Norse/Scottish enough. They complain that they don't have anything unique on their own.