Continuing the question from previous thread
>Fuck Nos
>Anime Fightan Magic
Martials should be Mundane, they should be balanced by technology, not by becoming pseudo casters
>Humans Elves Dwarves
to me thats just Humans only with a new hat.
I think the Idea of elves and dwarves beeing subraces for humans can work (still they should have their own identity) but there should be other races.
In a modern fantasy setting these races should be recognizeable fantasy races tho such as Orks, Goblins, Lizardmen, Gnolls, Merfolk and so on, else you veer into Sci Fi.
>Martials only use Guns
Melee weapons should be an important part of martials, this could be done due to Dune like shields that block (some ammounts) of bullets or magical armor that can sustain some firearms pounding.
>Magic and Technology do the same things
A fireball is not a rocketlauncher and shouldnt be treated as such. Technology and Magic should be filling seperate roles. As such Magic can be used for quite powerfull things such as Scrying the future, animating the dead (if you want to go there) , summoning creatures and so on.
Technology can be used for gunfire, hacking, RPGs and the like. That doesnt mean that there shouldnt be battlemages but that battlemages should be using far stronger magics than your average RPG battlemage does.
>One Race one Nation
Each Race should have several cultures and Nations should be made out of several Races, think Ivalice
>Urban Focus
I think we arent doing that anyway but the idea should be that outside of cities, weird shti should be going on, and even cities should have Ravnica like elements of fantasy weirdness.
>Religion is Magic
Works for DnD but for a modern fantasy setting if Clerics were just casters, Religion would be treated as a science, that might be interresting for one or two gods but not for the entire pantheon.
>Magic Replacing Technology
As bad as the other way around. No Smartphones should not be replaced by magic mirrors