Hey Veeky Forums, how do you think the factions 40kfags collect/play reflect their personality? I personally find that IG players have a thing for turn of the era and modern military, but I don't have enough experience with other armies to determine an underlying theme with their players.
40k armies and their players
Other urls found in this thread:
-IG are bros, love military stuff.
-Marines are either really immature youngsters or older guys who just appreciate stuff at face value
-chaos players are a lot of the time religious or oppressed in some way
-dark eldar are edgy or want to be edgy
-eldar are either fans of the lore or currently just waac players
-tau love mechs and anime whether they admit it or not
-orks are fun guys there army is shit and they know it but dont care
-nids are either girls or horror movie lovers
-sisters are either girls or creeps but that should change with the new release
>Eldar are supremely skilled intelligent people playing the hardest army yet with the most reward. Hence they win all the time. They are also perfect and elegant like the army they play.
>Ork players are high functioning retards because they lose all the time.
>Marine players are immature brats who can only kill some Eldar due to GW favouring them, yet thankfully always lose to perfect Eldar players. Needs nerfing so that no Eldar units die.
>tyranid players love their lord and saviour robin "bona fide" cruddace.
>-nids are either girls or horror movie lovers
so true
I'm a fundamentalist pentecostal Christian and I field a Tzeentchian Traitor Guard army, so I guess you're right.
I think that sums it up quite well.
Lots of eldar pushing in that post.
faggot post best post
worst post I fucked up lol
>Play IG and Chaos
Huh. Right on the head.
What about admech
Chill nerds who love to party and drink.
Nerds that are afraid of the stigma of being tau player, ie. cowards.
What about Necrons?
Just kind of dull. They do their best to be nice guys, but are often socially awkward.
I-it's not like I play Necrons or anything.
Ork and Wolf players tend to be very loud/obnoxious/over-zealous about their army's fluff. Blood Angels are chill. Guardfags are annoying online with their 'hold duh line' and 'balls of steel marinefags are just le babies' memes, but are fine in real life. I've never met an unpleasant Nids player.
I'm a Necron player, but I only enjoy the 3ed fluff.
The main reason I like them is because I enjoy the idea of wiping out life with hordes of powerful mindless killing machines.
Not sure what that says about me.
Probably that I'm an emotionally stunted asshole.
Unwashed metalheads with long hair that usually smell of rotten fruit masked with tons of bodyspray
yo, das tru
fuck off nurgle.
Usually chubby with a nasaly voice and thick pedo glasses.
Why do so many girls play Tyranids? What about space Aliens is so attractive to a specific gender?
Weeaboos who can't ever shut the fuck up about anime and how much they love japan just because they make sexy drawings.
I want to know this too. There's two girls that (regularly) play at my local shop and they both play nids
Kids and losers who scream "OP" everytime they lose a game
>Unthinking drones controlled by a malicious Hive Mind that seeks on,y to consume everything in its path, not to mention the many tentacles and feeder tendrils.
Gee I wonder why.
Hey! I play SM and am not an immature youngster or old! I just don't like heresy....
Never once seen a girl SoB player. 3 nids and cute ork player but only military guys ever out of the six SoB players I've met.
From the ones I've met they enjoy the uniform theme in the designs and the lack of militant chest thumping that characterizes most other armies. Then again my friend likes them because she is an entomologist and playing "bug hive: the army" is fun for her. She also paints the carapace with metallic paints mixed with regular to give it the beetle carapace sheen.
...and you state that fact with a post written like a 13yrs old.
- SM are casuals or children.
- Chaos are edgy SM
- IG are military enthusiasts. Very safe, unimaginative people.
- Eldar are intelligent, think outside the box and loves a challenge, but arrogant.
- Tau are weeaboos
- Orks are loud and boisterous, too casual in games.
- Nids are whiny
It appears you took the b8
>She also paints the carapace with metallic paints mixed with regular to give it the beetle carapace sheen.
That is cool. I always preferred the nids to be more buggy and less lizardy
>fun guys
I play tau because if I know which army im going to be fighting against I have a specific list for that army. Nothing says "SUPRISE!" like seeing an ork HQ on bikes getting snapshotted at a 3+ by 5 squads of fire warriors and suits with flamers
I've assembled various armies and killteams for various reasons
gets it mostly right for me.
The Disciplines of Aspect warriors really appealed to me when I first found 40k, and I didn't like the Vader look on Space Marines.
Paladin Aesthetic and the face value "World weary but Pure of heart" trope, which I had a soft spot for at the time.
>SM and Stormtroopers
Idealistic portrayals of brotherhood and solidarity really appealed to me after my time in the Army. We could all have been so much more.
By this point I was just very taken in with converting and creating models with a lot of character.
I liked the idea of really old, really ancient warriors who were once people but have forgotten everything apart from killing.
Help me Veeky Forums, I can't stop.
Primary Army -
Orks: Not very smart, probably more fluff than WAAC, fun opponents.
Guard: Run the gamut from obnoxious to bro-ly, usually fun to encounter.
Nids: Only met one nid player who I didn't enjoy a game with and that's because taking a hard counter to his stealer spam in 4ed made him weep bitter tears.
Chaos: Very prone to WAAC, but will keep playing the same army even after a new edition nerfs that build.
Marines: Rarer in my meta than is apparently usually the case, range from horribly incompetent to wannabe WAACfags to Joe Average. My primary army.
Dark Eldar: Only met 2, can't form value judgement.
Sisters: If played by a dude, creepy, if played by a chick, arty.
Eldar: The army of choice for rules lawyers, child molesters and redditors, if there's any difference between the three. Army composition ranges from JUST AS PLANNED to WAAC.
Tau: Played by people who find eldar too complex. Never fun to play against because either they JSJ til you give up in despair or you pin them, sodomise their mecha and then they whine about how assault is OP.
I can confirm this with my personal experience.
>T. Eldar
I appreciate this, user.
Why do most people skip Necrons when making these lists?
Do they just forget, or do Necron players not stand out much?
I know your pain.
>because i'm a gigantic faggot who jerks it to chinese cartoons and probably cross dresses as well
That's cool as crap. I know it's a long shot, but got any pictures?
Unfortunately no. Maybe in the future if I get a chance to hang out and play when she is done with research I'll grab some pics.
>they don't know about bug fetishes
Browse an insect thread on /d/ and you'll never look at those girls the same way again.
what a stupid question. if you don't have like 5 different armies youre a casual anyway.
Well, I first chose IG because someone I knew was selling his army.
I don't think you can psychologize that simply.
I play SoB and BT
I'm a pervert and being playing since the start of third. Well started SoB in 7th because I got bored of marines and my tau got stolen twice so fuck it.
Eh, maybe.
The ones I know I'm also very familiar with the myriad fetishes they have so it don't really mesh with the three I'm familiar with. And they have some weird ones.
I collect dark eldar and emperors children.... I don't think I've ever been edgy.
The Trans girl I'm asking out today started playing nids.
I've known her for about a year now, and once I saw her get into 40k I noticed I like her
>inb4 I'm a fag
Hey, she's passable and she plays 40k and dark souls, do I need more than that?
He means nudes, user, and nobody calls *them* research outside of imgur.
You can't just tease us like that and not follow through, user!
End your lives immediately.
you should take the advice of this guy
You do know this is a thing?
I play Tau and Orks. This is pretty accurate.
Harsh words. Then again, I don't give a flying fuck what you think.
I'm now picturing a guy making a noose to hang himself only to discover it doesn't fit over his head.
Dawn willow by the by. She does demonstrations.
Jesus Christ almighty this planet needs to be hit with the Exterminatus
Wtf, I want a bullpup bolter too!
>the current year
>thinking it's a good idea to mention that she's trans
>on Veeky Forums
>not expecting to be told to kys for that
>on 7chong
>going on the defensive after being told to kys
>on 40,000chins
>pic related
H-how new are you here, user? I mean he told me to end my life because I mentioned imgur and tried to use markup on a venezuelan restaurant conglomerate imageboard, and did I say anything? Until now, at least.
Tfw you know an Eldar player who turned out to be a pedo.
In terms of Chaos, what about by legion and/or god?
I don't know, I guess I didn't expect Veeky Forums to be that anti-gay.
I'm straight, for the most part. By that I mean I'd more than likely date a normal girl first. But in this case I just like her for who she is.
To keep it relevant to the topic, knowing this what army would you guess I play?
Dark Eldar probably.
haha you like benis
Funny, I play admech and GSC.
Also Heresy Ultrasmurfs.
Only if what it's attached to is feminine.
so why don't you ask out a actual girl?
Lmao, your gayer than roller skates kid.
>i'm straight for the most part
>going out with a literal man
>-tau love mechs and anime whether they admit it or not
Its true... all of it
Because I like her and every actual girl I'm interested in is dating or engaged.
>I can't read well, so I'm going to cherry pick to prove I'm superior to some anonymous guy on a Filipino Mango trade board.
Admit to what? That they like anime and mecha? Are people really in denile over shit like that?
"Oh, you play Tau. You like mecha?"
Who the fuck would lie about such a harmless interest to tabletop war gamers?
just fuck that dude or whatever, nobody cares. we are here to waste time talking about 40k.
fuckin shut up
>I play nids too ;)
He didn't ignore any of it.
He's just saying the guy isn't straight.
Straight = 100% into the opposite sex
Gay = 100% into the same sex
Bi = anything in between.
Whether or not there's a moral issue is a personal decision, but to lie to oneself and others about the definition of a term is silly. If he likes a male, as well as females, he's bi. Don't pull that "it's a girl if it wants to be" shit.
>Ork and Wolf players tend to be very loud/obnoxious/over-zealous about their army's fluff.
Well wolves ARE under constant attack by haters and Orks struggle with people who believe memes and straight asspulls to be official Ork fluff.
>IG are all bros and huge into the military
True desu.
>T; IG player
>-chaos players are a lot of the time religious or oppressed in some way
you mean repressed, right?
t. Chaos player
I think a slaneesh chaos army would suit you better
I'm talking about how I said I'd more likely date a regular girl except this one time.
I hate pink and only tolerate purple as a trim color.
No anti-gay, anti-personal shit.
Or to say it differently, be a gamer on Veeky Forums, be a gaymer on tumblr.
>and tried to use markup on a venezuelan restaurant conglomerate imageboard
That might be one of the most creative versions of this I have seen in a while. Thanks user for the hearty chuckle
So as a Guard/SoB player, am I a milbro and closet creep?
implying theres a difference
Nothing is stopping you from painting them different colors.
Naw, that particular combo point to a stammering ginger manlet with a second hand wardrobe.
True, /k/'s affinity with dragon dildos is unsettling..
Cow outfit. God damn it user I had plans for today!
I've found that all Sisters players are MtF trannies.