Without tooting my own horn (I personally design my games to be optimized to be run by me, so my current game is my "favorite", naturally), I could probably suggest...
>FFG Star Wars
If Star Wars is your cup of tea, absolutely a fantastic game to run. Requires the investment of the unique dice, but all in all, a very intuitive game.
It gives the GM tools to rig the situations in multitude of ways, because of Advantage symbols. Gives off also some unique moments where a roll is very rarely just binary success-failure, without excessive subsystems going on.
And well, if you're already familiar with D&D, 5e is pretty slick, compared to other editions. I know many people kind of doubt 5e because well, it's just D&D, but it really streamlines character progression while making the choices you make there matter no matter where you go with it.
Then I'll give a quick rundown of my own system, for fonzies.
>Ironic tone, almost everything is taken through a lens of your character sucking
>2d6, roll over, no mathematics required, just adding a few dice to a given roll depending on the situation
>Combat (Or Conflict, to be exact) can take other forms than duking it out, and people don't need to wait for their turn to do stuff.
>Experience reliant on character progression and roleplaying (Taking new disadvantages to your character)
>Very player-driven
Currently I only have the base engine ready, but once I launch it it will come with several settings, such as Magical Girls, Psychic Delinquents and Street Racing ala Initial D.